[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. 497e3dab79e9fa49400f9b9f1af8efc399b394b5
Ole Streicher
olebole at debian.org
Sun Mar 6 13:57:44 UTC 2016
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 497e3dab79e9fa49400f9b9f1af8efc399b394b5
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date: Sun Mar 6 14:57:40 2016 +0100
reformat to PEP8
diff --git a/webtools/tasks.py b/webtools/tasks.py
index 94b0e44..975f881 100755
--- a/webtools/tasks.py
+++ b/webtools/tasks.py
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ from blendstasktools import Tasks, GetDependencies2Use, pkgstatus, pkgstatus_sor
from blendslanguages import languages, language_dict
if len(argv) <= 1:
- print >>stderr, "Usage: %s <Blend name>\n The <Blend name> needs a matching config file webconf/<Blend name>.conf"\
- % argv[0]
- exit(-1)
+ print >>stderr, "Usage: %s <Blend name>\n The <Blend name> needs a matching config file webconf/<Blend name>.conf"\
+ % argv[0]
+ exit(-1)
# LockBlendsTools() # logger handler not defined at this moment, needs rethinking ... FIXME
tasks = Tasks(argv[1])
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ data['tasks'] = tasks.GetTaskDescDict()
data['taskskeys'] = tasks.metapackagekeys
data['PackageByName'] = tasks.PackageByName
- data['popconsubmit'] = tasks.popconsubmit
- data['popconsubmit'] = 'unknown'
+ data['popconsubmit'] = tasks.popconsubmit
+ data['popconsubmit'] = 'unknown'
data['languages'] = languages
data['language_dict'] = language_dict
# Work around the fact that it seems to be impossible to mention '&' in the template
@@ -55,10 +55,9 @@ template_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'templates')
# Initialize i18n
domain = 'blends-webtools'
-l10nstring = {}
-for lang in languages:
- l10nstring[lang] = gettext.translation(domain, locale_dir, languages=[lang], fallback = True)
+l10nstring = dict((lang, gettext.translation(domain, locale_dir,
+ languages=[lang], fallback=True))
+ for lang in languages)
# Translated strings regarding the categorising of dependencies need to
# be translated and because I did not found a working solution to get
# gettext working with genshi all are collected here even if the additional
@@ -68,216 +67,214 @@ for lang in languages:
# initialize gensi
loader = TemplateLoader([template_dir], auto_reload=True, default_encoding="utf-8")
-outputdir = CheckOrCreateOutputDir(tasks.data['outputdir'],'tasks')
-if outputdir == None:
- exit(-1)
+outputdir = CheckOrCreateOutputDir(tasks.data['outputdir'], 'tasks')
+if outputdir is None:
+ exit(-1)
class DefaultEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, obj):
- return obj.__dict__
+ def default(self, obj):
+ return obj.__dict__
with open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'tasks.json'), 'w') as fp:
- json.dump(data, fp, indent=4, sort_keys = True, cls=DefaultEncoder)
- fp.flush()
+ json.dump(data, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=DefaultEncoder)
t = datetime.now()
htaccess = outputdir + '/.htaccess'
htafp = open(htaccess, 'w')
-print >> htafp, "DirectoryIndex index index.html\nOptions +MultiViews"
+htafp.write("DirectoryIndex index index.html\nOptions +MultiViews\n")
detect_javascript_code_re = re.compile("onmouseover=\"Tip\(\\'")
detect_ampersand_code_re = re.compile("href=\"http://\w+\.debian\.org/.+\?\w+=")
use_dependencystatus = GetDependencies2Use()
for lang in languages:
- print >> htafp, "AddLanguage %s .%s" % (language_dict[lang]['htaccess'], lang)
- l10nstring[lang].install()
- _ = l10nstring[lang].ugettext
- data['lang'] = lang
- data['license'] = _('License')
- data['version'] = _('Version')
- data['summary'] = _('Summary')
- data['updatetimestamp'] = _('Last update:') + ' ' + formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
- data['nopkgavail'] = _('Debian package not available')
- # Description of package in specific packges (same for Depends, Recommends, Suggests)
- data['legend'] = _("For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:")
- data['discovery'] = Markup(_("""If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s
- to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
- send a description of that project to the <a href="mailto:%s">%s mailing list</a>""") % \
- (data['projectname'], data['projectlist'], data['projectname']))
- data['bugs'] = _('Bugs')
- data['thermometer'] = _('Thermometer')
- data['maintstats'] = _('Maintainer Stats')
- data['contact'] = _('Contact')
- data['contribute'] = _('Contribute')
- data['description'] = _('Description')
- data['metapackage'] = _('Metapackage')
- data['packages'] = _('Packages')
- data['gtstrTasksPage'] = _('Tasks page')
- data['gtstrProject'] = _('Project')
