[Blends-commit] [SCM] blends-gsoc branch, master, updated. edaf26db8d3b833e9ba7c57d6cecca0bc2454f60
Emmanouil Kiagias
e.kiagias at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 14:27:18 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit edaf26db8d3b833e9ba7c57d6cecca0bc2454f60
Author: Emmanouil Kiagias <e.kiagias at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Sep 9 16:11:22 2013 +0200
changed devtools/Makefile, new rule: create dependency_data folder in case it does not exist (folder where the dependencies.json files of the blends releases will be stored)
diff --git a/devtools/Makefile b/devtools/Makefile
index ccb1d9a..9c8dd9d 100755
--- a/devtools/Makefile
+++ b/devtools/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ DEB_HOST_ARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)
GENCONTROL := /usr/share/blends-dev/sec-blend-gen-control
TASKSDIFF := /usr/share/blends-dev/tasks_diff
CURRENTPARH := $(shell pwd)
+DEPENDENCIES_DATA := dependency_data
# Verify whether config/control exists, if yes, add it to the depends of debian/control
CONFIGCONTROL := $(shell if [ -d config -a -e config/control ] ; then echo config/control; fi)
@@ -55,23 +56,29 @@ tasksel: $(BLEND)-tasks.desc
$(BLEND)-tasks.desc: tasks/* debian/changelog
LC_ALL=C $(GENCONTROL) -S -t -q && sed -i 's/[ \t]*$$//' taskdesc-sec.template && mv taskdesc-sec.template $(BLEND)-tasks.desc.template
-statusdump: dependency_data/
- $(TASKSDIFF) --status-dump --tasks . --output dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(VERSION).json
+ if [ ! -d $(DEPENDENCIES_DATA) ]; then \
+ echo "$(DEPENDENCIES_DATA) directory does not exist, creating it now."; \
+ fi
+statusdump: dependency_data
+ $(TASKSDIFF) --status-dump --tasks . --output $(DEPENDENCIES_DATA)/$(BLEND)_$(VERSION).json
#update changelog with dependencies changes
changelogentry: debian/changelog statusdump
ifneq "$(LATEST)" "$(PREVIOUS)"
- if [ ! -f dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json ]; then \
- echo "dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json does not exist, can not generate changelog dependencies-changes entry"; \
+ if [ ! -f $(DEPENDENCIES_DATA)/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json ]; then \
+ echo "$(DEPENDENCIES_DATA)/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json does not exist, can not generate changelog dependencies-changes entry"; \
exit -1; \
- if [ ! -f dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json ]; then \
- echo "dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json does not exist, can not generate changelog dependencies-changes entry"; \
+ if [ ! -f $(DEPENDENCIES_DATA)/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json ]; then \
+ echo "$(DEPENDENCIES_DATA)/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json does not exist, can not generate changelog dependencies-changes entry"; \
exit -1; \
(sed $(LINESTART)q debian/changelog; \
- $(TASKSDIFF) --compare $(CURRENTPARH)/dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(LATEST).json,$(CURRENTPARH)/dependency_data/$(BLEND)_$(PREVIOUS).json | sed 's/^/ /'; \
sed -n '$(LINEEND),$$p' debian/changelog; ) > debian/changelog.new && mv debian/changelog.new debian/changelog
echo "It is the first release, skip the changelog entry"
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