[Debian-astro-maintainers] Bug#1069508: cpl-plugin-muse: FTBFS on armhf: tests fail

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Sat Apr 20 13:48:49 BST 2024

Source: cpl-plugin-muse
Version: 2.8.7+dfsg-3
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
User: lucas at debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-20240420 ftbfs-trixie ftbfs-t64-armhf


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on armhf.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[5]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests'
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] muse_astro_airmass: airmass=1.123532 (header 1.137000, 1.112000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=900.000000, airmass=1.124500/1.124098 (interpolated between 1.137000 and 1.112000) / 1.123532 (calc)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_astro.c:107: (airmass < airm1 && airmass > airm2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_astro_airmass: airmass=1.123532 (header 1.137000, 1.112000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: airmass=1.123532 (computed again)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_astro.c:120: |airmass - airmass2| = |1.12353 - 1.12353| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_astro.c:127: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_astro_airmass: airmass=1.123532 (header 1.223532, 1.323532)
> [WARNING] muse_astro_airmass: Computed airmass 1.124 is NOT in the range recorded in the FITS header (1.223532, 1.323532)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_astro.c:129: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_astro.c:130: |airmass - airmass2| = |1.12353 - 1.12353| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_astro_airmass: airmass computation unsuccessful (Illegal input), using simple average of start and end values (1.273532)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_astro.c:136: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 5 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/5] 'Data not found: DEC' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/5] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_dec:muse_pfits.c:648
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/5] 'Data not found: LST' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/5] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_lst:muse_pfits.c:691
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/5] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ DEBUG ] main: airmass=1.273532 (start/end average: 1.273532)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_astro.c:142: |airmass2 - (2. * airmass + 0.3) / 2.| = |1.27353 - 1.27353| = |-2.77373e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_astro_airmass: airmass=-1.000000 (header 0.000000, 0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_astro.c:148: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 5 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/5] 'Data not found: DEC' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/5] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_dec:muse_pfits.c:648
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/5] 'Data not found: LST' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/5] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_lst:muse_pfits.c:691
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/5] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ DEBUG ] main: airmass=-1.000000 (+1: 0.000000e+00)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_astro.c:152: (airmass2 == -1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_astro.c:156: (muse_astro_airmass(NULL) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_airmass:muse_astro.c:333
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_astro.c:157: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_airmass:muse_astro.c:333
> [ DEBUG ] main: ==================================================
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_astro.c:179: |airmass - iraf1[0]| = |1.15428 - 1.15434| = |-5.89949e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=3600., airmass=1.154283 (delta=-5.899486e-05)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_astro.c:184: |airmass - iraf1[1]| = |1.15068 - 1.15077| = |-9.19085e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=5400., airmass=1.150676 (delta=-9.190851e-05)
> [ DEBUG ] main: ==================================================
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_astro.c:216: |airmass - iraf2[0]| = |1.13917 - 1.13931| = |-0.000145061| <= 0.0005 = 5e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=1800., airmass=1.139169 (delta=-1.450605e-04)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_astro.c:223: |airmass - iraf2[1]| = |1.16504 - 1.16531| = |-0.000271702| <= 0.0005 = 5e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=3600., airmass=1.165038 (delta=-2.717016e-04)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_astro.c:230: |airmass - iraf2[2]| = |1.20022 - 1.20069| = |-0.000471383| <= 0.0005 = 5e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=5400., airmass=1.200216 (delta=-4.713832e-04)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_astro.c:237: |airmass - iraf2[3]| = |2.85045 - 2.85663| = |-0.00617421| <= 0.007 = 7e-3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=7200., airmass=2.850455 (delta=-6.174213e-03)
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 83.872577 > 80.000000!
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_astro.c:244: |airmass - iraf2[4]| = |3.71792 - 3.75174| = |-0.033813| <= 0.04 = 4e-2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: exptime=7200., airmass=3.717924 (delta=-3.381301e-02)
> [ DEBUG ] main: ==================================================
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_astro.c:253: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(-0.1, 0., 46618.36, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_astro.c:254: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_astro.c:257: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(360., 0., 46618.36, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_astro.c:258: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_astro.c:262: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, -90.1, 46618.36, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_astro.c:263: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_astro.c:266: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 90.1, 46618.36, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_astro.c:267: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_astro.c:271: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 0., -0.1, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_astro.c:272: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_astro.c:275: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 0., 86400.1, 7200., -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_astro.c:276: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_astro.c:280: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 0., 46618.36, 7200., -90.1) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_astro.c:281: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_astro.c:284: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 0., 46618.36, 7200., 90.1) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_astro.c:285: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:210
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_astro.c:289: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(277.50, 0., 46618.36, -0.1, -24.6253) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:213
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_astro.c:290: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:213
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 123.870664 > 80.000000!
> [ ERROR ] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Airmass computation unsuccessful. Object is below the horizon at start (z = 123.870664).
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_astro.c:294: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(150., -24., 0., 1., -24.) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:245
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_astro.c:295: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:245
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 123.870664 > 80.000000!
> [ ERROR ] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Airmass computation unsuccessful. Object is below the horizon at start (z = 123.870664).
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_astro.c:298: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(150., -24., 72000., 1., -24.) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:245
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_astro.c:299: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:245
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 80.477512 > 80.000000!
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 86.760945 > 80.000000!
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 92.898495 > 80.000000!
> [ ERROR ] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Airmass computation unsuccessful at timeStep. Object is below the horizon at end exposure (z=92.898495).
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_astro.c:304: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(150., -24., 57600, 3600., -24.) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:287
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_astro.c:305: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:287
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 86.760945 > 80.000000!
> [WARNING] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Zenith angle 92.898495 > 80.000000!
> [ ERROR ] muse_astro_compute_airmass: Airmass computation unsuccessful at timeStep. Object is below the horizon at mid exposure (z=92.898495).
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_astro.c:310: (muse_astro_compute_airmass(150., -24., 59400, 3600., -24.) == -1.) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:287
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_astro.c:311: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_OUTPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal output' (15) at muse_astro_compute_airmass:muse_astro.c:287
> [ DEBUG ] main: airmass with HA = -290: 3.189686
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_astro.c:318: |airmass - 3.196871455072828| = |3.18969 - 3.19687| = |-0.00718522| <= 0.008 = 8e-3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_astro.c:319: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: ==================================================
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is neither SKY nor STAT! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_astro.c:330: |posang - 30.| = |30 - 30| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_astro.c:331: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is neither SKY nor STAT! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_astro.c:337: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO INS DROT POSANG' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_drot_posang:muse_pfits.c:514
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_astro.c:340: (posang == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is neither SKY nor STAT! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_astro.c:350: |posang - 0.| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_astro.c:351: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang0sky _______________________________________________
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang0sky ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_astro.c:362: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_astro.c:363: |posang - 0.| = |-0 - 0| = |-0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang0UNKNOWN _______________________________________________
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is neither SKY nor STAT! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang0UNKNOWN ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_astro.c:370: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_astro.c:371: |posang - 0.| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang0NONE _______________________________________________
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is not given! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang0NONE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_astro.c:378: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO INS DROT MODE' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_drot_mode:muse_pfits.c:496
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_astro.c:381: |posang - 0.| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang150SKY _______________________________________________
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang150SKY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_astro.c:395: |posang - -150.| = |-150 - -150| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang150STAT _______________________________________________
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang150STAT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_astro.c:402: |posang - 150.| = |150 - 150| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang150UNKNOWN _______________________________________________
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is neither SKY nor STAT! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang150UNKNOWN ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_astro.c:409: |posang - 150.| = |150 - 150| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] : _____ realposang150MISSING _______________________________________________
> [WARNING] muse_astro_posangle: Derotator mode is not given! Effective position angle may be wrong!
