[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. 3665ae4f2cc7ad6b1910d6cc1ba84dca4ce55ce0

Ole Streicher olebole at debian.org
Wed Jul 6 20:07:45 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 3665ae4f2cc7ad6b1910d6cc1ba84dca4ce55ce0
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 6 22:07:36 2016 +0200

    In package list, show Debian section only when relevant

diff --git a/webtools/templates/packages.xhtml b/webtools/templates/packages.xhtml
index 2a2befc..f738439 100644
--- a/webtools/templates/packages.xhtml
+++ b/webtools/templates/packages.xhtml
@@ -510,53 +510,55 @@ function show_fulldesc(hash) {
-		    <dt>Debian</dt>
-		    <dd>
-		      <ul class="desc-inline">
-			<py:if test="'wnpp' in project.properties">
-			  <li>
-			    <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/${project.properties['wnpp']}">
-			      Announcement
-			    </a>
-			  </li>
-			</py:if>
-			<py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] == 'new'">
-			  <li>
-			    <a href="${project.properties['pkg-url']}">NEW entry</a>
-			  </li>
-			</py:if>
-			<py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] in ('official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental')">
-			  <li>
-			    <a href="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/${project.properties['name']}">
-			      Maintainer page
-			    </a>
-			  </li>
-			</py:if>
-			<py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] in ('official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental')">
-			  <li>
-			    <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=${project.properties['name']}">
-			      Bugs
-			    </a>
-			  </li>
-			</py:if>
-			<py:if test="'vcs' in project.properties">
-			  <li>
-			    <py:choose>
-			      <py:when test="'url' in project.properties['vcs']">
-				<a href="${project.properties['vcs']['browser']}" title="${project.properties['vcs']['url']}">
-				  ${project.properties['vcs'].get('type', 'Vcs')}
-				</a>
-			      </py:when>
-			      <py:otherwise>
-				<a href="${project.properties['vcs']['browser']}">
-				  ${project.properties['vcs'].get('type', 'Vcs')}
-				</a>
-			      </py:otherwise>
-			    </py:choose>
-			  </li>
-			</py:if>
-		      </ul>
-		    </dd>
+		    <py:if test="'wnpp' in project.properties or 'vcs' in project.properties or project.properties['pkgstatus'] in ('official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental', 'new')">
+		      <dt>Debian</dt>
+		      <dd>
+			<ul class="desc-inline">
+			  <py:if test="'wnpp' in project.properties">
+			    <li>
+			      <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/${project.properties['wnpp']}">
+				Announcement
+			      </a>
+			    </li>
+			  </py:if>
+			  <py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] == 'new'">
+			    <li>
+			      <a href="${project.properties['pkg-url']}">NEW entry</a>
+			    </li>
+			  </py:if>
+			  <py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] in ('official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental')">
+			    <li>
+			      <a href="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/${project.properties['name']}">
+				Maintainer page
+			      </a>
+			    </li>
+			  </py:if>
+			  <py:if test="project.properties['pkgstatus'] in ('official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental')">
+			    <li>
+			      <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=${project.properties['name']}">
+				Bugs
+			      </a>
+			    </li>
+			  </py:if>
+			  <py:if test="'vcs' in project.properties">
+			    <li>
+			      <py:choose>
+				<py:when test="'url' in project.properties['vcs']">
+				  <a href="${project.properties['vcs']['browser']}" title="${project.properties['vcs']['url']}">
+				    ${project.properties['vcs'].get('type', 'Vcs')}
+				  </a>
+				</py:when>
+				<py:otherwise>
+				  <a href="${project.properties['vcs']['browser']}">
+				    ${project.properties['vcs'].get('type', 'Vcs')}
+				  </a>
+				</py:otherwise>
+			      </py:choose>
+			    </li>
+			  </py:if>
+			</ul>
+		      </dd>
+		    </py:if>
 		    <py:if test="'homepage' in project.properties and project.properties['homepage'] not in (None, '', '#')">

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