- data['gtstrThisIsAList'] = _('This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:') % data['projectname']
- data['langavail'] = _('This page is also available in the following languages:')
- data['howtosetlang'] = _('How to set <a href="%s">the default document language</a>')
- data['howtosetlang'] = Markup(data['howtosetlang'] % ('http://www.debian.org/intro/cn.%s.html' % lang))
- data['nohomepage'] = _('Homepage not available')
- data['translatedesc'] = _('Translate description')
- data['fixtranslation'] = _('Fix translated description')
- data['popconexplanation'] = _('Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of')
- data['tableofcontents'] = _('Table of contents')
- data['packagelist'] = _('complete packagelist')
- if data['advertising'] != None:
- # If data['advertising'] is enclosed in _() gettext tries to ask for translations of 'advertising'
- # which makes no sense. That's why this is masked by an extra string variable
- advertising = data['advertising']
- ##data['projectadvertising'] = _(advertising) # Hopefully translation will work this way ...
- # Genshi needs explicite information that it is dealing with an UTF-8 string which should not be changed
- advertising = _(advertising)
- data['projectadvertising'] = Markup(advertising)
- else:
- data['projectadvertising'] = None
- data['packages'] = _('Packages')
- data['idxsummary'] = _('''The {0} Pure Blend contains {1} packages which
- are grouped by metapackages. Each metapackage will cause the
- installation of packages for a specific topic. The following table lists
- the metapackages of {0}''').format(data['projectname'], len(data['PackageByName']))
- pkgstatus['official_high']['headline'] = _('Official Debian packages with high relevance')
- # before fiddling around with unicode() read
- # http://www.red-mercury.com/blog/eclectic-tech/python-unicode-fixing-utf-8-encoded-as-latin-1-iso-8859-1/
- pkgstatus['official_high']['pdolinkname'] = _('Official Debian package')
- pkgstatus['official_low'] ['headline'] = _('Official Debian packages with lower relevance')
- pkgstatus['official_low'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['official_high']['pdolinkname']
- pkgstatus['non-free'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in contrib or non-free')
- pkgstatus['non-free'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package in contrib/non-free')
- pkgstatus['experimental'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in experimental')
- pkgstatus['experimental'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package in experimental')
- pkgstatus['new'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)')
- pkgstatus['new'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('New Debian package')
- pkgstatus['pkgvcs'] ['headline'] = _('Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS')
- pkgstatus['pkgvcs'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Unofficial Debian package')
- pkgstatus['unofficial'] ['headline'] = _('Unofficial packages built by somebody else')
- pkgstatus['unofficial'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['pkgvcs']['pdolinkname']
- pkgstatus['prospective'] ['headline'] = _('No known packages available')
- pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package not available')
- pkgstatus['wnpp'] ['headline'] = _('No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)')
- pkgstatus['wnpp'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['prospective']['pdolinkname']
- # Ignore/Avoid is only relevant for blends-dev, not webtools
- pkgstatus['ignore'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here'
- pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
- pkgstatus['avoid'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here'
- pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
- pkgstatus['unknown'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here' # There must be a bug somewhere
- pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
- # Create the index page
- # Make sure that strings that need to be rendered as they are because they might
- # contain several html tags will be marked correctly
- VERBATIM=('projectadvertising', )
- for verbatim in VERBATIM:
- if data.has_key(verbatim) and data[verbatim] != None:
- data[verbatim] = Markup(data[verbatim])
- template = loader.load('tasks_idx.xhtml')
- outputfile = outputdir + '/index'
- if lang != 'xyz': # let 'en' be a language as any other and add suffix to file name
- outputfile += '.' + language_dict[lang]['short'] + '.html'
- with codecs.open(outputfile, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
- f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
- SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
- try:
- template = loader.load('%s_idx.xhtml' % tasks.blendname)
- outputfile = tasks.data['outputdir'] + '/index'
- if lang != 'xyz': # let 'en' be a language as any other and add suffix to file name
- outputfile += '.' + language_dict[lang]['short'] + '.html'
- with codecs.open(outputfile, "w", "utf-8") as f:
- f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
- SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
- except:
- pass
- data['dependencies'] = {}
- data['projects'] = {}
- data['headline'] = {}
- data['pdolinkname'] = {}
- data['maintainer'] = {}
- # I18n for headlines, link description, maintainer
- for status in use_dependencystatus:
- data['headline'][status] = Markup(pkgstatus[status]['headline'])
- data['pdolinkname'][status]= Markup(pkgstatus[status]['pdolinkname'])
- if pkgstatus[status]['order'] <= pkgstatus['experimental']['order']:
- data['maintainer'][status] = _('Maintainer')
- else:
- data['maintainer'][status] = _('Responsible')
- for task in data['taskskeys']:
- data['task'] = task
- # Keep the Dependency lists per task to be able to loop over all tasks in plain package list
- data['dependencies'][task] = []
- found_status = {}
- for status in use_dependencystatus:
- if len(tasks.tasks[task].dependencies[status]) > 0:
- if status == 'unknown':
- # Just print an error message if there are packages with unknown status
- if lang == 'en':
- # ... but only once and not per language
- for dep in tasks.tasks[task].dependencies[status]:
- print >>stderr, "Warning: Dependency with unknown status:", dep.pkg
- else:
- data['dependencies'][task].append(status)
- if status in data['dependencies'][task]:
- if not found_status.has_key(status):
- found_status[status] = 1
- # Keep the Project lists per task to be able to loop over all tasks in plain package list
- data['projects'][task] = tasks.tasks[task].dependencies
- data['othertasks'] = _("Links to other tasks")
- data['indexlink'] = _("Index of all tasks")
- outputfile = outputdir + '/' + task
- if lang != 'xyz': # let 'en' be a language as any other and add suffix to file name
- outputfile += '.' + language_dict[lang]['short'] + '.html'
- if data['projectname'] in ('Debian Astro', 'Debian Hamradio'):
- template = loader.load('packages.xhtml')
+ htafp.write("AddLanguage {0} .{1}\n".format(language_dict[lang]['htaccess'], lang))
+ l10nstring[lang].install()
+ _ = l10nstring[lang].ugettext
+ data['lang'] = lang
+ data['license'] = _('License')
+ data['version'] = _('Version')
+ data['summary'] = _('Summary')
+ data['updatetimestamp'] = _('Last update:') + ' ' + formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+ data['nopkgavail'] = _('Debian package not available')
+ # Description of package in specific packges (same for Depends, Recommends, Suggests)
+ data['legend'] = _("For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:")
+ data['discovery'] = Markup(_(
+ """If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s
+ to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to
+ send a description of that project to the <a href="mailto:%s">%s mailing list</a>""") %
+ (data['projectname'], data['projectlist'], data['projectname']))
+ data['bugs'] = _('Bugs')
+ data['thermometer'] = _('Thermometer')
+ data['maintstats'] = _('Maintainer Stats')
+ data['contact'] = _('Contact')
+ data['contribute'] = _('Contribute')
+ data['description'] = _('Description')
+ data['metapackage'] = _('Metapackage')
+ data['packages'] = _('Packages')
+ data['gtstrTasksPage'] = _('Tasks page')
+ data['gtstrProject'] = _('Project')
+ data['gtstrThisIsAList'] = _('This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:') % data['projectname']
+ data['langavail'] = _('This page is also available in the following languages:')
+ data['howtosetlang'] = _('How to set <a href="%s">the default document language</a>')
+ data['howtosetlang'] = Markup(data['howtosetlang'] % ('http://www.debian.org/intro/cn.%s.html' % lang))
+ data['nohomepage'] = _('Homepage not available')
+ data['translatedesc'] = _('Translate description')
+ data['fixtranslation'] = _('Fix translated description')
+ data['popconexplanation'] = _('Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of')
+ data['tableofcontents'] = _('Table of contents')
+ data['packagelist'] = _('complete packagelist')
+ if data['advertising'] != None:
+ # If data['advertising'] is enclosed in _() gettext tries to ask for translations of 'advertising'
+ # which makes no sense. That's why this is masked by an extra string variable
+ advertising = data['advertising']
+ # #data['projectadvertising'] = _(advertising) # Hopefully translation will work this way ...
