[Blends-commit] [Git][blends-team/pan][master] 4 commits: added the dependency_data

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Aug 4 15:39:28 BST 2020

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / pan

41d8a74b by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-08-04T16:30:06+02:00
added the dependency_data

- - - - -
ffabb216 by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-08-04T16:30:26+02:00
fix a bunch of lintian errors

- - - - -
f3d7f350 by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-08-04T16:31:04+02:00
update the changelog entry

- - - - -
3262033d by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-08-04T16:36:51+02:00
uset https instead of http for HomePage

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- debian-pan-tasks.desc
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/control.stub
- + debian/source/format
- + dependency_data/debian-pan_0.1.json
- + dependency_data/debian-pan_0.2.json
- tasks/powder


@@ -51,6 +51,14 @@ Description: diffraction software suit
+Task: pan-gid
+Parent: debian-pan
+Section: debian-pan
+Description: Grazing incidence X-ray and neutron diffraction
+ This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS softwares
+ pan-gid
 Task: pan-microscopy
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan

@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+debian-pan (0.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * d/control: Standards-Version bumped to 4.5.0 (extra -> optional)
+  * start of automatic changelog entry * 
+  * Changes in metapackage dependencies
+   -pan-powder
+    added:
+      Suggests:  pyxrd, pygsas
+    removed:
+      Suggests:  pyGSAS, pyXRD
+ -- Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>  Tue, 04 Aug 2020 16:03:26 +0200
 debian-pan (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial package

@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # This file is autogenerated. Do not edit!
 Source: debian-pan
 Section: science
-Priority: extra
+Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Science Team <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca <picca at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
 Build-Depends-Indep: blends-dev (>= 0.6.15)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+Standards-Version: 4.5.0
 Homepage: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPAN
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=blends/projects/pan.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/blends/projects/pan.git
+Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan
+Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan.git
 Package: pan-tasks
 Architecture: all
@@ -122,12 +122,25 @@ Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends},
          pan-config (= ${source:Version}),
          pan-tasks (= ${source:Version})
-Recommends: binoculars
-Suggests: nebula,
-          xrayutilities
+Recommends: binoculars,
+            xrayutilities
+Suggests: nebula
 Description: diffraction software suit
  This metapackage will install all diffraction softwares
+Package: pan-gid
+Section: metapackages
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+         pan-config (= ${source:Version}),
+         pan-tasks (= ${source:Version})
+Recommends: xrayutilities
+Suggests: fitgisaxs,
+          gsas,
+          isgisaxs
+Description: Grazing incidence X-ray and neutron diffraction
+ This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS softwares
 Package: pan-microscopy
 Section: metapackages
 Architecture: all
@@ -287,12 +300,12 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
 Recommends: fityk,
-            pyfai
+            pyfai,
+            spd
 Suggests: fullprof,
-          pyGSAS,
-          pyXRD,
-          spd,
+          pygsas,
+          pyxrd,
 Description: powder diffraction
  This metapackage will install all powder diffraction softwares.
@@ -305,12 +318,12 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
          pan-tasks (= ${source:Version})
 Recommends: fityk,
-            sasview
+            sasview,
+            spd
 Suggests: bsl,
-          saxsview,
-          spd
+          saxsview
 Description: small angle scattering
  This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Source: debian-pan
 Section: science
-Priority: extra
+Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Science Team <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca <picca at debian.org>
+Uploaders: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
 Build-Depends-Indep: blends-dev (>= 0.6.15)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.4
-Homepage: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPAN
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=blends/projects/pan.git
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/blends/projects/pan.git
+Standards-Version: 4.5.0
+Homepage: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPAN
+Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan
+Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan.git
 Package: pan-tasks
 Architecture: all
@@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ Description: PAN Blends tasks for tasksel
  This package is part of the Debian Pure Blend "PAN" and provides
  additional tasks for tasksel.  If this package will be installed all tasks
  which are provided by PAN Blend will be added to the tasksel menu.

