[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. 495f51047bd7de2a3a604453dd8ac94b720d9d2b

Ole Streicher olebole at debian.org
Thu Mar 10 08:06:53 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 495f51047bd7de2a3a604453dd8ac94b720d9d2b
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 10 09:05:51 2016 +0100

    Merge remaining files from webtools_py3 into webtools
    Different files are marked with the "_udd" suffix.

diff --git a/webtools_py3/0dependencies b/webtools/0dependencies_udd
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/0dependencies
rename to webtools/0dependencies_udd
diff --git a/webtools_py3/blendstasktools_udd.py b/webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/blendstasktools_udd.py
rename to webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py
diff --git a/webtools_py3/tasks_udd.py b/webtools/tasks_udd.py
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/tasks_udd.py
rename to webtools/tasks_udd.py
diff --git a/webtools_py3/test_output.py b/webtools/test_output_udd.py
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/test_output.py
rename to webtools/test_output_udd.py
diff --git a/webtools_py3/update-all-tasks b/webtools/update-all-tasks_udd
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/update-all-tasks
rename to webtools/update-all-tasks_udd
diff --git a/webtools_py3/update-all b/webtools/update-all_udd
similarity index 100%
rename from webtools_py3/update-all
rename to webtools/update-all_udd
diff --git a/webtools_py3/blend-get-names b/webtools_py3/blend-get-names
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c2ce2d..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/blend-get-names
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Read Blend specific names from debian/control.stub
-# Copyright (C) Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-# License: GPL
-# Return codes according to
-# http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/stdlib/posix-module.html
-GetShortName () {
-    grep '^Source:[[:space:]]*debian-' $CONTROLFILE | \
-	sed 's/^Source:[[:space:]]*debian-//'
-if [ ! -e "$CONTROLFILE" ] ; then
-	echo "Missing control file $CONTROLFILE"
-	exit 72   # EX_OSFILE
-if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] ; then
-	echo "Missing argument"
-	echo "Usage: $0 blendname|blendshortname|metapackageprefix"
-	exit 64   #  EX_USAGE
-case "$1" in
-    blendname)
-        grep '^Source:[[:space:]]*debian-' "$CONTROLFILE" | \
-	    sed 's/^Source:[[:space:]]*//'
-	exit 0
-	;;
-    blendshortname)
-	GetShortName
-	exit 0
-	;;
-    metapackageprefix)
-	mprefix=`grep '^Package:[[:space:]]*' "$CONTROLFILE" |head -1| \
-	    sed 's/^Package:[[:space:]]*\([[:alnum:]]\+\)-*.*/\1/'`
-	if [ -z $mprefix ] ; then
-	    GetShortName
-	else
-	    echo $mprefix
-	fi
-	exit 0
-	;;
-    *)
-	echo "Unknown argument $1"
-	echo "Usage: $0 blendname|blendshortname|metapackageprefix"
-	exit 64   #  EX_USAGE
-	;;
diff --git a/webtools_py3/blendslanguages.py b/webtools_py3/blendslanguages.py
deleted file mode 120000
index 271f07a..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/blendslanguages.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/blendsmarkdown.py b/webtools_py3/blendsmarkdown.py
deleted file mode 120000
index d501f7c..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/blendsmarkdown.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/bugs.py b/webtools_py3/bugs.py
deleted file mode 120000
index bee0c3b..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/bugs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/check-all-tasks b/webtools_py3/check-all-tasks
deleted file mode 100755
index 1778008..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/check-all-tasks
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-: <<=cut
-=head1 NAME
-check-all-tasks - check whether there are changes of tasks files in Vcs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This script checks whether there is any need to update web sentinel
-pages.  It checkout / clones the relevant repositories that are
-mentioned in the according config file in `pwd`/webconf.
-if [ "--help" = "$1" -o "-h" = "$1" ] ; then
-	pod2man --center "Debian Blends Documentation" check-all-tasks  | nroff -man
-	exit 1
-cd `dirname $0`
-for bc in `ls webconf/*.conf | grep -v -e "webconf/fun\." -e rest-test` ; do
-    blend=`basename ${bc} .conf`
-    # echo "----- $blend ------"
-    datadir=`grep "^DataDir:" ${bc} | sed 's/^DataDir:\s*//'`
-    datasubdir=`echo $datadir | sed 's?^.*/\([^/]\+\)$?\1?'`
-    vcsurl=`grep "^VcsDir:" ${bc} | sed 's/^VcsDir:\s*//'`
-    vcstype=`echo ${vcsurl} | sed 's/^\([a-z]\{3\}\):.*/\1/'`
-    if [ "$vcstype" != "git" -a "$vcstype" != "svn" ] ; then
-        if echo ${vcsurl} | grep -q '^http://github' ; then
-            vcstype=git
-        else
-            vcstype=unknown
-            echo "Unknown VcsType ${vcstype} in VcsURL ${vcsurl}"
-        fi
-    fi
-    [ ! -d `dirname ${datadir}` ] && mkdir -p `dirname ${datadir}`
-    curdir=`pwd`
-    md5file="../${blend}.md5"
-    if [ ! -d ${datadir} ] ; then
-        if [ "${vcstype}" = "git" ] ; then
-            cd `dirname ${datadir}`
-            git clone --quiet ${vcsurl} ${datasubdir} 2>/dev/null && true
-            if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
-                # echo "Unable to fetch initial data for $blend from $VcsDir - try without SSL verification" ;
-                GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 git clone  --quiet ${vcsurl}  ${datasubdir} >/dev/null && true
-            fi
-        else if [ "${vcstype}" = "svn" ] ; then
-                mkdir -p ${datadir}
-                cd ${datadir}
-                svn --quiet checkout ${vcsurl}/debian
-                svn --quiet checkout ${vcsurl}/tasks
-            fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [ ${vcsurl} != "unknown" ] ; then
-        cd ${datadir}
-        # echo "vcs clone of ${vcsurl} exists in ${datadir}"
-        if [ "${datadir}" = "" ] ; then
-            echo "datadir is empty"
-            echo ${vcsurl}
-    	    exit 1
-        fi
-        if [ "${vcstype}" = "git" ] ; then
-            git pull --quiet 2>/dev/null && true
-            if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
-                # echo "Unable to pull data for $blend from $VcsDir - try without SSL verification"
-                GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 git pull >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && true
-            fi
-        else if [ "${vcstype}" = "svn" ] ; then
-                cd tasks
-                svn --quiet up
-                cd ..
-            else
-                echo "Unknown VcsType ${vcstype} in VcsURL ${vcsurl}"
-            fi
-        fi
-        if [ ! -e ${md5file} -a -d tasks ] ; then
-    	    cat `find tasks -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort` | md5sum > ${md5file}
-        else
-            mv ${md5file} ${md5file}.old
-            if [ -d tasks ] ; then
-  	        cat `find tasks -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort` | md5sum > ${md5file}
-  	    fi
-    	    if ! diff ${md5file} ${md5file}.old >/dev/null ; then
-    		# echo "Difference in tasks files of Blend ${blend}"
-    		cd $curdir
-                if ! ps aux | grep -v "0:0[0-9] grep " | grep -v "0:0[0-9] ps " | grep tasks.py ; then
-                    ./tasks.py ${blend}
-                    needsupdate=1
-                else
-                    echo "Script tasks.py seems to be running currently.  No update."
-                fi
-    		if ! ps aux | grep -v "0:0[0-9] grep " | grep -v "0:0[0-9] ps " | grep thermometer.py ; then
-                    ./thermometer.py ${blend}
-                    needsupdate=1
-                else
-                    echo "Script thermometer.py seems to be running currently.  No update."
