[Debconf-devel] La Fettunta

noreply at shop.orionservice.it noreply at shop.orionservice.it
Mon May 4 00:50:38 UTC 2015

Dear Sir
We are searching for partners in trading , resellers italian food , wines ,
olive oil etc. 
We are in Tuscany the italian region leader in finest wines and olive oil
We can search for you the best quality at the best price.
We also have some little farm which produces exclusively for us the finest
product in the traditional way
If you visit our website www.lafettunta.it  you will find some items, but
if you are interested in other types of products you could ask us
everything you want and we will try to find them at the best possible

Please do not hesitate to contact us info at lafettunta.it  and ask our

Each new product will be published on our facebook page
http://shop.orionservice.it:9000/lists/lt.php?id=Y01VAEQGCh0FVwMNBwU please
give us a Like and stay tuned!!

Zampini Tiziano
Baccini Barbara


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