> [ INFO  ] : ^^^^^ realposang150MISSING ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_astro.c:416: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO INS DROT MODE' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_drot_mode:muse_pfits.c:496
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_astro.c:419: |posang - 150.| = |150 - 150| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_astro.c:424: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_posangle:muse_astro.c:415
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_astro.c:426: (posang == 0.) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_posangle:muse_astro.c:415
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = -177.865999999999985448084771633148
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_astro.c:436: |parang - -177.866|/|parang| = |-177.866 - -177.866|/|-177.866| = |2.84217e-14|/|-177.866| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = 179.50
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_astro.c:441: parang = 179.5 = 179.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = -179.50
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_astro.c:446: parang = -179.5 = -179.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = 0.500000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 69 OK at muse_test_astro.c:451: parang = 0.5 = 0.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = -0.500000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 70 OK at muse_test_astro.c:456: parang = -0.5 = -0.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = 15.000000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 71 OK at muse_test_astro.c:461: parang = 15 = 15.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: parang = -38.500000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 72 OK at muse_test_astro.c:466: parang = -38.5 = -38.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 73 OK at muse_test_astro.c:470: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_parangle:muse_astro.c:451
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 74 OK at muse_test_astro.c:473: (parang == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_astro_parangle: One or both TEL.PARANG keywords are missing!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 75 OK at muse_test_astro.c:478: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO TEL PARANG END' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_parang_end:muse_pfits.c:1405
> [WARNING] muse_astro_parangle: One or both TEL.PARANG keywords are missing!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 76 OK at muse_test_astro.c:485: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO TEL PARANG START' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_parang_start:muse_pfits.c:1387
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 77 OK at muse_test_astro.c:519: |muse_astro_angular_distance(20., 0., 0., 0.) - 20.| = |20 - 20| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 78 OK at muse_test_astro.c:520: |muse_astro_angular_distance(0., 0., 90., 0.) - 90.| = |90 - 90| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 79 OK at muse_test_astro.c:521: |muse_astro_angular_distance(0., -0.2/3600., 0., 0.2/3600.) - 0.4/3600.| = |0.000111111 - 0.000111111| = |1.35525e-20| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 80 OK at muse_test_astro.c:523: |muse_astro_angular_distance(0., -45., 0., 45.) - 90.| = |90 - 90| = |-1.42109e-14| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 81 OK at muse_test_astro.c:525: |muse_astro_angular_distance(175.5, -45., 175.5, 45.) - 90.| = |90 - 90| = |-1.42109e-14| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 82 OK at muse_test_astro.c:527: |muse_astro_angular_distance(340., -25., 70., -25.) - 79.7114149| = |79.7114 - 79.7114| = |-3.67625e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 83 OK at muse_test_astro.c:529: |muse_astro_angular_distance(10., -80., 130., -80.) - 17.2983302| = |17.2983 - 17.2983| = |1.05752e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 84 OK at muse_test_astro.c:531: |muse_astro_angular_distance(154.46815, -46.315784, 185.39429, -55.753656) * 3600. - 76955.588| = |76955.6 - 76955.6| = |-0.000373192| <= 0.0004 = 4e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 85 OK at muse_test_astro.c:533: |muse_astro_angular_distance(40.173793, -24.221244, 34.662801, -28.530101) * 3600. - 23584.671| = |23584.7 - 23584.7| = |-4.44852e-05| <= 5e-05 = 5e-5.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 86 OK at muse_test_astro.c:535: |muse_astro_angular_distance(154.40629, -46.40866, 154.39712, -46.413931) * 3600. - 29.633| = |29.6334 - 29.633| = |0.000373593| <= 0.0004 = 4e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 87 OK at muse_test_astro.c:538: |muse_astro_angular_distance(-360., 0., 360., 0.) - 0.| = |2.80668e-14 - 0| = |2.80668e-14| <= 2.88658e-14 = 130. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 88 OK at muse_test_astro.c:540: |muse_astro_angular_distance(-180., -90., 180., 90.) - 180.| = |180 - 180| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 89 OK at muse_test_astro.c:542: |muse_astro_angular_distance(-180., -180., 180., 180.) - 0.| = |1.98463e-14 - 0| = |1.98463e-14| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 90 OK at muse_test_astro.c:544: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: AWAV(4801.2540) = 4799.91128
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 91 OK at muse_test_astro.c:553: |awav - 4799.9123|/|awav| = |4799.91 - 4799.91|/|4799.91| = |-0.00102234|/|4799.91| <= 1.19209e-06 = 10. * FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 92 OK at muse_test_astro.c:555: |awav - 7345.6704|/|awav| = |7345.67 - 7345.67|/|7345.67| = |-0.00405033|/|7345.67| <= 1.19209e-06 = 10. * FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 93 OK at muse_test_astro.c:557: |awav - 9162.6520|/|awav| = |9162.65 - 9162.65|/|9162.65| = |-0.00614406|/|9162.65| <= 1.19209e-06 = 10. * FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 94 OK at muse_test_astro.c:558: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 95 OK at muse_test_astro.c:564: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_astro_rvcorr_compute:muse_astro.c:1200
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 96 OK at muse_test_astro.c:567: (rvcorr.bary == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 97 OK at muse_test_astro.c:568: (rvcorr.helio == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 98 OK at muse_test_astro.c:569: (rvcorr.geo == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 99 OK at muse_test_astro.c:574: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 11 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/11] 'Data not found: EXPTIME' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/11] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_exptime:muse_pfits.c:745
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/11] 'Data not found: MJD-OBS' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/11] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_mjdobs:muse_pfits.c:709
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/11] 'Data not found: EQUINOX' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_long_long:cpl_propertylist.c:2484
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [6/11] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_equinox:muse_pfits.c:672
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [7/11] 'Data not found: RA' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [8/11] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_ra:muse_pfits.c:630
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [9/11] 'Data not found: DEC' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [10/11] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_dec:muse_pfits.c:648
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [11/11] 'Data not found: Could not find all properties necessary for radial velocity computation!' (10) at muse_astro_rvcorr_compute:muse_astro.c:1213
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 100 OK at muse_test_astro.c:577: (rvcorr.bary == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 101 OK at muse_test_astro.c:578: (rvcorr.helio == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 102 OK at muse_test_astro.c:579: (rvcorr.geo == 0.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 103 OK at muse_test_astro.c:590: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Velocity corrections: 6.877279 6.880743 0.145591 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 104 OK at muse_test_astro.c:601: |rvcorr.bary - 6.8869| = |6.87728 - 6.8869| = |-0.00962112| <= 0.01 = 0.01.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 105 OK at muse_test_astro.c:602: |rvcorr.helio - 6.8903| = |6.88074 - 6.8903| = |-0.00955711| <= 0.01 = 0.01.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 106 OK at muse_test_astro.c:603: |rvcorr.geo - 0.1532| = |0.145591 - 0.1532| = |-0.00760911| <= 0.01 = 0.01.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 107 OK at muse_test_astro.c:616: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Velocity corrections: 6.441083 6.444547 -0.290605 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 108 OK at muse_test_astro.c:630: |rvcorr.bary - 6.441| = |6.44108 - 6.441| = |8.33732e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 109 OK at muse_test_astro.c:631: |rvcorr.helio - 6.4445| = |6.44455 - 6.4445| = |4.73812e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 110 OK at muse_test_astro.c:632: |rvcorr.geo - -0.2906| = |-0.290605 - -0.2906| = |-4.61419e-06| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 111 OK at muse_test_astro.c:653: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Velocity corrections: 6.490920 6.494385 -0.209080 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 112 OK at muse_test_astro.c:667: |rvcorr.bary - 6.4909| = |6.49092 - 6.4909| = |2.03756e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 113 OK at muse_test_astro.c:668: |rvcorr.helio - 6.4944| = |6.49439 - 6.4944| = |-1.47197e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 114 OK at muse_test_astro.c:669: |rvcorr.geo - -0.2091| = |-0.20908 - -0.2091| = |1.97579e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 115 OK at muse_test_astro.c:688: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Velocity corrections: -9.595997 -9.592040 -0.198040 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 116 OK at muse_test_astro.c:702: |rvcorr.bary - -9.5960| = |-9.596 - -9.596| = |2.65856e-06| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 117 OK at muse_test_astro.c:703: |rvcorr.helio - -9.5921| = |-9.59204 - -9.5921| = |5.97231e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 118 OK at muse_test_astro.c:704: |rvcorr.geo - -0.1980| = |-0.19804 - -0.198| = |-4.03119e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 119 OK at muse_test_astro.c:723: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Velocity corrections: -11.377284 -11.373272 -0.252172 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 120 OK at muse_test_astro.c:737: |rvcorr.bary - -11.3773| = |-11.3773 - -11.3773| = |1.57827e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 121 OK at muse_test_astro.c:738: |rvcorr.helio - -11.3733| = |-11.3733 - -11.3733| = |2.81683e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 122 OK at muse_test_astro.c:739: |rvcorr.geo - -0.2522| = |-0.252172 - -0.2522| = |2.77989e-05| <= 0.0001 = 1e-4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 123 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.00296974
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 123 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 1451
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 59
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_astro
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_combine.c:108: (muse_imagelist_get_size(list5) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_combine.c:109: (muse_imagelist_get_size(list6) == 6) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: created all 5/6 images
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_combine.c:118: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_combine.c:119: (sum1) = 0x1a286e0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_combine.c:120: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1->data, 1, 1, &err) - 15) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_combine.c:121: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1->data, 1, 2, &err) - 30) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_combine.c:122: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1->data, 2, 1, &err) - 55) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_combine.c:123: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1->data, 2, 2, &err) - 31) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_combine.c:124: (sum1->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(sum1->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_combine.c:138: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_combine.c:139: (sum1b) = 0x1a2a2c8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: sum1b: 5.000000 10.000000 5.000000 25.000000 (0)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_combine.c:145: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1b->data, 1, 1, &err) - 1.*5.) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_combine.c:146: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1b->data, 1, 2, &err) - 2.*5.) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_combine.c:147: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1b->data, 2, 1, &err) - 1.*5.) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_combine.c:148: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum1b->data, 2, 2, &err) - 5.*5.) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_combine.c:149: (cpl_image_get_mean(sum1b->dq) == 1ul << 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_combine.c:156: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_combine.c:157: (av1) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_combine.c:158: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av1->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_combine.c:159: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av1->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_combine.c:160: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av1->data, 2, 1, &err) - 11) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_combine.c:161: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av1->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.2) < FUDGE_FACTOR * FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_combine.c:163: (av1->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(av1->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_combine.c:169: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_combine.c:170: (med1) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_combine.c:171: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med1->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_combine.c:172: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med1->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_combine.c:173: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med1->data, 2, 1, &err) - 9) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_combine.c:174: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med1->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_combine.c:175: (med1->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(med1->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_combine.c:179: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_combine.c:180: (med2) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_combine.c:181: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med2->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_combine.c:182: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med2->data, 1, 2, &err) - 7) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_combine.c:183: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med2->data, 2, 1, &err) - 12.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_combine.c:184: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med2->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_combine.c:185: (med2->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(med2->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_minmax_create: Not enough images left after minmax rejection: 5 input images, min=2, max=1, keep=3