-                fi
-    	    fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    cd $curdir
-if [ $needsupdate -eq 1 ] ; then
-    [ -x /usr/local/bin/static-update-component ] && /usr/local/bin/static-update-component blends.debian.org >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/webtools_py3/check-static-content b/webtools_py3/check-static-content
deleted file mode 100755
index 402a352..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/check-static-content
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-: <<=cut
-=head1 NAME
-check-static-content - check whether there are changes of static content in Vcs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This script checks whether there is any need to update static
-Blends pages.  It pulls the Git repository regularly and is
-supposed to be run in a cron job.
-if [ "--help" = "$1" -o "-h" = "$1" ] ; then
-	pod2man --center "Debian Blends Documentation" check-static-content  | nroff -man
-	exit 1
-which git >/dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	@echo "git executable could not be found"
-	exit 1
-if [ ! -d /srv/blends.debian.org ]; then
-	@echo "/srv/blends.debian.org is not a directory"
-	exit 1
-OLD_REV=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`
-cd /srv/blends.debian.org
-git pull --quiet 2>/dev/null
-NEW_REV=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`
-if [ "$OLD_REV" != "$NEW_REV" ]; then
-	[ -x /usr/local/bin/static-update-component ] && \
-		/usr/local/bin/static-update-component blends.debian.org 2>&1 >/dev/null
diff --git a/webtools_py3/ddpo_register b/webtools_py3/ddpo_register
deleted file mode 100755
index 98c882e..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/ddpo_register
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# send subscribe mail for all packages that are mentioned in the
-# tasks file of a project in SVN and exists in unstable distribution
-if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
-    echo "Usage: `basename $0` <projectname>"
-    exit -1
-if [ ! -s "$conffile" ] ; then
-    echo "Missing or empty config file $conffile"
-    exit -1
-if ! grep -iq "^PkgList[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\+@[^[:space:]]\+\.[^[:space:]]\+$" $conffile ; then
-    echo "Config file $conffile does not contain valid PkgList field."
-    exit -1
-./ddpo_register.py $1 \
-  | grep -v -e "^Unknown key" \
-            -e "^Hint: WNPP for package" \
-  | mailx -s subscribe ddpo at qa.debian.org
-# See comment at end of ddpo_register.py about full pts subscriptions switching on all features
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/ddpo_register.py b/webtools_py3/ddpo_register.py
deleted file mode 120000
index c508582..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/ddpo_register.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/deploy-repository b/webtools_py3/deploy-repository
deleted file mode 100755
index b3ecea7..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/deploy-repository
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-umask 002
-if [ -d ${BASE} ] ; then
-    cd ${BASE}
-    git pull
-    tmpdir=`mktemp --directory`
-    cd $tmpdir
-    git clone ${URL_REPOS}
-    mv ${NAME} ${BASE}
-    cd
-    rm -rf $tmpdir
-    cd ${BASE}
-cd $BASE/webtools
-# ensure the Group has write permissions...
-chgrp -R blends $BASE/* $BASE/.g*
-chmod -R g+w $BASE/*
diff --git a/webtools_py3/mkmo.sh b/webtools_py3/mkmo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index adb87c5..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/mkmo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-[ "--force" != "$1" ] || rm -rf "locale"
-ls -1 "$podir"/*.po | xargs -I{} basename '{}' .po | while read lang; do
-	modir="locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES"
-	mkdir -p "$modir"
-	msgfmt --output-file="$modir/$domain.mo" "$podir/$lang.po"
diff --git a/webtools_py3/mkpo.sh b/webtools_py3/mkpo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b5034d3..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/mkpo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-cd po
-locales=$(ls -1 ??.po | sed 's?\(..\)\.po?\1?')
-cat ${NAME}.pot > "$TMPPOT"
-cat php-message-strings.pot >> "$TMPPOT"
-cat static.pot >> "$TMPPOT"
-for lang in $locales
-	msgmerge -iU --width=100 "$lang".po "$TMPPOT"
-rm -rf "$TMPPOT"
-exit 0
diff --git a/webtools_py3/mkpot.sh b/webtools_py3/mkpot.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a69842..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/mkpot.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-xgettext \
-	--default-domain="$NAME" \
-	--package-name="$NAME" \
-	--package-version="0.1.1" \
-	--msgid-bugs-address="debian-custom at lists.debian.org" \
-	--copyright-holder="Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>" \
-	--keyword="_" \
-	--output-dir="po" \
-	--escape \
-	--output="${NAME}.pot" \
-	--language="Python" \
-	tasks.py templates/tasks_idx.xhtml templates/tasks.xhtml \
-	bugs.py templates/bugs_idx.xhtml templates/bugs.xhtml
-# Fake xgettext output for config files
-grep --with-filename --line-number "_(.\+)" webconf/*.conf | \
-	perl -ne '/^([^:]+):([0-9]+):.*_\(\W(.+)\W\)/; print "\n#: $1:$2\nmsgid \"$3\"\nmsgstr\"\"\n";' \
-        >> po/${NAME}.pot
-#: tasks.py:109 
-msgid "Packages"
-msgstr ""
-webconf/debian-med.conf:Advertising: {gettext = _('Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the <a href="http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debi
-webconf/test.conf:Advertising= _('Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the <a href="http=//alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med">Alioth pa
diff --git a/webtools_py3/new_upstream b/webtools_py3/new_upstream
deleted file mode 100755
index b59d9ee..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/new_upstream
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Check for packages of Blend which are not up to date and send
-# E-Mail to Blend developer list
-if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
-    echo "Usage: `basename $0` <projectname>"
-    exit 1
-if [ ! -s "$conffile" ] ; then
-    echo "Missing or empty config file $conffile"
-    exit 1
-if ! grep -iq "^DehsMail[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\+@[^[:space:]]\+\.[^[:space:]]\+$" $conffile ; then
-    if ! grep -iq "^PkgList[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\+@[^[:space:]]\+\.[^[:space:]]\+$" $conffile ; then
-	echo "Config file $conffile does not contain valid DehsMail or PkgList field."
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    SENDDEHS=`grep -i "^PkgList" $conffile | head -n 1 | sed s/^PkgList[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*//`
-    SENDDEHS=`grep -i "^DehsMail" $conffile | head -n 1 | sed s/^DehsMail[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*//`
-./new_upstream.py $1 \
-  | grep -v -e "^Unknown key" \
-            -e "^Hint: WNPP for package" \
-  | mailx -s "Updatable packages of $1" $SENDDEHS
diff --git a/webtools_py3/new_upstream.py b/webtools_py3/new_upstream.py
deleted file mode 120000
index ed9d2c9..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/new_upstream.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/blends-webtools.pot b/webtools_py3/po/blends-webtools.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e07072..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/blends-webtools.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) YEAR Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: blends-webtools 0.1.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid "License"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid "Debian package not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid ""
-"For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, "
-"each head row has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-"                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial "
-"Debian package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-"                              send a description of that project to the <a "
-"href=\"mailto:%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some "
-"interest to the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as "
-"Debian packages. It is our goal, however, to include all software in %s "
-"which can sensibly add to a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid "Tasks page"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid "Project"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid "Homepage not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid "Translate description"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid "Fix translated description"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid ""
-"Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly "
-"(number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid "Table of contents"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid "complete packagelist"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid "Packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-"a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their "
-"work.  The list on\n"
-"the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid "Official Debian package"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid "New Debian package"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid ""
-"Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid "No known packages available"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid "Responsible"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid "Tasks overview"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid "Legend"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid "Bugs of package"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid "Total bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid "Open bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-"a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their "
-"work.  This page should be helpful\n"
-"to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project "
-"to enable developers a quick\n"
-"overview about possible problems."
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid "Bugs page"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid ""
-"This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective "
-"bugs page."
