[Blends-commit] [Git][blends-team/pan][master] 2 commits: bunch of fix (mostly typo)

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Nov 26 10:50:35 GMT 2020

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca pushed to branch master at Debian Blends Team / pan

5f497478 by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-11-26T11:14:59+01:00
bunch of fix (mostly typo)

- - - - -
8b3eb1f4 by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2020-11-26T11:50:17+01:00
regererate files

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- debian-pan-tasks.desc
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- dependency_data/debian-pan_0.2.json
- tasks/coherent-diffraction
- tasks/data-reduction-frameworks
- tasks/data-reduction-frameworks-dev
- tasks/diffraction
- tasks/laue
- tasks/microscopy
- tasks/mx
- tasks/powder
- tasks/small-angle-scattering
- tasks/spectroscopy
- tasks/xas


@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ Task: pan-data-reduction-frameworks
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
 Description: Data reduction frameworks
- This metapackage will install framework dedicated to the data reduction
+ This metapackage will install frameworks dedicated to the data reduction
 Task: pan-data-reduction-frameworks-dev
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
-Description: PAN Debian data reduction framework dev
+Description: PAN Debian data reduction frameworks dev
  This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
  a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Key:
 Task: pan-diffraction
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
-Description: diffraction software suit
+Description: diffraction softwares suit
  This metapackage will install all diffraction softwares
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Task: pan-gid
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
 Description: Grazing incidence X-ray and neutron diffraction
- This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS softwares
+ This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS software
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Task: pan-microscopy
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
 Description: microscopy IR
- This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares.
+ This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ Task: pan-small-angle-scattering
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
 Description: small angle scattering
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering
+ packages.
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ Task: pan-xas
 Parent: debian-pan
 Section: debian-pan
 Description: EXAFS and XANES
- This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES softwares.
+ This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES packages.

@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@ debian-pan (0.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * debian/control: fix a typo in a Depends (Closes: #975709)
-  * start of automatic changelog entry *
+  * start of automatic changelog entry * 
   * Changes in metapackage dependencies
+   -pan-data-reduction-frameworks-dev
+    added:
+      Depends:  pan-data-reduction-frameworks
+    removed:
+      Depends:  pan-data-reduction-framework
       Suggests:  pygsas, pyxrd

@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Suggests: dawn,
 Description: Data reduction frameworks
- This metapackage will install framework dedicated to the data reduction
+ This metapackage will install frameworks dedicated to the data reduction
 Package: pan-data-reduction-frameworks-dev
 Section: metapackages
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
          pan-tasks (= ${source:Version})
 Suggests: cdma,
-Description: PAN Debian data reduction framework dev
+Description: PAN Debian data reduction frameworks dev
  This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
  a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
 Recommends: binoculars,
 Suggests: nebula
-Description: diffraction software suit
+Description: diffraction softwares suit
  This metapackage will install all diffraction softwares
 Package: pan-gid
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Suggests: fitgisaxs,
 Description: Grazing incidence X-ray and neutron diffraction
- This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS softwares
+ This metapackage will install all GID, GIXD, GIND, GISAS, GISAXS, GISANS software
 Package: pan-microscopy
 Section: metapackages
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
 Recommends: gwyddion
 Suggests: threeb
 Description: microscopy IR
- This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares.
+ This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares
 Package: pan-mx
 Section: metapackages
@@ -325,7 +325,8 @@ Suggests: bsl,
 Description: small angle scattering
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering
+ packages.
 Package: pan-tomography
 Section: metapackages
@@ -360,5 +361,5 @@ Depends: ${misc:Depends},
 Suggests: prestopronto,
 Description: EXAFS and XANES
- This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES softwares.
+ This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES packages.

