[Blends-commit] [SCM] pan branch, master, updated. 42b1cfca255b7f5694e3d152bdb2eb3fd0a08721

Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel picca at debian.org
Thu Aug 22 08:01:18 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 42b1cfca255b7f5694e3d152bdb2eb3fd0a08721
Author: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 22 09:53:25 2013 +0200

    update the control file to reflect the current task

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 22f8c42..37795bd 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -27,82 +27,294 @@ Description: PAN Blend config package
  This package provides the basic infrastructure of all pan-* packages and is
  needed by them.
- These are the science related metapackages in the Debian Science project:
+ These are the pan related metapackages in the PAN Blend project:
-  * pan-soemthing           do something # FIXME
+  * pan-something           do something # FIXME
-Package: pan-dataacquisition
+Package: pan-coherent-diffraction
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: engauge-digitizer, g3data, ghkl, jaaa, libfreenect-dev, netcdf-bin
-Suggests: comedi-source, epics, gnudatalanguage, gpsd, hart, ktimetrace, libgpib-bin, linux-image-2.6-rt, mx-dataacquisition, narval-utils, opendap, plot-digitizer, python-pytango, python-sardana, python-taurus, python-visa, qtdmm, rt-tests, rtai, tango-accesscontrol, tango-db, tango-starter, xenomai-runtime
-Description: PAN Debian data acquisition packages
- This metapackage will install PAN Blend packages related to data
- acquisition.
+Suggests: hawk,
+ pynx
+Description: coherent diffraction software
+ This metapackage will install PAN Blend coherent diffraction packages.
-Package: pan-dataacquisition-dev
+Package: pan-control-systems
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: liblog4tango4-dev, libtango7-dev
-Suggests: libnarval1-dev
-Description: PAN Blend data acquisition development packages
- This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which are helpful
- to develop applications related to data  acquisition.
+Recommends: ghkl,
+ python-pytango,
+ python-taurus,
+ tango-accesscontrol,
+ tango-db,
+ tango-starter
+Suggests: lima,
+ micromanager,
+ opengda,
+ tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
+Description: PAN Blend constrol systems
+ This metapackage will install constrol-system used on PAN facilities.
-Package: pan-nanoscale-physics
+Package: pan-control-systems-dev
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: abinit, avogadro, axiom, cadabra, cp2k, drawxtl, etsf-io, extrema, feynmf, fityk, garlic, gdis, ggobi, ghemical, gnuplot, gperiodic, grace, graphviz, gsl-bin, gwyddion, libblacs-mpi1, libblas3gf, libfftw3-3, libgsl0ldbl, liblapack3gf, libopenmpi1.3 | libmpich1.0gf, libscalapack-mpi1, maxima, mayavi2, mpqc, nco, ncview, netcdf-bin, netcdf-doc, openmpi-bin | mpich2 | mpich-bin, openmpi-doc | mpich2-doc | mpi-doc, openmx, psi3, pymca, python-ase, python-scientific, python-scipy, python-scitools, python-sympy, pyxplot, qtoctave, quantum-espresso, science-numericalcomputation, udav, v-sim
-Suggests: ape, atompaw, bigdft, dx, dx-doc, espresso++, exciting, gmsh, gpaw, gpiv, gpivtools, horae, ifeffit, libmpich2-1.2, life-apps, octaviz, octopus, python-elemental, qtiplot, scidavis, science-mathematics, science-statistics, scilab-sivp, sixpack, wannier90
-Description: PAN Blends nanoscale physics packages
- This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to
- Nanoscale Physics, which corresponds to the study of physical systems
- typically ranging from 1 to 100 nm in size. The properties of such
- systems usually depend on the number of atoms they are made of, while
- this number is still relatively large for an accurate description.
- .
