[Blends-commit] [Git][blends-team/science][master] 2 commits: Drop science-astronomy transitional package; Closes: #939201

Sandro Tosi gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Sep 26 21:46:17 BST 2019

Sandro Tosi pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / science

7bbf31e1 by Sandro Tosi at 2019-09-26T20:45:24Z
Drop science-astronomy transitional package; Closes: #939201

- - - - -
daabbe8d by Sandro Tosi at 2019-09-26T20:46:11Z
Drop science-astronomy-dev transitional package; Closes: #939202

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/control.stub


@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ debian-science (1.11) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
     - Recommends libalberta-dev instead of libalberta2-dev; Closes: #881612
   * tasks/nanoscale-physics-dev
     - Recommends libsymspg-dev instead of spglib; Closes; #901047
+  * Drop science-astronomy transitional package; Closes: #939201
+  * Drop science-astronomy-dev transitional package; Closes: #939202
- -- Sandro Tosi <morph at debian.org>  Thu, 26 Sep 2019 16:35:57 -0400
+ -- Sandro Tosi <morph at debian.org>  Thu, 26 Sep 2019 16:45:51 -0400
 debian-science (1.10) unstable; urgency=medium

@@ -24,42 +24,6 @@ Description: Debian Science tasks for tasksel
  additional tasks for tasksel.  If this package will be installed all tasks
  which are provided by Debian Science will be added to the tasksel menu.
-Package: science-astronomy
-Section: oldlibs
-Architecture: all
-Depends: astro-catalogs,
-         astro-datareduction,
-         astro-education,
-         astro-frameworks,
-         astro-gdl,
-         astro-publication,
-         astro-python3,
-         astro-radioastronomy,
-         astro-simulation,
-         astro-telescopecontrol,
-         astro-tools,
-         astro-viewers,
-         astro-virtual-observatory,
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debian Science Astronomy transitional package
- Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
- control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
- install all user related tasks from Debian-Astro.
-Package: science-astronomy-dev
-Section: oldlibs
-Architecture: all
-Depends: astro-development,
-         astro-java,
-         astro-python,
-         astro-python3,
-         astro-tcltk,
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debian Science Astronomy-dev transitional package
- Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
- control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
- install all development related tasks from Debian-Astro.
 Package: science-electronics
 Section: oldlibs
 Architecture: all

@@ -23,42 +23,6 @@ Description: Debian Science tasks for tasksel
  additional tasks for tasksel.  If this package will be installed all tasks
  which are provided by Debian Science will be added to the tasksel menu.
-Package: science-astronomy
-Section: oldlibs
-Architecture: all
-Depends: astro-catalogs,
-         astro-datareduction,
-         astro-education,
-         astro-frameworks,
-         astro-gdl,
-         astro-publication,
-         astro-python3,
-         astro-radioastronomy,
-         astro-simulation,
-         astro-telescopecontrol,
-         astro-tools,
-         astro-viewers,
-         astro-virtual-observatory,
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debian Science Astronomy transitional package
- Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
- control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
- install all user related tasks from Debian-Astro.
-Package: science-astronomy-dev
-Section: oldlibs
-Architecture: all
-Depends: astro-development,
-         astro-java,
-         astro-python,
-         astro-python3,
-         astro-tcltk,
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Debian Science Astronomy-dev transitional package
- Debian-Astro is now a separate Debian Pure Blend and allows a fine-grained
- control on the topics to install. To ease the transition, this package will
- install all development related tasks from Debian-Astro.
 Package: science-electronics
 Section: oldlibs
 Architecture: all

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/science/compare/50470bb30073c6759fdf64af157bfb3fda14643e...daabbe8d704d0eda7d19763fe0436bd4a0fa5c1b

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/science/compare/50470bb30073c6759fdf64af157bfb3fda14643e...daabbe8d704d0eda7d19763fe0436bd4a0fa5c1b
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