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid ""
-"To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-"a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and "
-"bugs in dependent and\n"
-"recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested "
-"packages.  Release critical\n"
-"bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of "
-"normal bugs is even smaller\n"
-"and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this "
-"calculation.  The resulting\n"
-"sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual "
-"numbers need some adjustment\n"
-"to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid ""
-"Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is "
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid "Done bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid "No done bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid "Vcs"
-msgstr ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/cs.po b/webtools_py3/po/cs.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/cs.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/da.po b/webtools_py3/po/da.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1198d..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/da.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   ""
-msgstr  "Project-Id-Version: blends-webtools 0.1.1\n"
-        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-        "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-        "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-        "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-        "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
-        "Language: \n"
-        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
-#~ msgid        "Hello world"
-#~ msgstr       "Hej verden"
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/de.po b/webtools_py3/po/de.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d5b1ab..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/de.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-# Translation file for Debian Pure Blends webtools.
-# Copyright (C) 2007, Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2+.
-# David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>, 2007.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   ""
-msgstr  "Project-Id-Version: 0.1\n"
-        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-        "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-        "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-30 23:13:51+0200\n"
-        "Last-Translator: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>\n"
-        "Language-Team: German <de at li.org>\n"
-        "Language: de\n"
-        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  "Lizenz"
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  "Version"
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  "Zusammenfassung"
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  "Zuletzt aktualisiert:"
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  "Debianpaket nicht verfügbar"
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  "Um einen besseren Überblick über die Verfügbarkeit der Projekte als Debian Paket zu "
-        "geben, hat jede Kopfzeile einen Farbcode entsprechend diesem Schema:"
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  "Wenn Sie ein Projekt entdecken, das ein guter Kandidat für %s zu sein scheint, oder wenn "
-        "Sie ein inoffizielles Debianpaket erstellt haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht eine "
-        "Beschreibung des Projekts an die <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s Mailingliste</a> zu schicken."
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  "Die Liste auf der rechten Seite enthält verschiedene Softwareprojekte, die für das %s "
-        "Projekt von Interesse sind. Derzeit sind nur einige von diesen als Debianpakete "
-        "verfügbar. Zielsetzung ist es jedoch, all die Software für %s zu paketieren, um einen "
-        "qualitativ hochwertiges Debian Pure Blend (interne Anpassung von Debian an spezielle "
-        "Bedürfnisse) zu erstellen."
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  "Aufgaben Seite"
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  "Projekt"
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  "Dies ist die Liste der Aufgaben des %s Projekts:"
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  "Diese Seite gibt es auch in den folgenden Sprachen:"
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  "Wie stellt man <a href=\"%s\">die Standardsprache</a> ein"
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  "Homepage nicht verfügbar"
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  "Beschreibung übersetzen"
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  "Korrigiere Übersetzung"
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  "Pupularitätswetbewerbsergebnisse: Anzahl der Nutzer, die das Paket regelmäßig nutzen "
-        "(Anzahl der Nutzer, die das Paket kürzlich aktualisiert haben) von insgesamt"
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  "Inhaltsverzeichnis"
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  "komplette Paketliste"
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  "Pakete"
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  "Ein %sDebian Pure Blend%s ist ein internes Debianprojekt, das einen Satz von Paketen "
-        "zusammenstellt, der Nutzern hilft, bestimmte Aufgaben Ihrer Arbeit zu bewältigen.  Die "
-        "Liste rechts zeigt Aufgaben, die durch %s zusammengestellt wurden."
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  "Offizielle Debianpakete mit hoher Relevanz"
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  "Offizielles Debianpaket"
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  "Offizielle Debianpakete mit niedriger Relevanz"
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  "Debianpakete in contrib oder non-free"
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  "Debianpaket in contrib/non-free"
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  "Debianpakete in experimental"
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  "Debianpaket in experimental"
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  "Debianpakete in der New Queue (hoffentlich bald verfügbar)"
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  "Neues Debianpaket"
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  "Paketierung hat begonnen und Entwickler könnten einen Versuch mit dem Code im VCS starten"
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  "Inoffizielles Debianpaket"
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  "Inoffizielle Pakete, die nicht durch das Debian Projekt erstellt wurden"
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  "Keine bekannten Pakete verfügbar"
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  "Keine information über verfügbare Pakete, aber Interesse bekundet (WNPP bug)"
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  "Betreuer"
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  "Verantwortlich"
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  "Links zu Aufgaben"
-# # 'anderen' wird hier weggelassen - sonst wird das Layout vermurkst
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  "Index aller Aufgaben"
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  "Arbeitsgebiete"
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  "Arbeitsgebiete Überblick"
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  "Legende"
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  "Fehler des Pakets"
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  "Alle Fehler"
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  "Unerledigte Fehler"
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  "Erledigte Fehler"
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  "Ein %sDebian Pure Blend%s ist ein internes Debianprojekt, das einen Satz von Paketen "
-        "zusammenstellt, der Nutzern hilft, bestimmte Aufgabenbereiche Ihrer Arbeit zu "
-        "bewältigen.  Diese Seite soll dabei helfen\n"
-        "den Entwicklern des Projekts %s einen schnellen Überblick über mögliche Probleme zu geben."
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  "Fehlerseite"
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  "Unerledigte Fehler"
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  "Hilf uns dabei, Debian für Ärzte und Forscher in der Biomedizin attraktiv zu machen!\n"
-        "Du kannst dem Projekt auf der <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med"
-        "\">Alioth Seite</a> beitreten."
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  "Zusammenfassung"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  "Bugs des Pakets"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  "Zuletzt aktualisiert"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  "Diese Seite wird automatisch zweimal am Tag aktualisiert: zu Mitternacht und um Mittag."
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  "Bugs Übersicht"
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  "DDTP Statistiken"
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  "Zusammenfassung des Pakets"
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  "Information"
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  "Entwickler, bitte besucht die"
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  "Debian Med Wiki Seiten"
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  "Das Debian Med Projekt präsentiert Pakete für die<ul><li>Medizin</li><li>Vorklinik</"
-        "li><li>Biowissenschaften.</li></ul> Aktuelle Pakete kommen aus den Bereichen "
-        "<ul><li>Praxisverwaltung</li><li>Bildverarbeitung</li><li>Bioinformatik</li></ul>und von "
-        "jedem Debian-Rechner direkt zu installieren."
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  "Warnung"
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  "Dein Browser verwendet eine noch nicht berücksichtigte Ländereinstellung.<br />Wenn die "
-        "hierzu benötigten ein bis zwei Stunden irgendwie abzweigbar sind, so hilf uns bitte mit "
-        "einer entsprechenden Übersetzung unserer Seiten. %sHier%s steht wie dies funktioniert."
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  "Besuchen Sie die %sÜbersetzungsseite%s"
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  "Seiten"
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  "Gruppenrichtlinien"
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  "Gemeldete Probleme"
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  "SVN Repository"
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  "Übersetzung"
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  "Es machen mit"
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  "Administrator"
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  "Entwickler"
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  "Green Wheel"
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  "Grey Wheel"
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  "UTC Zeitzone"
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  "Bäpperle"
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  "Gültiges XHTML 1.1"
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  "Gültiges CSS 2"
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  "Gerade erst passiert"
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  "Datum"
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  "Autor"
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  "Inhalt"
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  "Link"
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  "Zu tun"
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  "Die Gemeinschaft betreibt diese Webseite gemeinsam über einen SVN server. Dies mag "
-        "mitunter Schwierigkeiten hervorrufen, dafür sind wir immer aktuell."
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  "Spracheinstellung"
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  "Priorität"
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  "Mehr Informationen dazu, wie Du dem Projekt zuarbeiten kannst, können auf der Seite %sHow "
-        "to Contribute%s abgerufen werden."
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  "Übersetzung"
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  "Dezeit gewählte Sprache"
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  "locale"
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  "Status der Übersetzung"
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  "Team"
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  "Füge neue Sprache hinzu"
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  "Die Liste auf der rechten Seite enthält verschiedene Softwareprojekte, die für das Debian-"
-        "Med Projekt von Interesse sind."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  "Derzeit sind noch nicht alle als Debian-Paket verfügbar."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  "Es ist jedoch unser Ziel, diese Software in Debian Med zu integrieren, um eine qualitativ "
-        "hochwertige Debian Pure Blend zu erstellen."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  "Wenn Sie ein Projekt entdecken, das ein guter Kandidat für Debian Med zu sein scheint, "
-        "oder wenn Sie ein inoffizielles Debianpaket erstellt haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht eine "
-        "Beschreibung des Projekts an die %sDebian Med Mailingliste%s zu schicken."
