[Blends-commit] [SCM] blends-gsoc branch, master, updated. 4204c1d748b311bad412330060d617d49e5557f9

Emmanouil Kiagias e.kiagias at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 17:02:58 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4204c1d748b311bad412330060d617d49e5557f9
Author: Emmanouil Kiagias <e.kiagias at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 7 19:02:42 2013 +0200

    Changed a little blend-gen-control, implemented a new sec-blend-gen-control which only uses blends_dependencies_alternatives table(for handling all the packages(alternatives or not)), to make testing easier sec-blend-gen-control stores the generated files into: control-sec,taskdesc-sec

diff --git a/blend-gen-control b/blend-gen-control
index c7b7a9b..a7b7d8a 100755
--- a/blend-gen-control
+++ b/blend-gen-control
@@ -196,9 +196,7 @@ class UDD_connector:
         row = self.cursor.fetchone()
         while not row is None:
-            task = row[0]
-            dependency = row[1]
-            alternatives = row[2]
+            task, dependency, alternatives = row
             if not task in blend_alternatives:
                 blend_alternatives[task] = {}
@@ -264,6 +262,7 @@ class UDD_connector:
         release = kwargs["release"]
         architecture = kwargs["architecture"]
         nodepends = kwargs["nodepends"]
+        taskdescription = kwargs['taskdescription']
         #initialize the tasks' info before getting the dependencies for the tasks
         blend_dependencies = self.__get_tasks_info(blend = blend, release = release, tasksprefix = kwargs["tasksprefix"])
@@ -272,10 +271,10 @@ class UDD_connector:
         excluded = []
         query = """
-            SELECT b.task, b.package, b.dependency, b.distribution, pkg.component, pkg.architecture
+            SELECT b.task, b.package, b.dependency, b.distribution, b.component, pkg.architecture
               FROM blends_dependencies b LEFT OUTER JOIN ( 
-                 SELECT p.package, p.distribution, p.component, p.architecture 
-                   FROM all_packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
+                 SELECT p.package, p.architecture 
+                   FROM packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
                    WHERE r.role='{1}' and architecture in ('{2}', 'all' )) pkg ON b.package = pkg.package
               WHERE b.blend='{0}'
               ORDER BY b.task
@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ class UDD_connector:
             task, package, dependency, distribution, component, arch = row
             #TODO check again if: if else is with proper syntax
-            if nodepends:
+            if nodepends or taskdescription:
                 #in this case all the Depends go to Recommends and the recommend packages
                 #follow the same rules as the depends packages
                 #dependency 'd'== depends and 'r' == recommends
@@ -335,28 +334,30 @@ class UDD_connector:
         #once we have all the dependencies we will get the alternatives
         blend_alternatives = self.__get_blend_alternatives(blend = blend)
-        #and now we will resolve the alternatives in the single dependencies for each header
-        for task in blend_dependencies:
-            if not task in blend_alternatives:
-                continue
-            self.logger.debug("PRINT ALTERNATIVES")
-            if nodepends:
-                temp_depends = blend_alternatives[task]["Depends"]
-                temp_recommends = blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"]
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"] = temp_depends + temp_recommends
-            for header in [ "Depends", "Recommends", "Suggests", "Ignores", "Avoid" ]:
-                if blend_alternatives[task][header]:
-                    package_list = blend_dependencies[task][header]
-                    alternatives = blend_alternatives[task][header]
-                    #change previous package list with the alternatives resolved package list
-                    blend_dependencies[task][header] = self.__resolve_alternatives(package_list, alternatives)
+        if blend_alternatives:
+            #and now we will resolve the alternatives in the single dependencies for each header
+            for task in blend_dependencies:
+                if not task in blend_alternatives:
+                    continue
-        #self.logger.debug("RESOLVED SINGLE LIST")
-        #self.logger.debug(pprint.pformat(blend_dependencies))
+                if nodepends or taskdescription:
+                    temp_depends = blend_alternatives[task]["Depends"]
+                    temp_recommends = blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"]
+                    blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"] = temp_depends + temp_recommends
+                for header in [ "Depends", "Recommends", "Suggests", "Ignores", "Avoid" ]:
+                    if blend_alternatives[task][header]:
+                        package_list = blend_dependencies[task][header]
+                        alternatives = blend_alternatives[task][header]
