[Calypso-commits] [calypso] 05/09: Add autopkgtest based on caldav-tester
Guido Guenther
agx at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 9 17:45:55 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
agx pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository calypso.
commit 898c149fed8d9369ddd87dd8125d4891c0a7fe22
Author: Guido Günther <agx at sigxcpu.org>
Date: Sat Mar 29 22:34:30 2014 +0100
Add autopkgtest based on caldav-tester
This makes sure the server listens and processes events. This will need
more work to pass more parts of the testsuite.
Closes: #743048
debian/control | 1 +
debian/tests/caldav | 54 ++++
debian/tests/control | 4 +
debian/tests/serverinfo.xml | 759 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 818 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 882a4c3..0ebd568 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), python (>= 2.7), python-setuptools, python-
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Homepage: http://keithp.com/calypso
X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
+XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest
Package: calypso
Architecture: all
diff --git a/debian/tests/caldav b/debian/tests/caldav
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4d78b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/caldav
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ CalDAV/delete.xml \
+ CalDAV/vtodos.xml \
+set -e
+cleanup ()
+ kill $(cat $WORKDIR/pid)
+ rm --preserve-root -rf $WORKDIR
+WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+trap cleanup 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM
+# Initial calendars
+ $WORKDIR/calendars/__uids__/user01/calendar/ \
+ $WORKDIR/calendars/__uids__/user01/tasks/ \
+ "
+for d in $CALENDARS; do
+ mkdir -p $d
+ git init $d
+# config
+cat <<EOF > $WORKDIR/config
+echo "user01:user01" > $WORKDIR/passwd
+# Run the server
+calypso -d -P $WORKDIR/pid
+sleep 2
+# Run the tests
+testcaldav -s $PWD/debian/tests/serverinfo.xml $TESTS
+echo "run: OK"
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6adb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/control
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Tests: caldav
+Restrictions: isolation-container
+Depends: caldav-tester,
+ calypso
diff --git a/debian/tests/serverinfo.xml b/debian/tests/serverinfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9378d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/serverinfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE serverinfo SYSTEM "serverinfo.dtd">
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ -->
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <nonsslport>5233</nonsslport>
+ <sslport>8443</sslport>
+ <authtype>basic</authtype>
+ <waitcount>120</waitcount>
+ <waitdelay>0.25</waitdelay>
+ <features>
+ <!-- Generic WebDAV extensions -->
+ <feature>COPY Method</feature> <!-- COPY method -->
+ <feature>MOVE Method</feature> <!-- MOVE method -->
+ <feature>ctag</feature> <!-- ctag extension -->
+ <feature>directory listing</feature> <!-- GET on collection -->
+ <!-- CalDAV specific extension -->
+ <feature>caldav</feature> <!-- Basic CalDAV feature enabler -->
+ <feature>no-duplicate-uids</feature> <!-- duplicate UIDs in same home not supported -->
+ <!-- CardDAV specific extension -->
+ <feature>carddav</feature> <!-- Basic CardDAV feature enabler -->
+ <feature>default-addressbook</feature> <!-- Default address book behavior -->
+ <feature>shared-addressbooks</feature> <!-- Shared address books extension -->
+ <!-- <feature>directory-gateway</feature> --> <!-- Directory gateway extension -->
+ </features>
+ <substitutions>
+ <!-- Useful xpath shortcuts for verifiers -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$multistatus-response-prefix:</key>
+ <value>/{DAV:}multistatus/{DAV:}response</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$multistatus-href-prefix:</key>
+ <value>/{DAV:}multistatus/{DAV:}response/{DAV:}href</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$verify-response-prefix:</key>
+ <value>{DAV:}response/{DAV:}propstat/{DAV:}prop</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$verify-property-prefix:</key>
+ <value>/{DAV:}multistatus/{DAV:}response/{DAV:}propstat/{DAV:}prop</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$verify-bad-response:</key>
+ <value>/{DAV:}multistatus/{DAV:}response/{DAV:}status</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$verify-error-response:</key>
+ <value>/{DAV:}multistatus/{DAV:}response/{DAV:}error</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$CALDAV:</key>
+ <value>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$CARDDAV:</key>
+ <value>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$CS:</key>
+ <value>http://calendarserver.org/ns/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- Server configuration settings -->
+ <!-- $host: and $hostssl: are implicitly added by CalDAVTester based
+ on the host/nonsslport/sslport values and ssl command line switch -->
+ <!-- relative path to caldav root-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$root:</key>
+ <value>/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to main principal collection-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principalcollection:</key>
+ <value>$root:principals/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- the core recored type collections-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$uidstype:</key>
+ <value>__uids__</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userstype:</key>
+ <value>users</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$groupstype:</key>
+ <value>groups</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$locationstype:</key>
+ <value>locations</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$resourcestype:</key>
+ <value>resources</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to record type principal collections-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principals_uids:</key>
+ <value>$principalcollection:$uidstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principals_users:</key>
+ <value>$principalcollection:$userstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principals_groups:</key>
+ <value>$principalcollection:$groupstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principals_resources:</key>
+ <value>$principalcollection:$resourcestype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principals_locations:</key>
+ <value>$principalcollection:$locationstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to calendars collection-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars:</key>
+ <value>$root:calendars/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to record type calendar collections-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars_uids:</key>
+ <value>$calendars:$uidstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars_users:</key>
+ <value>$calendars:$userstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars_groups:</key>
+ <value>$calendars:$groupstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars_resources:</key>
+ <value>$calendars:$resourcestype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendars_locations:</key>
+ <value>$calendars:$locationstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- primary calendar name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendar:</key>
+ <value>calendar</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- primary tasks-only calendar name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$tasks:</key>
+ <value>tasks</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- primary polls-only calendar name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$polls:</key>
+ <value>polls</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- inbox name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$inbox:</key>
+ <value>inbox</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- outbox name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$outbox:</key>
+ <value>outbox</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- dropbox name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$dropbox:</key>
+ <value>dropbox</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- attachments name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$attachments:</key>
