[Blends-commit] [SCM] blends-gsoc branch, master, updated. c8d106d938d4904dce69502f706bdd288f4e4768

Emmanouil Kiagias e.kiagias at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 20:56:19 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7b6061910bb80069e92bee8fdc4f9dc6495bb598
Author: Emmanouil Kiagias <e.kiagias at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 15 19:46:44 2013 +0200

    blends-dev now generates changelog and taskdesc files (without the .new ending in the name), todo: properly collect the missing packages

diff --git a/devtools/Makefile b/devtools/Makefile
index c6319cf..fd7c039 100755
--- a/devtools/Makefile
+++ b/devtools/Makefile
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ changelogentry: debian/changelog statusdump
 	(sed $(LINESTART)q debian/changelog; echo;\
 	 $(TASKSDIFF) --compare $(CURRENTPARH)/dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json,$(CURRENTPARH)/dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json | sed 's/^/  /'; \
-	 echo; sed -n '$(LINEEND),$$p' debian/changelog; ) > debian/changelog.new
+	 echo; sed -n '$(LINEEND),$$p' debian/changelog; ) > debian/changelog.new && mv debian/changelog.new debian/changelog
 ##FIXME comment out for the moment
 #packages.txt: tasks/*
diff --git a/devtools/blend-gen-control b/devtools/blend-gen-control
index d5ce771..459f6ee 100755
--- a/devtools/blend-gen-control
+++ b/devtools/blend-gen-control
@@ -461,18 +461,19 @@ class UDD_connector:
             if dependency == 'i':
-                missing.append(package)
+                #missing.append(package)
                 increase_packages = False
             if dependency == 'a':
                 increase_packages = False
+            #TODO check again which packages should be kept
             #not sure if i should add these packages into the missing
-            if not distribution == 'debian' or not component == 'main' or not exist_in_archs:
-                missing.append(package)
-            else:
-                available.append(package)
+            #if not distribution == 'debian' or not component == 'main' or not exist_in_archs:
+            #    missing.append(package)
+            #else:
+            #    available.append(package)
             if increase_packages:
                blend_dependencies[task]["haspackages"] += 1 
diff --git a/devtools/rules b/devtools/rules
index b8cb421..34e5f13 100755
--- a/devtools/rules
+++ b/devtools/rules
@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@
 BLENDNAME   := $(shell /usr/share/blends-dev/blend-get-names blendname)
 PREFIX      := $(shell /usr/share/blends-dev/blend-get-names metapackageprefix)
-##FIXME custom path for local testing
 BLENDMKFILE :=/usr/share/blends-dev/Makefile
 BLEND_INSTALL_HELPER := /usr/share/blends-dev/blend-install-helper
 TARGET_DIST := $(shell head -1 debian/changelog |awk '{print $$3}'|tr -d ';')
 BLEND       := $(shell /usr/share/blends-dev/blend-get-names blendname)
-##FIXME custom path for local testing
 GENCONTROL  := /usr/share/blends-dev/blend-gen-control
 VERSION     := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -ldebian/changelog | grep Version: | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d- )
@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ $(BLEND)-tasks.desc:
 	$(MAKE) -f $(BLENDMKFILE) $(BLEND)-tasks.desc && \
 	sed "s/.*\(\[\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)\]\|\[\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) .*\| .*\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) .*\| .*\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)\]\) |//;s/|.*//" $(BLEND)-tasks.desc.template | \
 	grep -vE "\[\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)\]|\[\!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) | \!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH) | \!$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)\]" | \
-	sed 's/\[.*\]//' > $(BLEND)-tasks.desc.$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)
+	sed 's/\[.*\]//' > $(BLEND)-tasks.desc
 	$(MAKE) -f $(BLENDMKFILE) statusdump
diff --git a/devtools/sec-blend-gen-control b/devtools/sec-blend-gen-control
index b3d6123..f2e5978 100755
--- a/devtools/sec-blend-gen-control
+++ b/devtools/sec-blend-gen-control
@@ -405,11 +405,12 @@ class UDD_connector:
                 increase_packages = False
+            #TODO check which packages should be kept
             #not sure if i should add these packages into the missing
-            if not distribution == 'debian' or not component == 'main' or not exist_in_archs:
-                missing.append(package)
-            else:
-                available.append(package)
+            #if not distribution == 'debian' or not component == 'main' or not exist_in_archs:
+            #    missing.append(package)
+            #else:
+            #    available.append(package)
             if increase_packages:
                blend_dependencies[task]["haspackages"] += 1 
@@ -458,8 +459,8 @@ class UDD_connector:
                             blend_dependencies[task]["Suggests"].append(' | '.join(single_alt_missing))
                     #TODO check again which packages should go into the missing and which should go into available
-                    if single_alt_missing:
-                        missing += single_alt_missing
+                    #if single_alt_missing:
+                    #   missing += single_alt_missing
                     if single_alt_exist_temp:
                         available += single_alt_exist_temp

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