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (native)

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"mx-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libccif-dev", "libccp4-dev", "libclipper-dev", "libmmdb-dev", "libssm-dev"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks-dev": {"depends": ["pan-data-reduction-framework", "libmgl-dev", "libnexus-dev"], "suggests": ["cdma", "comete"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "xas": {"depends": ["pymca", "quantum-espresso"], "suggests": ["xraylarch", "prestopronto"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "spectroscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["arpys"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "mx": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["coot", "edna", "nmoldyn", "phenix", "3dna", "adxv", "aimless", "albula", "aplx", "atsas", "autoproc", "balbes", "best", "bioxhit", "biox-xds", "bobscript", "bp3-old", "c3d", "cath", "ccp4", "cctbx", "chart", "chimera", "chooch", "cn2coot", "cns", "crank", "crystfel", "das", "dna", "domain-finder", "dps2ar", "dviewer", "dyndom3d", "edna", "elves", "epmr", "escet", "evrouter", "fit2d", "fobscom", "gramm", "grasp", "harker", "hbplus", "hca", "hkl2map", "hyss", "imosflm", "induced-rad-dam", "ipymol", "ispyb-client", "labelit", "lam", "laue", "liged", "ligplot", "ligplus", "lscale", "maid", "main", "mar345", "marutils", "mercury", "mlfsom", "molscriptmolscript-2.1.2", "mosflm", "msi", "nuccyl", "nucplot", "onoono80ono90", "phaser", "phases", "phenix", "pirate", "plotmtv", "pointless", "powder", "promotif", "pxpy", "raddose", "refmac", "replace", "ribbons", "ringer", "rmerge", "rosetta", "rtools", "saxs", "shakerr", "sharp", "shelx", "sir", "sir2002", "snb2.2", "snow", "solvesolve-2.08", "stac-stac2", "strategy", "surfnet", "tcltkblt", "testcase", "textal", "tools", "tops", "usf", "viewhkl", "wink", "workflow-ds", "workflow-executor", "xds", "xdsme", "xiaxia2", "xprep", "xrec", "xtalview", "dials", "gemmi"], "recommends": ["apbs", "autodock", "openbabel", "clustalw", "gnuplot", "imagej", "jmol", "libmmdb2-0", "povray", "pymol", "python", "rasmol", "raster3d", "theseus"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "small-angle-scattering": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bsl", "diffraction-ring-profiler", "sastbx", "saxsview"], "recommends": ["fityk", "pyfai", "sasview", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "gid": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["gsas", "isgisaxs", "fitgisaxs"], "recommends": ["xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["nebula"], "recommends": ["binoculars", "xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libuca", "lima"], "recommends": ["libhkl-dev", "libtango-dev", "python3-tango", "python3-sardana", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "laue": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["esmeralda"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "coherent-diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bonsu", "hawk", "pynx", "ptypy"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "tomography": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["python3-pyhst2-cuda", "astra-toolbox", "pyastra-toolbox", "freeart", "imagej-pluggins-tomo", "rabbitct", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector", "tomopy"], "recommends": ["libufo-bin", "mayavi2", "paraview", "python3-skimage", "ufo-filters"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "microscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["threeb"], "recommends": ["gwyddion"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["micromanager", "opengda", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector"], "recommends": ["ghkl", "python3-tango", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph", "python3-sardana", "tango-db", "tango-starter", "tango-accesscontrol"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["dawn", "disp", "edna", "graphlab", "gumtree", "mantid", "thredds", "nexpy"], "recommends": ["fityk", "gnuplot", "imagej", "libxy-bin", "ngraph-gtk", "octave", "pymca", "scilab", "silx", "spyder3", "vistrails", "xmaxima"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "powder": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["fullprof", "jpowder", "xrdua", "pyGSAS", "pyXRD"], "recommends": ["fityk", "libxy-bin", "objcryst-fox", "pyfai", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}}
