[Blends-commit] r3515 - in /projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks: coherent-diffraction control-systems data-reduction-frameworks data-reduction-frameworks-dev small-angle-scattering tomography
picca at users.alioth.debian.org
picca at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 UTC 2012
Author: picca
Date: Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
New Revision: 3515
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/?sc=1&rev=3515
now the task files are sorted.
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/coherent-diffraction
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/coherent-diffraction?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/coherent-diffraction (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/coherent-diffraction Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -1,1150 +1,9 @@
-Task: unsorted
-Description: PAN Debian all packages
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
- a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
- categories.
-X-Begin-Category: Synchrotron machine
-Suggests: spectra
-Homepage: http://radiant.harima.riken.go.jp/spectra/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: calculate optical properties of synchrotron radiation
- emitted from bending magnets, wigglers.
-Comment: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Accelerator_Operations_Physics/software.shtml
-X-End-Category: Synchrotron machine
-X-Begin-Category: Data acquisition
-Depends: ghkl
-Suggests: lima
-Homepage: http://lima.blissgarden.org/index.html
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Library for Image Acquisition
-Suggests: opengda
-Homepage: http://www.opengda.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: tango-db, tango-starter, tango-accesscontrol
-Suggests: tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
-Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
- provided prior to the tomography experiment.
-X-End-Category: Data acquisition
-X-Begin-Category: Data Analysis
-Suggests: bsl
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/dms/small-angle/linux/bsl-tar/bsl.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: small angle scattering
-Comment: binary only
-Suggests: cdma
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cdma/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Common Data Model API
-Suggests: comete
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/comete/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: widget toolkit
-Suggests: coot
-WNPP: 531904
-License: GPLv3 GPLv2+ LGPLv3
-Pkg-Description: Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit
-Suggests: cpl
-WNPP: 641628
-Homepage: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/cpl/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: ESO Common Pipeline Library
-Suggests: dawn
-Homepage: http://www.dawb.org/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acquisition and processing
-Suggests: diffraction-ring-profiler
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/diffraction-ring-profiler/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: A program for extracting electron diffraction ring pattern profiles
-Suggests: disp
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/disp/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: Diffraction Image Statistics Package for R
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: http://www.edna-site.org
-License: GPL3+ LGPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Framework to build online data analysis programs
-Depends: python-fabio
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/FIT2D/
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: fitgisaxs
-Homepage: http://lmp.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=42
-License: ?
-Comment: IgorPro software
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: fityk
-Suggests: freeart
-Homepage: https://forge.epn-campus.eu/projects/freeart
-License: LGPL
-Pkg-Description: SART reconstruction algorithm
-Suggests: fullprof
-Homepage: http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: g3data
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: graphlab
-Homepage: http://graphlab.org/
-License: Apache License
-Pkg-Description: A New Parallel Framework for Machine Learning
-Depends: python-guidata
-Depends: python-guiqwt
-Suggests: gsas
-Homepage: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/gsas/LINUX_gsas+expgui.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: gumtree
-Homepage: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Home
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acq and processing
+Task: coherent-diffraction
+Description: coherent diffraction software
+ This metapackage will install PAN Blend coherent diffraction packages.
+Comment: Improve the Description
Suggests: hawk
Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/
License: ?
-Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
-Depends: ifeffit
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imagej-pluggins-tomo
-Homepage: https://www.cells.es/Members/cpascual/files/public/scisoft_files/imagej-tomo-plugins/at_download
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: isgisaxs
-Homepage: http://ln-www.insp.upmc.fr/axe4/Oxydes/IsGISAXS/isgisaxs.htm
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: gisaxs -- diffraction
-Suggests: jpowder
-Homepage: http://www.jpowder.org/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Lightweight powder diffraction data visualizer
-Depends: kile
-Suggests: mantid
-Homepage: http://www.mantidproject.org/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: micromanager
-WNPP: 646853
-Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
-Suggests: mmdb
-WNPP: 679982
-Homepage: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Pkg-Description: MMDB is designed to assist developers in working with macromolecular coordinate
- files. The library handles both PDB and mmCIF format files.
- .
- The Library also features an internal binary format, portable between different
- platforms. This is achieved at uniformity of the Library's interface functions,
- so that there is no difference in handling different formats.
- .
- MMDB provides various high-level tools for working with coordinate files,
- including reading and writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, generation of
- symmetry mates, editing the molecular structure and more.
- .
- MMDB is previously written by Eugene Krissinel, and is distributed as a part of
- the CCP4 suite. This project maintains a current stand-alone version of the library.
-Suggests: mmtk
-WNPP: 642586
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Pkg-Description: The Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK) is an Open Source program library
- for molecular simulation applications.
- In addition to providing ready-to-use implementations of standard
- algorithms, MMTK serves as a code basis that can be easily extended and
- modified to deal with standard and non-standard problems in molecular
- simulations.
- MMTK is a package consisting of various modules, most of them written in
- Python, and some in C.
-Suggests: nmoldyn
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/plone/software/nmoldyn/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: libnexus0, libnexus0-java, libnexus0-python, nexus-tools
-Depends: ngraph-gtk
-Depends: objcryst-fox
-Depends: octave
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: http://phenix-online.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: automated determination of macromolecular structures
-Depends: pyfai
-Depends: pymca
-Suggests: pynx
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pynx/index.php?title=Main_Page
-License: CeCILL-B
-Pkg-Description: Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography
-Suggests: prestopronto
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/prestopronto
-Pkg-Description: Software for analysis of Quick Exafs data
-Depends: qtiplot
-Depends: qtoctave
-Suggests: sastbx
-Homepage: http://sastbx.als.lbl.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Small angle scattering
-Depends: scilab
-Depends: sixpack
-Depends: spd
-Depends: spyder
-Suggests: thredds
-WNPP: 650261
-Homepage: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/tds/
-License: MIT
-Pkg-Description: The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that
- provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using
- OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access
- protocols.
-Suggests: threeb
-Homepage: http://www.coxphysics.com/3b
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: 3B Microscopy Analysis Software. Bayesian analysis of
- blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a method which analyses
- data in which many overlapping fluorophores undergo bleaching and
- blinking events, giving the structure at enhanced resolution. By
- using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows useful information to be
- obtained from data that would be impossible to analyse with standard
- localisation analysis techniques.
-Depends: vistrails
-Suggests: xrdua
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrdua/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
-Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Depends: libxy-bin
-Depends: xmaxima
-Suggests: xotoko
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/small-angle/Software/XOTOKO.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: XOTOKO is a 1-D interactive data manipulation package
- for (X,Y) data. The program is has a w ide range of applications even
- if some of the instructions and options are specific to X-ray
- applications. OTOKO was originally developed in Hamburg in the 70's
- by P.Bendall, M.Koch and J.Bordas. The program was transferred to
- Daresbury in the mid 80's where it was restructured and enhanced by
- J.Bordas and G.Mant. The program is now available for all major
- hardware platforms (Sun, HP, DEC, SG, PC Linux) in two varieties
- otoko and xotoko. The former runs on character based terminals and
- the latter on X windows based workstations. A PC based version is
- also available from M.Koch (Hamburg). This manual is based on
- contributions from the original authors and R.Rule (ICI, Runcorn).
-Comment: binary-only
-X-End-Category: Data Analysis
-X-Begin-Category: PXSoft
-Comment: PXSoft from ESRF: mainly non-free software, non
- redistributable code for protein crystallography. Here the url to the
- pxsoft at the esrf
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/Software/PXSOFT/
- list of all availables package in the pxsoft directory, which one
- need to be packaged and wich one did not ? Is it possible for the
- esrf to tell which of thoses software are required ?, maybe there is
- very old obsolete soft.
-Suggests: 3dna
-Homepage: http://x3dna.org/
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: 3DNA is a versatile, integrated software system for
- the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of three-dimensional
- nucleic-acid-containing structures. The software is applicable not
- only to DNA (as the name 3DNA may imply), but also to complicated RNA
- structures and DNA-protein complexes. In 3DNA, structural analysis
- and model rebuilding are two sides of the same coin: the description
- of structure is rigorous and reversible, thus allowing for its exact
- reconstruction based on the derived parameters. 3DNA automatically
- detects all non-cannonical base pairs, base triplets and higher-order
- associations, and coaxially stacked helices; provides a comprehensive
- collection of fiber models of regular DNA and RNA helices; generates
- highly effective schematic presentations that reveal key features of
- nucleic-acid structures; performs undisturbed base mutations, and
- have facilities for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulation
- trajectories.
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: adxv
-Homepage: http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: The principal application of adxv is to display
- protein crystallography X-Ray diffraction data. The data may be
- displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel
- values. Data may be saved as either tiff or postscript files. Adxv
- will display data from most current detectors:
- .