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_combine.c:191: (mm1) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_combine_minmax_create:muse_combine.c:437
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_minmax_create: Not enough images left after minmax rejection: 5 input images, min=3, max=3, keep=0
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_combine.c:194: (mm2) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_combine_minmax_create:muse_combine.c:437
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_combine.c:197: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_combine.c:198: (mm3) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_combine.c:199: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm3->data, 1, 1, &err) - 2.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_combine.c:200: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm3->data, 1, 2, &err) - 5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_combine.c:201: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm3->data, 2, 1, &err) - 6.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_combine.c:202: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm3->data, 2, 2, &err) - 5.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_combine.c:203: (mm3->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(mm3->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_combine.c:207: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_combine.c:208: (mm4) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_combine.c:209: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4->data, 1, 1, &err) - 2.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_combine.c:210: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4->data, 1, 2, &err) - 5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_combine.c:211: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4->data, 2, 1, &err) - 6.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_combine.c:212: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4->data, 2, 2, &err) - 5.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_combine.c:213: (mm4->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(mm4->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_combine.c:219: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_combine.c:220: (sig1) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_combine.c:221: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig1->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_combine.c:222: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig1->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_combine.c:223: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig1->data, 2, 1, &err) - 11) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_combine.c:224: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig1->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.2) < FUDGE_FACTOR * FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_combine.c:226: (sig1->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(sig1->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_combine.c:230: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_combine.c:231: (sig2) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_combine.c:232: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_combine.c:233: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_combine.c:234: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2->data, 2, 1, &err) - 7.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_combine.c:235: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2->data, 2, 2, &err) - 5.75) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_combine.c:236: (sig2->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(sig2->header) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_combine.c:242: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 69 OK at muse_test_combine.c:243: (sig2l) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 70 OK at muse_test_combine.c:244: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2l->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 71 OK at muse_test_combine.c:245: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2l->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 72 OK at muse_test_combine.c:246: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2l->data, 2, 1, &err) - 7.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 73 OK at muse_test_combine.c:247: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig2l->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.2) < FUDGE_FACTOR * FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 74 OK at muse_test_combine.c:254: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 75 OK at muse_test_combine.c:255: (mm4l) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 76 OK at muse_test_combine.c:256: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4l->data, 1, 1, &err) - 4) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 77 OK at muse_test_combine.c:257: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4l->data, 1, 2, &err) - 8) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 78 OK at muse_test_combine.c:258: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4l->data, 2, 1, &err) - 18) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 79 OK at muse_test_combine.c:259: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm4l->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.2) < FUDGE_FACTOR * FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: sum (without rejection)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 80 OK at muse_test_combine.c:277: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 81 OK at muse_test_combine.c:278: (sum2) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: sum2: 15.000000 30.000000 57.500000 31.250000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 82 OK at muse_test_combine.c:285: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum2->data, 1, 1, &err) - 15) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 83 OK at muse_test_combine.c:286: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum2->data, 1, 2, &err) - 30) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 84 OK at muse_test_combine.c:287: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum2->data, 2, 1, &err) - 57.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 85 OK at muse_test_combine.c:288: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sum2->data, 2, 2, &err) - 31.25) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 86 OK at muse_test_combine.c:289: (sum2->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(sum2->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 87 OK at muse_test_combine.c:293: (!cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, kw)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 88 OK at muse_test_combine.c:295: (!cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, MUSE_HDR_TMP_FN)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 89 OK at muse_test_combine.c:296: (!cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, MUSE_HDR_TMP_NSAT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 90 OK at muse_test_combine.c:297: (cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, "MUSE TMPDDK")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 91 OK at muse_test_combine.c:298: (cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, "MUSE TMP BLA")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 92 OK at muse_test_combine.c:299: (cpl_propertylist_has(sum2->header, "MUSE TMP DDK NSATURATED")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: average (without rejection)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 93 OK at muse_test_combine.c:306: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 94 OK at muse_test_combine.c:307: (av2) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 95 OK at muse_test_combine.c:309: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 96 OK at muse_test_combine.c:310: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 97 OK at muse_test_combine.c:311: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2->data, 2, 1, &err) - 11.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 98 OK at muse_test_combine.c:312: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.25) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 99 OK at muse_test_combine.c:313: (av2->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(av2->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime: Scale all images to    1.00s exposure time
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime: Image  EXPTIME   scale
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    1      1.00s   1.000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    2      2.00s   0.500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    3      3.00s   0.333
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    4      4.00s   0.250
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    5      5.00s   0.200
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: average (without rejection)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 100 OK at muse_test_combine.c:327: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 101 OK at muse_test_combine.c:328: (av2) = 0x1a29d80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 102 OK at muse_test_combine.c:331: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2s->data, 1, 1, &err) - 1) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 103 OK at muse_test_combine.c:332: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2s->data, 1, 2, &err) - 2) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 104 OK at muse_test_combine.c:333: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2s->data, 2, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 105 OK at muse_test_combine.c:334: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av2s->data, 2, 2, &err) - (5.*1.0+5.*0.5+7.*0.25+8*0.2)/4.) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 106 OK at muse_test_combine.c:336: (av2s->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(av2s->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: median (without rejection)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 107 OK at muse_test_combine.c:345: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 108 OK at muse_test_combine.c:346: (med3) = 0x1a2f8a0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 109 OK at muse_test_combine.c:348: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med3->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 110 OK at muse_test_combine.c:349: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med3->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 111 OK at muse_test_combine.c:350: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med3->data, 2, 1, &err) - 10) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 112 OK at muse_test_combine.c:351: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med3->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 113 OK at muse_test_combine.c:352: (med3->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(med3->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: average with minmax rejection (2/1/2)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 114 OK at muse_test_combine.c:365: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 115 OK at muse_test_combine.c:366: (mm5) = 0x1a2f8a0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 116 OK at muse_test_combine.c:368: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm5->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 117 OK at muse_test_combine.c:369: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm5->data, 1, 2, &err) - 7) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 118 OK at muse_test_combine.c:370: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm5->data, 2, 1, &err) - 12.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 119 OK at muse_test_combine.c:371: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm5->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 120 OK at muse_test_combine.c:372: (cpl_image_get(mm5->dq, 1, 1, &err) == 256) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 121 OK at muse_test_combine.c:373: (cpl_image_get(mm5->dq, 1, 2, &err) == 512) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 122 OK at muse_test_combine.c:374: (cpl_image_get(mm5->dq, 2, 1, &err) == 8192) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 123 OK at muse_test_combine.c:375: (cpl_image_get(mm5->dq, 2, 2, &err) == 32) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 124 OK at muse_test_combine.c:376: (mm5->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(mm5->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_combine_images: Combination method: average with sigma clipping (3.000000/3.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 125 OK at muse_test_combine.c:382: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 126 OK at muse_test_combine.c:383: (sig3) = 0x1a2f8a0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 127 OK at muse_test_combine.c:385: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig3->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 128 OK at muse_test_combine.c:386: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig3->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 129 OK at muse_test_combine.c:387: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig3->data, 2, 1, &err) - 11.5) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 130 OK at muse_test_combine.c:388: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig3->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6.25) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 131 OK at muse_test_combine.c:389: (sig3->header && cpl_propertylist_get_size(sig3->header) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_images: Unknown combination method: unknown (6)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 132 OK at muse_test_combine.c:397: (muse_combine_images(cpars, list5)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:797
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 133 OK at muse_test_combine.c:398: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:797
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_images: Parameters missing!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 134 OK at muse_test_combine.c:404: (muse_combine_images(NULL, list5)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:750
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 135 OK at muse_test_combine.c:405: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:750
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_images: Image list missing!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 136 OK at muse_test_combine.c:408: (muse_combine_images(cpars, NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:745
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 137 OK at muse_test_combine.c:409: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_images:muse_combine.c:745
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 138 OK at muse_test_combine.c:414: (muse_combinepar_new(NULL, "bla")) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combinepar_new:muse_combine.c:674
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 139 OK at muse_test_combine.c:415: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combinepar_new:muse_combine.c:674
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 140 OK at muse_test_combine.c:418: (muse_combinepar_new(parlist, NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combinepar_new:muse_combine.c:674
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 141 OK at muse_test_combine.c:419: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combinepar_new:muse_combine.c:674
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 142 OK at muse_test_combine.c:423: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_combine_images: Only one image in list, duplicate instead of combine...
