[Blends-commit] [Git][blends-team/med][master] Synced with...

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jun 17 09:19:35 BST 2020

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / med

59918ead by Andreas Tille at 2020-06-17T10:19:10+02:00
Synced with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tApLhVqxRZ2VOuMH_aPUgFENQJfbLlB_PFH_Ah_q7hM/edit?ts=5eb957ba#gid=543782716, update UDD

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- covid-19_doc/bio_covid-19_dependencies_query
- covid-19_doc/bio_covid-19_dependencies_result


@@ -77,34 +77,42 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES
 (DEFAULT,'ncbi-blast+'), -- == blast
@@ -113,10 +121,14 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES
@@ -127,9 +139,11 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES
 (DEFAULT,'radiant'),  -- == krona - Debian had to change the name
@@ -150,20 +164,22 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES
@@ -203,6 +219,7 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES
@@ -231,6 +248,8 @@ INSERT INTO covid19_packages VALUES

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
+Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:15:01 +0200
         package         |    architectures    | section  |                      releases                       |        conda         |   bio.tools   |              testsuite              
@@ -12,34 +12,42 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  shovill                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  smartseq2              |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  viralcon               |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
+ rosa                   |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  nf-core                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  abacas                 | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ adamjava               |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  allelecount            | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | cancerit-allelecount |               | autopkgtest-pkg-perl
  python3-anndata        |                     |          | new                                                 | anndata              |               | 
  libargs-dev            |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
  arvados                |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/arvados           |                      |               | 
  r-other-ascat          | all                 | main     | sid                                                 | ascat                |               | autopkgtest-pkg-r
  assembly-stats         | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
- libatomicbitvector-dev | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ atropos                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | atropos              | atropos       | 
  augustus               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | augustus             | AUGUSTUS      | autopkgtest
+ bamkit                 | all                 | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | 
  bandage                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bandage              | bandage       | 
  libbbhash-dev          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  bcftools               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bcftools             | bcftools      | autopkgtest
  bedtools               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | biotools             | bedtools      | autopkgtest
+ biobambam2             | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | sid                                                 | biobambam            | biobambam     | autopkgtest
  python3-biopython      | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      | Biopython     | autopkgtest
  ncbi-blast+            | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | blast                | blast         | autopkgtest
  bowtie2                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bowtie2              | bowtie2       | autopkgtest
  busco                  | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | busco                |               | 
  bustools               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | bustools             | BUStools      | 
+ busybee                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  bwa                    | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | bwa                  | BWA           | autopkgtest
  cat-bat                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | cat                  |               | 
  centrifuge             | amd64               | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | centrifuge           | Centrifuge    | 
  changeo                | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | changeo              |               | autopkgtest-pkg-python
  python3-cooler         |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-cooler     | cooler               |               | 
  cutadapt               | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | cutadapt             | cutadapt      | autopkgtest-pkg-python
+ python3-cyvcf2         | amd64,arm64         | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | cyvcf2               |               | autopkgtest-pkg-python
  diamond-aligner        | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | diamond              | Diamond       | autopkgtest
  python3-deeptools      | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | deeptools            | deeptools     | autopkgtest, autopkgtest-pkg-python
+ degreport              |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  drop-seq-tools         | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | dropseq_tools        |               | 
+ r-bioc-edger           | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | bioconductor-edger   | edger         | autopkgtest, autopkgtest-pkg-r
  fastp                  | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | fastp                |               | autopkgtest
  fastqc                 | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | fastqc               | FastQC        | autopkgtest
  filtlong               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | filtlong             |               | autopkgtest
@@ -48,10 +56,14 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  flye                   |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/flye              | flye                 |               | 
  freebayes              | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | freebayes            | freebayes     | autopkgtest
  gatk                   |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gatk              | gatk4                |               | 
+ gffread                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | gffread              | gffread       | autopkgtest
+ python3-gffutils       | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | gffutils             | GFFutils      | autopkgtest
+ gindex                 |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  tigr-glimmer           | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | glimmer              | glimmer       | autopkgtest
+ grabix                 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | grabix               |               | autopkgtest
  graphmap2              |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/graphmap2         | graphmap             |               | 
  bio-guppy              |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
- python3-h5py           | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ hisat2                 | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | hisat2               | hisat2        | autopkgtest
  r-bioc-htsfilter       | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest, autopkgtest-pkg-r
  libhts-dev             | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | htslib               |               | autopkgtest
  python3-htseq          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | htseq                | htseq         | autopkgtest
@@ -62,9 +74,11 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  kraken2                | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | kraken2              | kraken        | autopkgtest
  radiant                | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      | krona         | 
  lighter                |                     |          | new                                                 | lighter              |               | 
+ lsd                    |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  lumpy-sv               |                     |          | new                                                 | lumpy-sv             |               | 
  magicblast             |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  manta                  |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/manta             | manta                |               | 
+ marginalign            |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  mash                   | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | mash                 |               | autopkgtest
  masurca                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  mcaller                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
@@ -85,20 +99,22 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  nanofilt               |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  nanolyse               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nanolyse          | nanolyse             |               | 
  python3-nanomath       | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ nanoplot               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nanoplot          | nanoplot             |               | 
  nanopolish             | amd64,arm64         | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | nanopolish           | nanopolish    | autopkgtest
  nanook                 | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      | NanoOK        | 
  nanoraw                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  nanosv                 |                     |          | new                                                 | nanosv               |               | 
+ python3-ncls           |                     |          | new                                                 |                      |               | 
  ngmlr                  |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  oncofuse               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/oncofuse          |                      |               | 
  optitype               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/optitype          |                      |               | 
- nanoplot               |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nanoplot          | nanoplot             |               | 
+ pairtools              |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  parallel-fastq-dump    | all                 | main     | sid                                                 | parallel-fastq-dump  |               | 
  python3-pauvre         | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ picard-tools           | amd64               | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | picard               | Picard_tools  | autopkgtest
  picopore               |                     |          | new                                                 | picopore             |               | 
  pinfish                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  plasmidid              |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/plasmidid         | plasmidid            |               | 
- picard-tools           | amd64               | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | picard               | Picard_tools  | autopkgtest
  pilon                  | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | pilon                | pilon         | 
  pomoxis                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  pore                   |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
@@ -138,6 +154,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  seqwish                |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/seqwish           | seqwish              |               | 
  signalalign            |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  skesa                  | amd64               | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | skesa                |               | 
+ sniffles               | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | sniffles             | sniffles      | autopkgtest
  snpeff                 |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/snpeff            | snpeff               |               | 
  snpsift                |                     |          | https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/snpeff            | snpeff               |               | 
  spades                 | amd64               | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 | spades               | Spades        | autopkgtest
@@ -166,10 +183,12 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:18 +0200
  wham-align             | amd64               | main     | bullseye,sid                                        | wham                 | wham          | 
  yanagiba               |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
  yanosim                |                     |          |                                                     |                      |               | 
+ libatomicbitvector-dev | all                 | main     | bullseye,sid                                        |                      |               | autopkgtest
+ python3-h5py           | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-numpy          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-numpy          | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-pandas         | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-toolz          | all                 | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
  python3-tornado        | amd64,arm64,ppc64el | main     | buster,bullseye,sid                                 |                      |               | autopkgtest
-(169 Zeilen)
+(188 Zeilen)

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