+ # Genshi needs explicite information that it is dealing with an UTF-8 string which should not be changed
+ advertising = _(advertising)
+ data['projectadvertising'] = Markup(advertising)
+ else:
+ data['projectadvertising'] = None
+ data['packages'] = _('Packages')
+ data['idxsummary'] = _('''The {0} Pure Blend contains {1} packages which
+ are grouped by metapackages. Each metapackage will cause the
+ installation of packages for a specific topic. The following table lists
+ the metapackages of {0}''').format(data['projectname'], len(data['PackageByName']))
+ pkgstatus['official_high']['headline'] = _('Official Debian packages with high relevance')
+ # before fiddling around with unicode() read
+ # http://www.red-mercury.com/blog/eclectic-tech/python-unicode-fixing-utf-8-encoded-as-latin-1-iso-8859-1/
+ pkgstatus['official_high']['pdolinkname'] = _('Official Debian package')
+ pkgstatus['official_low'] ['headline'] = _('Official Debian packages with lower relevance')
+ pkgstatus['official_low'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['official_high']['pdolinkname']
+ pkgstatus['non-free'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in contrib or non-free')
+ pkgstatus['non-free'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package in contrib/non-free')
+ pkgstatus['experimental'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in experimental')
+ pkgstatus['experimental'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package in experimental')
+ pkgstatus['new'] ['headline'] = _('Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)')
+ pkgstatus['new'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('New Debian package')
+ pkgstatus['pkgvcs'] ['headline'] = _('Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS')
+ pkgstatus['pkgvcs'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Unofficial Debian package')
+ pkgstatus['unofficial'] ['headline'] = _('Unofficial packages built by somebody else')
+ pkgstatus['unofficial'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['pkgvcs']['pdolinkname']
+ pkgstatus['prospective'] ['headline'] = _('No known packages available')
+ pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = _('Debian package not available')
+ pkgstatus['wnpp'] ['headline'] = _('No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)')
+ pkgstatus['wnpp'] ['pdolinkname'] = pkgstatus['prospective']['pdolinkname']
+ # Ignore/Avoid is only relevant for blends-dev, not webtools
+ pkgstatus['ignore'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here'
+ pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
+ pkgstatus['avoid'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here'
+ pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
+ pkgstatus['unknown'] ['headline'] = 'Should not show up here' # There must be a bug somewhere
+ pkgstatus['prospective'] ['pdolinkname'] = ''
+ # Create the index page
+ # Make sure that strings that need to be rendered as they are because they might
+ # contain several html tags will be marked correctly
+ VERBATIM = ('projectadvertising', )
+ for verbatim in VERBATIM:
+ if verbatim in data and data[verbatim] != None:
+ data[verbatim] = Markup(data[verbatim])
+ template = loader.load('tasks_idx.xhtml')
+ outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir,
+ 'index.{0}.html'.format(language_dict[lang]['short']))
+ with codecs.open(outputfile, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
+ SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
+ try:
+ template = loader.load('%s_idx.xhtml' % tasks.blendname)
+ outputfile = os.path.join(tasks.data['outputdir'],
+ 'index.{0}.html'.format(language_dict[lang]['short']))
+ with codecs.open(outputfile, "w", "utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
+ SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
+ except:
+ pass
+ data['dependencies'] = {}
+ data['projects'] = {}
+ data['headline'] = {}
