[Blends-commit] r4008 - in /projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo: debian/control ezgo-tasks.desc tasks/artwork

tille at users.alioth.debian.org tille at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Mar 26 10:04:27 UTC 2014

Author: tille
Date: Wed Mar 26 10:04:27 2014
New Revision: 4008

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/?sc=1&rev=4008
It has turned out that it is very sensible to also commit the autogenerated d/control and tasksel control file


Added: projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/debian/control?rev=4008&op=file
--- projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/debian/control	(added)
+++ projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/debian/control	Wed Mar 26 10:04:27 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# This file is autogenerated via make -f debian/rules dist.  Do not edit!
+Source: ezgo
+Section: misc
+Priority: extra
+Maintainer: Debain EzGo Packaging Team <debian-ezgo-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Andrew Lee (李健秋) <ajqlee at debian.org>,
+ Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), blends-dev (>= 0.6.91)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
+Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Homepage: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEzGo
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/
+Package: ezgo-artwork
+Architecture: all
+Description: Artwork for ezgo11
+ The ezgo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ and open source software, as well as many public domain tutorials.  ezgo
+ aims to introduce the world of free and open source software to those who
+ have never heard or touched it.  It is also good for teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This package contains artwork for ezgo.
+Package: ezgo-menu
+Architecture: all
+Description: ezgo menu files and tools
+Depends: python3, python3-minimal
+Package: ezgo-tasks
+Architecture: all
+Depends: tasksel
+Description: ezgo tasks for tasksel
+ This package provides ezgo tasks in tasksel.
+ .
+ These tasks are described in detail at
+ http://blends.alioth.debian.org/ezgo/tasks
+Package: ezgo-accessories
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: convertall,
+ gcalctool,
+ gedit,
+ lxterminal,
+ python-whiteboard,
+ stardict,
+ tomboy,
+ xournal
+Suggests: gnome-utils,
+ gtkwhiteboard,
+ wiican
+Description: EzGo Accessories
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of Accessories.
+Package: ezgo-common
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: bash-completion,
+ libgl1-mesa-dri,
+ openssh-client,
+ task-kde-desktop,
+ xorg,
+ xserver-xorg-input-all,
+ xserver-xorg-video-all
+Suggests: dhcp3-client,
+ ezgo-artwork,
+ ezgo-menu
+Description: ezgo common
+ The ezgo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ and open source software, as well as many public domain tutorials.  ezgo
+ aims to introduce the world of free and open source software to those who
+ have never heard or touched it.  It is also good for teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the common set of packages needed by ezgo.
+Package: ezgo-education
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: avogadro,
+ bkchem,
+ celestia,
+ drgeo,
+ gchempaint,
+ gcompris,
+ gcu-bin,
+ kalgebra,
+ kalzium,
+ kanagram,
+ kbruch,
+ kgeography,
+ khangman,
+ kig,
+ klettres,
+ kmplot,
+ kstars,
+ ktouch,
+ kturtle,
+ kwordquiz,
+ marble,
+ parley,
+ pymol,
+ scratch,
+ stellarium,
+ step,
+ wxmaxima
+Suggests: ghemical,
+ kayali
+Description: EzGo Education
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of education tools.
+Package: ezgo-games
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: atomix,
+ frozen-bubble,
+ gnome-games,
+ kblocks,
+ knetwalk,
+ kolf,
+ ktuberling,
+ lbreakout2,
+ numptyphysics,
+ pinball,
+ pingus,
+ planetpenguin-racer,
+ supertux,
+ supertuxkart,
+ torcs,
+ tuxmath,
+ tuxpuck,
+ tuxtype
+Description: EzGo Games
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of games.
+Package: ezgo-imaging
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: blender,
+ cheese,
+ digikam,
+ eog,
+ f-spot,
+ fotowall,
+ gimp,
+ gpaint,
+ gwenview,
+ hugin,
+ inkscape,
+ kolourpaint4,
+ scribus,
+ shotwell,
+ sweethome3d,
+ tuxpaint
+Suggests: ardesia,
+ ballview,
+ ktoon,
+ pencil,
+ qcad
+Description: EzGo imaging
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of image tools.
+Package: ezgo-multimedia
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: amarok,
+ audacious,
+ audacity,
+ brasero,
+ gnome-media,
+ gtk-recordmydesktop,
+ imagination,
+ k3b,
+ kdenlive,
+ kino,
+ mscore,
+ oggconvert,
+ rhythmbox,
+ rosegarden,
+ smplayer,
+ sound-juicer,
+ totem,
+ tuxguitar,
+ vlc
+Suggests: mplayer,
+ xvidcap
+Description: EzGo multimedia
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of multimedia packages.
+Package: ezgo-network
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: amsn,
+ ekiga,
+ emesene,
+ evolution,
+ filezilla,
+ gftp,
+ icedove,
+ iceweasel,
+ kopete,
+ pcmanx-gtk2,
+ pidgin,
+ transmission,
+ vinagre
+Suggests: exe,
+ kompozer,
+ tsclient
+Description: EzGo network
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of networking related packages.
+Package: ezgo-office
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ezgo-tasks (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: dia,
+ okular,
+ openclipart,
+ planner,
+ scribus
+Suggests: ganttproject,
+ openoffice.org-base,
+ openoffice.org-calc,
+ openoffice.org-draw,
+ openoffice.org-impress,
+ openoffice.org-ogltrans,
+ openoffice.org-writer,
+ pdfedit,
+ ppdfshuffler,
+ xmind
+Description: EzGo Office
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of office tools.

