[Debian-astro-maintainers] Invitation to the Harvard "Movement" conference
Movement & Cognition (Conference, Harvard)
admin at mailconvention.com
Tue Jun 26 15:50:09 BST 2018
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Dear colleagues,
We are honored to invite you to the world conference on Movement: Brain,
Body, Cognition to be held at the Joseph. B. Martin conference center of
Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, USA.
The purpose of this international conference is to share knowledge with all
those whose interests lie in the nature of human movement and its relation
to cognitive function.
The conference topics include the scientific explorations of
Cognitive-Movement applications in: Rehabilitation, neuropsychology, sports
sciences, human development, gerontology, genetics/genomics, technologies
and measurement, science of aesthetics, behavioral and communication
sciences, motor learning, occupational and phy sical therapy, and
biomedical engineering.
You are welcome to participate, and if you wish to you can submit abstract
for a symposium, an ora l presentation, a workshop or a poster.
Abstracts of the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings
as well as selected papers published in volume 8 of the journal Functional
Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.
We welcome your participation in this event that addresses the relationship
between movement and cognition and I personally welcome your enquiries nd
suggestions. In the meantime, please check out our website for more
details: Movementis
Should you have questions about the technical aspects of the conference or
registration, please contact the conference organizers at:
office at movememntis.com
We hope to meet you at Harvard in July 2018.
Wish very best wishes,
Gerry Leisman
León Morales-Quezada
Chair, Scientific Committee
Co-Chair, Scientific Committee
Movement - 2018
Professor, Neuro- and Rehabilitation Sciences Assoc.
Director Neuromodulation Center
University of Haifa School of Health Sciences Spaulding
Rehabilitation Hospital
Director, The National Institute of Brain &
Integrative Medicine Research Fellow
Rehabilitation Sciences, Nazareth, Israel Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Profesor Neurológica Restaurativa
Harvard University School of Medicine
Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de la Habana, Cuba
lmorales at neuromodulationlab.org
g.leisman at welfare.haifa.ac.il
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