- * ADSC ccd
- * Mar ccd
- * Mar image plate (old and new format)
- * Raxis II & IV
- * Fuji image plate
- * Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF)
- * XDS .pck files
- * European Data Format (EDF)
- * Raw binary 8, 16, 32 & 64 bit integer data
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: aimless
-Homepage: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/pre/aimless.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: This program scales together multiple observations of
- reflections, and merges multiple observations into an average
- intensity: it is a successor program to SCALA
- .
- Various scaling
- models can be used. The scale factor is a function of the primary
- beam direction, either as a smooth function of Phi (the rotation
- angle ROT), or expressed as BATCH (image) number (deprecated). In
- addition, the scale may be a function of the secondary beam
- direction, acting principally as an absorption correction expanded as
- spherical harmonics. The secondary beam correction is related to the
- absorption anisotropy correction described by Blessing (Ref Blessing
- (1995) ).
- .
- The merging algorithm analyses the data for outliers, and gives
- detailed analyses. It generates a weighted mean of the observations
- of the same reflection, after rejecting the outliers.
- .
- The program does several passes through the data:
- .
- * initial estimate of the scales
- * first round scale refinement, using strong data using an I/sigma(I) cutoff
- * first round of outlier rejection
- * if both summation and profile-fitted intensity estimates are
- present (from Mosflm), then the cross-over point is determined
- between using profile-fitted for weak data and summation for
- strong data.
- * first analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final round scale refinement, using strong data within limits on the normalised intensity |E|^2
- * final analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final outlier rejections
- * a final pass to apply scales, analyse agreement & write the output
- file, usually with merged intensities, but alternatively as file
- with scaled but unmerged observations, with partials summed and
- outliers rejected, for each dataset
- .
- Anomalous scattering is ignored during the scale determination (I+ &
- I- observations are treated together), but the merged file always
- contains I+ & I-, even if the ANOMALOUS OFF command is
- used. Switching ANOMALOUS ON does affect the statistics and the
- outlier rejection (qv)
-Suggests: albula
-Homepage: http://www.dectris.ch/software_albula.html
-Pkg-Description: Dectris diffraction image viewer and analysis tool
-Depends: apbs
-Suggests: aplx
-Homepage: http://www.microapl.co.uk/apl
-License: non-free
-Comment: non-free APL language is it really usefull ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: atsas
-Homepage: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/software.html
-License: ?
-Comment: which part of the suite is used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: autodock
-Suggests: autoproc
-Homepage: http://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: openbabel
-Suggests: balbes
-Homepage: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~fei/balbes
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: need ccp4
-Suggests: best
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: bioxhit
-Homepage: http://www.bioxhit.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: biox-xds
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bobscript
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bp3_old
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: old means useless ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: c3d
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: file format ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cath
-Homepage: http://www.cathdb.info
-Comment: used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: ccp4
-Homepage: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cctbx
-WNPP: 679905
-Homepage: http://cctbx.sourceforge.net
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Pkg-Description: CCTBX is a toolbox for developing crystallographic
- software. It provides fundamental and advanced methods and algorithms
- usefull in the scientific fields of crystallography[1], chemistry,
- physics and biology. It also provides Libraries for general
- scientific computing. The package is organized as a set of ISO C++
- classes with Python bindings.
-Suggests: chart
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chimera
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chooch
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: clustalw
-Suggests: cn2coot
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cns_refine
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: cns_solve
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: coot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crank
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crystfel
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: das
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dialboxlinuxdriverdialbox_to_remove
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: dino
-Suggests: dna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: domain-finder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dps2ar
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dviewer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dyndom3d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna2html
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: elves
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: epmr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: escet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: evrouter
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fobscom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: gramm
-Homepage: http://vakser.bioinformatics.ku.edu/main/resources_gramm.php
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: grasp
-Homepage: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software/GRASP.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ha_ncs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: harker
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hbplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hca
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hkl2map
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hyss
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: induced-rad-dam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ipymol
-Homepage: http://www.sbgrid.org/news/newsletters/2007/11
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ispyb-client
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: default-jdk
-Depends: jmol
-Suggests: labelit
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: laue
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: liged
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lscale
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: maid
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: main
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mar345
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: marutils
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mercury
-Homepage: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/free_services/mercury
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: mgltools-pmv
-Suggests: mlfsom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: molscriptmolscript-2.1.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: msi
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nuccyl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nucplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: onoono80ono90
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pgplot_5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser_sad
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phases
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pirate
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: plotmtv
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pointless
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: povray
-Suggest: powder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: promotif
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pxpy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: pymol
-Depends: python
-Suggests: raddose
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: rasmol
-Depends: raster3d
-Suggests: refmac
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: replace
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ribbons
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ringer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rmerge
-Comment: hugins-tools ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rosetta
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rtools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxsview
-Homepage: http://saxsview.sourceforge.net
-License: GPL3+
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scala_mpi
-Comment: scala packages ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scsh-0.5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shakerr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sharp
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shelx
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir2002
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snb2.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snow
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: solvesolve-2.08
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: stac-stac2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: strategy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: surfnet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tcltkblt
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: testcase
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: test_exec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: textal
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: theseus
-Suggests: tools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tops
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: usf
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: viewhkl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: wink
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-ds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-executor
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xiaxia2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xprep
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xrec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xtalview
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-X-End-Category: PXSoft
+Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/control-systems
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/control-systems?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/control-systems (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/control-systems Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -23,4 +23,8 @@
Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
License: GPL2+
Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
- provided prior to the tomography experiment.
+ provided prior to the tomography experiment.
+Suggests: micromanager
+WNPP: 646853
+Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -1,123 +1,17 @@
-Task: unsorted
-Description: PAN Debian all packages
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
- a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
- categories.
-X-Begin-Category: Synchrotron machine
-Suggests: spectra
-Homepage: http://radiant.harima.riken.go.jp/spectra/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: calculate optical properties of synchrotron radiation
- emitted from bending magnets, wigglers.
-Comment: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Accelerator_Operations_Physics/software.shtml
-X-End-Category: Synchrotron machine
-X-Begin-Category: Data acquisition
-Depends: ghkl
-Suggests: lima
-Homepage: http://lima.blissgarden.org/index.html
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Library for Image Acquisition
-Suggests: opengda
-Homepage: http://www.opengda.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: tango-db, tango-starter, tango-accesscontrol
-Suggests: tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
-Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
- provided prior to the tomography experiment.
-X-End-Category: Data acquisition
-X-Begin-Category: Data Analysis
-Suggests: bsl
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/dms/small-angle/linux/bsl-tar/bsl.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: small angle scattering
-Comment: binary only
-Suggests: cdma
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cdma/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Common Data Model API
-Suggests: comete
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/comete/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: widget toolkit
-Suggests: coot
-WNPP: 531904
-License: GPLv3 GPLv2+ LGPLv3
-Pkg-Description: Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit
-Suggests: cpl
-WNPP: 641628
-Homepage: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/cpl/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: ESO Common Pipeline Library
+Task: data-reduction-frameworks
+Description: Data reduction frameworks
+ This metapackage will install framework dedicated to the data reduction
+Comment: improve the description
Suggests: dawn
Homepage: http://www.dawb.org/
License: ?
Pkg-Description: general purpose data acquisition and processing
-Suggests: diffraction-ring-profiler
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/diffraction-ring-profiler/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: A program for extracting electron diffraction ring pattern profiles
-Suggests: disp
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/disp/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: Diffraction Image Statistics Package for R
Suggests: edna
Homepage: http://www.edna-site.org
License: GPL3+ LGPL3+
Pkg-Description: Framework to build online data analysis programs
-Depends: python-fabio
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/FIT2D/
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: fitgisaxs
-Homepage: http://lmp.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=42
-License: ?
-Comment: IgorPro software
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: fityk
-Suggests: freeart
-Homepage: https://forge.epn-campus.eu/projects/freeart
-License: LGPL
-Pkg-Description: SART reconstruction algorithm
-Suggests: fullprof
-Homepage: http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: g3data
Depends: gnuplot
@@ -126,135 +20,29 @@
License: Apache License
Pkg-Description: A New Parallel Framework for Machine Learning
-Depends: python-guidata
-Depends: python-guiqwt
-Suggests: gsas
-Homepage: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/gsas/LINUX_gsas+expgui.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
Suggests: gumtree
Homepage: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Home
License: ?
Pkg-Description: general purpose data acq and processing
-Suggests: hawk
-Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
-Depends: ifeffit
Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imagej-pluggins-tomo
-Homepage: https://www.cells.es/Members/cpascual/files/public/scisoft_files/imagej-tomo-plugins/at_download
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: isgisaxs
-Homepage: http://ln-www.insp.upmc.fr/axe4/Oxydes/IsGISAXS/isgisaxs.htm
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: gisaxs -- diffraction
-Suggests: jpowder
-Homepage: http://www.jpowder.org/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Lightweight powder diffraction data visualizer
-Depends: kile
Suggests: mantid
Homepage: http://www.mantidproject.org/Main_Page
License: ?
Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: micromanager
-WNPP: 646853
-Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
-Suggests: mmdb
-WNPP: 679982
-Homepage: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Pkg-Description: MMDB is designed to assist developers in working with macromolecular coordinate
- files. The library handles both PDB and mmCIF format files.
- .
- The Library also features an internal binary format, portable between different
- platforms. This is achieved at uniformity of the Library's interface functions,
- so that there is no difference in handling different formats.
- .
- MMDB provides various high-level tools for working with coordinate files,
- including reading and writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, generation of
- symmetry mates, editing the molecular structure and more.
- .
- MMDB is previously written by Eugene Krissinel, and is distributed as a part of
- the CCP4 suite. This project maintains a current stand-alone version of the library.
-Suggests: mmtk
-WNPP: 642586
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Pkg-Description: The Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK) is an Open Source program library
- for molecular simulation applications.
- In addition to providing ready-to-use implementations of standard
- algorithms, MMTK serves as a code basis that can be easily extended and
- modified to deal with standard and non-standard problems in molecular
- simulations.
- MMTK is a package consisting of various modules, most of them written in
- Python, and some in C.
-Suggests: nmoldyn
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/plone/software/nmoldyn/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: libnexus0, libnexus0-java, libnexus0-python, nexus-tools
Depends: ngraph-gtk
-Depends: objcryst-fox
Depends: octave
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: http://phenix-online.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: automated determination of macromolecular structures
-Depends: pyfai
Depends: pymca
-Suggests: pynx
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pynx/index.php?title=Main_Page
-License: CeCILL-B
-Pkg-Description: Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography
-Suggests: prestopronto
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/prestopronto
-Pkg-Description: Software for analysis of Quick Exafs data
Depends: qtiplot
Depends: qtoctave
-Suggests: sastbx
-Homepage: http://sastbx.als.lbl.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Small angle scattering
Depends: scilab
-Depends: sixpack
-Depends: spd
Depends: spyder
@@ -267,884 +55,6 @@
OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access
-Suggests: threeb
-Homepage: http://www.coxphysics.com/3b
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: 3B Microscopy Analysis Software. Bayesian analysis of
- blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a method which analyses
- data in which many overlapping fluorophores undergo bleaching and
- blinking events, giving the structure at enhanced resolution. By
- using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows useful information to be
- obtained from data that would be impossible to analyse with standard
- localisation analysis techniques.
Depends: vistrails
-Suggests: xrdua
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrdua/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
-Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Depends: libxy-bin
Depends: xmaxima
-Suggests: xotoko
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/small-angle/Software/XOTOKO.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: XOTOKO is a 1-D interactive data manipulation package
- for (X,Y) data. The program is has a w ide range of applications even
- if some of the instructions and options are specific to X-ray
- applications. OTOKO was originally developed in Hamburg in the 70's
- by P.Bendall, M.Koch and J.Bordas. The program was transferred to
- Daresbury in the mid 80's where it was restructured and enhanced by
- J.Bordas and G.Mant. The program is now available for all major
- hardware platforms (Sun, HP, DEC, SG, PC Linux) in two varieties
- otoko and xotoko. The former runs on character based terminals and
- the latter on X windows based workstations. A PC based version is
- also available from M.Koch (Hamburg). This manual is based on
- contributions from the original authors and R.Rule (ICI, Runcorn).
-Comment: binary-only
-X-End-Category: Data Analysis
-X-Begin-Category: PXSoft
-Comment: PXSoft from ESRF: mainly non-free software, non
- redistributable code for protein crystallography. Here the url to the
- pxsoft at the esrf
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/Software/PXSOFT/
- list of all availables package in the pxsoft directory, which one
- need to be packaged and wich one did not ? Is it possible for the
- esrf to tell which of thoses software are required ?, maybe there is
- very old obsolete soft.
-Suggests: 3dna
-Homepage: http://x3dna.org/
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: 3DNA is a versatile, integrated software system for
- the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of three-dimensional
- nucleic-acid-containing structures. The software is applicable not
- only to DNA (as the name 3DNA may imply), but also to complicated RNA
- structures and DNA-protein complexes. In 3DNA, structural analysis
- and model rebuilding are two sides of the same coin: the description
- of structure is rigorous and reversible, thus allowing for its exact
- reconstruction based on the derived parameters. 3DNA automatically
- detects all non-cannonical base pairs, base triplets and higher-order
- associations, and coaxially stacked helices; provides a comprehensive
- collection of fiber models of regular DNA and RNA helices; generates
- highly effective schematic presentations that reveal key features of
- nucleic-acid structures; performs undisturbed base mutations, and
- have facilities for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulation
- trajectories.
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: adxv
-Homepage: http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: The principal application of adxv is to display
- protein crystallography X-Ray diffraction data. The data may be
- displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel
- values. Data may be saved as either tiff or postscript files. Adxv
- will display data from most current detectors:
- .
- * ADSC ccd
- * Mar ccd
- * Mar image plate (old and new format)
- * Raxis II & IV
- * Fuji image plate
- * Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF)
- * XDS .pck files
- * European Data Format (EDF)
- * Raw binary 8, 16, 32 & 64 bit integer data
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: aimless
-Homepage: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/pre/aimless.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: This program scales together multiple observations of
- reflections, and merges multiple observations into an average
- intensity: it is a successor program to SCALA
- .
- Various scaling
- models can be used. The scale factor is a function of the primary
- beam direction, either as a smooth function of Phi (the rotation
- angle ROT), or expressed as BATCH (image) number (deprecated). In
- addition, the scale may be a function of the secondary beam
- direction, acting principally as an absorption correction expanded as
- spherical harmonics. The secondary beam correction is related to the
- absorption anisotropy correction described by Blessing (Ref Blessing
- (1995) ).
- .
- The merging algorithm analyses the data for outliers, and gives
- detailed analyses. It generates a weighted mean of the observations
- of the same reflection, after rejecting the outliers.
- .
- The program does several passes through the data:
- .
- * initial estimate of the scales
- * first round scale refinement, using strong data using an I/sigma(I) cutoff
- * first round of outlier rejection
- * if both summation and profile-fitted intensity estimates are
- present (from Mosflm), then the cross-over point is determined
- between using profile-fitted for weak data and summation for
- strong data.
- * first analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final round scale refinement, using strong data within limits on the normalised intensity |E|^2
- * final analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final outlier rejections
- * a final pass to apply scales, analyse agreement & write the output
- file, usually with merged intensities, but alternatively as file
- with scaled but unmerged observations, with partials summed and
- outliers rejected, for each dataset
- .
- Anomalous scattering is ignored during the scale determination (I+ &
- I- observations are treated together), but the merged file always
- contains I+ & I-, even if the ANOMALOUS OFF command is
- used. Switching ANOMALOUS ON does affect the statistics and the
- outlier rejection (qv)
-Suggests: albula
-Homepage: http://www.dectris.ch/software_albula.html
-Pkg-Description: Dectris diffraction image viewer and analysis tool
-Depends: apbs
-Suggests: aplx
-Homepage: http://www.microapl.co.uk/apl
-License: non-free
-Comment: non-free APL language is it really usefull ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: atsas
-Homepage: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/software.html
-License: ?
-Comment: which part of the suite is used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: autodock
-Suggests: autoproc
-Homepage: http://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: openbabel
-Suggests: balbes
-Homepage: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~fei/balbes
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: need ccp4
-Suggests: best
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: bioxhit
-Homepage: http://www.bioxhit.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: biox-xds
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bobscript
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bp3_old
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: old means useless ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: c3d
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: file format ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cath
-Homepage: http://www.cathdb.info
-Comment: used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: ccp4
-Homepage: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cctbx
-WNPP: 679905
-Homepage: http://cctbx.sourceforge.net
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Pkg-Description: CCTBX is a toolbox for developing crystallographic
- software. It provides fundamental and advanced methods and algorithms
- usefull in the scientific fields of crystallography[1], chemistry,
- physics and biology. It also provides Libraries for general
- scientific computing. The package is organized as a set of ISO C++
- classes with Python bindings.
