[Debconfsubs-team] [Debconf-video] subtitling 101

alberto fuentes pajaro at gmail.com
Wed May 4 09:28:00 UTC 2016

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 2:50 AM, shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear alberto,
> One more query, why is debconfsubs team on the alioth infrastructure,
> shouldn't it have been on the debconf infrastructure along with other
> mailing lists ?

I wasnt in the beginning. It is probably because it was easy to setup. But
its not really important, there are bigger things to tackle first.

I hadnt even noticed :)

> > Well, you need a first connection to start the sub and another to save.
> > Yes, these two connections are needed Im afraid. In exchange, it
> provides a
> > fast workflow even if you havent sub before.
> ok, will check again amara and see how it goes.
> > There is also tips for subbing offline on the wiki. For the transcription
> > part, any text editor is suitable, and you can upload it to amara for the
> > synchronization part half way through or just use other of the offline
> > editors. All workflows are available. Choose one that suits you :)
> >
> Umm... do people share workflows ? For instance, if a person just put down
> the conversation/s in a text-editor  and pass the result as a txt file
> which somebody else then puts the time-stamp on, have these sort of
> collaborations taken place. At least from the mailing list archives,
> it doesn't seem to happen on the mailing list, so probably more in
> real-time and on IRC ?
> Could you elaborate on the same.

Workflows are a wip. Communication happens mostly on irc...

Subs are mostly stale right now, so we rely on the versions in amara.
Theres rarely being overlap of work, even during the peak of contributors.
There are many videos and few subbers, so this works for now, although
theres a couple of things to improve on the todo list :)

You can ask on irc or on the mailing list if you want to make sure nobody
else is working on a video

Just download the latest revision from amara or start from scratch if there
arent any revision on amara yet. You can just upload or download .srt
without using the amara editor

Just this week somebody asked me to review his subs and im in the middle of
syncing the revisions. Amara seems to have the latest versions of
everything nonetheless.

Btw I noticed that the Videoteam wiki tends to focus on aegisub even
> though in one of the pages it is shared that aegis sometimes crashes.
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/Subtitles/redo#Tips
> Is there some reason for using and recommending aegisub ?

Not really, its the one that was known and added to the wiki. Feel free to
add your workflow to the wiki if you find a better one :)

When Im offline, I do transcripts. I use vlc with global shortcuts to pause
and rewind and vim
When im online, I do the syncs, using amara.

But i have used aegisub as well and it worked fine at the time, and i think
it still works

> As far as upstream is concerned, aegisub seems to be dead from :-
> http://devel.aegisub.org/browser
> When there are no commits for 4 years the project is either dead or in
> limbo.
> I did file #823373 for aegisub, although that is probably more of ab
> upstream
> issue.

Yeah, using a project dead upstream is far from ideal, but I think it still
serves its purpose. Your bug is barely problematic as far as creating subs
is concern :)

If you find a better program let us now, or you can add it to the wiki.
Seriously, we appreciate the contributions :)

> > This might be a blessing or might be a curse. Yes, videos are available
> > when theres more people interest to help, but also when they have less
> time
> > due to having the debconf going on. And also, as the videos were up the
> > same day, we didnt had an big announcement about the videos being
> available
> > like in previous years, that made it to the news outlets, aka, lwn,
> > slashdot, hackernews... which caused less visibility overall
> >
> > Since only a wee tiny % of people you reach gets interested, the solution
> > is to reach out to more people... but how :)
> >
> Couple of ways I *think*, although it's possible it had been tried
> before and didn't succeed  :-

We didnt try many things yet, the debconf subs effort is very young yet

a. Have a room, corner called subtitling and dedicated time when
> people can go to that room in order to either help out or to take
> advice from experienced subber/s . They should know that there would
> be somebody to help them at that appointed time.

This would be nice, but I wont be attending to debconf this year. If you
are, maybe you can create one?

You can go from 0 to 100 very quickly as far as subtitling is concern.
There arent that many secrets of the trade. A couple of shortcuts and
typing what you hear :)

> b. Have a debconfsubs handle at the #debconf and then lure people who
> are interested in subtitlng to #debconf-subs channel.

Sure, we will try to reach out more this year😁
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