[Debconf-devel] Attn:Beneficiary...Your $10.5 million dollars has been transferred into your Account..Get Back Asap

Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc charlesmore30005 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 15:07:45 UTC 2016

Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc
Corporate Head Office Address:
Plot 999c,Danmole Street,
Off Adeola Odeku/Idejo Street,
Victoria Island,Lagos, Nigeria.


This  is to inform  you  that  your overdue payment of $10.5 million dollars has been transfer into your Bank 

Account.You are advice to reconfirm your Banking informations/the information listed below to enable us confirm if 

the transfer of your $10.5 million dollars is done successfully to your Account and not wrong persons account.

Full Names:................................
Phone/Fax number:.................................
Age/Marital Status:................................
Attach copy of your Id Card or Drivers License......
Your Banking details:..............................

We wait your urgent and perfect response to enable us confirm  your payment valid $10.5 million dollars.

Thanks for Your Cooperation

Dr Wole Adeniyi Habib
Executive Director Of Operations
Email: stanbicibtcbanknig at consultant.com

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