-Suggests: chart
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chimera
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chooch
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: clustalw
-Suggests: cn2coot
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cns_refine
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: cns_solve
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: coot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crank
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crystfel
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: das
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dialboxlinuxdriverdialbox_to_remove
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: dino
-Suggests: dna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: domain-finder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dps2ar
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dviewer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dyndom3d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna2html
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: elves
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: epmr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: escet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: evrouter
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fobscom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: gramm
-Homepage: http://vakser.bioinformatics.ku.edu/main/resources_gramm.php
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: grasp
-Homepage: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software/GRASP.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ha_ncs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: harker
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hbplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hca
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hkl2map
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hyss
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: induced-rad-dam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ipymol
-Homepage: http://www.sbgrid.org/news/newsletters/2007/11
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ispyb-client
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: default-jdk
-Depends: jmol
-Suggests: labelit
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: laue
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: liged
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lscale
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: maid
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: main
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mar345
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: marutils
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mercury
-Homepage: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/free_services/mercury
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: mgltools-pmv
-Suggests: mlfsom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: molscriptmolscript-2.1.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: msi
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nuccyl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nucplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: onoono80ono90
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pgplot_5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser_sad
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phases
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pirate
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: plotmtv
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pointless
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: povray
-Suggest: powder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: promotif
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pxpy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: pymol
-Depends: python
-Suggests: raddose
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: rasmol
-Depends: raster3d
-Suggests: refmac
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: replace
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ribbons
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ringer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rmerge
-Comment: hugins-tools ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rosetta
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rtools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxsview
-Homepage: http://saxsview.sourceforge.net
-License: GPL3+
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scala_mpi
-Comment: scala packages ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scsh-0.5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shakerr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sharp
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shelx
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir2002
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snb2.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snow
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: solvesolve-2.08
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: stac-stac2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: strategy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: surfnet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tcltkblt
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: testcase
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: test_exec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: textal
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: theseus
-Suggests: tools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tops
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: usf
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: viewhkl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: wink
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-ds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-executor
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xiaxia2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xprep
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xrec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xtalview
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-X-End-Category: PXSoft
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks-dev
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks-dev?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks-dev (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/data-reduction-frameworks-dev Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -4,50 +4,6 @@
a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
comment: Improve the description
-X-Begin-Category: Synchrotron machine
-Suggests: spectra
-Homepage: http://radiant.harima.riken.go.jp/spectra/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: calculate optical properties of synchrotron radiation
- emitted from bending magnets, wigglers.
-Comment: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Accelerator_Operations_Physics/software.shtml
-X-End-Category: Synchrotron machine
-X-Begin-Category: Data acquisition
-Depends: ghkl
-Suggests: lima
-Homepage: http://lima.blissgarden.org/index.html
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Library for Image Acquisition
-Suggests: opengda
-Homepage: http://www.opengda.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: tango-db, tango-starter, tango-accesscontrol
-Suggests: tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
-Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
- provided prior to the tomography experiment.
-X-End-Category: Data acquisition
-X-Begin-Category: Data Analysis
-Suggests: bsl
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/dms/small-angle/linux/bsl-tar/bsl.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: small angle scattering
-Comment: binary only
Suggests: cdma
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cdma/
@@ -59,1093 +15,16 @@
License: ?
Pkg-Description: widget toolkit
-Suggests: coot
-WNPP: 531904
-License: GPLv3 GPLv2+ LGPLv3
-Pkg-Description: Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit
Suggests: cpl
WNPP: 641628
Homepage: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/cpl/
License: GPL2+
Pkg-Description: ESO Common Pipeline Library
-Suggests: dawn
-Homepage: http://www.dawb.org/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acquisition and processing
-Suggests: diffraction-ring-profiler
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/diffraction-ring-profiler/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: A program for extracting electron diffraction ring pattern profiles
-Suggests: disp
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/disp/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: Diffraction Image Statistics Package for R
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: http://www.edna-site.org
-License: GPL3+ LGPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Framework to build online data analysis programs
Depends: python-fabio
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/FIT2D/
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: fitgisaxs
-Homepage: http://lmp.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=42
-License: ?
-Comment: IgorPro software
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: fityk
-Suggests: freeart
-Homepage: https://forge.epn-campus.eu/projects/freeart
-License: LGPL
-Pkg-Description: SART reconstruction algorithm
-Suggests: fullprof
-Homepage: http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: g3data
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: graphlab
-Homepage: http://graphlab.org/
-License: Apache License
-Pkg-Description: A New Parallel Framework for Machine Learning
Depends: python-guidata
Depends: python-guiqwt
-Suggests: gsas
-Homepage: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/gsas/LINUX_gsas+expgui.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: gumtree
-Homepage: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Home
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acq and processing
-Suggests: hawk
-Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
-Depends: ifeffit
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imagej-pluggins-tomo
-Homepage: https://www.cells.es/Members/cpascual/files/public/scisoft_files/imagej-tomo-plugins/at_download
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: isgisaxs
-Homepage: http://ln-www.insp.upmc.fr/axe4/Oxydes/IsGISAXS/isgisaxs.htm
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: gisaxs -- diffraction
-Suggests: jpowder
-Homepage: http://www.jpowder.org/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Lightweight powder diffraction data visualizer
-Depends: kile
-Suggests: mantid
-Homepage: http://www.mantidproject.org/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: micromanager
-WNPP: 646853
-Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
-Suggests: mmdb
-WNPP: 679982
-Homepage: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Pkg-Description: MMDB is designed to assist developers in working with macromolecular coordinate
- files. The library handles both PDB and mmCIF format files.
- .
- The Library also features an internal binary format, portable between different
- platforms. This is achieved at uniformity of the Library's interface functions,
- so that there is no difference in handling different formats.
- .
- MMDB provides various high-level tools for working with coordinate files,
- including reading and writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, generation of
- symmetry mates, editing the molecular structure and more.
- .
- MMDB is previously written by Eugene Krissinel, and is distributed as a part of
- the CCP4 suite. This project maintains a current stand-alone version of the library.
-Suggests: mmtk
-WNPP: 642586
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Pkg-Description: The Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK) is an Open Source program library
- for molecular simulation applications.
- In addition to providing ready-to-use implementations of standard
- algorithms, MMTK serves as a code basis that can be easily extended and
- modified to deal with standard and non-standard problems in molecular
- simulations.
- MMTK is a package consisting of various modules, most of them written in
- Python, and some in C.
-Suggests: nmoldyn
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/plone/software/nmoldyn/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Pkg-Description: ?
Depends: libnexus0, libnexus0-java, libnexus0-python, nexus-tools
-Depends: ngraph-gtk
-Depends: objcryst-fox
-Depends: octave
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: http://phenix-online.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: automated determination of macromolecular structures
-Depends: pyfai
-Depends: pymca
-Suggests: pynx
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pynx/index.php?title=Main_Page
-License: CeCILL-B
-Pkg-Description: Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography
-Suggests: prestopronto
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/prestopronto
-Pkg-Description: Software for analysis of Quick Exafs data
-Depends: qtiplot
-Depends: qtoctave
-Suggests: sastbx
-Homepage: http://sastbx.als.lbl.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Small angle scattering
-Depends: scilab
-Depends: sixpack
-Depends: spd
-Depends: spyder
-Suggests: thredds
-WNPP: 650261
-Homepage: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/tds/
-License: MIT
-Pkg-Description: The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that
- provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using
- OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access
- protocols.
-Suggests: threeb
-Homepage: http://www.coxphysics.com/3b
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: 3B Microscopy Analysis Software. Bayesian analysis of
- blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a method which analyses
- data in which many overlapping fluorophores undergo bleaching and
- blinking events, giving the structure at enhanced resolution. By
- using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows useful information to be
- obtained from data that would be impossible to analyse with standard
- localisation analysis techniques.
-Depends: vistrails
-Suggests: xrdua
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrdua/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
-Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Depends: libxy-bin
-Depends: xmaxima
-Suggests: xotoko
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/small-angle/Software/XOTOKO.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: XOTOKO is a 1-D interactive data manipulation package
- for (X,Y) data. The program is has a w ide range of applications even
- if some of the instructions and options are specific to X-ray
- applications. OTOKO was originally developed in Hamburg in the 70's
- by P.Bendall, M.Koch and J.Bordas. The program was transferred to
- Daresbury in the mid 80's where it was restructured and enhanced by
- J.Bordas and G.Mant. The program is now available for all major
- hardware platforms (Sun, HP, DEC, SG, PC Linux) in two varieties
- otoko and xotoko. The former runs on character based terminals and
- the latter on X windows based workstations. A PC based version is
- also available from M.Koch (Hamburg). This manual is based on
- contributions from the original authors and R.Rule (ICI, Runcorn).
-Comment: binary-only
-X-End-Category: Data Analysis
-X-Begin-Category: PXSoft
-Comment: PXSoft from ESRF: mainly non-free software, non
- redistributable code for protein crystallography. Here the url to the
- pxsoft at the esrf
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/Software/PXSOFT/
- list of all availables package in the pxsoft directory, which one
- need to be packaged and wich one did not ? Is it possible for the
- esrf to tell which of thoses software are required ?, maybe there is
- very old obsolete soft.