+                        if header == 'Suggests':
+                            if nodepends or taskdescription:
+                                alternatives += blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"]
+                            else:
+                                alternatives += blend_alternatives[task]["Depends"]
+                        #change previous package list with the alternatives resolved package list
+                        blend_dependencies[task][header] = self.__resolve_alternatives(package_list, alternatives)
         #return the depenencies with the corrensponding architecture
         return ({ "architecture" : architecture, "tasks" : blend_dependencies }, { "available" : available, "architecture" : architecture},
@@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ def main():
         for arch in architectures:
             #get all the blends dependencies etc
             blend_dependencies, available, missing, excluded = myudd.get_blend_dependecies(blend = blend_info["blend"], release = release, 
-                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = nodepends)
+                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = nodepends, taskdescription = False)
             gen_control(blend_info = blend_info, blend_dependencies = blend_dependencies,
                 suppressempty = suppressempty, nodepends = nodepends, hasconfig = hasconfig)
@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ def main():
             #we reuse the same code as above here BUT we need the blend_dependencies here without nodepends so we make sure we call it
             #with nodepends = False no matter the command line argument, no need to descrease depends to recommends in any way for task description
             blend_dependencies, available, missing, excluded = myudd.get_blend_dependecies(blend = blend_info["blend"], release = release, 
-                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = False)
+                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = False, taskdescription = True)
             gen_task_desc(blend_info = blend_info, blend_dependencies = blend_dependencies,
                 suppressempty = suppressempty)
diff --git a/control/readme b/control-sec/readme
similarity index 57%
copy from control/readme
copy to control-sec/readme
index c184899..15a7fb1 100644
--- a/control/readme
+++ b/control-sec/readme
@@ -1 +1 @@
-this is just for local testing, here are stored the produced control files for the moment
+this is just for local testing, here are stored the produced control files of the sec-blend-gen-control script
diff --git a/blend-gen-control b/sec-blend-gen-control
similarity index 79%
copy from blend-gen-control
copy to sec-blend-gen-control
index c7b7a9b..eafa783 100755
--- a/blend-gen-control
+++ b/sec-blend-gen-control
@@ -175,84 +175,6 @@ class UDD_connector:
         return blends_dependencies
-    #TODO, this method will be used to implement my idea about blend_dependencies
-    def __get_blend_alternatives(self, **kwargs):
-        """
-        It returns a dictionary containing the alternatives packages per task of a Blend
-        """
-        self.logger.debug("get_blend_alternatives function was called")
-        blendname = kwargs['blend'] 
-        blend_alternatives = {}
-        query="""
-            SELECT  task, dependency, alternatives FROM blends_dependencies_alternatives
-              WHERE blend='{0}' and alternatives like '%|%'
-            """.format(blendname)
-        self.__execute_query(query)
-        #indexes of row: task(0), alternatives(1), dependency(2)
-        row = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        while not row is None:
-            task = row[0]
-            dependency = row[1]
-            alternatives = row[2]
-            if not task in blend_alternatives:
-                blend_alternatives[task] = {}
-                for header in [ "Depends", "Suggests", "Recommends", "Avoid", "Ignores"]:
-                    blend_alternatives[task][header] = []
-            if dependency == 'd':
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Depends"].append(alternatives)
-            if dependency == 'r':
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"].append(alternatives)
-            if dependency == 'i':
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Ignores"].append(alternatives)
-            if dependency == 's':
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Suggests"].append(alternatives)
-            if dependency == 'a':
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Avoid"].append(alternatives)
-            row = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        #TODO, comment out this debug message
-        self.logger.debug("Dumping out  the collected alternatives")
-        self.logger.debug(blend_alternatives)
-        return blend_alternatives
-    def __resolve_alternatives(self, package_list, alternatives):
-        """
-        This method will convert single packages according to the alternatives.
