[Blends-commit] [SCM] blends-gsoc branch, master, updated. ffb17280bfa3699fabe801f547bcec0239408fb7

Emmanouil Kiagias e.kiagias at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 20:50:31 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ffb17280bfa3699fabe801f547bcec0239408fb7
Author: Emmanouil Kiagias <e.kiagias at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 1 22:37:57 2013 +0200

    added Andreas' doc/Makefile (with very small changes), it works fine. Next I should override the default html head navigation

diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52da23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Makefile : makefile for docbook-xml
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Document definitions
+doc_lang	:= en
+doc_name	:= debian-blends
+doc_xml	:= $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $(doc_name).$$l.xml; done)
+sources := $(shell find . -name "*.xml")
+doc_pdf	:= $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $$l/pdf/$(doc_name).$$l.pdf; done)
+doc_ps	:= $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $$l/ps/$(doc_name).$$l.ps; done)
+doc_dvi	:= $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $$l/dvi/$(doc_name).$$l.dvi; done)
+doc_txt	:= $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $$l/txt/$(doc_name).$$l.txt; done)
+#this needed cause xmlto txt does not include section numbering by default
+doc_txt_params := --stringparam section.autolabel=1 --stringparam section.label.includes.component.label=1
+doc_html := $(shell for l in $(doc_lang); do echo $$l/html/index.html; done)
+pkg             := blends-doc
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## General definitions
+LN		:= /bin/ln -sf
+RMR		:= /bin/rm -fr
+LOCALE          := unset LC_ALL; unset LANG; unset LANGUAGE; 
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# this can and will be overriden by a higher level makefile
+PUBLISHDIR := alioth.debian.org:/srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/groups/blends/htdocs/blends
+# There is no difference between letter and a4, but a2 for instance works
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Targets
+all:		html
+validate: $(doc_xml)
+	for f in $(doc_xml); do \
+	  xmllint --valid --noout $$f; \
+	done
+html: $(doc_html)
+$(doc_html): $(doc_xml) $(sources)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  f=$(doc_name).$$l.xml; d=$$l/html; \
+	  mkdir -p $$d; \
+	  $(LOCALE) xmlto -o $$d -x $(doc_name).xsl html $$f; \
+	done
+txt $(doc_txt): $(doc_xml)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  f=$(doc_name).$$l.xml; d=$$l/txt; \
+	  mkdir -p $$d; \
+	  $(LOCALE) xmlto $(doc_txt_params) -o $$d txt $$f; \
+	done
+ps $(doc_ps): 	$(doc_xml)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  f=$(doc_name).$$l.xml; d=$$l/ps; \
+	  mkdir -p $$d; \
+	  $(LOCALE) xmlto -o $$d --with-dblatex ps $$f; \
+	done
+pdf $(doc_pdf): $(doc_xml)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  f=$(doc_name).$$l.xml; d=$$l/pdf; \
+	  mkdir -p $$d; \
+	  $(LOCALE) xmlto -o $$d --with-dblatex pdf $$f; \
+	done
+dvi $(doc_dvi): $(doc_xml)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  f=$(doc_name).$$l.xml; d=$$l/dvi; \
+	  mkdir -p $$d; \
+	  $(LOCALE) xmlto -o $$d --with-dblatex dvi $$f; \
+	done
+#publish: 	html pdf
+#		rsync -azult --delete $(doc_html)/* $(PUBLISHDIR)
+#		[ -s debian-blends.en.pdf ] && rsync -azult $(doc_pdf) $(PUBLISHDIR)
+	for l in $(doc_lang); do \
+	  for d in html pdf txt ps dvi info; do \
+	    $(RMR) $$l/$$d; \
+	  done; \
+	done
+	find . -name "*~" -exec $(RMR) {} \;
+		make clean
+.PHONY: all publish clean distclean validate

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