[Debconf-devel] Bug#179865: Dialog frontend to allow moving inside block

Magnus Henoch magnus.henoch at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 14:18:41 UTC 2013

I'd like to see this implemented, so that it's possible to write config
scripts that work well with both the dialog and editor frontends.  As
far as I can see, a config script that asks multiple independent
questions must currently choose between either using a state machine as
described in the debconf-devel manpage, which makes backup work in the
dialog frontend but frustrates editor frontend users who would rather
see all the questions at once, or calling db_input for all the questions
and db_go at the end, removing the "go back to previous question"
functionality for the dialog frontend.

So I started out with the code from Readline.pm and came up with the
patch below.  It seems to not break the few packages I've tried so far,
though obviously it deserves more testing.  In particular, I have no
idea whether the loop for noninteractive elements does the right thing.
Which packages have config scripts likely to break my change?


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