-Suggests: 3dna
-Homepage: http://x3dna.org/
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: 3DNA is a versatile, integrated software system for
- the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of three-dimensional
- nucleic-acid-containing structures. The software is applicable not
- only to DNA (as the name 3DNA may imply), but also to complicated RNA
- structures and DNA-protein complexes. In 3DNA, structural analysis
- and model rebuilding are two sides of the same coin: the description
- of structure is rigorous and reversible, thus allowing for its exact
- reconstruction based on the derived parameters. 3DNA automatically
- detects all non-cannonical base pairs, base triplets and higher-order
- associations, and coaxially stacked helices; provides a comprehensive
- collection of fiber models of regular DNA and RNA helices; generates
- highly effective schematic presentations that reveal key features of
- nucleic-acid structures; performs undisturbed base mutations, and
- have facilities for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulation
- trajectories.
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: adxv
-Homepage: http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: The principal application of adxv is to display
- protein crystallography X-Ray diffraction data. The data may be
- displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel
- values. Data may be saved as either tiff or postscript files. Adxv
- will display data from most current detectors:
- .
- * ADSC ccd
- * Mar ccd
- * Mar image plate (old and new format)
- * Raxis II & IV
- * Fuji image plate
- * Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF)
- * XDS .pck files
- * European Data Format (EDF)
- * Raw binary 8, 16, 32 & 64 bit integer data
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: aimless
-Homepage: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/pre/aimless.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: This program scales together multiple observations of
- reflections, and merges multiple observations into an average
- intensity: it is a successor program to SCALA
- .
- Various scaling
- models can be used. The scale factor is a function of the primary
- beam direction, either as a smooth function of Phi (the rotation
- angle ROT), or expressed as BATCH (image) number (deprecated). In
- addition, the scale may be a function of the secondary beam
- direction, acting principally as an absorption correction expanded as
- spherical harmonics. The secondary beam correction is related to the
- absorption anisotropy correction described by Blessing (Ref Blessing
- (1995) ).
- .
- The merging algorithm analyses the data for outliers, and gives
- detailed analyses. It generates a weighted mean of the observations
- of the same reflection, after rejecting the outliers.
- .
- The program does several passes through the data:
- .
- * initial estimate of the scales
- * first round scale refinement, using strong data using an I/sigma(I) cutoff
- * first round of outlier rejection
- * if both summation and profile-fitted intensity estimates are
- present (from Mosflm), then the cross-over point is determined
- between using profile-fitted for weak data and summation for
- strong data.
- * first analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final round scale refinement, using strong data within limits on the normalised intensity |E|^2
- * final analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final outlier rejections
- * a final pass to apply scales, analyse agreement & write the output
- file, usually with merged intensities, but alternatively as file
- with scaled but unmerged observations, with partials summed and
- outliers rejected, for each dataset
- .
- Anomalous scattering is ignored during the scale determination (I+ &
- I- observations are treated together), but the merged file always
- contains I+ & I-, even if the ANOMALOUS OFF command is
- used. Switching ANOMALOUS ON does affect the statistics and the
- outlier rejection (qv)
-Suggests: albula
-Homepage: http://www.dectris.ch/software_albula.html
-Pkg-Description: Dectris diffraction image viewer and analysis tool
-Depends: apbs
-Suggests: aplx
-Homepage: http://www.microapl.co.uk/apl
-License: non-free
-Comment: non-free APL language is it really usefull ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: atsas
-Homepage: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/software.html
-License: ?
-Comment: which part of the suite is used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: autodock
-Suggests: autoproc
-Homepage: http://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: openbabel
-Suggests: balbes
-Homepage: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~fei/balbes
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: need ccp4
-Suggests: best
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: bioxhit
-Homepage: http://www.bioxhit.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: biox-xds
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bobscript
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bp3_old
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: old means useless ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: c3d
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: file format ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cath
-Homepage: http://www.cathdb.info
-Comment: used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: ccp4
-Homepage: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cctbx
-WNPP: 679905
-Homepage: http://cctbx.sourceforge.net
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Pkg-Description: CCTBX is a toolbox for developing crystallographic
- software. It provides fundamental and advanced methods and algorithms
- usefull in the scientific fields of crystallography[1], chemistry,
- physics and biology. It also provides Libraries for general
- scientific computing. The package is organized as a set of ISO C++
- classes with Python bindings.
-Suggests: chart
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chimera
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chooch
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: clustalw
-Suggests: cn2coot
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cns_refine
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: cns_solve
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: coot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crank
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crystfel
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: das
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dialboxlinuxdriverdialbox_to_remove
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: dino
-Suggests: dna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: domain-finder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dps2ar
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dviewer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dyndom3d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna2html
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: elves
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: epmr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: escet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: evrouter
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fobscom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: gramm
-Homepage: http://vakser.bioinformatics.ku.edu/main/resources_gramm.php
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: grasp
-Homepage: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software/GRASP.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ha_ncs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: harker
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hbplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hca
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hkl2map
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hyss
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: induced-rad-dam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ipymol
-Homepage: http://www.sbgrid.org/news/newsletters/2007/11
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ispyb-client
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: default-jdk
-Depends: jmol
-Suggests: labelit
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: laue
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: liged
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lscale
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: maid
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: main
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mar345
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: marutils
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mercury
-Homepage: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/free_services/mercury
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: mgltools-pmv
-Suggests: mlfsom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: molscriptmolscript-2.1.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: msi
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nuccyl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nucplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: onoono80ono90
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pgplot_5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser_sad
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phases
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pirate
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: plotmtv
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pointless
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: povray
-Suggest: powder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: promotif
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pxpy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: pymol
-Depends: python
-Suggests: raddose
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: rasmol
-Depends: raster3d
-Suggests: refmac
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: replace
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ribbons
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ringer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rmerge
-Comment: hugins-tools ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rosetta
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rtools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxsview
-Homepage: http://saxsview.sourceforge.net
-License: GPL3+
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scala_mpi
-Comment: scala packages ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scsh-0.5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shakerr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sharp
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shelx
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir2002
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snb2.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snow
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: solvesolve-2.08
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: stac-stac2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: strategy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: surfnet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tcltkblt
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: testcase
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: test_exec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: textal
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: theseus
-Suggests: tools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tops
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: usf
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: viewhkl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: wink
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-ds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-executor
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xiaxia2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xprep
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xrec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xtalview
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-X-End-Category: PXSoft
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/small-angle-scattering
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/small-angle-scattering?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/small-angle-scattering (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/small-angle-scattering Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -1,46 +1,7 @@
-Task: unsorted
-Description: PAN Debian all packages
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
- a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
- categories.
-X-Begin-Category: Synchrotron machine
-Suggests: spectra
-Homepage: http://radiant.harima.riken.go.jp/spectra/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: calculate optical properties of synchrotron radiation
- emitted from bending magnets, wigglers.
-Comment: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Accelerator_Operations_Physics/software.shtml
-X-End-Category: Synchrotron machine
-X-Begin-Category: Data acquisition
-Depends: ghkl
-Suggests: lima
-Homepage: http://lima.blissgarden.org/index.html
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Library for Image Acquisition
-Suggests: opengda
-Homepage: http://www.opengda.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: tango-db, tango-starter, tango-accesscontrol
-Suggests: tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
-Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
- provided prior to the tomography experiment.
-X-End-Category: Data acquisition
-X-Begin-Category: Data Analysis
+Task: small-angle-scattering
+Description: small angle scattering
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.
+Comment: improve the description
Suggests: bsl
Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/dms/small-angle/linux/bsl-tar/bsl.tar.gz
@@ -48,49 +9,10 @@
Pkg-Description: small angle scattering
Comment: binary only
-Suggests: cdma
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cdma/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Common Data Model API
-Suggests: comete
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/comete/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: widget toolkit
-Suggests: coot
-WNPP: 531904
-License: GPLv3 GPLv2+ LGPLv3
-Pkg-Description: Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit
-Suggests: cpl
-WNPP: 641628
-Homepage: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/cpl/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: ESO Common Pipeline Library
-Suggests: dawn
-Homepage: http://www.dawb.org/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acquisition and processing
Suggests: diffraction-ring-profiler
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/diffraction-ring-profiler/
License: GPL3+
Pkg-Description: A program for extracting electron diffraction ring pattern profiles
-Suggests: disp
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/disp/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: Diffraction Image Statistics Package for R
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: http://www.edna-site.org
-License: GPL3+ LGPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Framework to build online data analysis programs
-Depends: python-fabio
Suggests: fit2d
Homepage: http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/FIT2D/
@@ -98,197 +20,16 @@
Comment: binary only
Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: fitgisaxs
-Homepage: http://lmp.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=42
-License: ?