+ data['pdolinkname'] = {}
+ data['maintainer'] = {}
+ # I18n for headlines, link description, maintainer
+ for status in use_dependencystatus:
+ data['headline'][status] = Markup(pkgstatus[status]['headline'])
+ data['pdolinkname'][status] = Markup(pkgstatus[status]['pdolinkname'])
+ if pkgstatus[status]['order'] <= pkgstatus['experimental']['order']:
+ data['maintainer'][status] = _('Maintainer')
+ else:
+ data['maintainer'][status] = _('Responsible')
+ for task in data['taskskeys']:
+ data['task'] = task
+ # Keep the Dependency lists per task to be able to loop over all tasks in plain package list
+ data['dependencies'][task] = []
+ found_status = {}
+ for status in use_dependencystatus:
+ if len(tasks.tasks[task].dependencies[status]) > 0:
+ if status == 'unknown':
+ # Just print an error message if there are packages with unknown status
+ if lang == 'en':
+ # ... but only once and not per language
+ for dep in tasks.tasks[task].dependencies[status]:
+ print >>stderr, "Warning: Dependency with unknown status:", dep.pkg
- template = loader.load('tasks.xhtml')
- lines = template.generate(**data).render('xhtml').split('\n')
- for line in lines:
- # We had to mask ampersand ('&') from Genshi but even if
- # the browser shows the correct character
- # packages.debian.org gets confused - so turn it back here
- if detect_ampersand_code_re.search(line):
- if '%26' in line:
- print line
- line = re.sub('%26', '&', line)
- with codecs.open(outputfile, "w", "utf-8") as f:
- f.write('\n'.join(lines))
- SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
- template = loader.load('packagelist.xhtml')
- outputfile = outputdir + '/packagelist'
- if lang != 'xyz': # let 'en' be a language as any other and add suffix to file name
- outputfile += '.' + lang + '.html'
- data['projectsintasks'] = []
- for task in data['taskskeys']:
- data['projectsintasks'] = tasks.tasks[task].dependencies
- with codecs.open(outputfile, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
- f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
- SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
-print >> htafp, "LanguagePriority",
+ data['dependencies'][task].append(status)
+ if status in data['dependencies'][task]:
+ if status not in found_status:
+ found_status[status] = 1
+ # Keep the Project lists per task to be able to loop over all tasks in plain package list
+ data['projects'][task] = tasks.tasks[task].dependencies
+ data['othertasks'] = _("Links to other tasks")
+ data['indexlink'] = _("Index of all tasks")
+ outputfile = os.path.join(
+ outputdir,
+ '{0}.{1}.html'.format(task, language_dict[lang]['short']))
+ if data['projectname'] in ('Debian Astro', 'Debian Hamradio'):
+ template = loader.load('packages.xhtml')
+ else:
+ template = loader.load('tasks.xhtml')
+ lines = template.generate(**data).render('xhtml').split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ # We had to mask ampersand ('&') from Genshi but even if
+ # the browser shows the correct character
+ # packages.debian.org gets confused - so turn it back here
+ if detect_ampersand_code_re.search(line):
+ if '%26' in line:
+ print line
+ line = re.sub('%26', '&', line)
+ with codecs.open(outputfile, "w", "utf-8") as f:
+ f.write('\n'.join(lines))
+ SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
+ template = loader.load('packagelist.xhtml')
+ outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir,
+ 'packagelist.{0}.html'.format(lang))
+ data['projectsintasks'] = []
+ for task in data['taskskeys']:
+ data['projectsintasks'] = tasks.tasks[task].dependencies
+ with codecs.open(outputfile, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(template.generate(**data).render('xhtml'))
+ SetFilePermissions(outputfile)
for lang in languages:
- print >> htafp, language_dict[lang]['htaccess'] ,
-print >> htafp
+ htafp.write(' ' + language_dict[lang]['htaccess'])
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