@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"mx-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libccif-dev", "libccp4-dev", "libclipper-dev", "libmmdb-dev", "libssm-dev"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks-dev": {"depends": ["pan-data-reduction-framework", "libmgl-dev", "libnexus-dev"], "suggests": ["cdma", "comete"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "xas": {"depends": ["pymca", "quantum-espresso"], "suggests": ["xraylarch", "prestopronto"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "spectroscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["arpys"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "mx": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["coot", "edna", "nmoldyn", "phenix", "3dna", "adxv", "aimless", "albula", "aplx", "atsas", "autoproc", "balbes", "best", "bioxhit", "biox-xds", "bobscript", "bp3-old", "c3d", "cath", "ccp4", "cctbx", "chart", "chimera", "chooch", "cn2coot", "cns", "crank", "crystfel", "das", "dna", "domain-finder", "dps2ar", "dviewer", "dyndom3d", "edna", "elves", "epmr", "escet", "evrouter", "fit2d", "fobscom", "gramm", "grasp", "harker", "hbplus", "hca", "hkl2map", "hyss", "imosflm", "induced-rad-dam", "ipymol", "ispyb-client", "labelit", "lam", "laue", "liged", "ligplot", "ligplus", "lscale", "maid", "main", "mar345", "marutils", "mercury", "mlfsom", "molscriptmolscript-2.1.2", "mosflm", "msi", "nuccyl", "nucplot", "onoono80ono90", "phaser", "phases", "phenix", "pirate", "plotmtv", "pointless", "powder", "promotif", "pxpy", "raddose", "refmac", "replace", "ribbons", "ringer", "rmerge", "rosetta", "rtools", "saxs", "shakerr", "sharp", "shelx", "sir", "sir2002", "snb2.2", "snow", "solvesolve-2.08", "stac-stac2", "strategy", "surfnet", "tcltkblt", "testcase", "textal", "tools", "tops", "usf", "viewhkl", "wink", "workflow-ds", "workflow-executor", "xds", "xdsme", "xiaxia2", "xprep", "xrec", "xtalview", "dials", "gemmi"], "recommends": ["apbs", "autodock", "openbabel", "clustalw", "gnuplot", "imagej", "jmol", "libmmdb2-0", "povray", "pymol", "python", "rasmol", "raster3d", "theseus"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "small-angle-scattering": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bsl", "diffraction-ring-profiler", "sastbx", "saxsview"], "recommends": ["fityk", "pyfai", "sasview", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "gid": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["gsas", "isgisaxs", "fitgisaxs"], "recommends": ["xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["nebula"], "recommends": ["binoculars", "xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libuca", "lima"], "recommends": ["libhkl-dev", "libtango-dev", "python3-tango", "python3-sardana", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "laue": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["esmeralda"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "coherent-diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bonsu", "hawk", "pynx", "ptypy"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "tomography": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["python3-pyhst2-cuda", "astra-toolbox", "pyastra-toolbox", "freeart", "imagej-pluggins-tomo", "rabbitct", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector", "tomopy"], "recommends": ["libufo-bin", "mayavi2", "paraview", "python3-skimage", "ufo-filters"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "microscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["threeb"], "recommends": ["gwyddion"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["micromanager", "opengda", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector"], "recommends": ["ghkl", "python3-tango", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph", "python3-sardana", "tango-db", "tango-starter", "tango-accesscontrol"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["dawn", "disp", "edna", "graphlab", "gumtree", "mantid", "thredds", "nexpy"], "recommends": ["fityk", "gnuplot", "imagej", "libxy-bin", "ngraph-gtk", "octave", "pymca", "scilab", "silx", "spyder3", "vistrails", "xmaxima"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "powder": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["fullprof", "jpowder", "xrdua", "pygsas", "pyxrd"], "recommends": ["fityk", "libxy-bin", "objcryst-fox", "pyfai", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"coherent-diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bonsu", "hawk", "pynx", "ptypy"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["micromanager", "opengda", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector"], "recommends": ["ghkl", "python3-tango", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph", "python3-sardana", "tango