[Debian-astro-maintainers] Bug#788699: stellarium: Hangs after moving to the past/future by several days

Pawel T. Jochym jochym at wolf.ifj.edu.pl
Sun Jun 14 13:05:52 UTC 2015

W dniu 14.06.2015 o 13:58, Tomasz Buchert pisze:
> Control: tags -1 unreproducible
> Hi Paweł,
> I can't reproduce it. I'm able to speed up to a few hours/s and
> forward many days into the future. It seems to even work for 1000
> years/second. So I mark it unreproducible (but leave it open).
> One way to debug this is to run stellarium with gdb, make it hang as
> you said, and then hit CTRL+C in the console. Debug symbols would be
> very useful - the current version of stellarium package (0.13.3-3) in
> the git repository provides stellarium-dbg with symbols. You can build
> it yourself, and see if stellarium doesn't enter an infinite loop. You
> may even get some success without debug symbols.
> Hope it helps, don't hesitate to contact me if more help is needed.
> Cheers,
> Tomasz
Hi Tomasz!

Please find attached log from the hang session. I do not think
this is going to be helpful. I will gladly run the program under gdb.
Can you post the url to the package with debugging symbols.
I have trouble finding it.

For now: this happens every time here. For example do the following.

 1. Open the program
 2. select jupiter
 3. hit time speedup button couple of times
 4. just wait few minutes

This is not fully deterministic - sometimes happens faster sometimes slower.

Maybe it is connected with the mesa/graphics drivers (intel HD 4000 here)?


Paweł T. Jochym
Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN
Cracow, Poland

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Linux version 3.16.0-4-amd64 (debian-kernel at lists.debian.org) (gcc version 4.8.4 (Debian 4.8.4-1) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3 (2015-04-23)
Compiled using GCC 4.9.2
Qt runtime version: 5.3.2
Qt compilation version: 5.3.2
Addressing mode: 64-bit
MemTotal:       16163196 kB
MemFree:         1038716 kB
MemAvailable:    8766944 kB
SwapTotal:             0 kB
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
cpu MHz		: 3099.992
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
cpu MHz		: 3099.992
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
cpu MHz		: 3099.992
model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
cpu MHz		: 3099.992
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Kernel driver in use: i915
[ This is Stellarium 0.13.3 - http://www.stellarium.org ]
[ Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Fabien Chereau et al          ]
Writing log file to: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/log.txt"
File search paths:
  0 .  "/home/jochym/.stellarium"
  1 .  "/usr/share/stellarium"
Config file is:  "/home/jochym/.stellarium/config.ini"
Detected: OpenGL "3.0"
Driver version string: "3.0 Mesa 10.5.5"
GL vendor is "Intel Open Source Technology Center"
GL renderer is "Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile "
GL Shading Language version is "1.30"
MESA Version Number after parsing:  10.5
Mesa version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.
GLSL Version Number after parsing:  1.3
GLSL version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.
Cache directory is:  "/home/jochym/.cache/stellarium/stellarium"
Sky language is  "pl_PL"
Application language is  "pl_PL"
Loading Solar System data ...
Loading star data ...
"Loading "/usr/share/stellarium/stars/default/stars_0_0v0_5.cat": 0_0v0_2; 4963"
"Loading "/usr/share/stellarium/stars/default/stars_1_0v0_5.cat": 1_0v0_2; 21598"
"Loading "/usr/share/stellarium/stars/default/stars_2_0v0_5.cat": 2_0v0_2; 150090"
"Loading "/usr/share/stellarium/stars/default/stars_3_1v0_3.cat": 3_1v0_3; 428466"
"Loading "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/stars_4_1v0_1.cat": 4_1v0_3; 1702042"
"Loading "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/stars_5_2v0_1.cat": 5_2v0_1; 7083058"
"Loading "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/stars_6_2v0_1.cat": 6_2v0_1; 24670782"
"Loading "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/stars_7_2v0_1.cat": 7_2v0_1; 50733321"
"Loading "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/stars_8_2v0_1.cat": 8_2v0_1; 92304337"
Finished loading star catalogue data, max_geodesic_level:  8
navigation/preset_sky_time is a double - treating as jday: 2.45151e+06
Loaded 10051 NGC records
Loaded 343 / 351 Barnard records
Loaded 313 / 313 Sharpless records
Loaded 158 / 158 Van den Bergh records
Loaded 181 / 181 RCW (Rodgers+) records
Loaded 1787 / 1787 LDN (Lynds' Catalogue of Dark Nebulae) records
Loaded 1125 / 1125 LBN (Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae) records
Loading NGC name data ...
Loaded 1031 / 1031 NGC name records successfully
Loading star names from "/usr/share/stellarium/skycultures/western/star_names.fab"
Loaded 339 / 339 common star names
Loading star names from "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/name.fab"
Loaded 4360 / 4360 scientific star names
Loading variable stars from "/home/jochym/.stellarium/stars/default/gcvs_hip_part.dat"
Loaded 6886 / 6886 variable stars
Loaded 88 / 88 constellation records successfully for culture "western"
Loaded 85 / 85 constellation art records successfully for culture "western"
Loaded 88 / 88 constellation names
Loading constellation boundary data ... 
Loaded 782 constellation boundary segments
Intializing basic GL shaders... 
Creating GUI ...
Loaded plugin "AngleMeasure"
Loaded plugin "CompassMarks"
Loaded plugin "Novae"
Novae: version of the catalog: 1
Novae: loading catalog file: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/Novae/novae.json"
Loaded plugin "Observability"
Loaded plugin "Oculars"
Ocular plugin - press Command-O to toggle eyepiece view mode. Press ALT-o for configuration.
Oculars::validateIniFile ocular.ini exists at:  "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/Oculars/ocular.ini" . Checking version...
Oculars::validateIniFile found existing ini file version  2
Loaded plugin "Quasars"
Quasars: version of the format of the catalog: 1
Quasars: loading catalog file: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/Quasars/quasars.json"
Loaded plugin "Satellites"
Satellites: loading catalog file: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/Satellites/satellites.json"
Loaded plugin "SolarSystemEditor"
Using the ssystem.ini file that already exists in the user directory...
Loaded plugin "Supernovae"
Supernovae: version of the catalog: 1
Supernovae: loading catalog file: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/Supernovae/supernovae.json"
Loaded plugin "TelescopeControl"
TelescopeControl: The existing version of device_models.json is obsolete. Backing it up as  "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/TelescopeControl/device_models.json.backup.2015-06-14-14-53-04"
TelescopeControl: The default device models list has been copied to "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/TelescopeControl/device_models.json"
TelescopeControl: Only embedded telescope servers are available.
TelescopeControl::loadTelescopes(): No telescopes loaded. File is missing: "/home/jochym/.stellarium/modules/TelescopeControl/telescopes.json"
Unable to find module called "TimeZoneConfiguration"
Loaded plugin "TimeZoneConfiguration"
Intializing planets GL shaders... 
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