[Blends-commit] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. f74555259f2e9dfcff5d2cbc9053f170c588b64b

Ole Streicher olebole at debian.org
Fri Mar 18 07:48:32 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f74555259f2e9dfcff5d2cbc9053f170c588b64b
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 18 08:48:25 2016 +0100

    Remove vcs_found property

diff --git a/webtools/blendstasktools.py b/webtools/blendstasktools.py
index ed44c16..d626d7e 100644
--- a/webtools/blendstasktools.py
+++ b/webtools/blendstasktools.py
@@ -738,7 +738,6 @@ class DependantPackage:
         self.properties['Enhances'] = {}  # Dictionary Enhancing pkg name as key, Link to package information as value; empty in most cases
                                           # because Enhances relations are quite seldom
         self.properties['stable_testing_version'] = []  # (release, version) tuples where release is codename for stable and testing
-        self.vcs_found      = 0     # we need a flag to store the fact whether Vcs information of a package is in UDD
         self.version        = []    # list of {'release', 'version', 'archs'} dictionary containing version and architecture information
         self.outdated       = {}    # If not empty directory then release='upstream' and package is outdated
         self.popcon         = {}    # dictionary containing vote and recnt values of popcon information
@@ -1283,7 +1282,7 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                 elif key == 'Vcs-Svn' or key == 'vcs-svn':  # strangely enough on alioth the later
                                                             # spelling seems to be needed - no idea why
                     if dep is not None:
-                        if dep.vcs_found == 1:
+                        if 'vcs-url' in dep.properties:
                         dep.properties['vcs-url']  = stanza['vcs-svn']
@@ -1302,7 +1301,7 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                 elif key == 'Vcs-Git' or key == 'vcs-git':  # strangely enough on alioth the later
                                                             # spelling seems to be needed - no idea why
                     if dep is not None:
-                        if dep.vcs_found == 1:
+                        if 'vcs-url' in dep.properties:
                         dep.properties['vcs-url']  = stanza['vcs-git']
@@ -1316,7 +1315,7 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                 elif key == 'Vcs-Browser' or key == 'vcs-browser':  # strangely enough on alioth the later
                                                                     # spelling seems to be needed - no idea why
                     if dep is not None:
-                        if dep.vcs_found == 1:
+                        if 'vcs-url' in dep.properties:
                         dep.properties['vcs-browser'] = stanza['vcs-browser']
@@ -1345,7 +1344,7 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                                      % (key, stanza[key.lower()]))
                 elif key == 'License':
                     if dep is not None:
-                        if dep.vcs_found == 1 and key.lower() in dep.properties:
+                        if 'vcs-url' in dep.properties and key.lower() in dep.properties:
                         dep.properties[key.lower()]  = stanza[key.lower()]
@@ -1375,7 +1374,7 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                                      % (key, stanza[key.lower()]))
                 elif key == 'WNPP':
                     if dep is not None:
-                        if dep.vcs_found == 1 and key.lower() in dep.properties:
+                        if 'vcs-url' in dep.properties and key.lower() in dep.properties:
                         wnpp = stanza['wnpp'].strip()
@@ -1824,7 +1823,6 @@ class TaskDependencies:
                 # There is only one line returned by this query
                 row = RowDictionaries(curs)[0]
                 # If some information about Vcs is found in the database make sure it is ignored from tasks file
-                self.vcs_found = 1
                 for prop in row.keys():
                     if row[prop]:
                         self.properties[prop] = row[prop]
diff --git a/webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py b/webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py
index ddedbf1..3fe768e 100644
--- a/webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py
+++ b/webtools/blendstasktools_udd.py
@@ -694,7 +694,6 @@ class DependantPackage:
         self.properties['Enhances'] = {}  # Dictionary Enhancing pkg name as key, Link to package information as value; empty in most cases
                                           # because Enhances relations are quite seldom
         self.properties['stable_testing_version'] = []  # (release, version) tuples where release is codename for stable and testing
-        self.vcs_found      = 0     # we need a flag to store the fact whether Vcs information of a package is in UDD
         self.version        = []    # list of {'release', 'version', 'archs'} dictionary containing version and architecture information
         self.outdated       = {}    # If not empty directory then release='upstream' and package is outdated
         self.popcon         = {}    # dictionary containing vote and recnt values of popcon information

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