[Debconf-devel] doctor data lists
Lawanda Perez
hurrahnxrtojmafizc at pureforms.com
Tue Sep 18 23:28:22 UTC 2007
Only until Sep 21 - When you purchase the Doctor List at the sale price you will also get Hospital, Nursing Home, Dentist and Chiropractor data at no additional cost
Licensed Doctors in the USA
788,986 in total 17,400 emails
Doctor in over 34 specialties
Sort by over a dozen different fields
Specially reduced price: $383
*** Recieve the 4 medical Directorys below absolutely FREE when you buy the Doctor Listing above ***
Hospitals in the USA
23,000 Admins in more than 7,000 hospitals {a $399 value]
Dentists in the USA
597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $300 value!)
US Nursing Home List
includes over 31,589 Senior administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes in the United States. (value: $249)
American Chiropractors List
Complete data for all chiropractors in the USA (a $249 value)
send us an email: mdlistdata at hotmail.com
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