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 143 OK at muse_test_combine.c:430: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(ps)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 144 OK at muse_test_combine.c:432: |dupe->data(1,1, not bad, float) - muse_imagelist_get(list1, 0)->data(1,1, not bad, float)| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 145 OK at muse_test_combine.c:433: |dupe->stat(1,1, not bad, float) - muse_imagelist_get(list1, 0)->stat(1,1, not bad, float)| = |1.5 - 1.5| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 146 OK at muse_test_combine.c:434: |dupe->dq(1,1, not bad, int) - muse_imagelist_get(list1, 0)->dq(1,1, not bad, int)| = |256 - 256| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 147 OK at muse_test_combine.c:452: (av3) = 0x1a2a348 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 148 OK at muse_test_combine.c:453: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av3->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 149 OK at muse_test_combine.c:454: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av3->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 150 OK at muse_test_combine.c:455: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av3->data, 2, 1, &err) - 9) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 151 OK at muse_test_combine.c:456: (fabs(cpl_image_get(av3->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 152 OK at muse_test_combine.c:460: (med4) = 0x1a2a348 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 153 OK at muse_test_combine.c:461: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med4->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 154 OK at muse_test_combine.c:462: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med4->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 155 OK at muse_test_combine.c:463: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med4->data, 2, 1, &err) - 9) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 156 OK at muse_test_combine.c:464: (fabs(cpl_image_get(med4->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 157 OK at muse_test_combine.c:468: (mm6) = 0x1a2a348 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 158 OK at muse_test_combine.c:469: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm6->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 159 OK at muse_test_combine.c:470: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm6->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 160 OK at muse_test_combine.c:471: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm6->data, 2, 1, &err) - 9) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 161 OK at muse_test_combine.c:472: (fabs(cpl_image_get(mm6->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 162 OK at muse_test_combine.c:476: (sig4) = 0x1a2a348 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 163 OK at muse_test_combine.c:477: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig4->data, 1, 1, &err) - 3) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 164 OK at muse_test_combine.c:478: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig4->data, 1, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 165 OK at muse_test_combine.c:479: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig4->data, 2, 1, &err) - 9) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 166 OK at muse_test_combine.c:480: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig4->data, 2, 2, &err) - 6) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 167 OK at muse_test_combine.c:486: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_sum_create:muse_combine.c:155
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 168 OK at muse_test_combine.c:489: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_average_create:muse_combine.c:236
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 169 OK at muse_test_combine.c:492: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_median_create:muse_combine.c:318
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 170 OK at muse_test_combine.c:495: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_minmax_create:muse_combine.c:429
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 171 OK at muse_test_combine.c:498: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_combine_sigclip_create:muse_combine.c:559
> [ ERROR ] muse_combine_sigclip_create: Sigma clipping requires at least 3 images!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 172 OK at muse_test_combine.c:506: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_combine_sigclip_create:muse_combine.c:564
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 173 OK at muse_test_combine.c:518: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_sum_create:muse_combine.c:158
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 174 OK at muse_test_combine.c:521: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_sum_create:muse_combine.c:158
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 175 OK at muse_test_combine.c:524: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_average_create:muse_combine.c:239
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 176 OK at muse_test_combine.c:527: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_average_create:muse_combine.c:239
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 177 OK at muse_test_combine.c:530: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_median_create:muse_combine.c:321
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 178 OK at muse_test_combine.c:533: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_median_create:muse_combine.c:321
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 179 OK at muse_test_combine.c:536: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_minmax_create:muse_combine.c:441
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 180 OK at muse_test_combine.c:539: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_minmax_create:muse_combine.c:441
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 181 OK at muse_test_combine.c:542: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_sigclip_create:muse_combine.c:567
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 182 OK at muse_test_combine.c:545: (failed == NULL && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match: An image component in the input list was missing' (13) at muse_combine_sigclip_create:muse_combine.c:567
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 183 OK at muse_test_combine.c:570: (sig5) = 0x1a28570 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 184 OK at muse_test_combine.c:571: (fabs(cpl_image_get(sig5->data, 1, 1, &err) - 1) < FLT_EPSILON) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 185 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.00328255
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 185 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 2843
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 338
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_combine
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:68: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:69: (vslopes) = 0x2686bf0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:70: (cpl_vector_get_size(vslopes) == 2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:71: |cpl_vector_get(vslopes, 0) - 0.5| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |-5.55112e-17| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:72: |cpl_vector_get(vslopes, 1) - 1.0| = |1 - 1| = |-1.11022e-16| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:76: (muse_cplimage_slope_window(NULL, w)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_slope_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:261
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:77: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_slope_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:261
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:80: (muse_cplimage_slope_window(image, NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_slope_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:261
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:81: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_slope_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:261
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:86: (muse_cplimage_slope_window(image, w)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_image_collapse_window_create_float:cpl_image_basic_body.h:683
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_image_collapse_window_create:cpl_image_basic.c:2388
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:87: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_image_collapse_window_create_float:cpl_image_basic_body.h:683
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_image_collapse_window_create:cpl_image_basic.c:2388
> [WARNING] muse_cplimage_slope_window: Could not fit horizontal slope: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:95: (muse_cplimage_slope_window(image, w)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_polynomial_fit_1d:cpl_polynomial.c:2469
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_polynomial_fit:cpl_polynomial.c:1486
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:96: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_polynomial_fit_1d:cpl_polynomial.c:2469
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_polynomial_fit:cpl_polynomial.c:1486
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 300x300 mask in bottom left quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:108: (outmask) = 0x2686d58 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:109: (cpl_mask_get(outmask, 1, 1) == CPL_BINARY_1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:110: (cpl_mask_count(outmask) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:111: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(outmask) == 315) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:112: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(outmask) == 305) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 300x300 mask in bottom right quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:122: (outmask) = 0x2686c68 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:123: (cpl_mask_get(outmask, 315, 1) == CPL_BINARY_1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:124: (cpl_mask_count(outmask) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:125: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(outmask) == 315) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:126: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(outmask) == 305) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 300x300 mask in bottom right quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:136: (outmask) = 0x2686c48 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:137: (cpl_mask_get(outmask, 314, 2) == CPL_BINARY_1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:138: (cpl_mask_count(outmask) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:139: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(outmask) == 315) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:140: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(outmask) == 305) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 300x300 mask in top right quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:150: (outmask) = 0x2686d58 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:151: (cpl_mask_get(outmask, 315, 305) == CPL_BINARY_1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:152: (cpl_mask_count(outmask) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:153: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(outmask) == 315) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:154: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(outmask) == 305) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 300x300 mask in top left quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:163: (outmask) = 0x2686c68 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:164: (cpl_mask_get(outmask, 1, 305) == CPL_BINARY_1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:165: (cpl_mask_count(outmask) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:166: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(outmask) == 315) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:167: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(outmask) == 305) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:174: (muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image(NULL, image)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:498
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:175: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:498
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:178: (muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image(mask, NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:498
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:179: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:498
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:185: (muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image(mask, image)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: No masked quadrant found, cannot adapt 1000x1000 mask to 315x305 image size!' (10) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:534
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:186: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: No masked quadrant found, cannot adapt 1000x1000 mask to 315x305 image size!' (10) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:534
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image: Adapting 1000x1000 mask in top right quadrant (1 masked pixels) to 315x305 image
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:190: (muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image(mask, image)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_mask_copy:cpl_mask.c:1778
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: Could not copy 501x501 quadrant with masked region into new 315x305 mask' (14) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:581
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:191: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at cpl_mask_copy:cpl_mask.c:1778
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: Could not copy 501x501 quadrant with masked region into new 315x305 mask' (14) at muse_cplmask_adapt_to_image:muse_cplwrappers.c:581
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:200: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:201: (nmasked + 20) = 21; (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 21.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:204: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:205: (nmasked) = 1; (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:208: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:613
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:211: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:614
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:214: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:615
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:217: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:618
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:220: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:619
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:223: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:616
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:226: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplmask_fill_window:muse_cplwrappers.c:617
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:229: (nmasked) = 1; (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:245: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:247: |cpl_image_get_mean(im1) - 2./36.| = |0.0555556 - 0.0555556| = |1.38778e-17| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:249: (cpl_image_get(im1, 1, 1, &err) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:250: (cpl_image_get(im1, 3, 4, &err) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:253: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:404
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:256: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:404
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:259: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:404
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:263: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:414
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:266: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:414
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:270: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:414
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 69 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:275: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Type mismatch: Expected pixel type float, not int' (19) at cpl_image_get_data_float:cpl_image_io_body.h:176
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:419
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 70 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:278: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Type mismatch: Expected pixel type float, not double' (19) at cpl_image_get_data_float:cpl_image_io_body.h:176
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:419
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 71 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:281: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Type mismatch: Expected pixel type float, not int' (19) at cpl_image_get_data_float_const:cpl_image_io_body.h:176
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:419
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 72 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:284: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Type mismatch: Expected pixel type float, not double' (19) at cpl_image_get_data_float_const:cpl_image_io_body.h:176
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at muse_cplimage_copy_within_mask:muse_cplwrappers.c:419
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 73 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:300: |adev - 1.2| = |1.2 - 1.2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 74 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:302: |adev - 34./6.| = |5.66667 - 5.66667| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 75 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:305: |adev - 38./6.| = |6.33333 - 6.33333| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 76 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:307: |adev - 6.| = |6 - 6| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 77 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:308: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 78 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:312: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplvector_get_adev_const:muse_cplwrappers.c:776
