[Debconf-devel] Bug#391155: Please update translation for the
package debconf 1.5.6
sas at 321.hu
Fri Oct 6 03:32:01 BST 2006
attached, THX :-)
-------------- next part --------------
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-04 18:03-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-06 04:27+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: SZERV??C Attila <sas at 321.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Hungarian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: HUNGARY\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: ../Debconf/AutoSelect.pm:76
#, perl-format
msgid "falling back to frontend: %s"
msgstr "visszav??lt??s e fel??letre: %s"
#: ../Debconf/AutoSelect.pm:84
#, perl-format
msgid "unable to initialize frontend: %s"
msgstr "az al??bbi fel??let ind??t??sa sikertelen: %s"
#: ../Debconf/AutoSelect.pm:90
#, perl-format
msgid "Unable to start a frontend: %s"
msgstr "Nem siker??lt egy fel??let ind??t??sa: %s"
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:130
msgid "Config database not specified in config file."
msgstr "A konfigur??ci??s adatb??zis nincs megadva a konfig f??jlban."
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:134
msgid "Template database not specified in config file."
msgstr "A sablon adatb??zis nincs megadva a konfig f??jlban."
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:139
msgid "The Sigils and Smileys options in the config file are no longer used. Please remove them."
msgstr "A Pecs??tek ??s Mosolyok lehet??s??gek nem haszn??ltak t??bb?? a konfig f??jlban. K??rlek, t??vol??tsd el ??ket."
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:153
#, perl-format
msgid "Problem setting up the database defined by stanza %s of %s."
msgstr "Hiba a %s szakasz ??ltal megadott adatb??zis be??ll??t??s??ban itt: %s."
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:228
msgid ""
" -f, --frontend\t\tSpecify debconf frontend to use.\n"
" -p, --priority\t\tSpecify minimum priority question to show.\n"
" --terse\t\t\tEnable terse mode.\n"
msgstr ""
" -f, --frontend\t\tMegadja a debconf fel??letet.\n"
" -p, --priority\t\tMegadja a megjelen??tend?? k??rd??sek als?? szintj??t.\n"
" --terse\t\t\tT??m??r m??d.\n"
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:308
#, perl-format
msgid "Ignoring invalid priority \"%s\""
msgstr "??rv??nytelen szint kihagy??sa: \"%s\""
#: ../Debconf/Config.pm:309
#, perl-format
msgid "Valid priorities are: %s"
msgstr "Az ??rv??nyes szintek: %s"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:30
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Multiselect.pm:31
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Select.pm:31
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "V??laszt??sok"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:30
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:36
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:59
#: ../Debconf/Element/Teletype/Boolean.pm:28
msgid "yes"
msgstr "igen"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:30
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:39
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Boolean.pm:62
#: ../Debconf/Element/Teletype/Boolean.pm:29
msgid "no"
msgstr "nem"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Editor/Multiselect.pm:32
msgid "(Enter zero or more items separated by a comma followed by a space (', ').)"
msgstr "(0 vagy t??bb elem megad??sa sz??k??z??kkel k??vetett vessz??kkel (', ').)"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Gnome.pm:183
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_S??g??"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Gnome.pm:185
msgid "Help"
msgstr "S??g??"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Noninteractive/Error.pm:39
msgid "Debconf was not configured to display this error message, so it mailed it to you."
msgstr "A debconf nincs be??ll??tva e hiba??zenet ki??r??s??ra, ??gy elk??ldte lev??lben."
#: ../Debconf/Element/Noninteractive/Error.pm:63
msgid "Debconf"
msgstr "Debconf"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Noninteractive/Error.pm:86
#, perl-format
msgid "Debconf, running at %s"
msgstr "A Debconf itt fut: %s"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Select.pm:95
#: ../Debconf/Element/Select.pm:110
#, perl-format
msgid "Input value, \"%s\" not found in C choices! This should never happen. Perhaps the templates were incorrectly localized."
msgstr "Az al??bbi ??rt??k: \"%s\" nincs a C v??laszt??sok k??zt! Ennek nem szabadna megt??rt??nnie. Lehet, hogy hiba van a sablonok ford??t??s??ban."
#: ../Debconf/Element/Teletype/Multiselect.pm:27
msgid "none of the above"
msgstr "egyik sem"
#: ../Debconf/Element/Teletype/Multiselect.pm:47
msgid "Enter the items you want to select, separated by spaces."
msgstr "Kijel??lend?? elemek megad??sa sz??k??z??kkel elv??lasztva."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd.pm:131
#, perl-format
msgid "Unable to load Debconf::Element::%s. Failed because: %s"
msgstr "A Debconf::Element::%s bet??lt??se sikertelen. Oka: %s"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd.pm:312
#, perl-format
msgid "Configuring %s"
msgstr "%s konfigur??l??sa"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:52
msgid "TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable."
msgstr "A TERM nincs be??ll??tva, ??gy a p??rbesz??d fel??let nem haszn??lhat??."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:55
msgid "Dialog frontend is incompatible with emacs shell buffers"
msgstr "A p??rbesz??d fel??let nem illik az emacs h??j pufferekhez"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:58
msgid "Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal."
