[Debconf-devel] Bug#502308: debconf-set-selections does not handle superfluous whitespace

Hendrik Jaeger hank at netwichtig.de
Wed Oct 15 13:48:42 UTC 2008

Package: debconf
Version: 1.5.11etch2
Severity: normal
Tags: patch

The debconf-set-selections script does not handle multiple whitespaces
directly before $content in the input correctly. Using a file with the
following content will not give an error, but will be ignored it seems:
beep beep/suid_option select  not suid at all

Note: there are two spaces before the '$content' and
debconf-set-selection will take all but one whitespace to be part of

# debconf-set-selections -v beep.preseed
info: Trying to set 'beep/suid_option' [select] to '    not suid at all'

This can be easily fixed with this patch:

<       my ($owner, $label, $type, $content) = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s(.*))?/;
>       my ($owner, $label, $type, $content) = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?/;


Hendrik Jaeger

An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it.
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