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 79 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:314: |adev - 0.| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 80 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:320: |mdev - 1.2| = |1.2 - 1.2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 81 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:321: |median - 3.| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 82 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:323: |mdev - 34./6.| = |5.66667 - 5.66667| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 83 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:324: |median - 2.5| = |2.5 - 2.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 84 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:326: |mdev - 34./6.| = |5.66667 - 5.66667| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 85 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:327: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 86 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:333: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplvector_get_median_dev:muse_cplwrappers.c:802
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 87 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:335: |mdev - 0.| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 88 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:365: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_erase_outliers:muse_cplwrappers.c:1485
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 89 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:367: (nrej < 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 90 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:369: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_erase_outliers:muse_cplwrappers.c:1485
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 91 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:371: (nrej < 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplarray_erase_outliers: Histogram gaps (1 consecutive entries <= 0.000000) at -0.500000 and 0.200000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 92 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:377: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: nrej(gap = 2) = 4
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 93 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:379: (nrej) = 4; (4) = 4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplarray_erase_outliers: Histogram gaps (3 consecutive entries <= 0.500000) at -0.500000 and 0.500000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 94 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:385: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: nrej(gap = 3) = 3
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 95 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:387: (nrej) = 3; (3) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cplarray_erase_outliers: Histogram gaps (4 consecutive entries <= 0.600000) at -0.500000 and 0.900000
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 96 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:392: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: nrej(gap = 4) = 2
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 97 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:394: (nrej) = 2; (2) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 98 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:406: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_histogram:muse_cplwrappers.c:1670
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 99 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:408: (hist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 100 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:411: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_column_get:cpl_column.c:4621
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_array_get:cpl_array.c:1929
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'Invalid type' (20) at muse_cplarray_histogram:muse_cplwrappers.c:1674
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 101 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:413: (hist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 102 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:417: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplarray_histogram:muse_cplwrappers.c:1676
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 103 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:419: (hist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 104 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:451: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 105 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.05 - 0.05| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 106 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 1; (thist1[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 107 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.15 - 0.15| = |2.77556e-17| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 108 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 0; (thist1[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 109 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.25 - 0.25| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 110 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 1; (thist1[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 111 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.35 - 0.35| = |5.55112e-17| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 112 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 0; (thist1[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 113 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.45 - 0.45| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 114 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 0; (thist1[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 115 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.55 - 0.55| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 116 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 5; (thist1[i][1]) = 5.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 117 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.65 - 0.65| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 118 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 0; (thist1[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 119 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.75 - 0.75| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 120 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 1; (thist1[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 121 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.85 - 0.85| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 122 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 0; (thist1[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 123 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:461: |cpl_vector_get(hist1x, i) - thist1[i][0]| = |0.95 - 0.95| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 124 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:462: (cpl_vector_get(hist1y, i)) = 1; (thist1[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 125 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 126 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 0; (thist2[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 127 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.1 - 0.1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 128 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 1; (thist2[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 129 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.2 - 0.2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 130 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 1; (thist2[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 131 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.3 - 0.3| = |5.55112e-17| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 132 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 0; (thist2[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 133 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.4 - 0.4| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 134 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 0; (thist2[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 135 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 136 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 3; (thist2[i][1]) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 137 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.6 - 0.6| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 138 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 2; (thist2[i][1]) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 139 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.7 - 0.7| = |1.11022e-16| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 140 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 0; (thist2[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 141 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.8 - 0.8| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 142 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 1; (thist2[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 143 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |0.9 - 0.9| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 144 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 1; (thist2[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 145 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:466: |cpl_vector_get(hist2x, i) - thist2[i][0]| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 146 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:467: (cpl_vector_get(hist2y, i)) = 0; (thist2[i][1]) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 147 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:471: |cpl_vector_get(hist3x, i) - thist3[i][0]| = |0.4 - 0.4| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 148 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:472: (cpl_vector_get(hist3y, i)) = 2; (thist3[i][1]) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 149 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:471: |cpl_vector_get(hist3x, i) - thist3[i][0]| = |0.65 - 0.65| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 150 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:472: (cpl_vector_get(hist3y, i)) = 4; (thist3[i][1]) = 4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 151 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:471: |cpl_vector_get(hist3x, i) - thist3[i][0]| = |0.9 - 0.9| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 152 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:472: (cpl_vector_get(hist3y, i)) = 1; (thist3[i][1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 153 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:481: (muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string(NULL, ",")) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string:muse_cplwrappers.c:2139
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 154 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:482: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string:muse_cplwrappers.c:2139
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 155 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:484: (muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string("bla,bla", NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string:muse_cplwrappers.c:2139
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 156 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:485: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_new_from_delimited_string:muse_cplwrappers.c:2139
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 157 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:489: (a) = 0x26713e8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 158 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:490: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 159 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:491: (cpl_array_get_size(a) == 2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 160 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:492: (!strcmp(cpl_array_get_string(a, 0), "bla1")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 161 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:493: (!strcmp(cpl_array_get_string(a, 1), "bla2")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 162 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:496: (a) = 0x2682240 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 163 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:497: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 164 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:498: (cpl_array_get_size(a) == 2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 165 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:499: (!strcmp(cpl_array_get_string(a, 0), "1")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 166 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:500: (!strcmp(cpl_array_get_string(a, 1), "2,3")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 167 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:506: (muse_cplarray_string_to_double(NULL)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_string_to_double:muse_cplwrappers.c:2188
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 168 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:507: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplarray_string_to_double:muse_cplwrappers.c:2188
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 169 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:510: (muse_cplarray_string_to_double(a)) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplarray_string_to_double:muse_cplwrappers.c:2189
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 170 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:511: (cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplarray_string_to_double:muse_cplwrappers.c:2189
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 171 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:523: (adouble) = 0x2671988 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 172 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:524: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 173 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:525: (cpl_array_get_type(adouble)) = 131072; (CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE) = 131072.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 174 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:526: (cpl_array_get_size(adouble)) = 5; (cpl_array_get_size(a)) = 5.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 175 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:527: cpl_array_get_double(adouble, 0, NULL) = 1 = 1. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 176 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:528: cpl_array_get_double(adouble, 1, NULL) = 2.775 = 2.775. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 177 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:529: cpl_array_get_double(adouble, 2, NULL) = 123 = 123.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 178 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:530: cpl_array_get_double(adouble, 3, NULL) = -12 = -12.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 179 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:532: (err) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 180 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:607: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 181 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:608: (cpl_parameterlist_get_size(parlist) == 24) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 182 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:612: (par) = 0x268a8e0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 183 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:613: (cpl_parameter_get_int(par) == -1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 184 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:614: (cpl_parameter_get_default_int(par) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 185 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:616: (par) = 0x268cee0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 186 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:617: (cpl_parameter_get_int(par) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 187 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:618: (cpl_parameter_get_default_int(par) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 188 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:620: (par) = 0x268ccf8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 189 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:621: (cpl_parameter_get_bool(par) == CPL_TRUE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 190 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:623: (par) = 0x268d508 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 191 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:624: (cpl_parameter_get_bool(par) == CPL_FALSE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 192 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:626: (par) = 0x268cfc0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 193 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:627: (cpl_parameter_get_double(par) == 0.5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 194 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:629: (par) = 0x268d410 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 195 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:630: |cpl_parameter_get_double(par) - 3e5| = |300000 - 300000| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 196 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:632: (par) = 0x2686f78 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 197 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:634: (string) = 0x2675b58 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 198 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:636: (strncmp(string, "vpoly", 6)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 199 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:639: (string) = 0x26718f8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 200 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:641: (strncmp(string, "bla", 4)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 201 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:644: (par) = 0x268d318 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 202 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:646: (string) = 0x2672338 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 203 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:648: (strncmp(string, "3.5,2", 6)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 204 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:650: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 205 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:663: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 206 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:664: (cpl_parameterlist_get_size(parlist)) = 24; (cpl_parameterlist_get_size(parlist2)) = 24.