Added: projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/ezgo-tasks.desc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/ezgo-tasks.desc?rev=4008&op=file
--- projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/ezgo-tasks.desc	(added)
+++ projects/ezgo/trunk/debian-ezgo/ezgo-tasks.desc	Wed Mar 26 10:04:27 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Task: ezgo-accessories
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo Accessories
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of Accessories.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-accessories
+Packages: list
+ lxterminal
+ gedit
+ gcalctool
+ convertall
+ tomboy
+ stardict
+ xournal
+ python-whiteboard
+Task: ezgo-common
+Section: ezgo
+Description: ezgo common
+ The ezgo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ and open source software, as well as many public domain tutorials.  ezgo
+ aims to introduce the world of free and open source software to those who
+ have never heard or touched it.  It is also good for teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the common set of packages needed by ezgo.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-common
+Packages: list
+ xserver-xorg-video-all
+ xserver-xorg-input-all
+ xorg
+ libgl1-mesa-dri
+ bash-completion
+ openssh-client
+ task-kde-desktop
+Task: ezgo-education
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo Education
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of education tools.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-education
+Packages: list
+ drgeo
+ kig
+ kmplot
+ kbruch
+ kalgebra
+ wxmaxima
+ kalzium
+ avogadro
+ gchempaint
+ gcu-bin
+ bkchem
+ pymol
+ step
+ kstars
+ stellarium
+ celestia
+ kgeography
+ marble
+ klettres
+ khangman
+ kanagram
+ kwordquiz
+ parley
+ gcompris
+ ktouch
+ kturtle
+ scratch
+Task: ezgo-games
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo Games
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of games.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-games
+Packages: list
+ ktuberling
+ tuxmath
+ tuxtype
+ gnome-games
+ knetwalk
+ pinball
+ lbreakout2
+ frozen-bubble
+ kblocks
+ kolf
+ tuxpuck
+ supertux
+ planetpenguin-racer
+ pingus
+ supertuxkart
+ torcs
+ atomix
+ numptyphysics
+Task: ezgo-imaging
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo imaging
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of
+ free software on teaching and self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of image tools.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-imaging
+Packages: list
+ gpaint
+ kolourpaint4
+ tuxpaint
+ inkscape
+ gimp
+ scribus
+ digikam
+ f-spot
+ eog
+ gwenview
+ cheese
+ blender
+ fotowall
+ shotwell
+ sweethome3d
+ hugin
+Task: ezgo-lang-vi_VN-desktop
+Section: ezgo
+Description: Vietnamese support for Debian EzGo Desktop
+ This metapackage depends on various office and desktop applications
+ that are useful for teachers and their students.
+Relevance: 10
+Packages: list
+ scim-unikey
+ ibus-unikey
+Task: ezgo-lang-zh_TW-desktop
+Section: ezgo
+Description: Traditional Chinese support for Debian EzGo Desktop
+ This metapackage depends on various office and desktop applications
+ that are useful for teachers and their students.
+Relevance: 10
+Packages: list
+ ttf-wqy-zenhei
+ ttf-wqy-microhei
+ hime
+ kde-l10n-zhtw
+Task: ezgo-multimedia
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo multimedia
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of multimedia packages.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-multimedia
+Packages: list
+ audacious
+ rhythmbox
+ amarok
+ vlc
+ totem
+ smplayer
+ audacity
+ tuxguitar
+ rosegarden
+ gnome-media
+ sound-juicer
+ gtk-recordmydesktop
+ kino
+ kdenlive
+ oggconvert
+ k3b
+ brasero
+ mscore
+ imagination
+Task: ezgo-network
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo network
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of networking related packages.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-network
+Packages: list
+ iceweasel
+ icedove
+ evolution
+ pidgin
+ kopete
+ emesene
+ ekiga
+ pcmanx-gtk2
+ gftp
+ filezilla
+ vinagre
+ transmission
+ amsn
+Task: ezgo-office
+Section: ezgo
+Description: EzGo Office
+ The EzGo is a Debian Pure Blends project which collects a set of free
+ software and aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and
+ self-learning.
+ .
+ This is the selection of office tools.
+Relevance: 10
+ ezgo-office
+Packages: list
+ openclipart
+ dia
+ okular
+ planner
+ scribus

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