[Debconfsubs-team] [Debconf-video] subtitling 101

alberto fuentes pajaro at gmail.com
Wed May 4 10:57:36 UTC 2016

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

> yes, for historic reasons and because it is indeed easier to setup
> things on alioth, anybody can do that, while for adding stuff on
> debconf.org infrastructure you need an account.
> the subtitle effort started as an kind of an add-on on top of the
> videoteam, they worked independently and improved the videoteams work.
> today it seems like we'll have subtitling as part of the videoteam work
> from the beginning, which is great, "but" it's also a new thing.
> and "now" is probably also a good time to do changes to the
> infrastrcuture setup…

As I said to Shirish on the subs ml, I hadnt even noticed that we are on
separate servers :)

Feel free to move us around to the official server if it needs to be done.

I dont know what that implies tho. We get by fine for now. Can new people
join/apply for the team freely for example? If the answer is no, maybe we
are better suited for alioth anyway, where people only needs an alioth
account that they can create themselves without burden the creation of
users to anybody, even if visually we arent under the same debconf.org
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