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 207 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:669: (p != p2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 208 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:670: (!strcmp(cpl_parameter_get_name(p), cpl_parameter_get_name(p2))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 209 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:671: (!strcmp(cpl_parameter_get_context(p), cpl_parameter_get_context(p2))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 210 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:672: (cpl_parameter_get_class(p)) = 2; (cpl_parameter_get_class(p2)) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 211 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:673: (cpl_parameter_get_type(p)) = 1024; (cpl_parameter_get_type(p2)) = 1024.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 212 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:675: (cpl_parameter_get_int(p)) = -1; (cpl_parameter_get_int(p2)) = -1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 213 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:679: (p != p2) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 214 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:680: (!strcmp(cpl_parameter_get_name(p), cpl_parameter_get_name(p2))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 215 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:681: (!strcmp(cpl_parameter_get_context(p), cpl_parameter_get_context(p2))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 216 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:682: (cpl_parameter_get_class(p)) = 2; (cpl_parameter_get_class(p2)) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 217 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:683: (cpl_parameter_get_type(p)) = 1024; (cpl_parameter_get_type(p2)) = 1024.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 218 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:689: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplparameterlist_duplicate:muse_cplwrappers.c:2367
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 219 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:692: (parlist2) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 220 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:697: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplparameterlist_from_propertylist:muse_cplwrappers.c:2259
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 221 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:700: (parlist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 222 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:702: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplparameterlist_from_propertylist:muse_cplwrappers.c:2260
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 223 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:705: (parlist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 224 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:710: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_cplparameterlist_from_propertylist:muse_cplwrappers.c:2271
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 225 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:713: (parlist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 226 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:718: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO PRO REC1 ID' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_cplparameterlist_from_propertylist:muse_cplwrappers.c:2266
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 227 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:721: (parlist) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 228 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:727: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(NULL, "BLA BLA", 0) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long:muse_cplwrappers.c:2401
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 229 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:730: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(header, NULL, 0) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long:muse_cplwrappers.c:2401
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 230 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:733: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(header, "BLA BLA", 0) == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long:muse_cplwrappers.c:2403
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 231 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:742: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(header, "BLAI", 10) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 232 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:744: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(header, "BLAL", 20) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 233 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:746: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_long_long(header, "BLALL", 30) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 234 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:748: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 235 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:750: (cpl_propertylist_get_int(header, "BLAI") == 10) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 236 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:751: (cpl_propertylist_get_long(header, "BLAL") == 20) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 237 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:752: (cpl_propertylist_get_long_long(header, "BLALL") == 30) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 238 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:758: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp(NULL, "BLA BLA", 0.) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp:muse_cplwrappers.c:2444
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 239 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:761: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp(header, NULL, 0.) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp:muse_cplwrappers.c:2444
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 240 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:764: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp(header, "BLA BLA", 13.) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 241 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:771: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp(header, "BLAF", 10) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 242 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:773: (muse_cplpropertylist_update_fp(header, "BLAD", 20) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 243 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:775: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 244 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:777: (cpl_propertylist_get_float(header, "BLAF") == 10) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 245 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:778: (cpl_propertylist_get_double(header, "BLAD") == 20) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 246 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:779: (cpl_propertylist_get_float(header, "BLA BLA") == 13.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 247 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:785: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplframeset_erase_all:muse_cplwrappers.c:2478
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 248 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:799: (cpl_frameset_get_size(fset) == 4) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 249 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:804: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 250 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:805: (cpl_frameset_get_size(fset) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 251 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:811: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_cplframeset_erase_duplicate:muse_cplwrappers.c:2509
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 252 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:816: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 253 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:817: (cpl_frameset_get_size(fset2) == 4) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 254 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:829: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 255 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:830: (cpl_frameset_get_size(fset2) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: 
> _____ the following should output both errors: _____
> [ ERROR ] muse_cplerrorstate_dump_some: Dumping the 2 most recent error(s) out of a total of 2 errors:
> [ ERROR ] muse_cplerrorstate_dump_some:   [1/2] 'Null input data: error1' (12) at func1:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:836
> [ ERROR ] muse_cplerrorstate_dump_some:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: error2' (14) at func2:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:837
> [ INFO  ] main: ^^^^^ done! ^^^^^
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 256 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:842: (setenv("MUSE_CPL_ERRORSTATE_NDUMP", "1", 1) == 0) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data: error1' (12) at func1:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:836
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: error2' (14) at func2:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:837
> [ INFO  ] main: 
> _____ the following should output only the second error: _____
> [ ERROR ] muse_cplerrorstate_dump_some: Dumping the 1 most recent error(s) out of a total of 2 errors:
> [ ERROR ] muse_cplerrorstate_dump_some:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: error2' (14) at func2:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:837
> [ INFO  ] main: ^^^^^ done! ^^^^^
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 257 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:846: (unsetenv("MUSE_CPL_ERRORSTATE_NDUMP")== 0) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data: error1' (12) at func1:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:836
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: error2' (14) at func2:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:837
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 258 OK at muse_test_cplwrappers.c:847: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state2)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data: error1' (12) at func1:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:836
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input: error2' (14) at func2:muse_test_cplwrappers.c:837
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 259 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.0111213
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 259 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 2936
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 471
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_cplwrappers
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_image.c:242: (image) = 0x26c6b80 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_image.c:243: (image->data == NULL && image->dq == NULL && image->stat == NULL) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_image.c:244: (image->header) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_image.c:250: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_image.c:258: (image->data) = 0x26c6d00 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_image.c:262: (image->stat) = 0x26c6ea0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_image.c:268: (image->dq) = 0x26c6f98 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_image.c:272: (image->header) = 0x26b5ac8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_image.c:276: (muse_image_reject_from_dq(image) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_image.c:277: (cpl_image_is_rejected(image->data, 5, 2) && cpl_image_is_rejected(image->stat, 5, 2)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_image.c:279: (cpl_image_count_rejected(image->data) == 1 && cpl_image_count_rejected(image->stat) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_image.c:283: (muse_image_reject_from_dq(NULL) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_reject_from_dq:muse_image.c:868
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_image.c:287: (muse_image_reject_from_dq(image) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_reject_from_dq:muse_image.c:868
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_image.c:292: (muse_image_reject_from_dq(image) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_reject_from_dq:muse_image.c:868
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_image.c:298: (muse_image_reject_from_dq(image) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_image.c:310: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_image.c:311: (err == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Written to "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_image.c:314: (stat(file, &sb)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_image.c:316: (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_image.c:318: (cpl_fits_count_extensions(file) == 3) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_image.c:323: (!strcmp("DATA", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "EXTNAME")) && !strcmp("DQ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "EXTNAME")) && !strcmp("STAT", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "EXTNAME"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_image.c:327: (!strcmp("ESO", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "HDUCLASS")) && !strcmp("ESO", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUCLASS")) && !strcmp("ESO", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUCLASS"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_image.c:330: (!strcmp("DICD", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "HDUDOC")) && !strcmp("DICD", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUDOC")) && !strcmp("DICD", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUDOC"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_image.c:333: (!strncmp("DICD version ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "HDUVERS"), 13) && !strncmp("DICD version ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUVERS"), 13) && !strncmp("DICD version ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUVERS"), 13)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_image.c:336: (!strcmp("IMAGE", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "HDUCLAS1")) && !strcmp("IMAGE", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUCLAS1")) && !strcmp("IMAGE", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUCLAS1"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_image.c:339: (!strcmp("DATA", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "HDUCLAS2")) && !strcmp("QUALITY", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUCLAS2")) && !strcmp("ERROR", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUCLAS2"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_image.c:342: (!cpl_propertylist_has(hdata, "HDUCLAS3") && !strcmp("FLAG32BIT", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "HDUCLAS3")) && !strcmp("MSE", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "HDUCLAS3"))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_image.c:345: (!strcmp("STAT", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "ERRDATA")) && !strcmp("DQ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdata, "QUALDATA")) && !cpl_propertylist_has(hdata, "SCIDATA")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_image.c:348: (!strcmp("DATA", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "SCIDATA")) && !strcmp("DQ", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hstat, "QUALDATA")) && !cpl_propertylist_has(hstat, "ERRDATA")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_image.c:351: (!strcmp("DATA", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "SCIDATA")) && !strcmp("STAT", cpl_propertylist_get_string(hdq, "ERRDATA")) && !cpl_propertylist_has(hdq, "QUALDATA")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_image.c:354: (cpl_propertylist_has(hdq, "QUALMASK")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_image.c:369: (imagel) = 0x26cc1b8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_image.c:370: (imagel->header) = 0x26b2608 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_image.c:374: (strncmp(object, OBJECT_STRING, strlen(OBJECT_STRING) + 1)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_image.c:375: (strncmp(extname, "CHAN22", 7)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_image.c:376: (strncmp(unit, "count", 6)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_image.c:377: |image->data(1,1, not bad, float) - imagel->data(1,1, not bad, float)| = |184.019 - 184.019| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_image.c:378: |image->dq(1,1, not bad, int) - imagel->dq(1,1, not bad, int)| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 1 = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_image.c:379: |image->stat(1,1, not bad, float) - imagel->stat(1,1, not bad, float)| = |71.0094 - 71.0094| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_image.c:389: (nitems == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_image.c:397: (nitems == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_image_load: No BUNIT given in extension 1 [DATA] of "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_no_bunit.fits"!
