[Debconfsubs-team] [RFR] Bug triaging and bug closing by Solveig

Solveig debian at solveig.org
Sun Apr 13 00:05:01 UTC 2014

Thomas Vincent:
> Hello subs-team and Solveig,
> On 07/04/2014 13:47, Thomas Vincent wrote:
>> I intend to subtitle this talk.
> And here is the .srt file (also available in the git repo).
> Thanks in advance for your reviews!
> Cheers,
> Thomas
Hi Thomas!

Thanks for the subtitles, you did an amazing work! Here are some
corrections, and additions for the places you let ???


line 158 "that's especially true for the new bugs because"

line 196 "and only Debian packaged"

line 237 "most of the time a pain in the ass"

line 628 "just close your tab"

line 674 "I'll keep you... up-to-date"

line 676 "[Q] From IRC, from Peyaro(?)"

line 678 "patch sent as last message but"

line 797 "I could be speaking about the fonts team"

line 792 "but also is not a developer or is not"

line 794 "but could be, I mean, the place where a specialized"

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