-Comment: IgorPro software
-Pkg-Description: ?
Depends: fityk
-Suggests: freeart
-Homepage: https://forge.epn-campus.eu/projects/freeart
-License: LGPL
-Pkg-Description: SART reconstruction algorithm
-Suggests: fullprof
-Homepage: http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: g3data
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: graphlab
-Homepage: http://graphlab.org/
-License: Apache License
-Pkg-Description: A New Parallel Framework for Machine Learning
-Depends: python-guidata
-Depends: python-guiqwt
-Suggests: gsas
-Homepage: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/gsas/LINUX_gsas+expgui.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: gumtree
-Homepage: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Home
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acq and processing
-Suggests: hawk
-Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
-Depends: ifeffit
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imagej-pluggins-tomo
-Homepage: https://www.cells.es/Members/cpascual/files/public/scisoft_files/imagej-tomo-plugins/at_download
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: isgisaxs
-Homepage: http://ln-www.insp.upmc.fr/axe4/Oxydes/IsGISAXS/isgisaxs.htm
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: gisaxs -- diffraction
-Suggests: jpowder
-Homepage: http://www.jpowder.org/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Lightweight powder diffraction data visualizer
-Depends: kile
-Suggests: mantid
-Homepage: http://www.mantidproject.org/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: micromanager
-WNPP: 646853
-Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
-Suggests: mmdb
-WNPP: 679982
-Homepage: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Pkg-Description: MMDB is designed to assist developers in working with macromolecular coordinate
- files. The library handles both PDB and mmCIF format files.
- .
- The Library also features an internal binary format, portable between different
- platforms. This is achieved at uniformity of the Library's interface functions,
- so that there is no difference in handling different formats.
- .
- MMDB provides various high-level tools for working with coordinate files,
- including reading and writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, generation of
- symmetry mates, editing the molecular structure and more.
- .
- MMDB is previously written by Eugene Krissinel, and is distributed as a part of
- the CCP4 suite. This project maintains a current stand-alone version of the library.
-Suggests: mmtk
-WNPP: 642586
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Pkg-Description: The Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK) is an Open Source program library
- for molecular simulation applications.
- In addition to providing ready-to-use implementations of standard
- algorithms, MMTK serves as a code basis that can be easily extended and
- modified to deal with standard and non-standard problems in molecular
- simulations.
- MMTK is a package consisting of various modules, most of them written in
- Python, and some in C.
-Suggests: nmoldyn
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/plone/software/nmoldyn/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: libnexus0, libnexus0-java, libnexus0-python, nexus-tools
-Depends: ngraph-gtk
-Depends: objcryst-fox
-Depends: octave
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: http://phenix-online.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: automated determination of macromolecular structures
Depends: pyfai
-Depends: pymca
-Suggests: pynx
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pynx/index.php?title=Main_Page
-License: CeCILL-B
-Pkg-Description: Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography
-Suggests: prestopronto
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/prestopronto
-Pkg-Description: Software for analysis of Quick Exafs data
-Depends: qtiplot
-Depends: qtoctave
Suggests: sastbx
Homepage: http://sastbx.als.lbl.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
License: ?
Pkg-Description: Small angle scattering
-Depends: scilab
-Depends: sixpack
Depends: spd
-Depends: spyder
-Suggests: thredds
-WNPP: 650261
-Homepage: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/tds/
-License: MIT
-Pkg-Description: The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that
- provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using
- OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access
- protocols.
-Suggests: threeb
-Homepage: http://www.coxphysics.com/3b
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: 3B Microscopy Analysis Software. Bayesian analysis of
- blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a method which analyses
- data in which many overlapping fluorophores undergo bleaching and
- blinking events, giving the structure at enhanced resolution. By
- using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows useful information to be
- obtained from data that would be impossible to analyse with standard
- localisation analysis techniques.
-Depends: vistrails
-Suggests: xrdua
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrdua/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
-Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Depends: libxy-bin
-Depends: xmaxima
Suggests: xotoko
Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/small-angle/Software/XOTOKO.html
@@ -305,846 +46,4 @@
the latter on X windows based workstations. A PC based version is
also available from M.Koch (Hamburg). This manual is based on
contributions from the original authors and R.Rule (ICI, Runcorn).
-Comment: binary-only
-X-End-Category: Data Analysis
-X-Begin-Category: PXSoft
-Comment: PXSoft from ESRF: mainly non-free software, non
- redistributable code for protein crystallography. Here the url to the
- pxsoft at the esrf
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/Software/PXSOFT/
- list of all availables package in the pxsoft directory, which one
- need to be packaged and wich one did not ? Is it possible for the
- esrf to tell which of thoses software are required ?, maybe there is
- very old obsolete soft.
-Suggests: 3dna
-Homepage: http://x3dna.org/
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: 3DNA is a versatile, integrated software system for
- the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of three-dimensional
- nucleic-acid-containing structures. The software is applicable not
- only to DNA (as the name 3DNA may imply), but also to complicated RNA
- structures and DNA-protein complexes. In 3DNA, structural analysis
- and model rebuilding are two sides of the same coin: the description
- of structure is rigorous and reversible, thus allowing for its exact
- reconstruction based on the derived parameters. 3DNA automatically
- detects all non-cannonical base pairs, base triplets and higher-order
- associations, and coaxially stacked helices; provides a comprehensive
- collection of fiber models of regular DNA and RNA helices; generates
- highly effective schematic presentations that reveal key features of
- nucleic-acid structures; performs undisturbed base mutations, and
- have facilities for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulation
- trajectories.
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: adxv
-Homepage: http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: The principal application of adxv is to display
- protein crystallography X-Ray diffraction data. The data may be
- displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel
- values. Data may be saved as either tiff or postscript files. Adxv
- will display data from most current detectors:
- .
- * ADSC ccd
- * Mar ccd
- * Mar image plate (old and new format)
- * Raxis II & IV
- * Fuji image plate
- * Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF)
- * XDS .pck files
- * European Data Format (EDF)
- * Raw binary 8, 16, 32 & 64 bit integer data
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: aimless
-Homepage: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/pre/aimless.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: This program scales together multiple observations of
- reflections, and merges multiple observations into an average
- intensity: it is a successor program to SCALA
- .
- Various scaling
- models can be used. The scale factor is a function of the primary
- beam direction, either as a smooth function of Phi (the rotation
- angle ROT), or expressed as BATCH (image) number (deprecated). In
- addition, the scale may be a function of the secondary beam
- direction, acting principally as an absorption correction expanded as
- spherical harmonics. The secondary beam correction is related to the
- absorption anisotropy correction described by Blessing (Ref Blessing
- (1995) ).
- .
- The merging algorithm analyses the data for outliers, and gives
- detailed analyses. It generates a weighted mean of the observations
- of the same reflection, after rejecting the outliers.
- .
- The program does several passes through the data:
- .
- * initial estimate of the scales
- * first round scale refinement, using strong data using an I/sigma(I) cutoff
- * first round of outlier rejection
- * if both summation and profile-fitted intensity estimates are
- present (from Mosflm), then the cross-over point is determined
- between using profile-fitted for weak data and summation for
- strong data.
- * first analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final round scale refinement, using strong data within limits on the normalised intensity |E|^2
- * final analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final outlier rejections
- * a final pass to apply scales, analyse agreement & write the output
- file, usually with merged intensities, but alternatively as file
- with scaled but unmerged observations, with partials summed and
- outliers rejected, for each dataset
- .
- Anomalous scattering is ignored during the scale determination (I+ &
- I- observations are treated together), but the merged file always
- contains I+ & I-, even if the ANOMALOUS OFF command is
- used. Switching ANOMALOUS ON does affect the statistics and the
- outlier rejection (qv)
-Suggests: albula
-Homepage: http://www.dectris.ch/software_albula.html
-Pkg-Description: Dectris diffraction image viewer and analysis tool
-Depends: apbs
-Suggests: aplx
-Homepage: http://www.microapl.co.uk/apl
-License: non-free
-Comment: non-free APL language is it really usefull ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: atsas
-Homepage: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/software.html
-License: ?
-Comment: which part of the suite is used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: autodock
-Suggests: autoproc
-Homepage: http://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: openbabel
-Suggests: balbes
-Homepage: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~fei/balbes
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: need ccp4
-Suggests: best
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: bioxhit
-Homepage: http://www.bioxhit.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: biox-xds
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bobscript
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bp3_old
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: old means useless ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: c3d
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: file format ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cath
-Homepage: http://www.cathdb.info
-Comment: used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: ccp4
-Homepage: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cctbx
-WNPP: 679905
-Homepage: http://cctbx.sourceforge.net
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Pkg-Description: CCTBX is a toolbox for developing crystallographic
- software. It provides fundamental and advanced methods and algorithms
- usefull in the scientific fields of crystallography[1], chemistry,
- physics and biology. It also provides Libraries for general
- scientific computing. The package is organized as a set of ISO C++
- classes with Python bindings.