+ <value>dropbox</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- notification name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$notification:</key>
+ <value>notification</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- freebusy name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$freebusy:</key>
+ <value>freebusy</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- server-to-server inbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$servertoserver:</key>
+ <value>$root:inbox</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- timezone service-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$timezoneservice:</key>
+ <value>$root:timezones</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- timezone std service-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$timezonestdservice:</key>
+ <value>$root:stdtimezones</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to addressbooks collection-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbooks:</key>
+ <value>$root:addressbooks/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to record type addressbook collections-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbooks_uids:</key>
+ <value>$addressbooks:$uidstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbooks_users:</key>
+ <value>$addressbooks:$userstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbooks_groups:</key>
+ <value>$addressbooks:$groupstype:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- primary addressbook name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbook:</key>
+ <value>addressbook</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- directory name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$directory:</key>
+ <value>$root:directory/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- POST add-member URI suffix -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$add-member:</key>
+ <value>;add-member</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user id for admin user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$useradmin:</key>
+ <value>admin</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- guid for admin user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$useradminguid:</key>
+ <value>admin</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password for admin user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$pswdadmin:</key>
+ <value>admin</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to admin principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principal_admin:</key>
+ <value>$principals_users:$useradmin:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principaluri_admin:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$useradminguid:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user id for apprentice user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userapprentice:</key>
+ <value>apprentice</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- guid for apprentice user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userapprenticeguid:</key>
+ <value>apprentice</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password for admin user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$pswdapprentice:</key>
+ <value>apprentice</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to apprentice principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principal_apprentice:</key>
+ <value>$principals_users:$userapprentice:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principaluri_apprentice:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$userapprenticeguid:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user id for proxy user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userproxy:</key>
+ <value>superuser</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password for proxy user -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$pswdproxy:</key>
+ <value>superuser</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- Forty user accounts -->
+ <repeat count="40">
+ <!-- user id -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userid%d:</key>
+ <value>user%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user guid -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$userguid%d:</key>
+ <value>user%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$username%d:</key>
+ <value>User %02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user name URI encoded -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$username-encoded%d:</key>
+ <value>User%%20%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- first name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$firstname%d:</key>
+ <value>User</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- last name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lastname%d:</key>
+ <value>%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$pswd%d:</key>
+ <value>user%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principal%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_users:$userid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principaluri%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$userguid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principal%dnoslash:</key>
+ <value>$principals_users:$userid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendarhome%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$userguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user alternate calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendarhomealt%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_users:$userid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendarpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user alternate calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$calendarpathalt%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhomealt%d:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user tasks calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$taskspath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$tasks:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user polls calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$pollspath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$polls:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user inbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$inboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$inbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user outbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$outboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$outbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user dropbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$dropboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$dropbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user notification-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$notificationpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$notification:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user freebusy-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$freebusypath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendarhome%d:/$freebusy:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$email%d:</key>
+ <value>$userid%d:@example.com</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- calendar user address of user-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddr%d:</key>
+ <value>mailto:$email%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddralt%d:</key>
+ <value>$principaluri%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddraltnoslash%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$userguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddrurn%d:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$userguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user addressbook home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbookhome%d:</key>
+ <value>$addressbooks_uids:$userguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user addressbook-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$addressbookpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$addressbookhome%d:/$addressbook:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </repeat>
+ <!-- Ten public accounts -->
+ <repeat count="10">
+ <!-- user id -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicuserid%d:</key>
