[Debconfsubs-team] Debconf 15: missing subtitle

Yvan Masson yvan.masson at univ-smb.fr
Thu Sep 8 08:38:06 UTC 2016

Hi everybody,

4 months ago, I translated with the help of DrZaius a video from
Debconf 15 called "Preferred Debian Packaging"

I just saw that the subtitle is not yet available on
Could someone add it ? I would be happy that this work becomes useful.

Off topic, but you might have an idea, I just saw that I can not play
anymore videos from Debconf with Firefox ("corrupted video") nor
Chromium (it crashes). It plays well with VLC. I can not even play
videos from Amara website. I am running Debian unstable. Does this make
you think about something ?


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