-        For example the following lists: package_list = [ 'k3b', 'brasero' ,  'k3b-i18n'] 
-        and alternatives = [ 'k3b | brasero' ,  'k3b-i18n | brasero' ], and return this ['k3b | brasero', 'k3b-i18n | brasero']
-        """
-        seen = []
-        resolved_list = []
-        for alter in alternatives:
-            #strip the spaces from the beginning and the end of the str packages
-            temp_alters = [ al.strip() for al in alter.split('|') ]
-            alt_exists = []
-            for alt in temp_alters:
-                if alt in package_list:
-                    seen.append(alt)
-                    alt_exists.append(alt)
-            if alt_exists:
-                resolved_list.append(' | '.join(alt_exists))
-        for package in package_list:
-            if not package in seen:
-                resolved_list.append(package)
-        return resolved_list
     def get_blend_dependecies(self, **kwargs):
         Using the given arguments queries UDD and returns a dictionary containing
@@ -264,19 +186,22 @@ class UDD_connector:
         release = kwargs["release"]
         architecture = kwargs["architecture"]
         nodepends = kwargs["nodepends"]
+        taskdescription = kwargs['taskdescription']
         #initialize the tasks' info before getting the dependencies for the tasks
         blend_dependencies = self.__get_tasks_info(blend = blend, release = release, tasksprefix = kwargs["tasksprefix"])
+        blend_alternatives = {}
+        single_alternatives_list = []
         available = []
         missing = []
         excluded = []
         query = """
-            SELECT b.task, b.package, b.dependency, b.distribution, pkg.component, pkg.architecture
-              FROM blends_dependencies b LEFT OUTER JOIN ( 
-                 SELECT p.package, p.distribution, p.component, p.architecture 
-                   FROM all_packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
-                   WHERE r.role='{1}' and architecture in ('{2}', 'all' )) pkg ON b.package = pkg.package
+            SELECT b.task, b.alternatives, b.dependency, b.distribution, b.component, pkg.architecture
+              FROM blends_dependencies_alternatives b LEFT OUTER JOIN ( 
+                 SELECT p.package, p.architecture 
+                   FROM packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
+                   WHERE r.role='{1}' and architecture in ('{2}', 'all' )) pkg ON b.alternatives = pkg.package
               WHERE b.blend='{0}'
               ORDER BY b.task
         """.format(blend, release, architecture)
@@ -291,8 +216,22 @@ class UDD_connector:
             #task, package, dependency, distribution, component, arch = (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5])
             task, package, dependency, distribution, component, arch = row
+            if '|' in package:
+                if not task in blend_alternatives:
+                    blend_alternatives[task] = []
+                alter_dict = { "alternatives" : package, "dependency" : dependency, 
+                                "distribution" : distribution, "component" : component }
+                blend_alternatives[task].append(alter_dict)
+                single_alternatives_list += [ myalt.strip() for myalt in package.split("|")]
+                row = self.cursor.fetchone()
+                continue
             #TODO check again if: if else is with proper syntax
-            if nodepends:
+            if nodepends or taskdescription:
                 #in this case all the Depends go to Recommends and the recommend packages
                 #follow the same rules as the depends packages
                 #dependency 'd'== depends and 'r' == recommends
@@ -332,31 +271,83 @@ class UDD_connector:
             row = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        #once we have all the dependencies we will get the alternatives
-        blend_alternatives = self.__get_blend_alternatives(blend = blend)
+        increase_packages = True
-        #and now we will resolve the alternatives in the single dependencies for each header
-        for task in blend_dependencies:
-            if not task in blend_alternatives:
-                continue
+        if single_alternatives_list:
+            #from now on we fix the alternatives
+            formatted_list = [  "'{0}'".format(mypkg) for mypkg in set(single_alternatives_list) ]
-            self.logger.debug("PRINT ALTERNATIVES")
+            query = """
