[Blends-commit] [SCM] science branch, d_control, updated. a1189a1f7b66cf1a0c3506ce57e9e0b85ba79640

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Nov 25 21:26:51 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the d_control branch:
commit a1189a1f7b66cf1a0c3506ce57e9e0b85ba79640
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 25 22:26:35 2013 +0100

    d/control of version 0.2

diff --git a/0.1/control b/0.2/control
similarity index 74%
copy from 0.1/control
copy to 0.2/control
index f3ce39a..d4261ea 100644
--- a/0.1/control
+++ b/0.2/control
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Description: Debian Science Project config package
   * science-biology     packages related to biology
   * science-chemistry   packages related to chemistry
   * science-electronics packages related to electronics
+  * science-engineering packages related to engineering
   * science-geography   packages related to geography
   * science-linguistics packages related to linguistics
   * science-mathematics packages related to mathematics
@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ Description: Debian Science Project config package
 Package: science-astronomy
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: astronomical-almanac, fv, gcx, gpredict, libcfitsio3, lightspeed, openuniverse, saods9, sextractor, slang-cfitsio, ssystem, stellarium, xorsa, xplanet
-Suggests: linoccult, midas, orbfit, pdl, pgplot5, python-scientific, spacechart, stars, sunclock, xephem, xtide, xtide-data, yorick
+Recommends: astronomical-almanac, gcx, gpredict, libcfitsio3, lightspeed, openuniverse, saods9, sextractor, slang-cfitsio, ssystem, stellarium, xorsa, xplanet
+Suggests: fv, linoccult, midas, orbfit, pdl, pgplot5, python-scientific, spacechart, stars, sunclock, xephem, xtide, xtide-data, yorick
 Description: Debian Science Astronomy packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Astronomy.
  You might be interested as well in field::astronomy debtag and, depending on
@@ -72,8 +73,8 @@ Description: Debian Science Biology packages
 Package: science-chemistry
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: apbs, bkchem, bodr, chemeq, chemical-mime-data, chemtool, easychem, gabedit, galculator, garlic, gausssum, gchempaint, gcrystal, gcu-bin, gcu-plugin, gdis, gdpc, gelemental, ghemical, gperiodic, gromacs | gromacs-lam | gromacs-mpich | gromacs-openmpi, kalzium, katomic, libcdk-java, mopac7-bin, mpqc, mpqc-support, openbabel, polyxmass, psi3, pymol, python-openbabel, rasmol, viewmol, xbs, xdrawchem, xmakemol-gl | xmakemol
-Suggests: avogadro, drawxtl, gamgi, gdpc-examples, libegad, libint, molden, molekel, tinker
+Recommends: apbs, bkchem, bodr, chemeq, chemical-mime-data, chemtool, easychem, gabedit, galculator, garlic, gausssum, gchempaint, gcrystal, gcu-bin, gcu-plugin, gdis, gdpc, gelemental, ghemical, gperiodic, gromacs | gromacs-lam | gromacs-mpich | gromacs-openmpi, kalzium, katomic, libcdk-java, mopac7-bin, mpqc, mpqc-support, openbabel, polyxmass, pymol, python-openbabel, rasmol, viewmol, xbs, xdrawchem, xmakemol-gl | xmakemol
+Suggests: avogadro, drawxtl, gamgi, gdpc-examples, libegad, libint, molden, molekel, psi3, tinker
 Description: Debian Science Chemistry packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Chemistry.
  You might be interested as well in field::chemistry debtag and, depending on 
@@ -89,13 +90,22 @@ Description: Debian Science Electronics packages
  You might be interested as well in field::electronics debtag and, depending
  on your focus, in education-electronics metapackage.
+Package: science-engineering
+Architecture: all
+Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: gerris, gmsh, pythoncad, qcad, tochnog
+Suggests: brlcad, libmesh-dev, libmesh0.6.2-dev, netgen, opencascade-tools, salome, varkon
+Description: Debian Science Engineering packages
+ This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Engineering.
+ You might be interested as well in field::engineering debtag.
 Package: science-geography
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: avce00, drawmap, e00compr, earth3d, gdal-bin, geoip-bin, gmt, gosmore, gpsbabel, gpsd, gpsd-clients, gpsdrive, gpsman, gpsmanshp, gpstrans, gpx2shp, grace6, grass, grass-doc, iceweasel, josm, josm-plugins, mapnik-utils, mapserver-bin, merkaartor, mozilla-plugin-gnash, ogdi-bin, openscenegraph, pgadmin3, php5-mapscript, phppgadmin, postgis, proj, python-mapnik, r-base, r-cran-mapdata, r-cran-maps, swfdec-mozilla, thuban, viking