msgstr "A p??rbesz??d fel??let nem megy buta termin??lon, egy emacs h??j pufferen vagy a termin??l fel??gyelete n??lk??l."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:104
msgid "No usable dialog-like program is installed, so the dialog based frontend cannot be used."
msgstr "Nincs haszn??lhat?? p??rbesz??d-t??pus?? program telep??tve, ez??rt a p??rbesz??d fel??let nem m??k??dik."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:111
msgid "Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide."
msgstr "A p??rbesz??d fel??let legal??bb 13 soros ??s 31 oszlopos k??perny??t k??v??n."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm:280
msgid "Package configuration"
msgstr "Csomag konfigur??ci??"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Editor.pm:94
msgid "You are using the editor-based debconf frontend to configure your system. See the end of this document for detailed instructions."
msgstr "A szerkeszt??-alap?? debconf fel??letet haszn??lod rendszered be??ll??t??s??hoz. L??sd e dokumentum v??g??t r??szletes ??tmutat??shoz."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Editor.pm:111
msgid "The editor-based debconf frontend presents you with one or more text files to edit. This is one such text file. If you are familiar with standard unix configuration files, this file will look familiar to you -- it contains comments interspersed with configuration items. Edit the file, changing any items as necessary, and then save it and exit. At that point, debconf will read the edited file, and use the values you entered to configure the system."
msgstr "A szerkeszt??-alap?? debconf fel??let 1 vagy t??bb sz??veg f??jlt ad szerkeszt??sre. Ez egyike ezeknek. Ha elb??rsz egy szok??sos unix-s??tlus?? be??ll??t??ssal, e f??jl bar??ti lesz - megjegyz??sekkel tark??tott konfigur??ci??s elemeket tartalmaz. Szerkeszd azon elemek m??dos??t??s??val, ahol ez sz??ks??ges, majd mentsd ??s l??pj ki. Ekkor a debconf elolvassa a szerkesztett f??jlt, ??s felhaszn??lja a bevitt ??rt??keket a rendszer be??ll??t??s??hoz."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Gnome.pm:96
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Kde.pm:74
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Kde.pm:85
#, perl-format
msgid "Debconf on %s"
msgstr "Debconf itt: %s"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Readline.pm:47
msgid "This frontend requires a controlling tty."
msgstr "E fel??let egy tty fel??gyeletet k??v??n."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Readline.pm:58
msgid "Term::ReadLine::GNU is incompatable with emacs shell buffers."
msgstr "A Term::ReadLine::GNU nem illik az emacs h??j pufferhez."
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Teletype.pm:96
msgid "More"
msgstr "Tov??bb"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Web.pm:65
#, perl-format
msgid "Note: Debconf is running in web mode. Go to http://localhost:%i/"
msgstr "Megjegyz??s: a Debconf web m??dban fut itt: http://localhost:%i/"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Web.pm:165
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Vissza"
#: ../Debconf/FrontEnd/Web.pm:167
msgid "Next"
msgstr "El??re"
#: ../Debconf/Template.pm:90
#, perl-format
msgid "warning: possible database corruption. Will attempt to repair by adding back missing question %s."
msgstr "FIGYELEM!: lehets??ges adatb??zis hiba. Megpr??b??lom jav??tani az al??bbi k??rd??s visszaad??s??val: %s."
#: ../Debconf/Template.pm:203
#, perl-format
msgid "Template #%s in %s has a duplicate field \"%s\" with new value \"%s\". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline.\n"
msgstr "A #%s sablon itt: %s m??sodszor is tartalmazza ezt: \"%s\" ??j ??rt??kkel: \"%s\". Alighanem 2 sablon nincs elv??lasztva ??j sorral.\n"
#: ../Debconf/Template.pm:228
#, perl-format
msgid "Unknown template field '%s', in stanza #%s of %s\n"
msgstr "Ismeretlen sablon mez??: '%s' e szakaszban: #%s itt: %s\n"
#: ../Debconf/Template.pm:254
#, perl-format
msgid "Template parse error near `%s', in stanza #%s of %s\n"
msgstr "Sablon ??rtelmez??si hiba enn??l: `%s' e szakaszban: #%s itt: %s\n"
#: ../Debconf/Template.pm:260
#, perl-format
msgid "Template #%s in %s does not contain a 'Template:' line\n"
msgstr "E csomag: %s #%s sablonja nem tartalmaz 'Template:' sort\n"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:113
#, perl-format
msgid "unable to re-open stdin: %s"
msgstr "sikertelen stdin ??jranyit??s: %s"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:116
#, perl-format
msgid "must specify some debs to preconfigure"
msgstr "debeket kell megadni az el??konfigur??l??shoz"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:121
msgid "delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed"
msgstr "csomag konfigur??l??s elhalaszt??sa az apt-utils telep??t??s??ig"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:154
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:166
#, perl-format
msgid "apt-extracttemplates failed: %s"
msgstr "az apt-extracttemplates meghi??sult: %s"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:158
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:170
#, perl-format
msgid "Extracting templates from packages: %d%%"
msgstr "Sablonok kicsomagol??sa e csomagokb??l: %d%%"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:180
msgid "Preconfiguring packages ...\n"
msgstr "Csomagok el??konfigur??l??sa ...\n"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:192
#, perl-format
msgid "template parse error: %s"
msgstr "sablon ??rtelmez??si hiba: %s"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:206
#, perl-format
msgid "debconf: can't chmod: %s"
msgstr "debconf: sikertelen chmod: %s"
#: ../dpkg-preconfigure:217
#, perl-format
msgid "%s failed to preconfigure, with exit status %s"
msgstr "%s el??konfigur??l??sa meghi??sult e k??ddal: %s"
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:100
msgid ""
"Usage: dpkg-reconfigure [options] packages\n"
" -a, --all\t\t\tReconfigure all packages.\n"
" -u, --unseen-only\t\tShow only not yet seen questions.\n"
" --default-priority\tUse default priority instead of low.\n"
" --force\t\t\tForce reconfiguration of broken packages."