+                SELECT p.package FROM packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release
+                WHERE p.package in ( {0} ) AND p.architecture in ('{1}', 'all' ) AND p.distribution='debian' 
+                 AND p.component='main' AND r.role='{2}'
+                """.format(','.join(formatted_list), architecture, release)
+            self.__execute_query(query)
-            if nodepends:
-                temp_depends = blend_alternatives[task]["Depends"]
-                temp_recommends = blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"]
-                blend_alternatives[task]["Recommends"] = temp_depends + temp_recommends
-            for header in [ "Depends", "Recommends", "Suggests", "Ignores", "Avoid" ]:
-                if blend_alternatives[task][header]:
-                    package_list = blend_dependencies[task][header]
-                    alternatives = blend_alternatives[task][header]
+            available_packages = []
-                    #change previous package list with the alternatives resolved package list
-                    blend_dependencies[task][header] = self.__resolve_alternatives(package_list, alternatives)
+            #row contain only package value in index 0
+            row = self.cursor.fetchone()
+            while not row is None:
+                available_packages.append(row[0])
+                row = self.cursor.fetchone()
+            for task in blend_alternatives:
+                alternatives_list = blend_alternatives[task]
+                for alternative in alternatives_list:
+                    single_alt_exist = []
+                    single_alt_missing = []
+                    distribution = alternative["distribution"]
+                    component = alternative["component"]
+                    dependency = alternative["dependency"]
+                    alt_list = [ alt.strip() for alt in alternative["alternatives"].split('|') ]
+                    for single_alt in alt_list:
+                        if single_alt in available_packages:
+                            single_alt_exist.append(single_alt)
+                        else:
+                            single_alt_missing.append(single_alt)
+                    if nodepends or taskdescription:
+                        #in this case all the Depends go to Recommends and the recommend packages
+                        #follow the same rules as the depends packages
+                        #dependency 'd'== depends and 'r' == recommends
+                        if dependency == 'd' or dependency == 'r':
+                            if single_alt_exist:
+                                blend_dependencies[task]["Recommends"].append(' | '.join(single_alt_exist))
+                            if single_alt_missing:
+                                blend_dependencies[task]["Suggests"].append(' | '.join(single_alt_missing))
+                    else:
+                        if dependency == 'd':
+                            if single_alt_exist:
+                                blend_dependencies[task]["Depends"].append(' | '.join(single_alt_exist))
+                            if single_alt_missing:
+                                blend_dependencies[task]["Suggests"].append(' | '.join(single_alt_missing))
+                        elif dependency == 'r':
+                            blend_dependencies[task]["Recommends"].append(alternative["alternatives"])
+                    if dependency == 's':
+                        blend_dependencies[task]["Suggests"].append(alternative["alternatives"])
+                    if dependency == 'i':
+                        blend_dependencies[task]["Ignores"].append(alternative["alternatives"])
+                        missing += alt_list
+                        increase_packages = False
+                    if dependency == 'a':
+                        blend_dependencies[task]["Avoid"].append(alternative["alternatives"])
+                        excluded += alt_list
+                        increase_packages = False
+                    #not sure if i should add these packages into the missing
+                    if single_alt_missing:
+                        missing+= single_alt_missing
+                    if single_alt_exist:
+                        available += single_alt_exist
+                    if increase_packages:
+                       blend_dependencies[task]["haspackages"] += 1 
-        #self.logger.debug("RESOLVED SINGLE LIST")