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the update-bugs Python
-# script
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  "Betreff"
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  "Von"
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  "Tags"
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  "Datum"
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  "Schweregrad"
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  "Bezug auf"
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  "Behoben in"
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  "Keine Übersetzung verfügbar"
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  "ja"
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  "übersetzt"
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  "bearbeiten"
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  "bearbeite Übersetzung"
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  "unübersetzt"
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  "Bitte folge dem unten angegebenen Link, um eine erste Übersetzung einzugeben."
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/es.po b/webtools_py3/po/es.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/es.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/fi.po b/webtools_py3/po/fi.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/fi.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/fr.po b/webtools_py3/po/fr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index b0fcad1..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/fr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-# translation of messages.po to français
-# Translation file for Debian Pure Blends webtools.
-# Copyright (C) 2008, Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2+.
-# David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>, 2007.
-# Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>, 2007.
-# Eric Maeker <eric.maeker at gmail.com>, 2012.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: messages\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-24 23:00+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Eric Maeker <eric.maeker at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: français <fr at li.org.example>\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid "License"
-msgstr "Licence"
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Version"
-#: tasks.py:92
-#: bugs.py:114
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr "Résumé"
-#: tasks.py:93
-#: bugs.py:123
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr "Dernière mise à jour :"
-#: tasks.py:94
-#: tasks.py:150
-msgid "Debian package not available"
-msgstr "Paquet Debian indisponible"
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr "Pour un meilleur aperçu de la disponibilité du projet comme paquet Debian, toutes les entêtes ont un code couleur selon le schéma suivant :"
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-"                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-"                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous découvrez un projet qui pourrait être un bon candidat pour %s,\n"
-"                              ou si vous avez préparé un paquet non officiel pour Debian, n'hésitez pas à\n"
-"                              nous envoyer une description de ce projet sur <a href=\"mailto:%s\">la liste de diffusion %s</a>"
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr "La liste de droite comprend divers projets logiciels qui sont d'un certain intérêt au projet %s. Actuellement, seuls quelques-uns d'entre eux sont disponibles sous forme de paquets Debian. Notre objectif est d'inclure tous les logiciels dans %s, qui peuvent raisonnablement participer à un Debian Pure Blend de haute qualité."
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid "Tasks page"
-msgstr "Page des tâches"
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid "Project"
-msgstr "Projet"
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr "Ceci est la liste des tâches dont est constitué %s :"
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr "Cette page est aussi disponible dans les langages suivants :"
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr "Comment définir la <a href=\"%s\">langue par défaut de ce document</a>"
-#: tasks.py:108
-#: bugs.py:262
-msgid "Homepage not available"
-msgstr "Page d'accueil indisponible"
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid "Translate description"
-msgstr "Traduire la description"
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid "Fix translated description"
-msgstr "Corriger la traduction de la description"
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr "Résultats de popularité : nombre de personnes qui utilisent régulièrement ce paquet (nombre de personnes qui ont mis à jour ce paquet récemment) sur"
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid "Table of contents"
-msgstr "Table des matières"
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid "complete packagelist"
-msgstr "list complète des paquets"
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid "Packages"
-msgstr "Paquets"
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-"a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list on\n"
-"the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Un %sDebian Pure Blend%s est un projet Debian interne qui assemble \n"
-"un ensemble de paquets qui pourraient aider les utilisateurs à résoudre certaines tâches de leur travail. La liste de \n"
-"de droite montre les tâches de %s."
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr "Paquets Debian officiels avec une haute priorité"
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid "Official Debian package"
-msgstr "Paquet Debian officiel"
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr "Paquets Debian officiels avec une faible priorité"
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr "Paquets Debian dans contrib ou non-free"
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr "Paquet Debian dans contrib ou non-free"
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr "Paquets Debian dans experimental"
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr "Paquet Debian dans experimental"
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr "Paquet Debian dans la file d'attente des nouveaux (on l'espère bientôt disponible)"
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid "New Debian package"
-msgstr "Nouveau paquet Debian"
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr "Construction du paquet débuté, les développeurs peuvent tester le code de construction sur le gestionnaire de version"
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr "Paquet non-officiel de Debian"
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr "Paquet non-officiel construit par quelqu'un d'autre"
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid "No known packages available"
-msgstr "Pas de paquet connu disponible"
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr "Pas de paquet disponible mais un intérêt signalé (bogue WNPP)"
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mainteneur"
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid "Responsible"
-msgstr "Responsable"
-#: tasks.py:224
-#: bugs.py:106
-msgid "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr "Liens vers les autres tâches"
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr "Index de toutes les tâches"
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tâches"
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid "Tasks overview"
-msgstr "Aperçu des tâches"
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid "Legend"
-msgstr "Légende"
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid "Bugs of package"
-msgstr "Bogues du paquet"
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid "Total bugs"
-msgstr "Bogues totaux"
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid "Open bugs"
-msgstr "Bogues ouverts"
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr "Bogues corrigés"
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-"a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page should be helpful\n"
-"to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable developers a quick\n"
-"overview about possible problems."
-msgstr ""
-"Un %sDebian Pure Blend%s est un projet Debian interne qui assemble \n"
-"un ensemble de paquets qui pourraient aider les utilisateurs à résoudre certaines tâches de leur travail. Cette page peut être utile \n"
-"pour traquer les bogues de paquets qui sont intéressants pour le projet %s et pour permettre aux développeurs un aperçu rapide sur les problèmes éventuels."
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid "Bugs page"
-msgstr "Page des bogues"
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr "Ceci est une liste de méta-paquets. Les liens mènent vers la page des bogues correspondante."
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid ""
-"To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-"a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in dependent and\n"
-"recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  Release critical\n"
-"bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is even smaller\n"
-"and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  The resulting\n"
-"sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some adjustment\n"
-"to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr "La sévérité des bogues est pondéré comme suit"
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr "Méta-paquet en excellente forme"
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr "Méta-paquet en très bonne forme"
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr "Méta-paquet en bonne forme"
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr "Pensez à vérifier les bogues de ce méta-paquet"
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr "Vérifier les bogues de ce méta-paquet est recommandé"
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr "Vérification immédiate des bogues des dépendances de méta-paquet est conseillé"
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr "Bogues ouverts dans les paquets dépendants"
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr "Bogues ouverts dans les paquets suggérés"
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid "Done bugs"
-msgstr "Bogues résolus"
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr "Pas de bogues ouvert dans les paquets dépendants"
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr "Pas de bogues ouvert dans les paquets suggérés"
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid "No done bugs"
-msgstr "Pas de bogues résolus"
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr "Non maintenu dans un gestionnaire de version"
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid "Vcs"
-msgstr "Gestionnaire de version"
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr "Aidez-nous à montrer Debian utilisé par des médecins et les chercheurs bio-médicaux ! Rejoignez-nous sur le <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">site d'Alioth</a>."
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:7
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:7
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8
-#: ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid "summary"
-msgstr "résumé"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid "Bugs for package"
-msgstr "Bogues pur le paquet"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:66
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:30
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid "Last update"
-msgstr "Dernière mise à jour"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:67
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:31
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr "Notez que cette page est automatiquement mise à jour deux fois par jour, à 00:00 et 12:00 UTC"
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr "Page résumé des bogues"
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistiques DDTP"
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid "Summary for package"
-msgstr "Résumé pour la paquet"
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the %sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr "Aidez-nous à montrer Debian utilisé par des médecins et les chercheurs bio-médicaux ! Rejoignez-nous sur le %ssite d'Alioth%s."
