[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. 06364a5ad6fe357fc9f5ef7f9d33fea4b9d907ef

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Jul 17 19:12:15 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 06364a5ad6fe357fc9f5ef7f9d33fea4b9d907ef
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 17 21:06:50 2013 +0200

    Gather information for bugs web sentinel pages from UDD (needs stripping of code from thermometer that was used as example)

diff --git a/webtools/bugs_udd.py b/webtools/bugs_udd.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b47dfb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webtools/bugs_udd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright 2013: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+# License: GPL
+from sys import argv, stderr, exit
+import os
+import psycopg2
+import json
+import re
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.Utils import formatdate
+import gettext
+from genshi.template import TemplateLoader
+from genshi import Markup
+from genshi.template.eval import UndefinedError
+from blendsunicode   import to_unicode
+from blendstasktools import ReadConfig, RowDictionaries, CheckOrCreateOutputDir
+# Define several prepared statements to query UDD
+  conn = psycopg2.connect(host="localhost",port=PORT,user="guest",database="udd")
+except psycopg2.OperationalError, err:
+  try:
+    conn = psycopg2.connect(host="udd.debian.org",port=UDDPORT,user="guest",database="udd")
+  except psycopg2.OperationalError, err:
+    # logger not known at this state: logger.warning
+    print >>stderr, "PostgreSQL does not seem to run on port %i .. trying default port %i.\n\tMessage: %s" % (PORT, DEFAULTPORT, str(err))
+    try:
+        conn = psycopg2.connect(host="localhost",port=DEFAULTPORT,user="guest",database="udd")
+    except psycopg2.OperationalError:
+	# Hmmm, I observed a really strange behaviour on one of my machines where connecting to
+	# localhost does not work but works fine.  No idea why ... but this should
+	# do the trick for the moment
+	conn = psycopg2.connect(host="",port=DEFAULTPORT,user="guest",database="udd")
+curs = conn.cursor()
+# uddlog = open('logs/uddquery.log', 'w')
+def _execute_udd_query(query):
+    try:
+        curs.execute(query)
+    except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, err:
+        print >>stderr, "Problem with query\n%s" % (query)
+        print >>stderr, err
+        exit(-1)
+    except psycopg2.DataError, err:
+        print >>stderr, "%s; query was\n%s" % (err, query)
+def main():
+    if len(argv) <= 1:
+        print >>stderr, "Usage: %s <Blend name>" % argv[0]
+        exit(-1)
+    blendname = argv[1]
+    config = ReadConfig(blendname)
+    query = """PREPARE query_bug_packages (text) AS
+      SELECT distinct sources.source, tasks.tasks, CASE WHEN dependency = 'd' AND component = 'main' THEN 'depends' ELSE 'suggests' END AS status, homepage, vcs_browser, maintainer
+        FROM (
+          SELECT s.source, b.dependency, b.component, s.homepage, s.vcs_browser, s.maintainer, s.version, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY s.source ORDER BY s.version DESC)
+            FROM blends_dependencies b
+            JOIN packages p ON p.package = b.package
+            JOIN bugs bu    ON bu.source = p.source
+            JOIN sources s  ON s.source  = p.source
+            WHERE blend = $1 AND b.distribution = 'debian'
+            GROUP BY s.source, b.dependency, b.component, s.homepage, s.vcs_browser, s.maintainer, s.version
+        ) sources
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN (
+          SELECT source, array_agg(task) AS tasks FROM (
+            SELECT DISTINCT p.source, b.task
+              FROM packages p
+              JOIN releases r ON p.release = r.release
+              JOIN blends_dependencies b ON b.package = p.package
+              JOIN sources s ON p.source = s.source AND p.release = s.release
+              WHERE b.blend = $1
+          ) tmp
+          GROUP BY source
+        ) tasks ON sources.source = tasks.source
+        WHERE row_number = 1
+        ORDER BY source;
+    """
+    _execute_udd_query(query)
+    query = """PREPARE query_bugs (text) AS
+      SELECT distinct bu.source, bu.id, bu.title, bu.status, bu.done
+        FROM blends_dependencies b
+        JOIN packages p ON p.package = b.package
+        JOIN bugs bu    ON bu.source = p.source
+        WHERE blend = $1 AND b.distribution = 'debian'
+        ORDER BY source, id;
+    """
+    _execute_udd_query(query)
+    query = """PREPARE query_get_tasks (text) AS
+      SELECT task FROM blends_tasks WHERE blend = $1 ORDER BY task;
+    """
+    _execute_udd_query(query)
+    _execute_udd_query( "EXECUTE query_get_tasks('%s')" % blendname)
+    states = ('depends', 'suggests', 'done')
+    bugs_data = {}
+    if curs.rowcount > 0:
+        for task in curs.fetchall():
+            bugs_data[task[0]] = {}
+            for status in states:
+               bugs_data[task[0]][status + '_l']  = [] # enable sorting
+               bugs_data[task[0]][status]         = {}
+    else:
+        print >>stderr, "No tasks metadata received for Blend", blendname
+        exit(1)
+    _execute_udd_query( "EXECUTE query_bugs('%s')" % blendname)
+    bugs = {}
+    if curs.rowcount > 0:
+        for bug in RowDictionaries(curs):
+            if not bugs.has_key(bug['source']):
+                bugs[bug['source']] = {}
+                bugs[bug['source']]['open'] = []
+                bugs[bug['source']]['done'] = []
+            b = {}
+            for k in bug.keys():
+                if k in ('source', 'status') :
+                    continue
+                b[k] = bug[k]
+            if bug['status'] == 'done':