-        #self.logger.debug(pprint.pformat(blend_dependencies))
         #return the depenencies with the corrensponding architecture
         return ({ "architecture" : architecture, "tasks" : blend_dependencies }, { "available" : available, "architecture" : architecture},
@@ -380,7 +371,7 @@ def gen_control(**kwargs):
     blend_dependencies = kwargs["blend_dependencies"]["tasks"]
     #TODO this is used for testing for the moment, will be changed
-    control_path = "control/control.{0}".format(architecture)
+    control_path = "control-sec/control.{0}".format(architecture)
     logger.debug("Opening file {0} to write".format(control_path))
     with open(control_path,'w') as fout:
@@ -442,7 +433,7 @@ def gen_task_desc(**kwargs):
     #TODO this is used for testing for the moment, will be changed
-    task_desc_path = "taskdesc/{0}-tasks.desc.{1}".format(blend, architecture)
+    task_desc_path = "taskdesc-sec/{0}-tasks.desc.{1}".format(blend, architecture)
     logger.debug("Opening file {0} to write".format(task_desc_path))
     with open(task_desc_path,'w') as fout:
@@ -569,7 +560,7 @@ def main():
         for arch in architectures:
             #get all the blends dependencies etc
             blend_dependencies, available, missing, excluded = myudd.get_blend_dependecies(blend = blend_info["blend"], release = release, 
-                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = nodepends)
+                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = nodepends, taskdescription = False)
             gen_control(blend_info = blend_info, blend_dependencies = blend_dependencies,
                 suppressempty = suppressempty, nodepends = nodepends, hasconfig = hasconfig)
@@ -580,7 +571,7 @@ def main():
             #we reuse the same code as above here BUT we need the blend_dependencies here without nodepends so we make sure we call it
             #with nodepends = False no matter the command line argument, no need to descrease depends to recommends in any way for task description
             blend_dependencies, available, missing, excluded = myudd.get_blend_dependecies(blend = blend_info["blend"], release = release, 
-                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = False)
+                architecture = arch, tasksprefix = blend_info["tasksprefix"], nodepends = False, taskdescription = True)
             gen_task_desc(blend_info = blend_info, blend_dependencies = blend_dependencies,
                 suppressempty = suppressempty)
diff --git a/sql/blendsd b/sql/blendsd
index 6ffe697..834595a 100755
--- a/sql/blendsd
+++ b/sql/blendsd
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 #example of usage ./blendsd debian-med testing amd64
 psql udd << EOT
-SELECT b.blend, b.task, b.package, b.dependency, b.distribution, pkg.component, pkg.architecture
+SELECT b.blend, b.task, b.package, b.dependency, b.distribution, b.component, pkg.architecture
   FROM blends_dependencies b LEFT OUTER JOIN ( 
-     SELECT p.package, p.distribution, p.component, p.architecture 
-       FROM all_packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
+     SELECT p.package, p.architecture 
+       FROM packages p JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release 
        WHERE r.role='$2' and architecture in ('$3', 'all' )) pkg ON b.package = pkg.package
   WHERE b.blend='$1'
-ORDER BY b.package
+ORDER BY b.task
diff --git a/sql/get_alternatives b/sql/get_alternatives
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index ca8ef90..2b8a3ae
--- a/sql/get_alternatives
+++ b/sql/get_alternatives
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #this query will ne used to implement my idea, aftewards I will implement Andreas' idea.
 #relavant discussion: https://lists.debian.org/debian-blends/2013/07/msg00010.html
 psql udd << EOT
-SELECT  task, dependency, alternatives
+SELECT  task, dependency, alternatives, distribution, component
     FROM blends_dependencies_alternatives
   WHERE blend='$1' and alternatives like '%|%'
 ORDER BY task
diff --git a/taskdesc/readme b/taskdesc-sec/readme
similarity index 56%
copy from taskdesc/readme
copy to taskdesc-sec/readme
index 8519893..7ce0a8c 100644
--- a/taskdesc/readme
+++ b/taskdesc-sec/readme
@@ -1 +1 @@
-this directory is for local testing, here are stored the produced <blend>-task.desc files for the moment
+this directory is for local testing, here are stored the produced <blend>-task.desc of the sec-blend-gen-control

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