- The nanoscale is the meeting point of classical and quantum physics.
- Previous research efforts were considering either smaller systems, for
- which everybody could develop their own methods and software
- independently, or much bigger systems, for which it was clearly
- impossible to provide a fine-grained description. Addressing the issues
- raised by the nanoscale requires however cooperative and coordinated
- efforts in a multidisciplinary context. This metapackage is part of
- such an endeavor.
- .
- You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
- your focus, in the physics and education-physics metapackages.
+Recommends: libhkl-dev,
+ libtango8-dev,
+ python-pytango,
+ python-taurus
+Description: PAN Blend constrol systems developpement This metapackage
+ will install developpement files used when you develop a control
+ system.
-Package: pan-nanoscale-physics-dev
+Package: pan-data-reduction-frameworks
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: abinit-doc, gsl-bin, libblacs-mpi-dev, libblas-dev, libblas-doc, libetsf-io-dev, libetsf-io-doc, libfftw3-dev, libfftw3-doc, libgsl0-dev, liblapack-dev, liblapack-doc, libnetcdf-dev, libopencascade-dev, libscalapack-mpi-dev, netcdf-doc, root-system, scalapack-doc, science-mathematics-dev
-Suggests: gsl-doc-info, gsl-doc-pdf, gsl-ref-html, gsl-ref-psdoc, libfox95, liblife-dev, libnbc, libpspio, libtrilinos-dev, libtrilinos-doc, libxc, libxc-dev, opencascade-draw, python-netcdf, spglib, wannier90-dev
-Description: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics development packages
- This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be
- helpful for the development of applications for Nanoscale Physics.
- .
- You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending
- on your focus, in the nanoscale-physics, physics and education-physics
- metapackages.
+Recommends: fityk,
+ gnuplot,
+ imagej,
+ libxy-bin,
+ ngraph-gtk,
+ octave,
+ pymca,
+ qtiplot,
+ qtoctave,
+ scilab,
+ spyder,
+ vistrails,
+ xmaxima
+Suggests: dawn,
+ disp,
+ edna,
+ graphlab,
+ gumtree,
+ mantid,
+ thredds
+Description: Data reduction frameworks
+ This metapackage will install framework dedicated to the data reduction
+Package: pan-data-reduction-frameworks-dev
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: libnexus0,
+ libnexus0-java,
+ nexus-tools,
+ python-fabio,
+ python-guidata,
+ python-guiqwt
+Suggests: cdma,
+ comete,
+ libnexus0-python
+Description: PAN Debian data reduction framework dev
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
+ a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
+ categories.
+Package: pan-gid
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Suggests: fitgisaxs,
+ gsas,
+ isgisaxs
+Description: Grazing incidence X-ray and neutron diffraction
+ This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS softwares 
+Package: pan-microscopy
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: gwyddion
+Suggests: threeb
+Description: microscopy IR
+ This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares.
+Package: pan-mx
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: apbs,
+ autodock,
+ clustalw,
+ default-jdk,
+ dino,
+ gnuplot,
+ imagej,
+ jmol,
+ openbabel,
+ pymol,
+ python,
+ rasmol,
+ raster3d,
+ scsh,
+ theseus
+Suggests: 3dna,
+ adxv,
+ aimless,
+ albula,
+ aplx,
+ atsas,
+ autoproc,
+ balbes,
+ best,
+ biox-xds,
+ bioxhit,
+ bobscript,
+ bp3_old,
+ c3d,
+ cath,
+ ccp4,
+ cctbx,
+ chart,
+ chimera,
+ chooch,
+ cn2coot,
+ cns,
+ coot,
+ crank,
+ crystfel,
+ das,
+ dna,
+ domain-finder,
+ dps2ar,
+ dviewer,
+ dyndom3d,
+ edna,
+ elves,
+ epmr,
+ escet,
+ evrouter,
+ fit2d,
+ fobscom,
+ gramm,
+ grasp,
+ ha_ncs,
+ harker,
+ hbplus,
+ hca,
+ hkl2map,
+ hyss,
+ imosflm,
+ induced-rad-dam,
