[Blends-commit] r2735 - in /blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools: create_bad_names.sql maintain_bad_names.py

tille at users.alioth.debian.org tille at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Apr 6 16:56:44 UTC 2011

Author: tille
Date: Wed Apr  6 16:56:43 2011
New Revision: 2735

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/?sc=1&rev=2735
New method to handle unique names

    blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py   (with props)

Modified: blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/create_bad_names.sql
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/create_bad_names.sql?rev=2735&op=diff
--- blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/create_bad_names.sql (original)
+++ blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/create_bad_names.sql Wed Apr  6 16:56:43 2011
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carnivore_names_prefered;
+CREATE TABLE carnivore_names_prefered (
+  id   int,
+  name text,
+ FOREIGN KEY (id, name) REFERENCES carnivore_names DEFERRABLE);
+GRANT SELECT ON carnivore_names_prefered TO PUBLIC;
+-- Insert those names which are unique
+INSERT INTO carnivore_names_prefered
+   SELECT * FROM carnivore_names
+       WHERE id in (SELECT id FROM carnivore_names
+                 GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) = 1);
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carnivore_bad_names;
 CREATE TABLE carnivore_bad_names (
   id   int,
   name text,
  FOREIGN KEY (id, name) REFERENCES carnivore_names DEFERRABLE);
 GRANT SELECT ON carnivore_bad_names TO PUBLIC;
 INSERT INTO carnivore_bad_names VALUES (  14, 'Nelson Antonio de Oliveira' );
 INSERT INTO carnivore_bad_names VALUES (  14, 'Nelson A. de Oliveira' );

