[Blends-commit] [Git][blends-team/med][master] Several packages accepted in main

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jul 16 13:38:17 BST 2020

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / med

4e3f8d8d by Andreas Tille at 2020-07-16T14:37:56+02:00
Several packages accepted in main

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- covid-19_doc/bio_covid-19_dependencies_result


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
+Last-Update: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 14:36:08 +0200
         package         |    architectures    | section  |                      releases                       |        conda         |   bio.tools   |              testsuite              
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  augustus               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | augustus             | AUGUSTUS      | autopkgtest
  bamkit                 | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | 
  bandage                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bandage              | bandage       | 
- libbbhash-dev          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ libbbhash-dev          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
  bcftools               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bcftools             | bcftools      | autopkgtest
  bedtools               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | biotools             | bedtools      | autopkgtest
  biobambam2             | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 | biobambam            | biobambam     | autopkgtest
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  libhts-dev             | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | htslib               |               | autopkgtest
  python3-htseq          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | htseq                | htseq         | autopkgtest
  iitii                  | amd64               | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
- python3-intake         |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
+ python3-intake         | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | 
  ivar                   | amd64,arm64         | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | ivar                 |               | autopkgtest
  kallisto               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | kallisto             | kallisto      | autopkgtest
  kmc                    | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | kmc                  | KMC           | autopkgtest
  kraken2                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | kraken2              | kraken        | autopkgtest
  radiant                | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      | krona         | 
  lighter                |                     |          | new                                                 | lighter              |               | 
- r-cran-lsd             |                     |          | new                                                 | r-lsd                |               | 
- lumpy-sv               |                     |          | new                                                 | lumpy-sv             |               | 
+ r-cran-lsd             | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | r-lsd                |               | autopkgtest-pkg-r
+ lumpy-sv               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 | lumpy-sv             |               | autopkgtest
  ncbi-magicblast        |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/ncbi-magicblast   | magicblast           |               | 
  manta                  |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/manta             | manta                |               | 
  marginalign            |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  medaka                 |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  megahit                |                     |          | new                                                 | megahit              |               | 
  megalodon              |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
- metabat                |                     |          | new                                                 | metabat2             |               | 
+ metabat                | amd64               | main     | sid                                                 | metabat2             |               | autopkgtest
  metaspades             |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  minia                  | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | minia                | minia         | autopkgtest
  minimap2               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | minimap2             |               | autopkgtest
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  nanoraw                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  nanosv                 | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | nanosv               |               | 
  python3-ncls           |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
- ngmlr                  |                     |          | new                                                 | ngmlr                |               | 
+ ngmlr                  | amd64               | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | ngmlr                |               | autopkgtest
  oncofuse               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/oncofuse          |                      |               | 
  optitype               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/optitype          |                      |               | 
- python3-pairtools      |                     |          | new                                                 | pairtools            |               | 
+ python3-pairtools      | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 | pairtools            |               | autopkgtest
  parallel-fastq-dump    | all                 | main     | sid                                                 | parallel-fastq-dump  |               | 
  python3-pauvre         | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
  picard-tools           | amd64               | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | picard               | Picard_tools  | autopkgtest
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  porechop               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | porechop             |               | autopkgtest
  porejuicer             |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  poretools              | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | poretools            |               | autopkgtest
- pplacer                |                     |          | new                                                 | pplacer              |               | 
+ pplacer                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 | pplacer              |               | 
  presto                 | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | presto               | pRESTO        | autopkgtest-pkg-python
  prinseq-lite           | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
  prodigal               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | prodigal             |               | autopkgtest
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  rna-star               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | star                 | star          | autopkgtest
  streamformatics        |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  strelka                |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/strelka           | strelka              |               | 
- python3-streamz        |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
+ python3-streamz        | all                 | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  tiddit                 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | tiddit               |               | autopkgtest
- tombo                  |                     |          | new                                                 | ont-tombo            |               | 
+ tombo                  | amd64,arm64         | main     | sid                                                 | ont-tombo            |               | autopkgtest
  tophat-recondition     | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | 
  tornado                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  trim-galore            | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | trim-galore          |               | autopkgtest
@@ -180,16 +180,20 @@ Last-Update: Tue, 07 Jul 2020 11:42:19 +0200
  vg                     | amd64               | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | vg                   |               | autopkgtest
  vienna-rna             |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/vienna-rna        |                      |               | 
  vsearch                | amd64,ppc64el       | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | vsearch              | vsearch       | autopkgtest
- vt                     |                     |          | new                                                 | vt                   |               | 
+ vt                     | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | vt                   |               | autopkgtest
  wham-align             | amd64               | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | wham                 | wham          | autopkgtest
  yanagiba               | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | 
- yanosim                |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
+ yanosim                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest-pkg-python
+ libargs-dev            |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
+ libatomicqueue-dev     |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  libatomicbitvector-dev | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ libconcurrentqueue-dev |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
+ tao-json               |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  python3-h5py           | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-numpy          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-numpy          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-pandas         | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-toolz          | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-tornado        | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
-(189 Zeilen)
+(193 Zeilen)

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