[Debconfsubs-team] [Debconf-video] request for comments: html5 videos and youtube

Laura Arjona Reina larjona at larjona.net
Tue Aug 9 15:58:04 UTC 2016

El 9 de agosto de 2016 17:16:12 CEST, alberto fuentes <pajaro at gmail.com> escribió:
>In order to upload videos to amara I need html5 compatible videos
>About 1/4 of the videos on the archive is not html5 compatible (mainly
>.avi and .mpeg)
>Ive been told that no re-encoding is going to be done, so the simpler
>sane thing for me to do next is to upload them to youtube
You can upload them to a mediagoblin instance, no need to use youtube or other nonfree services.

You can sign up in goblinrefuge.com

Or ping me if you want an account at media.larjona.net

I'm not sure why upload to youtube/mediagoblin is needed, probably we can do the re-encoding ourselves. I have a machine 24x7 up where to send the corresponding commands, ping me and we can figure out things.


>I will name the account Debian-non-offical or something like that
>I will work on this on the next days unless a better idea come along :)
>Debconf-video mailing list
>Debconf-video at lists.debconf.org

Laura Arjona Reina

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