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid "information"
-msgstr "Information"
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr "Développeurs, visitez notre"
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid "Wiki page"
-msgstr "page Wiki"
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian installation."
-msgstr "Le projet Debian Med propose des paquets relatifs<ul><li>à la médecine ;</li><li>à la recherche pré-clinique ;</li><li>aux sciences de la vie.</li></ul> Son activité se concentre en ce moment dans trois domaines ;<ul><li>la pratique médicale ;</li><li>l'imagerie ;</li><li>la bio-informatique.</li></ul>"
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid "warning"
-msgstr "attention"
-#: ../index.php:24
-#: ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br />If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr "Votre navigateur utilise les paramètres de langue pour lequel nous ne pouvons pas encore de fournir des traductions.<br />Si vous pouvez participer une à deux heures vous pouvez nous aider à traduire nos pages pour votre peuple. Les instructions se trouvent %sici%s."
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr "Visitez la <q>%sLocalization page%s</q>"
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid "pages"
-msgstr "Liens"
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid "Group policy"
-msgstr "Politique du groupe"
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid "Bugs"
-msgstr "Suivi des bogues"
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr "Assurance de la qualité"
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr "projet de traduction de descriptions de Debian — DDTP"
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr "Tâches pour notre Blend"
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid "SVN repository"
-msgstr "Dépôt SVN"
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid "Localizations"
-msgstr "Localisations"
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid "members"
-msgstr "Membres"
-#: ../index.php:72
-#: ../index.php:92
-msgid "Project Administrator"
-msgstr "Administrateur"
-#: ../index.php:77
-#: ../index.php:96
-msgid "Project Developer"
-msgstr "Développeur du projet"
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid "Green Wheel"
-msgstr "Roue Verte"
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr "Roue Grise"
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid "UTC time"
-msgstr "Date (UTC)"
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid "badges"
-msgstr "badges"
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr "XHTML 1.1 valide"
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr "Valide CSS 2"
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr "Infrastructure non propriétaire de Berkeley dédiée au calcul en réseau (BOINC)"
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid "recent activity"
-msgstr "activité récente"
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid "date"
-msgstr "Date"
-#: ../index.php:139
-#: ../locales.php:50
-msgid "author"
-msgstr "Auteur"
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid "content"
-msgstr "Contenu"
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "Lien"
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid "todo"
-msgstr "À faire"
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr "Ce site est directement synchronisé avec notre dépôt Subversion ; il peut y avoir des dysfonctionnements pendant les mises à jours."
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid "Current locale"
-msgstr "Langue utilisée"
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Priorité"
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the %sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez trouver plus d'information sur les moyens de participer à Debian Med dans la page <q>%sHow to Contribute%s</q>."
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid "localization"
-msgstr "localisation"
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr "Localisations disponibles"
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid "locale"
-msgstr "localisation"
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid "translation status"
-msgstr "état de la traduction"
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid "team"
-msgstr "équipe"
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid "Add new locale"
-msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle localisation"
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr "La liste de droite comprend divers projets logiciels qui sont de quelque intérêt pour le projet Debian Med."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr "Actuellement, seuls quelques-uns d'entre eux sont disponibles sous la forme de paquets Debian."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr "Notre objectif est d'inclure tous les logiciels dans Debian Med qui peuvent raisonnablement participer à un Debian Pure Blend de haute qualité."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr "Si vous découvrez un projet qui pourrait être un bon candidat pour Debian Med, ou si vous avez préparé un paquet non officiel pour Debian, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer une description de ce projet sur %sla liste de diffusion%s"
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Sujet"
-msgid "Sender"
-msgstr "Expéditeur"
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "Étiquettes"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Date"
-msgid "Severity"
-msgstr "Sévérité"
-msgid "Found in"
-msgstr "Trouvé dans"
-msgid "Fixed in"
-msgstr "Corrigé dans"
-msgid "translation not available"
-msgstr "traduction indisponible"
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "oui"
-msgid "translated"
-msgstr "traduit"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "éditer"
-msgid "edit translation"
-msgstr "éditer la traduction"
-msgid "untranslated"
-msgstr "non traduit"
-msgid "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr "Veuillez suivre le lien suivant pour commencer à traduire"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Packaging Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "Liens"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "QA page"
-#~ msgstr       "Liens"
-#~ msgid        "Locales page"
-#~ msgstr       "Localisation"
-#~ msgid        "Join us! Help us in making Doctors use Debian! See the %sAlioth page%s."
-#~ msgstr       "Rejoignez-nous ! Pour nous aider à populariser Debian dans le monde "
-#~      "médical, voyez la page <q>%sAlioth page%s</q>"
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/it.po b/webtools_py3/po/it.po
deleted file mode 100644
index db1f06c..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/it.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-# Translation file for Debian Pure Blends webtools.
-# Copyright (C) 2007, Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2+.
-# David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>, 2007.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   ""
-msgstr  "Project-Id-Version: 0.1\n"
-        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-        "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-        "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-17 13:30+0100\n"
-        "Last-Translator: David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>\n"
-        "Language-Team: Italian <it at li.org>\n"
-        "Language: it\n"
-        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  "Revisione"
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  "riassunto"
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  "Ultimo aggiornamento"
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  "Per una migliore visione d'insieme della disponibilità del progetto come pacchetto "
-        "Debian, ogni riga ha un colore codificato secondo il seguente schema:"
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, fuzzy, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  "Se hai trovato un progetto che sembra essere un buon candidato per Debian Med, o se hai "
-        "preparato un pacchetto Debian non ufficiale, non esitare a mandare una descrizione di "
-        "quel progetto alla %smailing list Debian Med%s"
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  "Tasks della Blend"
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:109
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  "Descrizione breve"
-#: tasks.py:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  "Descrizione breve"
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  "pagine"
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:140
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:141
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:142
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:143
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:144
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  "Responsabile"
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  "Tasks della Blend"
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  "Bugs per il pacchetto"
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs totali"
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs aperti"
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs risolti"
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  "Bugs per il pacchetto"
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs aperti"
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  "Aiutaci a vedere Debian usata dai medici e dai ricercatori! Unisciti a noi sulla %spagina "
-        "Alioth%s."
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  "riassunto"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  "Bugs per il pacchetto"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  "Ultimo aggiornamento"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  "Nota che questa pagina viene automaticamente generata due volte al giorno, alle 00:00 e "
-        "alle 12:00 UTC."
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  "Pagina riassunto bug"
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  "Statistiche DDTP"
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  "Riassunto per il pacchetto"
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  "Aiutaci a vedere Debian usata dai medici e dai ricercatori! Unisciti a noi sulla %spagina "
-        "Alioth%s."
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  "informazioni"
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  "Sviluppatori, visitate la nostra"
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  "pagina Wiki"
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  "Il progetto Debian Med presenta pacchetti che sono associati con <ul><li>la medicina</"
-        "li><li>la ricerca pre-clinica</li><li>le scienze della vita.</li></ul> Il suo sviluppo "
-        "è principalmente concentrato su tre aree per il momento: <ul><li>attività "
-        "mediche</li><li>imaging</li><li>bioinformatica</li></ul> e possono essere installati "
-        "direttamente da qualsiasi installazione Debian."
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  "attenzione"
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  "Il tuo browser utilizza impostazioni di linguaggio per cui non forniamo ancora "
-        "unatraduzione.<br />Se puoi impiegare una o due ore di tempo, allora considera di "
-        "aiutarci nellatraduzione delle pagine per la tua lingua. Puoi trovare le istruzioni %squi"
-        "%s."
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  "Visita la %spagina Localizzazione%s."