-Suggests: chart
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chimera
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chooch
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: clustalw
-Suggests: cn2coot
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cns_refine
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: cns_solve
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: coot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crank
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crystfel
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: das
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dialboxlinuxdriverdialbox_to_remove
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: dino
-Suggests: dna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: domain-finder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dps2ar
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dviewer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dyndom3d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna2html
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: elves
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: epmr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: escet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: evrouter
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fobscom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: gramm
-Homepage: http://vakser.bioinformatics.ku.edu/main/resources_gramm.php
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: grasp
-Homepage: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software/GRASP.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ha_ncs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: harker
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hbplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hca
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hkl2map
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hyss
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: induced-rad-dam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ipymol
-Homepage: http://www.sbgrid.org/news/newsletters/2007/11
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ispyb-client
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: default-jdk
-Depends: jmol
-Suggests: labelit
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: laue
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: liged
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lscale
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: maid
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: main
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mar345
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: marutils
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mercury
-Homepage: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/free_services/mercury
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: mgltools-pmv
-Suggests: mlfsom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: molscriptmolscript-2.1.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: msi
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nuccyl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nucplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: onoono80ono90
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pgplot_5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser_sad
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phases
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pirate
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: plotmtv
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pointless
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: povray
-Suggest: powder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: promotif
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pxpy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: pymol
-Depends: python
-Suggests: raddose
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: rasmol
-Depends: raster3d
-Suggests: refmac
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: replace
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ribbons
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ringer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rmerge
-Comment: hugins-tools ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rosetta
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rtools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxsview
-Homepage: http://saxsview.sourceforge.net
-License: GPL3+
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scala_mpi
-Comment: scala packages ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scsh-0.5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shakerr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sharp
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shelx
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir2002
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snb2.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snow
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: solvesolve-2.08
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: stac-stac2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: strategy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: surfnet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tcltkblt
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: testcase
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: test_exec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: textal
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: theseus
-Suggests: tools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tops
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: usf
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: viewhkl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: wink
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-ds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-executor
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xiaxia2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xprep
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xrec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xtalview
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-X-End-Category: PXSoft
+Comment: binary-only
Modified: projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/tomography
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/tomography?rev=3515&op=diff
--- projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/tomography (original)
+++ projects/pan/trunk/debian-pan/tasks/tomography Thu Jul 19 19:33:57 2012
@@ -1,36 +1,7 @@
-Task: unsorted
-Description: PAN Debian all packages
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
- a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
- categories.
-X-Begin-Category: Synchrotron machine
-Suggests: spectra
-Homepage: http://radiant.harima.riken.go.jp/spectra/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: calculate optical properties of synchrotron radiation
- emitted from bending magnets, wigglers.
-Comment: http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Accelerator_Operations_Physics/software.shtml
-X-End-Category: Synchrotron machine
-X-Begin-Category: Data acquisition
-Depends: ghkl
-Suggests: lima
-Homepage: http://lima.blissgarden.org/index.html
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Library for Image Acquisition
-Suggests: opengda
-Homepage: http://www.opengda.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: tango-db, tango-starter, tango-accesscontrol
+Task: tomography
+Description: PAN Blend tomography
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend tomography packages.
+Comment: improve the Description
Suggests: tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/Ingvord/tomography-preexperiment-data-collector/wiki/Home
@@ -38,1113 +9,12 @@
Pkg-Description: gather all information from the user that can be
provided prior to the tomography experiment.
-X-End-Category: Data acquisition
-X-Begin-Category: Data Analysis
-Suggests: bsl
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/dms/small-angle/linux/bsl-tar/bsl.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: small angle scattering
-Comment: binary only
-Suggests: cdma
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/cdma/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Common Data Model API
-Suggests: comete
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/comete/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: widget toolkit
-Suggests: coot
-WNPP: 531904
-License: GPLv3 GPLv2+ LGPLv3
-Pkg-Description: Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit
-Suggests: cpl
-WNPP: 641628
-Homepage: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/cpl/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: ESO Common Pipeline Library
-Suggests: dawn
-Homepage: http://www.dawb.org/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acquisition and processing
-Suggests: diffraction-ring-profiler
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/diffraction-ring-profiler/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: A program for extracting electron diffraction ring pattern profiles
-Suggests: disp
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/disp/
-License: GPL2+
-Pkg-Description: Diffraction Image Statistics Package for R
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: http://www.edna-site.org
-License: GPL3+ LGPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Framework to build online data analysis programs
-Depends: python-fabio
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: http://www.esrf.eu/computing/scientific/FIT2D/
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: fitgisaxs
-Homepage: http://lmp.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=42
-License: ?
-Comment: IgorPro software
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: fityk
Suggests: freeart
Homepage: https://forge.epn-campus.eu/projects/freeart
License: LGPL
Pkg-Description: SART reconstruction algorithm
-Suggests: fullprof
-Homepage: http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof
-License: ?
-Comment: binary only
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: g3data
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: graphlab
-Homepage: http://graphlab.org/
-License: Apache License
-Pkg-Description: A New Parallel Framework for Machine Learning
-Depends: python-guidata
-Depends: python-guiqwt
-Suggests: gsas
-Homepage: ftp://ftp.ncnr.nist.gov/pub/cryst/gsas/LINUX_gsas+expgui.tar.gz
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: gumtree
-Homepage: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GUMTREE/Home
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: general purpose data acq and processing
-Suggests: hawk
-Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: diffraction pattern reconstruction
-Depends: ifeffit
-Depends: imagej
Suggests: imagej-pluggins-tomo
Homepage: https://www.cells.es/Members/cpascual/files/public/scisoft_files/imagej-tomo-plugins/at_download
License: ?
Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: isgisaxs
-Homepage: http://ln-www.insp.upmc.fr/axe4/Oxydes/IsGISAXS/isgisaxs.htm
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: gisaxs -- diffraction
-Suggests: jpowder
-Homepage: http://www.jpowder.org/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: Lightweight powder diffraction data visualizer
-Depends: kile
-Suggests: mantid
-Homepage: http://www.mantidproject.org/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: micromanager
-WNPP: 646853
-Homepage: http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/
-Suggests: mmdb
-WNPP: 679982
-Homepage: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/MMDB/mmdb.shtml
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmdb.git
-Pkg-Description: MMDB is designed to assist developers in working with macromolecular coordinate
- files. The library handles both PDB and mmCIF format files.
- .
- The Library also features an internal binary format, portable between different
- platforms. This is achieved at uniformity of the Library's interface functions,
- so that there is no difference in handling different formats.
- .
- MMDB provides various high-level tools for working with coordinate files,
- including reading and writing, orthogonal-fractional transforms, generation of
- symmetry mates, editing the molecular structure and more.
- .
- MMDB is previously written by Eugene Krissinel, and is distributed as a part of
- the CCP4 suite. This project maintains a current stand-alone version of the library.
-Suggests: mmtk
-WNPP: 642586
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/MMTK/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/mmtk.git
-Pkg-Description: The Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK) is an Open Source program library
- for molecular simulation applications.
- In addition to providing ready-to-use implementations of standard
- algorithms, MMTK serves as a code basis that can be easily extended and
- modified to deal with standard and non-standard problems in molecular
- simulations.
- MMTK is a package consisting of various modules, most of them written in
- Python, and some in C.
-Suggests: nmoldyn
-Homepage: http://dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr/plone/software/nmoldyn/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/nmoldyn.git
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: libnexus0, libnexus0-java, libnexus0-python, nexus-tools
-Depends: ngraph-gtk
-Depends: objcryst-fox
-Depends: octave
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: http://phenix-online.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: automated determination of macromolecular structures
-Depends: pyfai
-Depends: pymca
-Suggests: pynx
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/pynx/index.php?title=Main_Page
-License: CeCILL-B
-Pkg-Description: Python tools for Nano-structures Crystallography
-Suggests: prestopronto
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/prestopronto
-Pkg-Description: Software for analysis of Quick Exafs data
-Depends: qtiplot
-Depends: qtoctave
-Suggests: sastbx
-Homepage: http://sastbx.als.lbl.gov/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: Small angle scattering
-Depends: scilab
-Depends: sixpack
-Depends: spd
-Depends: spyder
-Suggests: thredds
-WNPP: 650261
-Homepage: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/tds/
-License: MIT
-Pkg-Description: The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that
- provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using
- OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access
- protocols.