+ <value>public%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user guid -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicuserguid%d:</key>
+ <value>public%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- user name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicusername%d:</key>
+ <value>Public %02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicpswd%d:</key>
+ <value>public%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicprincipal%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_users:$publicuserid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicprincipaluri%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$publicuserguid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publiccalendarhome%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$publicuserguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publiccalendarpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$publicuserguid%d:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publicemail%d:</key>
+ <value>$publicuserid%d:@example.com</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- calendar user address of user-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publiccuaddr%d:</key>
+ <value>mailto:$publicemail%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publiccuaddralt%d:</key>
+ <value>$publicprincipaluri%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$publiccuaddrurn%d:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$publicuserguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </repeat>
+ <!-- Twenty resource accounts -->
+ <repeat count="20">
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$resourceid%d:</key>
+ <value>resource%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- resource guid-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$resourceguid%d:</key>
+ <value>resource%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- resource name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$resourcename%d:</key>
+ <value>Resource %02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first resource calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rcalendarhome%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$resourceguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first resource calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rcalendarpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$resourceguid%d:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first resource inbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rinboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$resourceguid%d:/$inbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first resource outbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$routboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$resourceguid%d:/$outbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first resource principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rprincipal%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_resources:$resourceid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rprincipaluri%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$resourceguid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rcuaddralt%d:</key>
+ <value>$rprincipaluri%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$rcuaddrurn%d:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$resourceguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </repeat>
+ <!-- Ten Location accounts -->
+ <repeat count="10">
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$locationid%d:</key>
+ <value>location%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- location guid-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$locationguid%d:</key>
+ <value>location%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- location name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$locationname%d:</key>
+ <value>Location %02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first location calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lcalendarhome%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$locationguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first location calendar home-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lcalendarpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$locationguid%d:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first location inbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$linboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$locationguid%d:/$inbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first location outbox-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$loutboxpath%d:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$locationguid%d:/$outbox:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first location principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lprincipal%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_resources:$locationid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lprincipaluri%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$locationguid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lcuaddralt%d:</key>
+ <value>$lprincipaluri%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$lcuaddrurn%d:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$locationguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </repeat>
+ <!-- Ten Group accounts -->
+ <repeat count="10">
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$groupid%d:</key>
+ <value>group%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- group guid-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$groupguid%d:</key>
+ <value>group%02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- group name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$groupname%d:</key>
+ <value>Group %02d</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to first group principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$gprincipal%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_resources:$groupid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$gprincipaluri%d:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:$groupguid%d:/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$gcuaddralt%d:</key>
+ <value>$gprincipaluri%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$gcuaddrurn%d:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$groupguid%d:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </repeat>
+ <!-- User with non-ascii name -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18nid:</key>
+ <value>i18nuser</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- group guid-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18nguid:</key>
+ <value>i18nuser</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- group name-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18nname:</key>
+ <value>まだ</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- password -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18npswd:</key>
+ <value>i18nuser</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to user calendar-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18ncalendarpath:</key>
+ <value>$calendars_uids:$i18nguid:/$calendar:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18nemail:</key>
+ <value>$i18nid:@example.com</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- CUAddrs -->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18ncuaddr:</key>
+ <value>mailto:$i18nemail:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$i18ncuaddrurn:</key>
+ <value>urn:uuid:$i18nguid:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- relative path to disabled group principal resource-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principaldisabled:</key>
+ <value>$principals_groups:disabledgroup/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$principaluridisabled:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:disabledgroup/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- calendar user address of disabled group-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddrdisabled:</key>
+ <value>$principals_uids:disabledgroup/</value>
+ </substitution>
+ <!-- Override some of the above definitions for special cases -->
+ <!-- calendar user address of second user-->
+ <substitution>
+ <key>$cuaddr2:</key>
+ <value>MAILTO:$email2:</value>
+ </substitution>
+ </substitutions>
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