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  "pagine"
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  "Politica del Gruppo"
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs"
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  "Controllo Qualità"
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  "Progetto Traduzione Descrizioni Debian"
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  "Tasks della Blend"
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  "Repository SVN"
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  "Localizzazioni"
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  "membri"
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  "Amministratore Progetto"
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  "Sviluppatore Progetto"
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  "Ingranaggio Verde"
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  "Ingranaggio Grigio"
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  "orario UTC"
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  "medagliette"
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  "XHTML 1.1 Valido"
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  "CSS 2 Valido"
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  "attività recenti"
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  "data"
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  "autore"
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  "contenuto"
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  "link"
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  "da fare"
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  "Per favore, nota che questo è un export SVN del nostro sito web. Potrebbe avere "
-        "dei problemi durante gli aggiornamenti."
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  "Locale attuale"
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  "Priorità"
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  "Maggiori informazioni su come contribuire al progetto Debian Med possono essere trovate "
-        "nella pagina %sCome contribuire%s."
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  "localizzazione"
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  "Locale attualmente installati"
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  "locale"
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  "stato traduzione"
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  "team"
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  "Aggiungi nuovo locale"
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  "L'elenco sulla destra include vari progetti software che sono di qualche interesse al "
-        "Progetto Debian Med."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  "Attualmente, solo alcuni sono disponibili come pacchetti Debian."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  "È nostro obiettivo, comunque, includere in Debian Med tutto il software che può "
-        "sensibilmente contribuire a una Debian Pure Blend di qualità."
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  "Se hai trovato un progetto che sembra essere un buon candidato per Debian Med, o se hai "
-        "preparato un pacchetto Debian non ufficiale, non esitare a mandare una descrizione di "
-        "quel progetto alla %smailing list Debian Med%s"
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the update-bugs Python
-# script
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  "Oggetto"
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  "Mittente"
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  "Tags"
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  "Data"
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  "Gravità"
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  "Trovato in"
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  "Risolto in"
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  "traduzione non disponibile"
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  "sì"
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  "tradotto"
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  "modifica"
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  "modifica traduzione"
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  "non tradotto"
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  "Per favore segui il link di seguito per iniziare la traduzione"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Packaging Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "pagine"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Debian packaging files in Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Green: The project is <a href=\"#official-debs\">available as an official Debian "
-#~      "package</a>"
-#~ msgstr       "Verde: Il progetto è %sdisponibile come pacchetto Debian ufficiale%s"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Yellow: The project is <a href=\"#unofficial-debs\">available in experimental, as "
-#~      "an unofficial Debian package or has packaging files in Vcs</a>"
-#~ msgstr       "Giallo: Il progetto è %sdisponibile come pacchetto Debian non ufficiale%s"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Red: The project is <a href=\"#prospective-debs\">not (yet) available as a Debian "
-#~      "package</a>"
-#~ msgstr       "Rosso: Il progetto %snon è (ancora) disponibile come pacchetto Debian%s"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Recommended"
-#~ msgstr       "Ricevuto"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Debian packaging stuff in Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "pacchetto Debian non disponibile"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers!\n"
-#~      "Join us on the\n"
-#~      "<a href=\"%s\">Alioth page</a>."
-#~ msgstr       "Aiutaci a vedere Debian usata dai medici e dai ricercatori! Unisciti a noi sulla "
-#~      "%spagina Alioth%s."
-#~ msgid        "QA page"
-#~ msgstr       "Controllo di Qualità"
-#~ msgid        "DDTP page"
-#~ msgstr       "Progetto Traduzione delle Descrizioni"
-#~ msgid        "Locales page"
-#~ msgstr       "Localizzazioni"
-#~ msgid        "Long description"
-#~ msgstr       "Descrizione lunga"
-#~ msgid        "Join us! Help us in making Doctors use Debian! See the %sAlioth page%s."
-#~ msgstr       "Unisciti a noi! Aiutaci a diffondere Debian tra i Medici! Guarda la %spagina "
-#~      "Alioth%s."
-#~ msgid        "Commit Message"
-#~ msgstr       "Messaggio di Commit"
-#~ msgid        "Author"
-#~ msgstr       "Autore"
-#~ msgid        "Modified Files"
-#~ msgstr       "File Modificati"
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/ja.po b/webtools_py3/po/ja.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/ja.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/ko.po b/webtools_py3/po/ko.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/ko.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/nl.po b/webtools_py3/po/nl.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/nl.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/php-message-strings.pot b/webtools_py3/po/php-message-strings.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index b92e9ab..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/php-message-strings.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7 ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid "summary"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid "Bugs for package"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid "Last update"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid "Summary for package"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the %sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid "information"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid "Wiki page"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid ""
-"The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> "
-"Its developments are mostly focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can "
-"be installed directly from every Debian installation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid "warning"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br />If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to "
-"help us in translating our pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid "pages"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid "Group policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid "Bugs"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid "SVN repository"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid "Localizations"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid "members"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid "Project Administrator"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid "Project Developer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid "Green Wheel"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid "UTC time"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid "badges"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid "recent activity"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid "date"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid "author"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid "content"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid "link"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid "todo"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid "Current locale"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the %sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid "localization"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid "locale"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid "translation status"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid "team"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid "Add new locale"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do "
-"not hesitate to send a description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/pl.po b/webtools_py3/po/pl.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/pl.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/pt.po b/webtools_py3/po/pt.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bb6ebf..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/pt.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-# Translation file for Debian Pure Blends webtools.
-# Copyright (C) 2007, Debian Pure Blends Team <debian-custom at lists.debian.org>
-# This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2+.
-# David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>, 2007.
-# Nelson A. de Oliveira <naoliv at debian.org>, 2007-2008.
-msgid   ""
-msgstr  "Project-Id-Version: \n"
-        "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-custom at lists.debian.org\n"
-        "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-06 22:26+0100\n"
-        "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-10 21:36-0300\n"
-        "Last-Translator: Nelson A. de Oliveira <naoliv at debian.org>\n"
-        "Language-Team: Debian i10n Português <debian-l10n-portuguese at lists.debian.org>\n"
-        "Language: \n"
-        "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  "Revisão"
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  "sumário"
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  "Última atualização"
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  "Página de traduções"
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:109
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  "Descrição resumida"
-#: tasks.py:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  "Descrição resumida"
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  "links"
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:140
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:141
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:142
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:143
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:144
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  "Página de traduções"
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  "Bugs do pacote"
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  "Total de bugs"
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs abertos"
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs corrigidos"
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  "Bugs do pacote"
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  "Bugs abertos"
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  "sumário"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  "Bugs do pacote"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  "Última atualização"
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  "Nota: esta página é atualizada automaticamente duas vezes ao dia, às "
-        "00:00 e 12:00 UTC."
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  "Sumário da página de bugs"
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  "Estatísticas do DDTP"
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  "Sumário do pacote"
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  "informação"
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  "Desenvolvedores, visitem nossa"
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  "Página Wiki"
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  "O projeto Debian Med disponibiliza pacotes que estão associados com "
-        "<ul><li>medicina</li><li>avaliação pré-clínica</"
-        "li><li>ciência da vida.</li></ul> Seu desenvolvimento é focado em três "
-        "áreas no momento: <ul><li>prática médica</li><li>imagem</"
-        "li><li>bioinformática.</li></ul> e podem ser instalados diretamente à "
-        "partir de qualquer instalação do Debian."
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  "aviso"
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  "O seu navegador utiliza uma configuração de linguagem para o qual ainda "
-        "não possuímos tradução.<br />Se você dispor de uma ou "
-        "duas horas então, por favor, considere em nos ajudar a traduzir nossas pá"
-        "ginas para a sua língua. Instruções podem ser encontradas em %saqui"
-        "%s."
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  "Visite a %spágina de localização%s."
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  "links"
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  "Página de bugs"
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  "localização"
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  "membros"
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  "Administrador"
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  "Desenvolvedor"
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  "Engrenagem Verde"
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  "Engrenagem Cinza"
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  "Tempo UTC"
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  "emblemas"
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  "XHTML 1.1 válido"
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  "CSS 2 válido"
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  "atividade recente"
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  "data"
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  "autor"
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  "conteúdo"
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  "link"
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  "fazer"
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  "Por favor, note que este site é uma cópia das páginas do nosso SVN. "
-        "Ele pode não funcionar corretamente durante as atualizações."