+                bugs[bug['source']]['done'].append(b)
+            else:
+                bugs[bug['source']]['open'].append(b)
+    else:
+        print >>stderr, "No bug data received for Blend", blendname
+        exit(1)
+    _execute_udd_query( "EXECUTE query_bug_packages('%s')" % blendname)
+    if curs.rowcount > 0:
+        for pkg in RowDictionaries(curs):
+            for task in pkg['tasks']:
+		if not bugs_data[task][pkg['status']].has_key(pkg['source']):
+                    bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']] = {}
+                bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']]['homepage']    = pkg['homepage']
+                bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']]['vcs_browser'] = pkg['vcs_browser']
+                bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']]['maintainer']  = pkg['maintainer']
+                if pkg['status'] == 'depends':
+                    bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']]['bugs']    = bugs[pkg['source']]['open']
+                    bugs_data[task][pkg['status']+'_l'].append(pkg['source'])
+                elif pkg['status'] == 'suggests':
+                    bugs_data[task][pkg['status']][pkg['source']]['bugs']    = bugs[pkg['source']]['open']
+                    bugs_data[task][pkg['status']+'_l'].append(pkg['source'])
+                else:
+                    print >>stderr, "%s: Wrong status %s in task %s for source %s" % (blendname, pkg['status'], task, pkg['source'])
+                    exit(1)
+                if bugs[pkg['source']]['done']:
+		    if not bugs_data[task]['done'].has_key(pkg['source']):
+                        bugs_data[task]['done'][pkg['source']] = {}
+                    bugs_data[task]['done'][pkg['source']]['bugs']           = bugs[pkg['source']]['done']
+                    bugs_data[task]['done_l'].append(pkg['source'])
+    else:
+        print >>stderr, "No information about buggy packages received for Blend", blendname
+        exit(1)
+    f = open(blendname+'_bugs.json', 'w')
+    for task in bugs_data:
+        print >>f, task
+        for status in states:
+            if bugs_data[task].has_key(status):
+                print >>f, status
+                print >>f, json.dumps(bugs_data[task][status])
+    f.close()
+    exit(1)
+    # Define directories used
+    current_dir  = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    # locale_dir   = os.path.join(current_dir, 'locale')
+    template_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'templates')
+    # initialize gensi
+    loader = TemplateLoader([template_dir], auto_reload=True)
+    outputdir = CheckOrCreateOutputDir(config['outputdir'],'thermometer')
+    if outputdir == None:
+            exit(-1)
+    t = datetime.now()
+    # Initialize i18n
+    domain = 'blends-webtools'
+    gettext.install(domain)
+    data={}
+    data['projectname'] = blendname
+    data['blend_data']  = blend_data
+    if config.has_key('advertising') and config['advertising'] != None:
+        # we have to remove the gettext _() call which was inserted into the config
+        # file to enable easy input for config file editors - but the call has to
+        # be made explicitely in the python code
+        advertising = re.sub('_\(\W(.+)\W\)', '\\1', config['advertising'])
+        # gettext needs to escape '"' thus we need to remove the escape character '\'
+        data['projectadvertising'] = Markup(to_unicode(re.sub('\\\\"', '"', advertising)))
+    else:
+        data['projectadvertising'] = None
+    legend = [
+               ['upToDate',        'Up to date'],
+               ['debianOutOfDate', 'Debian stable behind unstable'],
+               ['ubuntuOutOfDate', 'Ubuntu behind Debian unstable'],
+               ['unpackaged',      'Not packaged'],
+               ['obsolete',        'Obsolete'],
+               ['newer-in-debian', 'Upstream behind unstable'],
+               ['uptodate',        'Unstable fits upstream'],
+               ['outdated',        'Unstable behind upstream'],
+             ]
+    data['legend']     = legend
+    data['summary']           = to_unicode(_('Summary'))
+    data['idxsummary']        = to_unicode(_("""A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles
+a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list on
+the right shows the tasks of %s.""" ) \
+                                      % ('<a href="http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/">', '</a>', data['projectname']))
+    data['idxsummary']        = Markup(to_unicode(data['idxsummary']))
+    for key in ('homepage', 'projecturl', 'projectname', 'logourl', 'ubuntuhome', 'projectubuntu'):
+        data[key] = config[key]
+    data['updatetimestamp']   = to_unicode(_('Last update:')) + ' ' + formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+    data['thermometer']  = blendname + '_thermometer.html'
+    os.system("ln -sf %s %s/index.html" % (data['thermometer'], outputdir))
+    data['uthermometer'] = 'ubuntu_' + blendname + '_thermometer.html'
+    outputfile  = outputdir + '/' + data['thermometer']
+    uoutputfile = outputdir + '/' + data['uthermometer']
+    try:
+        os.unlink(outputfile)
+        os.unlink(uoutputfile)
+    except: # simply continue if file does not exist
+        pass
+    f = open(outputfile, 'w')
+    template = loader.load('thermometer.xhtml')
+    print >> f, template.generate(**data).render('xhtml')
+    f.close()
+    f = open(uoutputfile, 'w')
+    utemplate = loader.load('uthermometer.xhtml')
+    print >> f, utemplate.generate(**data).render('xhtml')
+    f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Static and dynamic websites for Debian Pure Blends

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