-db", "tango-starter", "tango-accesscontrol"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "control-systems-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libuca", "lima"], "recommends": ["libhkl-dev", "libtango-dev", "python3-tango", "python3-sardana", "python3-taurus", "python3-taurus-pyqtgraph"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["dawn", "disp", "edna", "graphlab", "gumtree", "mantid", "thredds", "nexpy"], "recommends": ["fityk", "gnuplot", "imagej", "libxy-bin", "ngraph-gtk", "octave", "pymca", "scilab", "silx", "spyder3", "vistrails", "xmaxima"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "data-reduction-frameworks-dev": {"depends": ["pan-data-reduction-frameworks", "libmgl-dev", "libnexus-dev"], "suggests": ["cdma", "comete"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "diffraction": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["nebula"], "recommends": ["binoculars", "xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "gid": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["gsas", "isgisaxs", "fitgisaxs"], "recommends": ["xrayutilities"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "laue": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["esmeralda"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "microscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["threeb"], "recommends": ["gwyddion"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "mx": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["coot", "edna", "nmoldyn", "phenix", "3dna", "adxv", "aimless", "albula", "aplx", "atsas", "autoproc", "balbes", "best", "bioxhit", "biox-xds", "bobscript", "bp3-old", "c3d", "cath", "ccp4", "cctbx", "chart", "chimera", "chooch", "cn2coot", "cns", "crank", "crystfel", "das", "dna", "domain-finder", "dps2ar", "dviewer", "dyndom3d", "edna", "elves", "epmr", "escet", "evrouter", "fit2d", "fobscom", "gramm", "grasp", "harker", "hbplus", "hca", "hkl2map", "hyss", "imosflm", "induced-rad-dam", "ipymol", "ispyb-client", "labelit", "lam", "laue", "liged", "ligplot", "ligplus", "lscale", "maid", "main", "mar345", "marutils", "mercury", "mlfsom", "molscriptmolscript-2.1.2", "mosflm", "msi", "nuccyl", "nucplot", "onoono80ono90", "phaser", "phases", "phenix", "pirate", "plotmtv", "pointless", "powder", "promotif", "pxpy", "raddose", "refmac", "replace", "ribbons", "ringer", "rmerge", "rosetta", "rtools", "saxs", "shakerr", "sharp", "shelx", "sir", "sir2002", "snb2.2", "snow", "solvesolve-2.08", "stac-stac2", "strategy", "surfnet", "tcltkblt", "testcase", "textal", "tools", "tops", "usf", "viewhkl", "wink", "workflow-ds", "workflow-executor", "xds", "xdsme", "xiaxia2", "xprep", "xrec", "xtalview", "dials", "gemmi"], "recommends": ["apbs", "autodock", "openbabel", "clustalw", "gnuplot", "imagej", "jmol", "libmmdb2-0", "povray", "pymol", "python", "rasmol", "raster3d", "theseus"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "mx-dev": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["libccif-dev", "libccp4-dev", "libclipper-dev", "libmmdb-dev", "libssm-dev"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "powder": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["fullprof", "jpowder", "xrdua", "pygsas", "pyxrd"], "recommends": ["fityk", "libxy-bin", "objcryst-fox", "pyfai", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "small-angle-scattering": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["bsl", "diffraction-ring-profiler", "sastbx", "saxsview"], "recommends": ["fityk", "pyfai", "sasview", "spd"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "spectroscopy": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["arpys"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "tomography": {"depends": [], "suggests": ["python3-pyhst2-cuda", "astra-toolbox", "pyastra-toolbox", "freeart", "imagej-pluggins-tomo", "rabbitct", "tomographie-preexperiment-data-collector", "tomopy"], "recommends": ["libufo-bin", "mayavi2", "paraview", "python3-skimage", "ufo-filters"], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}, "xas": {"depends": ["pymca", "quantum-espresso"], "suggests": ["xraylarch", "prestopronto"], "recommends": [], "ignore": [], "avoid": []}}
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Task: coherent-diffraction
-Description: coherent diffraction software
+Description: coherent diffraction softwares
  This metapackage will install PAN Blend coherent diffraction packages.
 Comment: Improve the Description
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Pkg-Description: phase retrieval software package for real-time visualisation
   * SPE
   * HDF5 (indirectly through h5py)
   * VTK
-  * NumPy 
+  * NumPy
 Suggests: hawk
 Homepage: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/hawk/