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  "Localização atual"
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  "Prioridade"
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  "Mais informações sobre como contribuir para o projeto Debian Med podem ser "
-        "encontradas na página %sComo Contribuir%s."
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  "localização"
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  "Localizações disponíveis"
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  "localização"
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  "equipe"
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  "Adicionar nova localização"
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  "links"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  "data"
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  "Bugs corrigidos"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  "status das traduções"
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Packaging Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "links"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Debian packaging files in Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "status das traduções"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Recommended"
-#~ msgstr       "Recebido"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "Debian packaging stuff in Vcs"
-#~ msgstr       "status das traduções"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid        "QA page"
-#~ msgstr       "links"
-#~ msgid        "DDTP page"
-#~ msgstr       "Página do DDTP"
-#~ msgid        "Locales page"
-#~ msgstr       "Página de traduções"
-#~ msgid        "Long description"
-#~ msgstr       "Descrição completa"
-#~ msgid        "Join us! Help us in making Doctors use Debian! See the %sAlioth page%s."
-#~ msgstr       "Junte-se a nós! Ajude-nos a fazer os Médicos utilizarem Debian! "
-#~      "Veja a %spágina do Alioth%s."
-#~ msgid        "Commit Message"
-#~ msgstr       "Mensagem de revisão"
-#~ msgid        "Author"
-#~ msgstr       "Autor"
-#~ msgid        "Modified Files"
-#~ msgstr       "Arquivos modificados"
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/ru.po b/webtools_py3/po/ru.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1fc8c4..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/ru.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:90
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:91
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:92 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:93 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:94 tasks.py:150
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:96
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:97
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:"
-        "%s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:101
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:102
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:103
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:104
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:105
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:106
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:108 bugs.py:262
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:109
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:136
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:137
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:139
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:140
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:141
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:142
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:143
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:144
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:147
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:149
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:151
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:200
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:202
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:224 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:225
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:237
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:242
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:246
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:247
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:248
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:263
-msgid   "Not maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:264
-msgid   "Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:13
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practitioners and biomedical researchers! Join us "
-        "on the <a href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the "
-        "%sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the "
-        "%sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/static.pot b/webtools_py3/po/static.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index 6590646..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/static.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Sender"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Severity"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Found in"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Fixed in"
-msgstr ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid "translation not available"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "translated"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "edit translation"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "untranslated"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/zh_CN.po b/webtools_py3/po/zh_CN.po
deleted file mode 100644
index b615456..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/zh_CN.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:112 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:113 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:114 tasks.py:168
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:116
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:117
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:%"
-        "s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:121
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:122
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:123
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:124
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:128 bugs.py:259
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:129
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:130
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:131
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:132
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:146
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:153
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:154
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:155
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:157
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:158
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:159
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:160
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:161
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:162
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:163
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:164
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:165
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:167
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:169
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:218
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:220
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:242 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:243
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:219
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:239
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:240
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:241
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:245
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:260
-msgid   "Package seems not to be maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:261
-msgid   "Packaging Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:14
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the <a "
-        "href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the %"
-        "sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the %"
-        "sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/po/zh_TW.po b/webtools_py3/po/zh_TW.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d01ca..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/po/zh_TW.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-#: tasks.py:110
-msgid   "License"
-msgstr  "授權方式"
-#: tasks.py:111
-msgid   "Version"
-msgstr  "版本"
-#: tasks.py:112 bugs.py:114
-msgid   "Summary"
-msgstr  "摘要"
-#: tasks.py:113 bugs.py:123
-msgid   "Last update:"
-msgstr  "最後更新"
-#: tasks.py:114 tasks.py:168
-msgid   "Debian package not available"
-msgstr  "尚未進入 Debian 的套件"
-#: tasks.py:116
-msgid   "For a better overview of the project's availability as a Debian package, each head row "
-        "has a color code according to this scheme:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:117
-#, python-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for %s\n"
-        "                              to you, or if you have prepared an unofficial Debian "
-        "package, please do not hesitate to\n"
-        "                              send a description of that project to the <a href=\"mailto:%"
-        "s\">%s mailing list</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:121
-#, python-format
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the %s Project. Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages. It is our "
-        "goal, however, to include all software in %s which can sensibly add to a high quality "
-        "Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:122
-msgid   "Tasks page"
-msgstr  "套件項目網頁"
-#: tasks.py:123
-msgid   "Project"
-msgstr  "計畫"
-#: tasks.py:124
-#, python-format
-msgid   "This is a list of the Tasks %s is made of:"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:125
-msgid   "This page is also available in the following languages:"
-msgstr  "此頁面也有下列語言版本"
-#: tasks.py:126
-#, python-format
-msgid   "How to set <a href=\"%s\">the default document language</a>"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:128 bugs.py:259
-msgid   "Homepage not available"
-msgstr  "網站尚未完成"
-#: tasks.py:129
-msgid   "Translate description"
-msgstr  "翻譯描述"
-#: tasks.py:130
-msgid   "Fix translated description"
-msgstr  "修正翻譯描述"
-#: tasks.py:131
-msgid   "Popularitycontest results: number of people who use this package regularly (number of "
-        "people who upgraded this package recently) out of"
-msgstr  "套件流行調查結果:有多少人常常使用此套件(最近有多少人升級此套件)"
-#: tasks.py:132
-msgid   "Table of contents"
-msgstr  "內容列表"
-#: tasks.py:133
-msgid   "complete packagelist"
-msgstr  "完整套件列表"
-#: tasks.py:145
-msgid   "Packages"
-msgstr  "套件"
-#: tasks.py:146
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  The list "
-        "on\n"
-        "the right shows the tasks of %s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:153
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with high relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:154
-msgid   "Official Debian package"
-msgstr  "正式 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:155
-msgid   "Official Debian packages with lower relevance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:157
-msgid   "Debian packages in contrib or non-free"
-msgstr  "在 contrib 或 non-free 的 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:158
-msgid   "Debian package in contrib/non-free"
-msgstr  "在 contrib/non-free 的 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:159
-msgid   "Debian packages in experimental"
-msgstr  "在 experimental 的 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:160
-msgid   "Debian package in experimental"
-msgstr  "在 experimental 的 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:161
-msgid   "Debian packages in New queue (hopefully available soon)"
-msgstr  "在 NEW 佇列中的 Debian 套件(期待完成)"
-#: tasks.py:162
-msgid   "New Debian package"
-msgstr  "新 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:163
-msgid   "Packaging has started and developers might try the packaging code in VCS"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:164
-msgid   "Unofficial Debian package"
-msgstr  "非正式 Debian 套件"
-#: tasks.py:165
-msgid   "Unofficial packages built by somebody else"
-msgstr  "由某人建立的非正式套件"
-#: tasks.py:167
-msgid   "No known packages available"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:169
-msgid   "No known packages available but some record of interest (WNPP bug)"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:218
-msgid   "Maintainer"
-msgstr  "維護者"
-#: tasks.py:220
-msgid   "Responsible"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:242 bugs.py:106
-msgid   "Links to other tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: tasks.py:243
-msgid   "Index of all tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:107
-msgid   "Tasks"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:108
-msgid   "Tasks overview"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:109
-msgid   "Legend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:110
-msgid   "Bugs of package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:111
-msgid   "Total bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:112
-msgid   "Open bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:113
-msgid   "Fixed bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:115
-#, python-format
-msgid   "A %sDebian Pure Blend%s is a Debian internal project which assembles\n"
-        "a set of packages that might help users to solve certain tasks of their work.  This page "
-        "should be helpful\n"
-        "to track down the bugs of packages that are interesting for the %s project to enable "
-        "developers a quick\n"
-        "overview about possible problems."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:121
-msgid   "Bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:122
-msgid   "This is a list of metapackages.  The links are leading to the respective bugs page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:124
-msgid   "To estimate the overall status of the packages in the dependencies of\n"
-        "a metapackage a weighted severity is calculated.  Done bugs are ignored and bugs in "
-        "dependent and\n"
-        "recommended packages are weighted by factor three compared to suggested packages.  "
-        "Release critical\n"
-        "bugs have a much larger weight than important, while the contribution of normal bugs is "
-        "even smaller\n"
-        "and minor bugs have a very small weight.  Wishlist bugs are ignored in this calculation.  "
-        "The resulting\n"
-        "sum is compared to some boundaries to find a verbal form.  The actual numbers need some "
-        "adjustment\n"
-        "to make real sense - this evaluation method is in testing phase."
