[Calendarserver-discuss] How important is caldav-tester to get into Debian?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Jan 30 22:08:54 UTC 2016


I've been looking at calypso and rapsody the last few days, and in the
process I came across caldav-tester that can check if a given
caldav/carddav server is working as it should.  The WNPP request #742999
was created in 2014 and the the packaging work is available from
github[1].  But the process seem to have stopped.  I wonder, is it an
important package to get into Debian or not?  Would it be useful for the
packages already in Debian if I uploaded the current github code (with a
few fixes sent as pull requests to the github project?  I've tried to
reach Frank Piotrowski a few days ago, asking if he is still interested
in maintaining this package, without any replies so far.

 [1] <URL: https://github.com/fpiotrow/caldav-tester-packaging >

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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