Added: blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py?rev=2735&op=file
--- blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py (added)
+++ blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py Wed Apr  6 16:56:43 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,193 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2011: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+# License: GPL
+# UUD table carnivore_names contains sometimes more
+# names for one and the same uploader.  To get identical
+# names which are needed for some applications this tool
+# helps to maintain a table
+#    carnivore_name_prefered
+# which contains the spelling of the name which should
+# be prefered for such applications.
+# Using this prefered name a table
+#    carnivore_bad_names
+# is maintained which can be used as lookup for the
+# id of the uploader once a different name than the
+# prefered one occures
+import psycopg2
+from sys import stderr, exit
+import re
+BLACKLIST = ('Thawte Freemail Member',
+             'System V',
+             'root',
+             'Inc.',
+             'q'
+            )
+WHITELIST = ('Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan',
+             'Tobias Quathamer',
+             'Stéphane Glondu',
+             'Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team',
+             'Chao-Ming',
+             'Nicolas François',
+            )
+has_quotes_re = re.compile('".*"')
+has_second_initial_re = re.compile('^\w+ [A-Z]\. \w+$')
+def prompt(prompt):
+    return raw_input(prompt).strip()
+def quote(s):
+    return "'" + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'").replace('"', '\\"') + "'"
+def List2PgArray(list):
+    # turn a list of strings into the syntax for a PostgreSQL array:
+    # {"string1","string2",...,"stringN"}
+    if not list:
+        return '{}'
+    komma='{'
+    PgArray=''
+    for s in list:
+        PgArray=PgArray+komma+'"'+ s.replace("'", "''").replace('"', '\\\\"') +'"'
+        komma=','
+    return PgArray+'}'
+def StringWithoutQuotes(s):
+    if has_quotes_re.match(s):
+        if debug:
+            print >>stderr, "Remove quotes from %s" % (s)
+        return re.sub('"(.*)"', '\\1', s)
+    return s
+    conn = psycopg2.connect(database="udd")
+except psycopg2.OperationalError:
+    print >>stderr, "Problem connecting to UDD"
+    exit(-1)
+curs = conn.cursor()
+# Check what name is used how often
+query = """PREPARE name_usage (text[]) AS
+        SELECT name, count(*) FROM (
+            SELECT maintainer_name AS name FROM all_sources    WHERE maintainer_name = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT submitter_name  AS name FROM all_bugs       WHERE submitter_name  = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT owner_name      AS name FROM all_bugs       WHERE owner_name      = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT done_name       AS name FROM all_bugs       WHERE done_name       = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT name            AS name FROM uploaders      WHERE name            = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT changed_by_name AS name FROM upload_history WHERE changed_by_name = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT maintainer_name AS name FROM upload_history WHERE maintainer_name = ANY($1)
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT signed_by_name  AS name FROM upload_history WHERE signed_by_name  = ANY($1)
+        ) AS names
+        GROUP BY name
+        ORDER BY count DESC;"""
+query = "PREPARE insert_prefered_name AS INSERT INTO carnivore_names_prefered (id, name)  VALUES ($1, $2)"
+query = """SELECT name, id from carnivore_names cn
+     WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM carnivore_names
+                  WHERE id not in (SELECT id FROM carnivore_names_prefered)
+                 GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
+   ORDER BY id;"""
+name = []
+allnames = curs.fetchall()
+for r in allnames:
+    if id != r[1]:
+        if id != 0:
+            prefered = -1
+            while prefered == -1:
+                i=0
+                query = "EXECUTE name_usage ('%s')" % List2PgArray(name)
+                curs.execute(query)
+                usednames = curs.fetchall()
+                if len(usednames) == 0:
+                    print >>stderr, "Names %s are not used in sources at all" % str(name)
+                    for n in name:
+                        usednames.append((n,0))
+                if len(usednames) == 1:
+                    if debug:
+                        print "Some names in carnivore_names of %s are not used in all_sources, all_bugs and uploaders" % str(name)
+                    prefered = 0
+                else:
+                    if usednames[0][1] > PREFEREDFACTOR*usednames[1][1]:
+                        if debug:
+                            print "Name %s(%d) is way more prefered than %s(%d) and possibly others" % \
+                                (usednames[0][0], usednames[0][1], usednames[1][0], usednames[1][1])
+                        prefered = 0
+                    else:
+                        # Prefer upper cased names
+                        if usednames[0][0].lower() == usednames[1][0].lower():
+                            if usednames[0][0].istitle():
+                                prefered = 0
+                            else:
+                               if usednames[1][0].istitle():
+                                   prefered = 1
+                            if debug:
+                                print "Both name variants just have different capitalisation, %s is prefered." % usednames[prefered][0]
+                        if len(usednames) == 2:
+                            # prefer name versions with additional initial letter of second given name
+                            if has_second_initial_re.match(usednames[0][0]):
+                                if re.sub('^(\w+ )[A-Z]\. (\w+)$', '\\1\\2', usednames[0][0]) == usednames[1][0]:
+                                    if debug:
+                                        print "Most frequent name has second name initial %s" % usednames[0][0]
+                                    prefered = 0
+                            if has_second_initial_re.match(usednames[1][0]):
+                                if re.sub('^(\w+ )[A-Z]\. (\w+)$', '\\1\\2', usednames[1][0]) == usednames[0][0]:
+                                    if debug:
+                                        print "Second frequent name has second name initial %s" % usednames[1][0]
+                                    prefered = 1
+                        # check whitelist of names
+                        i = -1
+                        for u in usednames:
+                            i += 1
+                            if u[0] in WHITELIST:
+                                prefered = i
+                                if debug:
+                                    print "Found %s in whitelist" % u[0]
+                                break
+                        if prefered < 0:
+                            for n in usednames:
+                                print "(%d)\t%s (%d)" % (i, n[0], n[1])
+                                i += 1
+                            s = prompt("Please type number of prefered name: ")
+                            try:
+                                si = int(s)
+                            except ValueError:
+                                print "Please insert integer number"
+                                continue
+                            if si < 0 or si >= i:
+                                print "Integer not in range"
+                                continue
+                            prefered = si
+            query = "EXECUTE insert_prefered_name (%d, %s)" % (id,  quote(usednames[prefered][0]))
+            try:
+                curs.execute(query)
+            except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, err:
+                print >>stderr, "%s: %s" % (err, query)
+            conn.commit() # just commit after every insert to not see all names several times when checking this script
+        id = r[1]
+        name = []
+        if r[0] not in BLACKLIST:
+            name.append(StringWithoutQuotes(r[0]))
+    else:
+        if r[0] not in BLACKLIST:
+            name.append(StringWithoutQuotes(r[0]))

Propchange: blends/trunk/team_analysis_tools/maintain_bad_names.py
    svn:executable = *

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