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:131
-msgid   "The severities of bugs are weighted as follows"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:219
-msgid   "Metapackage is in excellent shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:222
-msgid   "Metapackage is in very good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:225
-msgid   "Metapackage is in good shape"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:228
-msgid   "Consider looking into bugs of this metapackage"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:231
-msgid   "Looking into bugs of this metapackage is recommended"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:234
-msgid   "Immediately looking into bugs of the dependencies of this metapackage is advised"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:239
-msgid   "Open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:240
-msgid   "Open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:241
-msgid   "Done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:243
-msgid   "No open bugs in dependent packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:244
-msgid   "No open bugs in suggested packages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:245
-msgid   "No done bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:260
-msgid   "Package seems not to be maintained in Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: bugs.py:261
-msgid   "Packaging Vcs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: webconf/debian-med.conf:14
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the <a "
-        "href=\"http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med\">Alioth page</a>."
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings occured in the old *.php files and the translations should be
-# preserved for later use.
-# Just keep this file
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:8 ../bugs.tmpl:7 ../ddtp.tmpl:7 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:8 ../locales.php:7
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:8 ../tasks_idx.tmpl:8
-msgid   "summary"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:12 ../bugs.tmpl:11
-msgid   "Bugs for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:40 ../bugs.tmpl:66 ../ddtp.tmpl:30 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:34 ../tasks.tmpl:112
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:29
-msgid   "Last update"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bug_details.tmpl:41 ../bugs.tmpl:67 ../ddtp.tmpl:31 ../ddtp_details.tmpl:35 ../tasks.tmpl:113
-#: ../tasks_idx.tmpl:30
-msgid   "Please note: this page gets automatically updated twice a day, on 00:00 and 12:00 UTC."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../bugs.tmpl:19 ../bugs.tmpl:31
-msgid   "Summary bugs page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp.tmpl:15
-msgid   "DDTP Statistics"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../ddtp_details.tmpl:12
-msgid   "Summary for package"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../inc/header.inc.php:34
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Help us to see Debian used by medical practicioners and researchers! Join us on the %"
-        "sAlioth page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:7
-msgid   "information"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:11
-msgid   "Developers please visit our"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:12
-msgid   "Wiki page"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:15
-msgid   "The Debian Med project presents packages that are associated with <ul><li>medicine</"
-        "li><li>pre-clinical research</li><li>life science.</li></ul> Its developments are mostly "
-        "focused on three areas for the moment: <ul><li>medical practice</li><li>imaging</"
-        "li><li>bioinformatics</li></ul>and can be installed directly from every Debian "
-        "installation."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:22
-msgid   "warning"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:24 ../locales.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Your browser uses language settings that we could not yet provide translations for.<br /"
-        ">If you can spare one to two hours then please consider to help us in translating our "
-        "pages for your people, too. Instructions are found %shere%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:29
-#, php-format
-msgid   "Visit the %sLocalization page%s."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:37
-msgid   "pages"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:42
-msgid   "Group policy"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:43
-msgid   "Bugs"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:44
-msgid   "Quality Assurance"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:45
-msgid   "Debian Description Translation Project"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:46
-msgid   "Tasks of our Blend"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:47
-msgid   "SVN repository"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:49
-msgid   "Localizations"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:54
-msgid   "members"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:72 ../index.php:92
-msgid   "Project Administrator"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:77 ../index.php:96
-msgid   "Project Developer"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:91
-msgid   "Green Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:95
-msgid   "Grey Wheel"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:101
-msgid   "UTC time"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:107
-msgid   "badges"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:113
-msgid   "Valid XHTML 1.1"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:118
-msgid   "Valid CSS 2"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:125
-msgid   "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:132
-msgid   "recent activity"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:138
-msgid   "date"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:139 ../locales.php:50
-msgid   "author"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:140
-msgid   "content"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:141
-msgid   "link"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:170
-msgid   "todo"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../index.php:220
-msgid   "Please, note that this is a SVN export of our website. It might break during SVN commits."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:11
-msgid   "Current locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:15
-msgid   "Priority"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "More information on how to contribute to the Debian Med project, can be found in the %"
-        "sHow to Contribute%s page."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:41
-msgid   "localization"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:45
-msgid   "Currently installed locales"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:48
-msgid   "locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:49
-msgid   "translation status"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:51
-msgid   "team"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../locales.php:92
-msgid   "Add new locale"
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:18
-msgid   "The list to the right includes various software projects which are of some interest to "
-        "the Debian Med Project."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:19
-msgid   "Currently, only a few of them are available as Debian packages."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:20
-msgid   "It is our goal, however, to include all software in Debian Med which can sensibly add to "
-        "a high quality Debian Pure Blend."
-msgstr  ""
-#: ../tasks.tmpl:31
-#, php-format
-msgid   "If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian Med to you, or if "
-        "you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not hesitate to send a "
-        "description of that project to the %sDebian Med mailing list%s"
-msgstr  ""
-# These strings are manually added, they
-# come from inside the Python scripts on
-# Alioth.
-# Please keep the static.pot file.
-# update-bugs
-msgid   "Subject"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Sender"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Tags"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Date"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Severity"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Found in"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Fixed in"
-msgstr  ""
-# update-ddtp
-msgid   "translation not available"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "yes"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "translated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "edit translation"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "untranslated"
-msgstr  ""
-msgid   "Please follow the link below to start translating"
-msgstr  ""
diff --git a/webtools_py3/templates b/webtools_py3/templates
deleted file mode 120000
index 9a5f02f..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/templates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/thermometer.py b/webtools_py3/thermometer.py
deleted file mode 120000
index 65c8e69..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/thermometer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtools_py3/update-all-bugs b/webtools_py3/update-all-bugs
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b62fe8..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/update-all-bugs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-runscript=`basename $0 | sed 's/^update-all-//'`
-mkdir -p logs
-for blend in `ls webconf/*.conf  | grep -v -e "webconf/fun\." -e rest-test | sed 's?webconf/\(.*\)\.conf?\1?'` ; do
-#  if [ "$blend" != "debian-edu" ] ; then
-    starttime=`date "+%s"`
-    # time
-    ./${runscript}.py $blend 2> logs/${blend}_${runscript}.err > logs/${blend}_${runscript}.out
-    endtime=`date "+%s"`
-    echo "Rendering bugs from UDD for Blend '$blend' took $((endtime-starttime)) seconds" >> logs/${blend}_${runscript}.out
-#  fi
diff --git a/webtools_py3/update-all-thermometers b/webtools_py3/update-all-thermometers
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a065eb..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/update-all-thermometers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-mkdir -p logs
-for blend in `ls webconf/*.conf  | grep -v -e "webconf/fun\." -e rest-test | sed 's?webconf/\(.*\)\.conf?\1?'` ; do
-    ./thermometer.py $blend 2> logs/${blend}_thermometer.err > logs/${blend}_thermometer.out
diff --git a/webtools_py3/webconf b/webtools_py3/webconf
deleted file mode 120000
index 9f237e8..0000000
--- a/webtools_py3/webconf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file

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