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_image.c:403: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_image.c:404: (imagef) = 0x26cc890 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_image.c:411: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6481
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Null input data: Loading primary FITS header of "(null)" did not succeed' (12) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:126
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_image.c:414: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_image.c:416: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test. Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='someimage.fits', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='someimage.fits', position=0' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'File read/write error: Loading primary FITS header of "someimage.fits" did not succeed' (5) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:126
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_image.c:419: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_image.c:434: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_STAT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension STAT from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"' (26) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:192
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_image.c:437: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_image_load: No BUNIT given in extension 1 [DATA] of "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_image.c:448: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_STAT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension STAT from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"' (26) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:192
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_image.c:451: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_image_load: No BUNIT given in extension 1 [DATA] of "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_image.c:458: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_DQ) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension DQ from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"' (25) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:178
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_image.c:461: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_image.c:468: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_DATA) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension DATA from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"' (24) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:146
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_image.c:471: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_image.c:476: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_DATA) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension DATA from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_broken.fits"' (24) at muse_image_load:muse_image.c:146
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_image.c:479: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_image.c:486: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_image_save:muse_image.c:408
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_image.c:493: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_save:muse_image.c:407
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_image.c:500: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_save:muse_image.c:407
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_image.c:504: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_save:muse_image.c:407
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_save: Could not save header: File read/write error: "couldn't create the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffinit()=105. filename='/bla_fail/bla.fits', mode=2
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_image.c:507: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test. Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'File cannot be created: "couldn't create the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffinit()=105. filename='!/bla_fail/bla.fits'' (8) at cpl_io_fits_create_file:cpl_io_fits.c:359
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'File read/write error: "couldn't create the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffinit()=105. filename='/bla_fail/bla.fits', mode=2' (5) at cpl_propertylist_save:cpl_propertylist.c:7290
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_save: Could not append data image: Invalid type
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_image.c:517: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save_:cpl_image_io.c:2309
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save:cpl_image_io.c:2674
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_save: Could not append dq image: Invalid type
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_image.c:525: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save_:cpl_image_io.c:2309
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save:cpl_image_io.c:2674
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_save: Could not append stat image: Invalid type
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_image.c:533: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && err == CPL_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save_:cpl_image_io.c:2309
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Invalid type' (20) at cpl_image_save:cpl_image_io.c:2674
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_image.c:543: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_image.c:546: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_image.c:554: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 69 OK at muse_test_image.c:199: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP NAME") = 'CHAN01'; kw = 'CHAN01'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 70 OK at muse_test_image.c:201: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP DATE") = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.850'; chipdates[aIFU - 1] = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.850'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 71 OK at muse_test_image.c:203: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP ID") = 'psyche'; chipids[aIFU - 1] = 'psyche'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 72 OK at muse_test_image.c:205: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->data) - aIFU| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 73 OK at muse_test_image.c:207: (cpl_image_get(aImage->dq, aIFU, aIFU, &err)) = 1; (aIFU) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 74 OK at muse_test_image.c:208: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->stat) - aIFU*aIFU| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 75 OK at muse_test_image.c:559: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 76 OK at muse_test_image.c:199: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP NAME") = 'CHAN03'; kw = 'CHAN03'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 77 OK at muse_test_image.c:201: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP DATE") = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.871'; chipdates[aIFU - 1] = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.871'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 78 OK at muse_test_image.c:203: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP ID") = 'flora'; chipids[aIFU - 1] = 'flora'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 79 OK at muse_test_image.c:205: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->data) - aIFU| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 80 OK at muse_test_image.c:207: (cpl_image_get(aImage->dq, aIFU, aIFU, &err)) = 3; (aIFU) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 81 OK at muse_test_image.c:208: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->stat) - aIFU*aIFU| = |9 - 9| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 82 OK at muse_test_image.c:564: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 83 OK at muse_test_image.c:199: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP NAME") = 'CHAN05'; kw = 'CHAN05'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 84 OK at muse_test_image.c:201: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP DATE") = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.870'; chipdates[aIFU - 1] = '2014-02-06T11:16:57.870'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 85 OK at muse_test_image.c:203: cpl_propertylist_get_string(aImage->header, "ESO DET CHIP ID") = 'vesta'; chipids[aIFU - 1] = 'vesta'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 86 OK at muse_test_image.c:205: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->data) - aIFU| = |5 - 5| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 87 OK at muse_test_image.c:207: (cpl_image_get(aImage->dq, aIFU, aIFU, &err)) = 5; (aIFU) = 5.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] image_merged_check: Test 88 OK at muse_test_image.c:208: |cpl_image_get_mean(aImage->stat) - aIFU*aIFU| = |25 - 25| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 89 OK at muse_test_image.c:570: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_READ_DATA) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_merged.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=0, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'A user-defined error: Could not load extension CHAN06.DATA from "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image_merged.fits"' (24) at muse_image_load_from_extensions:muse_image.c:146
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 90 OK at muse_test_image.c:573: (imagem) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 91 OK at muse_test_image.c:576: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test. Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='/kkkdj_bla.fits', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='/kkkdj_bla.fits', position=0' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'File read/write error: Loading primary FITS header of "/kkkdj_bla.fits" did not succeed' (5) at muse_image_load_from_extensions:muse_image.c:126
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 92 OK at muse_test_image.c:579: (imagem) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 93 OK at muse_test_image.c:582: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6481
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Null input data: Loading primary FITS header of "(null)" did not succeed' (12) at muse_image_load_from_extensions:muse_image.c:126
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 94 OK at muse_test_image.c:585: (imagem) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_image_load_from_raw: loaded "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits[DATA]" (extension 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 95 OK at muse_test_image.c:591: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image_test->stat) == 0.0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 96 OK at muse_test_image.c:592: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image_test->dq) == 0.0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 97 OK at muse_test_image.c:593: (muse_image_subtract(image_test, image)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 98 OK at muse_test_image.c:594: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image_test->data) == 0.0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 99 OK at muse_test_image.c:595: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image_test->stat) == cpl_image_get_absflux(image->stat)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 100 OK at muse_test_image.c:597: (strncmp(muse_pfits_get_bunit(image_test->header), "adu", 4)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_load_from_raw: Image "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits" (extension 25) could not be read: Data not found: Position 25 in file: /tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 101 OK at muse_test_image.c:602: (image_test == NULL && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 6 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/6] 'Bad file format: "tried to move past end of file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffmahd()=107. filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=25' (6) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2974
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/6] 'Bad file format' (6) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/6] 'Bad file format' (6) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/6] 'Data not found: "tried to move past end of file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffmahd()=107. HDU#=25' (10) at _cpl_propertylist_fill_from_fits:cpl_propertylist.c:460
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/6] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_propertylist_fill_from_fits_locale:cpl_propertylist.c:423
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [6/6] 'Data not found: Position 25 in file: /tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits' (10) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6518
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_load_from_raw: Image "blabla" (extension 1) could not be read: File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', position=1
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 102 OK at muse_test_image.c:606: (image_test == NULL && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test. Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 5 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/5] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/5] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', im_type=65536, pnum=0, xtnum=1' (5) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:443