-Suggests: gis-workstation, googleearth-package, kflog, mapnik-viewer, openjump, osm-tools, osmarendrer, postgresql-8.2-postgis, qgis, qgis-plugin-grass, r-cran-mapproj, renderathome
-Description: Debian-Science Geography packages
- This metapackage will install Debian-Science packages related to Geography.
+Recommends: avce00, drawmap, e00compr, earth3d, gdal-bin, geoip-bin, gmt, gosmore, gpsbabel, gpsd, gpsd-clients, gpsdrive, gpsman, gpsmanshp, gpstrans, gpx2shp, grace6, grass, grass-doc, iceweasel, josm, josm-plugins, mapnik-utils, mapserver-bin, merkaartor, mozilla-plugin-gnash, ogdi-bin, openscenegraph, pgadmin3, php5-mapscript, phppgadmin, proj, python-mapnik, r-base, r-cran-mapdata, r-cran-maps, swfdec-mozilla, thuban, viking
+Suggests: gis-workstation, googleearth-package, mapnik-viewer, openjump, osm-tools, osmarender, postgis, postgresql-8.3-postgis, qgis, qgis-plugin-grass, r-cran-mapproj, renderathome
+Description: Debian Science Geography packages
+ This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Geography.
  You might be interested as well in field::geography debtag and, depending on 
  your focus, in education-geography metapackage.
@@ -109,8 +119,8 @@ Description: Debian Science Linguistics packages
 Package: science-mathematics
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: axiom, coq, freefem, gap, geomview, gerris, ginac-tools, gmsh, magnus, netgen, octave3.0, octaviz, pari-extra, pari-gp, proofgeneral, proofgeneral-coq, science-statistics, wxmaxima, xmaxima
-Suggests: netgen-doc, octave, sagemath, scilab
+Recommends: axiom, coq, freefem, gap, geomview, gerris, ginac-tools, gmsh, magnus, octave3.0, octaviz, pari-extra, pari-gp, proofgeneral, proofgeneral-coq, science-statistics, wxmaxima, xmaxima
+Suggests: netgen, netgen-doc, octave, sagemath, scilab
 Description: Debian Science Mathematics packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Mathematics.
  You might be interested as well in field::mathematics debtag and, depending
@@ -119,8 +129,8 @@ Description: Debian Science Mathematics packages
 Package: science-mathematics-dev
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: libglpk0, libgsl0-dev, libmesh0.6.1, libnetgen-dev, libsuperlu3, python-numpy
-Suggests: libcgal-dev, libslepc2.3.2, libtet1.4.2-dev, python-scikits-openopt
+Recommends: libglpk0, libgsl0-dev, libsuperlu3, python-numpy
+Suggests: libcgal-dev, libmesh0.6.1, libnetgen-dev, libslepc2.3.2, libtet1.4.2-dev, python-scikits-openopt
 Description: Debian Science Mathematics-dev packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be helpful
  for development of applications for Mathematics. Please note that there are
@@ -131,8 +141,8 @@ Description: Debian Science Mathematics-dev packages
 Package: science-physics
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: abinit, cernlib, feynmf, fityk, geant321, gerris, gwyddion, paw, paw++, science-electronics, tessa | tessa-mpi
-Suggests: blzpack, brlcad, cadabra, clhep2, drawxtl, gate, geant4, horae, ifeffit, meshlab, opencascade-tools, paw-demos, root-system, salome, science-mathematics, science-statistics, sixpack
+Recommends: abinit, cernlib, feynmf, fityk, geant321, gerris, paw, paw++, science-electronics, tessa | tessa-mpi
+Suggests: blzpack, cadabra, clhep2, drawxtl, gate, geant4, horae, ifeffit, meshlab, opencascade-tools, paw-demos, root-system, science-mathematics, science-statistics, sixpack
 Description: Debian Science Physics packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Physics.
  You might be interested as well in field::physics debtag and, depending on 
@@ -141,6 +151,7 @@ Description: Debian Science Physics packages
 Package: science-robotics
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: gnuplot, libboost-dev, libcoin40-runtime, libcomedi0, libcv1, libvtk5, octave3.0, rtai, xenomai-runtime
 Suggests: d-collide, octave, ode, orca, orocos-bdl, orocos-kdl, orocos-ocl, orocos-rtt, roboop, rtnet
 Description: Debian Robotics packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Robotics.
@@ -148,16 +159,16 @@ Description: Debian Robotics packages
 Package: science-statistics