msgstr ""
"Haszn??lat: dpkg-reconfigure [lehet??s??gek] csomagok\n"
" -a, --all\t\t\tMinden csomag ??jrakonfigur??l??sa\n"
" -u, --unseen-only\t\tCsak a m??g nem l??tott k??rd??sek mutat??sa.\n"
" --default-priority\tAlap priorit??si szint haszn??lata alacsony helyett.\n"
" --force\t\t\tT??r??tt csomagok k??nyszer??tett ??jrakonfigur??l??sa."
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:113
#, perl-format
msgid "%s must be run as root"
msgstr "%s -t root-k??nt kell lefuttatni"
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:146
msgid "please specify a package to reconfigure"
msgstr "add meg egy ??jrakonfigur??land?? csomagot"
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:167
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is not installed"
msgstr "%s nincs telep??tve"
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:171
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is broken or not fully installed"
msgstr "%s t??r??tt vagy nincs teljesen telep??tve"
#: ../dpkg-reconfigure:250
#, perl-format
msgid "Cannot read status file: %s"
msgstr "Sikertelen ??llapot f??jl olvas??s: %s"
#: ../debconf-communicate:53
msgid "Usage: debconf-communicate [options] [package]"
msgstr "Haszn??lat: debconf-communicate [lehet??s??gek] [csomag]"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:14
msgid "debconf-mergetemplate: This utility is deprecated. You should switch to using po-debconf's po2debconf program."
msgstr "debconf-mergetemplate: Ez az eszk??z elavult. A po-debconf po2debconf programj??ra v??lthatsz."
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:66
msgid "Usage: debconf-mergetemplate [options] [templates.ll ...] templates"
msgstr "Usage: debconf-mergetemplate [lehet??s??gek] [sablonok.ll ...] sablonok"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:71
msgid ""
" --outdated\t\tMerge in even outdated translations.\n"
"\t--drop-old-templates\tDrop entire outdated templates."
msgstr ""
" --outdated\t\tAz elavult ford??t??sokat is bef??s??li.\n"
"\t--drop-old-templates\tElavult sablonok eldob??sa."
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:119
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is missing"
msgstr "%s hi??nyzik"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:123
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is missing; dropping %s"
msgstr "%s hi??nyzik; %s eldob??sa"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:146
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is fuzzy at byte %s: %s"
msgstr "%s zavaros a %s. b??jtn??l: %s"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:151
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is fuzzy at byte %s: %s; dropping it"
msgstr "%s zavaros a %s. b??jtn??l: %s; dobom"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:168
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is outdated"
msgstr "%s elavult"
#: ../debconf-mergetemplate:173
#, perl-format
msgid "%s is outdated; dropping whole template!"
msgstr "%s elavult; eg??sz sablon dob??sa!"
#: ../debconf:88
msgid "Usage: debconf [options] command [args]"
msgstr "Haszn??lat: debconf [lehet??s??gek] parancs [argumentumok]"
#: ../debconf:90
msgid ""
" -o, --owner=package\t\tSet the package that owns the command."
msgstr ""
" -o, --owner=csomag\t\tBe??ll??tja a parancsot birtokl?? csomagot"
#~ msgid "Save (mail) Note"
#~ msgstr "Feljegyz??s elment??se (k??ld??se)"
#~ msgid "Debconf was asked to save this note, so it mailed it to you."
#~ msgstr "A debconf menti e feljegyz??st ??s elk??ldi lev??lben."
#~ msgid "Information"
#~ msgstr "Inform??ci??"
#~ msgid "The note has been mailed."
#~ msgstr "A feljegyz??st elk??ldtem."
#~ msgid "Error"
#~ msgstr "Hiba"
#~ msgid "Unable to save note."
#~ msgstr "Nem siker??lt a feljegyz??s ment??se."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Debconf was not configured to display this note, so it mailed it to you."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A debconf nincs be??ll??tva e feljegyz??s ki??r??s??ra, ??gy elk??ldte lev??lben."
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