+ ipymol,
+ ispyb-client,
+ labelit,
+ lam,
+ laue,
+ liged,
+ ligplot,
+ ligplus,
+ lscale,
+ maid,
+ main,
+ mar345,
+ marutils,
+ mercury,
+ mgltools-pmv,
+ mlfsom,
+ mmdb,
+ molscriptmolscript-2.1.2,
+ mosflm,
+ msi,
+ nmoldyn,
+ nuccyl,
+ nucplot,
+ onoono80ono90,
+ pgplot_5.2,
+ phaser,
+ phaser_sad,
+ phases,
+ phenix,
+ pirate,
+ plotmtv,
+ pointless,
+ povray,
+ promotif,
+ pxpy,
+ raddose,
+ refmac,
+ replace,
+ ribbons,
+ ringer,
+ rmerge,
+ rosetta,
+ rtools,
+ saxs,
+ scala_mpi,
+ shakerr,
+ sharp,
+ shelx,
+ sir,
+ sir2002,
+ snb2.2,
+ snow,
+ solvesolve-2.08,
+ stac-stac2,
+ strategy,
+ surfnet,
+ tcltkblt,
+ test_exec,
+ testcase,
+ textal,
+ tools,
+ tops,
+ usf,
+ viewhkl,
+ wink,
+ workflow-ds,
+ workflow-executor,
+ xds,
+ xdsme,
+ xiaxia2,
+ xprep,
+ xrec,
+ xtalview
+Description: Macro Molecular diffraction
+ This metapackage will install all MX diffraction softwares.
+Package: pan-powder
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: fityk,
+ libxy-bin,
+ objcryst-fox,
+ pyfai,
+ spd
+Suggests: fullprof,
+ jpowder,
+ xrdua
+Description: powder diffraction
+ This metapackage will install all powder diffraction softwares.
+Package: pan-small-angle-scattering
+Architecture: all
+Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: fityk,
+ pyfai,
+ python-mmtk,
+ spd
+Suggests: bsl,
+ diffraction-ring-profiler,
+ sastbx,
+ saxsview
+Description: small angle scattering
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.
-Package: pan-physics
+Package: pan-tomography
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: abinit | mpqc | openmx | psi3, axiom, cadabra, cernlib, cp2k, drawxtl, etsf-io, feynmf, fityk, geant321, gerris, ghkl, gpiv, gpivtools, gwyddion, maxima, meshlab, opencascade-draw, opticalraytracer, paw, paw++, pymca, python-deap, python-sympy, quantum-espresso, root-system, science-electronics, science-numericalcomputation, tessa | tessa-mpi, v-sim
-Suggests: blzpack, clhep, espresso++, freefoam, gate, geant4, horae, ifeffit, jfreemesh, liblife-dev, life-apps, octaviz, openfoam, paw-demos, science-mathematics, science-statistics, scilab-sivp, sixpack, spis
-Description: Debian Science Physics packages
- This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Physics.
- You might also be interested in the debtag field::physics and, depending on
- your focus, in education-physics metapackage.
+Suggests: freeart,
+ imagej-pluggins-tomo,
+ rabbitct,
+ tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector
+Description: PAN Blend tomography
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend tomography packages.
-Package: pan-viewing
+Package: pan-xas
 Architecture: all
 Depends: pan-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), pan-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: 3depict, fityk, g3data, gle-graphics, gmsh, gnudatalanguage, gnuplot, grace, graphviz, gri, gwyddion, ifrit, imview, kst, lybniz, mathgl, mayavi2, paraview, pdl, plotdrop, python-guiqwt, python-scientific, python-viper, pyxplot, qtiplot, udav, vistrails, yorick
-Suggests: cassandra, circos, findimagedupes, grits, jeuclid-mathviewer, labplot, libgtkmathview-bin, libpuzzle-bin, med-imaging, pgfplots, pgplot5, python-matplotlib, python-scitools, r-cran-aplpack, r-cran-colorspace, r-cran-plotrix, texlive-pictures, visit
-Description: Debian Science data visualisation packages
- This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to data
- visualization. You might also be interested in the use::viewing
- debtag.
+Recommends: pymca
+Suggests: horae,
+ ifeffit,
+ prestopronto,
+ python-ifeffit,
+ sixpack
+Description: EXAFS and XANES
+ This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES softwares.

Debian Pan

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