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: data-reduction-frameworks
 Description: Data reduction frameworks
- This metapackage will install framework dedicated to the data reduction
+ This metapackage will install frameworks dedicated to the data reduction
 Comment: improve the description
 Recommends: fityk

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
-Task: data-reduction-framework-dev
-Description: PAN Debian data reduction framework dev
+Task: data-reduction-frameworks-dev
+Description: PAN Debian data reduction frameworks dev
  This metapackage will install all PAN Blend packages. This is
  a temporary package until we sorted all packages into the right
 comment: Improve the description
-Depends: pan-data-reduction-framework
+Depends: pan-data-reduction-frameworks
 Depends: libmgl-dev

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: diffraction
-Description: diffraction software suit
- This metapackage will install all diffraction software
+Description: diffraction softwares suit
+ This metapackage will install all diffraction softwares
 Comment: Improve the description
 Recommends: binoculars
@@ -15,4 +15,3 @@ Pkg-Description: three-dimensional reciprocal space visualization.
  an open tool for X-ray scientists to interactively reconstruct and
  visualize diffuse scattering in three-dimensional reciprocal
  space. Programmed in C++ using Qt, OpenCL, and OpenGL.

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Task: laue
 Description: laue software suit
- This metapackage will install all laue saoftwares
+ This metapackage will install all laue softwares
 Comment: Improve the description
 Suggests: esmeralda

@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: microscopy
 Description: microscopy IR
- This metapackage will install all microscopy software.
+ This metapackage will install all microscopy softwares
 Comment: Improve the description
 Recommends: gwyddion
 Suggests: threeb

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: mx
 Description: Macro Molecular diffraction
- This metapackage will install all MX diffraction software.
+ This metapackage will install all MX diffraction softwares.
 Comment: Improve the description
 Suggests: coot

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: powder
 Description: powder diffraction
- This metapackage will install all powder diffraction software.
+ This metapackage will install all powder diffraction softwares.
 Comment: Improve the description
 Recommends: fityk
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Comment: test if it works with gdl
 Suggests: pygsas
 Homepage: https://subversion.xor.aps.anl.gov/trac/pyGSAS
 License: DSFG
- Copyright 2010, UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National
+ Copyright 2010, 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National
  Laboratory All rights reserved.
  GSAS-II may be used by anyone on a royalty-free basis. Use and

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: small-angle-scattering
 Description: small angle scattering
- This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering.
+ This metapackage will install all PAN Blend small angle scattering
+ packages.
 Comment: improve the description
 Recommends: fityk

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: spectroscopy
 Description: X-Rays and Neutron spectroscopy
- This metapackage will install all spectroscopy software.
+ This metapackage will install all spectroscopy packages.
 Suggests: arpys
 Homepage: https://github.com/kuadrat/arpys
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Suggest: drmgpp
 Homepage: https://github.com/g1257/dmrgpp
 Pkg-Description: drmgpp software suite
 License: drmgpp
- Copyright (c) 2009-2014, UT-Battelle, LLC
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2014, 2020, UT-Battelle, LLC
  All rights reserved
  [DMRG++, Version 3]

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Format: https://blends.debian.org/blends/1.1
 Task: xas
 Description: EXAFS and XANES
- This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES software.
+ This metapackage will install all EXAFS and XANES packages.
 Comment: Improve the description
 Depends: pymca

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan/-/compare/ead2903e07c6e5bc67ce13751d6adf477c697846...8b3eb1f4bcba24eb639fe52f033c7bfb63becec6

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/pan/-/compare/ead2903e07c6e5bc67ce13751d6adf477c697846...8b3eb1f4bcba24eb639fe52f033c7bfb63becec6
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