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"mx-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libccif-dev", "libccp4-dev", "libclipper-dev", "libmmdb-dev", "libssm-dev"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks-dev": {"depends": ["pan-data-reduction-framework", "libmgl-dev", "libnexus-dev"], "suggests": ["cdma", "comete"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "xas": {"depends": ["pymca", "quantum-espresso"], "suggests": ["xraylarch", "prestopronto"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "spectroscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["arpys"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "mx": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["coot", "edna", "nmoldyn", "phenix", "3dna", "adxv", "aimless", "albula", "aplx", "atsas", "autoproc", "balbes", "best", "bioxhit", "biox-xds", "bobscript", "bp3-old", "c3d", "cath", "ccp4", "cctbx", "chart", "chimera", "chooch", "cn2coot", "cns", "crank", "crystfel", "das", "dna", "domain-finder", "dps2ar", "dviewer", "dyndom3d", "edna", "elves", "epmr", "escet", "evrouter", "fit2d", "fobscom", "gramm", "grasp", "harker", "hbplus", "hca", "hkl2map", "hyss", "imosflm", "induced-rad-dam", "ipymol", "ispyb-client", "labelit", "lam", "laue", "liged", "ligplot", "ligplus", "lscale", "maid", "main", "mar345", "marutils", "mercury", "mlfsom", "molscriptmolscript-2.1.2", "mosflm", "msi", "nuccyl", "nucplot", "onoono80ono90", "phaser", "phases", "phenix", "pirate", "plotmtv", "pointless", "powder", "promotif", "pxpy", "raddose", "refmac", "replace", "ribbons", "ringer", "rmerge", "rosetta", "rtools", "saxs", "shakerr", "sharp", "shelx", "sir", "sir2002", "snb2.2", "snow", "solvesolve-2.08", "stac-stac2", "strategy", "surfnet", "tcltkblt", "testcase", "textal", "tools", "tops", "usf", "viewhkl", "wink", "workflow-ds", "workflow-executor", "xds", "xdsme", "xiaxia2", "xprep", "xrec", "xtalview", "dials", "gemmi"], "recommends": ["apbs", "autodock", "openbabel", "clustalw", "gnuplot", "imagej", "jmol", "libmmdb2-0", "povray", "pymol", "python", "rasmol", "raster3d", "theseus"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "small-angle-scattering": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bsl", "diffraction-ring-profiler", "sastbx", "saxsview"], "recommends": ["fityk", "pyfai", "sasview", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "gid": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["gsas", "isgisaxs", "fitgisaxs"], "recommends": ["xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["nebula"], "recommends": ["binoculars", "xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libuca", "lima"], "recommends": ["libhkl-dev", "libtango-dev", "python3-tango", "python3-sardana", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "laue": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["esmeralda"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "coherent-diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bonsu", "hawk", "pynx", "ptypy"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "tomography": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["python3-pyhst2-cuda", "astra-toolbox", "pyastra-toolbox", "freeart", "imagej-pluggins-tomo", "rabbitct", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector", "tomopy"], "recommends": ["libufo-bin", "mayavi2", "paraview", "python3-skimage", "ufo-filters"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "microscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["threeb"], "recommends": ["gwyddion"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["micromanager", "opengda", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector"], "recommends": ["ghkl", "python3-tango", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph", "python3-sardana", "tango-db", "tango-starter", "tango-accesscontrol"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["dawn", "disp", "edna", "graphlab", "gumtree", "mantid", "thredds", "nexpy"], "recommends": ["fityk", "gnuplot", "imagej", "libxy-bin", "ngraph-gtk", "octave", "pymca", "scilab", "silx", "spyder3", "vistrails", "xmaxima"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "powder": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["fullprof", "jpowder", "xrdua", "pygsas", "pyxrd"], "recommends": ["fityk", "libxy-bin", "objcryst-fox", "pyfai", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}}
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ License: GPL3+
 Pkg-Description: X-ray Powder Diffraction
 Comment: test if it works with gdl
-Suggests: pyGSAS
+Suggests: pygsas
 Homepage: https://subversion.xor.aps.anl.gov/trac/pyGSAS
 License: DSFG
  Copyright 2010, UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Pkg-Description: crystallography multi purpose python library
  things to break from time to time and you should 'Update' frequently
  to stay abrest of new features as they are added.
-Suggests: pyXRD
+Suggests: pyxrd
 Homepage: http://users.ugent.be/~madumon/pyxrd/index.html
 License: BSD-2
 Pkg-Description: matrix algorithm for X-ray diffraction patterns
@@ -117,4 +117,3 @@ Pkg-Description: matrix algorithm for X-ray diffraction patterns
       *  Covariation Matrix Adapation Evolutionary Strategy (CMA-ES; using DEAP)
       *  Multiple Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO; using DEAP)
    * scripting support

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan/-/compare/3aa6a6015b2952b5000a6ed520ba1c9df0c7ad7b...3262033daced6deb1d18cc0bb26744a48d945165

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan/-/compare/3aa6a6015b2952b5000a6ed520ba1c9df0c7ad7b...3262033daced6deb1d18cc0bb26744a48d945165
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