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: ess, littler, psignifit, python-stats, r-cran-abind, r-cran-acepack, r-cran-bayesm, r-cran-boot, r-cran-cairodevice, r-cran-car, r-cran-chron, r-cran-cluster, r-cran-coda, r-cran-codetools, r-cran-date, r-cran-dbi, r-cran-design, r-cran-eco, r-cran-effects, r-cran-fbasics, r-cran-fcalendar, r-cran-fcopulae, r-cran-fecofin, r-cran-fextremes, r-cran-fmultivar, r-cran-foptions, r-cran-foreign, r-cran-fportfolio, r-cran-fseries, r-cran-gdata, r-cran-gmodels, r-cran-gplots, r-cran-gregmisc, r-cran-gtools, r-cran-hdf5, r-cran-hmisc, r-cran-its, r-cran-kernsmooth, r-cran-lattice, r-cran-latticeextra, r-cran-lme4, r-cran-lmtest, r-cran-mapdata, r-cran-maps, r-cran-matchit, r-cran-matrix, r-cran-mcmcpack, r-cran-mgcv, r-cran-misc3d, r-cran-mnp, r-cran-multcomp, r-cran-mvtnorm, r-cran-nlme, r-cran-pscl, r-cran-psy, r-cran-qtl, r-cran-quadprog, r-cran-rcmdr, r-cran-rcompgen, r-cran-relimp, r-cran-rggobi, r-cran-rgl, r-cran-rgtk2, r-cran-rmetrics, r-cran-rmpi, r-cran-rmysql, r-cran-rodbc, r-cran-rpart, r-cran-rpvm, r-cran-rquantlib, r-cran-rserve, r-cran-rsprng, r-cran-sandwich, r-cran-sm, r-cran-snow, r-cran-strucchange, r-cran-survival, r-cran-tkrplot, r-cran-tseries, r-cran-vgam, r-cran-vr, r-cran-xml, r-cran-zelig, r-cran-zoo, r-other-gking-matchit, r-recommended, rkward
-Suggests: r-cran-e1071, r-cran-mapproj, science-mathematics
+Recommends: ess, littler, psignifit, python-stats, r-cran-abind, r-cran-acepack, r-cran-bayesm, r-cran-boot, r-cran-cairodevice, r-cran-car, r-cran-chron, r-cran-cluster, r-cran-coda, r-cran-codetools, r-cran-date, r-cran-dbi, r-cran-design, r-cran-eco, r-cran-effects, r-cran-fbasics, r-cran-fcalendar, r-cran-fcopulae, r-cran-fecofin, r-cran-fextremes, r-cran-fmultivar, r-cran-foptions, r-cran-foreign, r-cran-fportfolio, r-cran-fseries, r-cran-gdata, r-cran-gmodels, r-cran-gplots, r-cran-gregmisc, r-cran-gtools, r-cran-hdf5, r-cran-hmisc, r-cran-its, r-cran-kernsmooth, r-cran-lattice, r-cran-latticeextra, r-cran-lme4, r-cran-lmtest, r-cran-mapdata, r-cran-maps, r-cran-matchit, r-cran-matrix, r-cran-mcmcpack, r-cran-mgcv, r-cran-misc3d, r-cran-mnp, r-cran-multcomp, r-cran-mvtnorm, r-cran-nlme, r-cran-pscl, r-cran-psy, r-cran-qtl, r-cran-quadprog, r-cran-rcmdr, r-cran-relimp, r-cran-rggobi, r-cran-rgl, r-cran-rgtk2, r-cran-rmetrics, r-cran-rmpi, r-cran-rmysql, r-cran-rodbc, r-cran-rpart, r-cran-rpvm, r-cran-rquantlib, r-cran-rserve, r-cran-rsprng, r-cran-sandwich, r-cran-sm, r-cran-snow, r-cran-strucchange, r-cran-survival, r-cran-tkrplot, r-cran-tseries, r-cran-vgam, r-cran-vr, r-cran-xml, r-cran-zelig, r-cran-zoo, r-other-gking-matchit, r-recommended, rkward
+Suggests: r-cran-e1071, r-cran-mapproj, r-cran-rcompgen, science-mathematics
 Description: Debian Science Statistics packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Statistics.
 Package: science-typesetting
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: bibutils, dia, diploma, feynmf, impose+, kbibtex, lyx, pybliographer, referencer, texlive, texlive-bibtex-extra, texlive-math-extra, texlive-publishers, texlive-science, texmacs, texmacs-extra-fonts, transfig, xfig
-Suggests: bibus, gpapers, jabref, latexdiff, lyx-qt, lyx-xforms, quaneko, tellico, texmaker
+Recommends: bibutils, dia, diploma, feynmf, impose+, kbibtex, lyx, referencer, texlive, texlive-bibtex-extra, texlive-math-extra, texlive-publishers, texlive-science, texmacs, texmacs-extra-fonts, transfig, xfig
+Suggests: bibus, gpapers, jabref, latexdiff, lyx-qt, lyx-xforms, pybliographer, quaneko, tellico, texmaker
 Description: Debian Science typesetting packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to typesetting.
  You might be interested as well in use::typesetting debtag.
@@ -165,8 +176,8 @@ Description: Debian Science typesetting packages
 Package: science-viewing
 Architecture: all
 Depends: science-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), science-config (= ${binary:Version})
-Recommends: fityk, g3data, gnudatalanguage, gnuplot, grace, graphviz, gri, ifrit, imview, kst, labplot, mayavi, med-imaging, pdl, python-scientific, pyxplot, yorick
-Suggests: findimagedupes, libgtkdatabox, libgtkdatabox-0.8.2-2, libpuzzle, paraview, pgplot5, teem
+Recommends: fityk, g3data, gnudatalanguage, gnuplot, grace, graphviz, gri, gwyddion, ifrit, imview, kst, labplot, mayavi, med-imaging, pdl, python-scientific, pyxplot, yorick
+Suggests: findimagedupes, libgtkdatabox, libgtkdatabox-0.8.2-2, libgtkdatabox-0.9.0-0, libpuzzle, paraview, pgplot5, teem
 Description: Debian Science data visualisation packages
  This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to data

Debian Science Blend

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