-Suggests: threeb
-Homepage: http://www.coxphysics.com/3b
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: 3B Microscopy Analysis Software. Bayesian analysis of
- blinking and bleaching, or 3B microscopy, is a method which analyses
- data in which many overlapping fluorophores undergo bleaching and
- blinking events, giving the structure at enhanced resolution. By
- using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), it allows useful information to be
- obtained from data that would be impossible to analyse with standard
- localisation analysis techniques.
-Depends: vistrails
-Suggests: xrdua
-Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xrdua/
-License: GPL3+
-Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
-Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Depends: libxy-bin
-Depends: xmaxima
-Suggests: xotoko
-Homepage: http://www.small-angle.ac.uk/small-angle/Software/XOTOKO.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: XOTOKO is a 1-D interactive data manipulation package
- for (X,Y) data. The program is has a w ide range of applications even
- if some of the instructions and options are specific to X-ray
- applications. OTOKO was originally developed in Hamburg in the 70's
- by P.Bendall, M.Koch and J.Bordas. The program was transferred to
- Daresbury in the mid 80's where it was restructured and enhanced by
- J.Bordas and G.Mant. The program is now available for all major
- hardware platforms (Sun, HP, DEC, SG, PC Linux) in two varieties
- otoko and xotoko. The former runs on character based terminals and
- the latter on X windows based workstations. A PC based version is
- also available from M.Koch (Hamburg). This manual is based on
- contributions from the original authors and R.Rule (ICI, Runcorn).
-Comment: binary-only
-X-End-Category: Data Analysis
-X-Begin-Category: PXSoft
-Comment: PXSoft from ESRF: mainly non-free software, non
- redistributable code for protein crystallography. Here the url to the
- pxsoft at the esrf
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/Software/PXSOFT/
- list of all availables package in the pxsoft directory, which one
- need to be packaged and wich one did not ? Is it possible for the
- esrf to tell which of thoses software are required ?, maybe there is
- very old obsolete soft.
-Suggests: 3dna
-Homepage: http://x3dna.org/
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: 3DNA is a versatile, integrated software system for
- the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of three-dimensional
- nucleic-acid-containing structures. The software is applicable not
- only to DNA (as the name 3DNA may imply), but also to complicated RNA
- structures and DNA-protein complexes. In 3DNA, structural analysis
- and model rebuilding are two sides of the same coin: the description
- of structure is rigorous and reversible, thus allowing for its exact
- reconstruction based on the derived parameters. 3DNA automatically
- detects all non-cannonical base pairs, base triplets and higher-order
- associations, and coaxially stacked helices; provides a comprehensive
- collection of fiber models of regular DNA and RNA helices; generates
- highly effective schematic presentations that reveal key features of
- nucleic-acid structures; performs undisturbed base mutations, and
- have facilities for the analysis of molecular dynamics simulation
- trajectories.
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: adxv
-Homepage: http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv.html
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: The principal application of adxv is to display
- protein crystallography X-Ray diffraction data. The data may be
- displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel
- values. Data may be saved as either tiff or postscript files. Adxv
- will display data from most current detectors:
- .
- * ADSC ccd
- * Mar ccd
- * Mar image plate (old and new format)
- * Raxis II & IV
- * Fuji image plate
- * Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF)
- * XDS .pck files
- * European Data Format (EDF)
- * Raw binary 8, 16, 32 & 64 bit integer data
-Comment: binary-only
-Suggests: aimless
-Homepage: http://www.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/harry/pre/aimless.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: This program scales together multiple observations of
- reflections, and merges multiple observations into an average
- intensity: it is a successor program to SCALA
- .
- Various scaling
- models can be used. The scale factor is a function of the primary
- beam direction, either as a smooth function of Phi (the rotation
- angle ROT), or expressed as BATCH (image) number (deprecated). In
- addition, the scale may be a function of the secondary beam
- direction, acting principally as an absorption correction expanded as
- spherical harmonics. The secondary beam correction is related to the
- absorption anisotropy correction described by Blessing (Ref Blessing
- (1995) ).
- .
- The merging algorithm analyses the data for outliers, and gives
- detailed analyses. It generates a weighted mean of the observations
- of the same reflection, after rejecting the outliers.
- .
- The program does several passes through the data:
- .
- * initial estimate of the scales
- * first round scale refinement, using strong data using an I/sigma(I) cutoff
- * first round of outlier rejection
- * if both summation and profile-fitted intensity estimates are
- present (from Mosflm), then the cross-over point is determined
- between using profile-fitted for weak data and summation for
- strong data.
- * first analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final round scale refinement, using strong data within limits on the normalised intensity |E|^2
- * final analysis pass to refine the "corrections" to the standard deviation estimates
- * final outlier rejections
- * a final pass to apply scales, analyse agreement & write the output
- file, usually with merged intensities, but alternatively as file
- with scaled but unmerged observations, with partials summed and
- outliers rejected, for each dataset
- .
- Anomalous scattering is ignored during the scale determination (I+ &
- I- observations are treated together), but the merged file always
- contains I+ & I-, even if the ANOMALOUS OFF command is
- used. Switching ANOMALOUS ON does affect the statistics and the
- outlier rejection (qv)
-Suggests: albula
-Homepage: http://www.dectris.ch/software_albula.html
-Pkg-Description: Dectris diffraction image viewer and analysis tool
-Depends: apbs
-Suggests: aplx
-Homepage: http://www.microapl.co.uk/apl
-License: non-free
-Comment: non-free APL language is it really usefull ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: atsas
-Homepage: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/software.html
-License: ?
-Comment: which part of the suite is used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: autodock
-Suggests: autoproc
-Homepage: http://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc
-License: non-free
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: openbabel
-Suggests: balbes
-Homepage: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~fei/balbes
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: need ccp4
-Suggests: best
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: bioxhit
-Homepage: http://www.bioxhit.org
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: biox-xds
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bobscript
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: bp3_old
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: old means useless ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: c3d
-Homepage: ?
-Comment: file format ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cath
-Homepage: http://www.cathdb.info
-Comment: used ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: ccp4
-Homepage: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cctbx
-WNPP: 679905
-Homepage: http://cctbx.sourceforge.net
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/cctbx.git
-Pkg-Description: CCTBX is a toolbox for developing crystallographic
- software. It provides fundamental and advanced methods and algorithms
- usefull in the scientific fields of crystallography[1], chemistry,
- physics and biology. It also provides Libraries for general
- scientific computing. The package is organized as a set of ISO C++
- classes with Python bindings.
-Suggests: chart
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chimera
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: chooch
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Depends: clustalw
-Suggests: cn2coot
-Homepage: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Suggests: cns_refine
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: cns_solve
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: coot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crank
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: crystfel
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: das
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dialboxlinuxdriverdialbox_to_remove
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: dino
-Suggests: dna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: domain-finder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dps2ar
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dviewer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: dyndom3d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: edna2html
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: elves
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: epmr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: escet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: evrouter
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fit2d
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: fobscom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: gnuplot
-Suggests: gramm
-Homepage: http://vakser.bioinformatics.ku.edu/main/resources_gramm.php
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: grasp
-Homepage: http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software/GRASP.html
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ha_ncs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: harker
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hbplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hca
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hkl2map
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: hyss
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: imagej
-Suggests: imosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: induced-rad-dam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ipymol
-Homepage: http://www.sbgrid.org/news/newsletters/2007/11
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ispyb-client
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: default-jdk
-Depends: jmol
-Suggests: labelit
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lam
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: laue
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: liged
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ligplus
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: lscale
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: maid
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: main
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mar345
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: marutils
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mercury
-Homepage: http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/free_services/mercury
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: mgltools-pmv
-Suggests: mlfsom
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: molscriptmolscript-2.1.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: mosflm
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: msi
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nuccyl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: nucplot
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: onoono80ono90
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pgplot_5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phaser_sad
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phases
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: phenix
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pirate
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: plotmtv
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pointless
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: povray
-Suggest: powder
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: promotif
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: pxpy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: pymol
-Depends: python
-Suggests: raddose
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: rasmol
-Depends: raster3d
-Suggests: refmac
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: replace
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ribbons
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: ringer
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rmerge
-Comment: hugins-tools ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rosetta
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: rtools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxs
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: saxsview
-Homepage: http://saxsview.sourceforge.net
-License: GPL3+
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scala_mpi
-Comment: scala packages ?
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: scsh-0.5.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shakerr
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sharp
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: shelx
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: sir2002
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snb2.2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: snow
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: solvesolve-2.08
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: stac-stac2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: strategy
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: surfnet
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tcltkblt
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: testcase
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: test_exec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: textal
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Depends: theseus
-Suggests: tools
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: tops
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: usf
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: viewhkl
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: wink
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-ds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: workflow-executor
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xds
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xiaxia2
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xprep
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xrec
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-Suggests: xtalview
-Homepage: ?
-License: ?
-Pkg-Description: ?
-Comment: ?
-X-End-Category: PXSoft
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