[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. c31d78ef0c2eec42d01976409fe21578af1f98c1

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Nov 12 14:30:49 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c31d78ef0c2eec42d01976409fe21578af1f98c1
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 12 15:29:07 2014 +0100

    Ged rid of some specific Ubuntu names (but not all - some is remaining in template)

diff --git a/webtools/templates/uthermometer.xhtml b/webtools/templates/uthermometer.xhtml
index f0519e9..31ced97 100644
--- a/webtools/templates/uthermometer.xhtml
+++ b/webtools/templates/uthermometer.xhtml
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
         <caption><h3>$projectname  packages in Ubuntu Thermometer</h3></caption>
           <tr class='title'>
-            <th>stable</th><th>testing</th><th>unstable</th><th>stable-bpo</th><th>precise</th><th>quantal</th><th>raring</th><th>upstream</th><th>tasks</th>
+            <th>stable</th><th>testing</th><th>unstable</th><th>stable-bpo</th><th>raring</th><th>saucy</th><th>trusty</th><th>upstream</th><th>tasks</th>
          <py:for each="pkg in blend_data">
          <tr class='${pkg.ubuntustatus}'>
            <td><strong>${pkg.source}</strong> (<span py:choose="pkg.is_in_debian"><span py:when="1"><a href='http://packages.qa.debian.org/${pkg.source}'>PTS</a>, </span><span py:otherwise=""><span py:if="pkg.wnpp != ''"><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/${pkg.wnpp}">WNPP</a>, </span></span></span><span py:if="pkg.vcs_browser != ''"><a href="${pkg.vcs_browser}">VCS</a>, </span><a href='${pkg.homepage}'>UP</a>)</td>
-           <td>${pkg.stable}</td><td>${pkg.testing}</td><td>${pkg.unstable}</td><td>${pkg.stable_bpo}</td><td>${pkg.precise}</td><td>${pkg.quantal}</td><td>${pkg.raring}</td><td class='${pkg.upstreamstatus}'>${pkg.upstream}</td><td class='none'><py:for each="task in pkg.tasks"><a href="../tasks/${task}">${task}</a> </py:for></td>
+           <td>${pkg.stable}</td><td>${pkg.testing}</td><td>${pkg.unstable}</td><td>${pkg.stable_bpo}</td><td>${pkg.raring}</td><td>${pkg.saucy}</td><td>${pkg.trusty}</td><td class='${pkg.upstreamstatus}'>${pkg.upstream}</td><td class='none'><py:for each="task in pkg.tasks"><a href="../tasks/${task}">${task}</a> </py:for></td>
diff --git a/webtools/thermometer.py b/webtools/thermometer.py
index 3336c10..3793815 100755
--- a/webtools/thermometer.py
+++ b/webtools/thermometer.py
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ UDDPORT=5452
 from sys import argv, stderr, exit
 import os
 import psycopg2
@@ -74,9 +78,9 @@ def main():
            experimental.version AS experimental,
            new.version AS "NEW",
            unreleased.version AS "UNRELEASED",
-           precise.version AS precise,
-           quantal.version AS quantal,
-           raring.version AS raring,
+           %s.version AS %s,
+           %s.version AS %s,
+           %s.version AS %s,
            d.unstable_upstream AS upstream,
            CASE WHEN d.unstable_status IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(unstable_status AS text) ELSE 'none' END AS upstreamstatus,
@@ -91,8 +95,8 @@ def main():
                 WHEN new.version IS NULL AND (experimental.version IS NOT NULL OR unreleased.version IS NOT NULL) THEN 'workInProgress'
                 WHEN new.version IS NOT NULL THEN 'new'
                 ELSE 'unknown' END AS debianstatus,
-           CASE WHEN raring.version >= unstable.version THEN 'upToDate'
-                WHEN raring.version <  unstable.version THEN 'ubuntuOutOfDate'
+           CASE WHEN %s.version >= unstable.version THEN 'upToDate'
+                WHEN %s.version <  unstable.version THEN 'ubuntuOutOfDate'
                 WHEN stable.version IS NOT NULL AND unstable.version IS NULL THEN 'obsolete'
                 WHEN stable.version IS NULL AND testing.version IS NULL AND unstable.version IS NULL THEN 'unpackaged'
                 WHEN experimental.version IS NOT NULL OR unreleased.version IS NOT NULL THEN 'workInProgress'
@@ -257,28 +261,28 @@ def main():
         FROM ubuntu_packages u
         JOIN blends_dependencies b ON b.package = u.package
         JOIN ubuntu_sources s ON u.source = s.source AND u.release = s.release
-        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = 'precise'
+        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = '%s'
         GROUP BY u.source
         ORDER BY u.source
-      ) precise ON b.source = precise.source
+      ) %s ON b.source = %s.source
       SELECT DISTINCT u.source, strip_binary_upload(MAX(s.version)) AS version
         FROM ubuntu_packages u
         JOIN blends_dependencies b ON b.package = u.package
         JOIN ubuntu_sources s ON u.source = s.source AND u.release = s.release
-        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = 'quantal'
+        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = '%s'
         GROUP BY u.source
         ORDER BY u.source
-      ) quantal ON b.source = quantal.source
+      ) %s ON b.source = %s.source
       SELECT DISTINCT u.source, strip_binary_upload(MAX(s.version)) AS version
         FROM ubuntu_packages u
         JOIN blends_dependencies b ON b.package = u.package
         JOIN ubuntu_sources s ON u.source = s.source AND u.release = s.release
-        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = 'raring'
+        WHERE b.blend = $1 AND u.release = '%s'
         GROUP BY u.source
         ORDER BY u.source
-      ) raring ON b.source = raring.source
+      ) %s ON b.source = %s.source
         SELECT source, array_agg(task) AS tasks FROM (
           SELECT DISTINCT p.source, b.task
@@ -302,7 +306,10 @@ def main():
       LEFT OUTER JOIN dehs d ON b.source = d.source
       ORDER BY b.source
-    """
+    """ % ( ubuntuprev2, ubuntuprev2, ubuntuprev1, ubuntuprev1, 
+            latestubuntu, latestubuntu, latestubuntu, latestubuntu,
+            ubuntuprev2, ubuntuprev2, ubuntuprev2, ubuntuprev1, ubuntuprev1, ubuntuprev1, 
+            latestubuntu, latestubuntu, latestubuntu )
     _execute_udd_query( "EXECUTE query_thermometer('%s')" % blendname)

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