[Calendarserver-discuss] Free Software calendaring and groupware (in and beyond Debian)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Apr 8 20:02:03 UTC 2016

Quoting Paul Boddie (2016-04-08 21:16:08)
> On Friday 8. April 2016 20.48.29 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> For starters, attached is a danish localization.  I suggest you to 
>> recode your norwegian locale file to UTF-8, as that is easier to 
>> handle.
> Yes, I happen to still be using ISO-8859-15 - what happened to all 
> those migration tools? - but UTF-8 is used for everything else in 
> imip-agent, so it makes a lot of sense to fix this.
>> Also, consider adding comments on entries that are seemingly used in 
>> email output and therefore need newlines sprinked into it (or better: 
>> write/user a UTF-8 supportive routine to auto-break long strings into 
>> lines of suitable length).
> I'll take a look at this.
>> Now looking into packaging for Debian...
> I've tried to keep things fairly obvious here, but there were various 
> policy- related things that I would have looked up if it weren't so 
> inconvenient to do so. I imagine that you know Debian policies a lot 
> better than I do, so things like...
>   * where to put the data
>   * where the program files should go
>   * how to best handle the configuration files
>   * what to do with my own libraries that I've bundled...
>   * ...but which aren't used by anything else...
>   * ...but which could potentially be used by other things ;-)
> ...are probably things you can immediately judge, whereas it would 
> take me hours of searching tutorials, guides, mailing list archives 
> and probably reading between the lines, too.


I read the documentation on he train ride from Denmark to Linux Hotel - 
really nice and detailed read!

> (On the topic of package configuration, I did try and make the Kolab 
> packaging work with debconf, which isn't something I would really like 
> to do again in the near future, but maybe debconf interaction isn't 
> really necessary for something as simple as this work.)

Right, I may introduce debconf later (if nothing else then for the SQL 
stuff when you release that, by use of dbconfig-common), but expect it 
to *not* be necessary for an initial working package release.

>> I am no big fan of SQL, so no hurry for my part to get that working 
>> :-P
> It's more of a "nice to have" thing, for those who do like SQL. ;-)

Good! :-)

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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