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/5] 'File read/write error' (5) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/5] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/5] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', position=1' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [WARNING] muse_image_load_from_raw: Image "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits[(null)]" (extension 4) could not be read, but chip is dead: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 103 OK at muse_test_image.c:610: (image_test == NULL && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == MUSE_ERROR_CHIP_NOT_LIVE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'A user-defined error: Image "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits[(null)]" (extension 4) is dead' (33) at muse_image_load_from_raw:muse_image.c:326
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_load_from_raw: Image "/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits[(null)]" (extension 5) could not be read although chip is alive: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 104 OK at muse_test_image.c:615: (image_test == NULL && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() != MUSE_ERROR_CHIP_NOT_LIVE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 5 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/5] 'Data not found: filename='/tmp/muse_image_test_EdHk06/muse_image.fits', pnum=0, hdumov=5, NAXIS=0' (10) at cpl_image_load_:cpl_image_io.c:2993
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/5] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load_one:cpl_image_io.c:465
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/5] 'Data not found' (10) at cpl_image_load:cpl_image_io.c:391
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/5] 'Data not found: EXTNAME' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [5/5] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_extname:muse_pfits.c:568
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 105 OK at muse_test_image.c:621: (remove(file)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 106 OK at muse_test_image.c:622: (rmdir(dir)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 107 OK at muse_test_image.c:629: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_duplicate:muse_image.c:515
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 108 OK at muse_test_image.c:631: (imagef) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_duplicate:muse_image.c:515
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 109 OK at muse_test_image.c:635: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_propertylist_duplicate:cpl_propertylist.c:899
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 110 OK at muse_test_image.c:637: (imagef2) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [4/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_propertylist_duplicate:cpl_propertylist.c:899
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 111 OK at muse_test_image.c:643: (image2) = 0x26cd040 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 112 OK at muse_test_image.c:644: (image2->header) = 0x26bb108 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 113 OK at muse_test_image.c:646: (strncmp(object, OBJECT_STRING, strlen(OBJECT_STRING) + 1)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 114 OK at muse_test_image.c:647: |image->data(1,1, not bad, float) - image2->data(1,1, not bad, float)| = |184.019 - 184.019| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 115 OK at muse_test_image.c:648: |image->dq(1,1, not bad, int) - image2->dq(1,1, not bad, int)| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 1 = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 116 OK at muse_test_image.c:649: |image->stat(1,1, not bad, float) - image2->stat(1,1, not bad, float)| = |71.0094 - 71.0094| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 117 OK at muse_test_image.c:653: (muse_image_subtract(image, image2)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 118 OK at muse_test_image.c:655: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image->data) == 0.0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 119 OK at muse_test_image.c:657: |image->stat(1,1, not bad, float) - image3->stat(1,1, not bad, float)| = |142.019 - 142.019| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 120 OK at muse_test_image.c:660: (muse_image_subtract(NULL, image2) == -1) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_subtract:muse_image.c:598
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 121 OK at muse_test_image.c:661: (muse_image_subtract(image, NULL) == -2) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_subtract:muse_image.c:598
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_subtract:muse_image.c:599
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 122 OK at muse_test_image.c:668: (muse_image_divide(image4, image3)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 123 OK at muse_test_image.c:669: (muse_image_divide(image5, image3)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 124 OK at muse_test_image.c:671: (cpl_image_get_absflux(image4->data) == cpl_image_get_absflux(image5->data)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 125 OK at muse_test_image.c:673: (muse_image_subtract(image4, image5)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 126 OK at muse_test_image.c:676: |image4->stat(1,1, not bad, float) - image5->stat(1,1, not bad, float)| = |0.0167757 - 0.0167757| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 127 OK at muse_test_image.c:679: (muse_image_divide(NULL, image3) == -1) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_divide:muse_image.c:644
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 128 OK at muse_test_image.c:680: (muse_image_divide(image4, NULL) == -2) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_divide:muse_image.c:644
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_divide:muse_image.c:645
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_divide: failure while dividing data extension
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 129 OK at muse_test_image.c:684: (muse_image_divide(image4, image3) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_duplicate:cpl_image_io.c:1941
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_power_create:cpl_image_basic.c:2131
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_divide:cpl_image_basic.c:769
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_divide: failure while dividing data extension
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 130 OK at muse_test_image.c:686: (muse_image_divide(image3, image4) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_divide:cpl_image_basic.c:770
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_divide: failure while accessing stat extension of image
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 131 OK at muse_test_image.c:691: (muse_image_divide(image4, image3) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data: First image is NULL' (12) at cpl_image_add:cpl_image_basic_body.h:1095
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_divide: failure while dividing data extension
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 132 OK at muse_test_image.c:693: (muse_image_divide(image3, image4) == CPL_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Division by zero' (18) at cpl_image_divide:cpl_image_basic.c:978
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 133 OK at muse_test_image.c:699: (muse_image_scale(image3, 2)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 134 OK at muse_test_image.c:703: (muse_image_subtract(image3, image4)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 135 OK at muse_test_image.c:706: (muse_image_scale(NULL, 2) == -1) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_scale:muse_image.c:708
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_scale: failure while scaling data extension
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 136 OK at muse_test_image.c:711: (muse_image_scale(image3, 2) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_multiply_scalar:cpl_image_basic.c:1105
> [ ERROR ] muse_image_scale: failure while scaling stat extension
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 137 OK at muse_test_image.c:716: (muse_image_scale(image4, 2) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_multiply_scalar:cpl_image_basic.c:1105
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 138 OK at muse_test_image.c:730: (muse_image_dq_to_nan(image2) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 139 OK at muse_test_image.c:731: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 140 OK at muse_test_image.c:733: (isnan(cpl_image_get(image2->data, 5, 2, &rej))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 141 OK at muse_test_image.c:734: (isnan(cpl_image_get(image2->stat, 5, 2, &rej))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 142 OK at muse_test_image.c:735: (cpl_image_get(image2->data, 1, 1, &rej)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 143 OK at muse_test_image.c:736: (isfinite(cpl_image_get(image2->stat, 1, 1, &rej))) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 144 OK at muse_test_image.c:737: (image2->dq) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 145 OK at muse_test_image.c:740: (muse_image_dq_to_nan(NULL) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_dq_to_nan:muse_image.c:909
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 146 OK at muse_test_image.c:743: (muse_image_dq_to_nan(image2) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_dq_to_nan:muse_image.c:909
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 147 OK at muse_test_image.c:749: (muse_image_dq_to_nan(image) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_dq_to_nan:muse_image.c:909
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 148 OK at muse_test_image.c:780: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 149 OK at muse_test_image.c:781: (strncmp(muse_pfits_get_bunit(image->header), "count", 6)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 150 OK at muse_test_image.c:782: cpl_image_get(image->data, 1, 1, &rej) = 0.5 = 0.5. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 151 OK at muse_test_image.c:783: cpl_image_get(image->data, 1, 2, &rej) = 2 = 2.0. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 152 OK at muse_test_image.c:784: |cpl_image_get(image->data, 2, 1, &rej) - 1.1|/|1.1| = |1.1 - 1.1|/|1.1| = |2.38419e-08|/|1.1| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 153 OK at muse_test_image.c:785: cpl_image_get(image->data, 2, 2, &rej) = 1.5 = 1.5. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 154 OK at muse_test_image.c:786: cpl_image_get(image->stat, 1, 1, &rej) = 0.25 = 0.25. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 155 OK at muse_test_image.c:787: cpl_image_get(image->stat, 1, 2, &rej) = 4 = 4.00. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 156 OK at muse_test_image.c:788: |cpl_image_get(image->stat, 2, 1, &rej) - 1.21|/|1.21| = |1.21 - 1.21|/|1.21| = |3.8147e-08|/|1.21| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 157 OK at muse_test_image.c:789: cpl_image_get(image->stat, 2, 2, &rej) = 2.25 = 2.25. (Tolerance FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209e-07).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 158 OK at muse_test_image.c:792: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:817
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 159 OK at muse_test_image.c:796: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:817
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 160 OK at muse_test_image.c:803: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:816
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 161 OK at muse_test_image.c:809: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_get_size_x:cpl_image_io.c:662
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_get_data_float:cpl_image_io_body.h:174
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:823
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 162 OK at muse_test_image.c:815: (muse_image_adu_to_count(image) == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_image_get_data_float:cpl_image_io_body.h:174
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:823
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 163 OK at muse_test_image.c:820: (muse_image_adu_to_count(NULL) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_adu_to_count:muse_image.c:816
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 164 OK at muse_test_image.c:828: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 165 OK at muse_test_image.c:829: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 166 OK at muse_test_image.c:830: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 3; (3) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 167 OK at muse_test_image.c:831: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 3; (3) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 168 OK at muse_test_image.c:832: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 8; (8) = 8.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 169 OK at muse_test_image.c:839: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 170 OK at muse_test_image.c:840: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 171 OK at muse_test_image.c:841: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 20; (20) = 20.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 172 OK at muse_test_image.c:842: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 20; (20) = 20.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 173 OK at muse_test_image.c:843: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 300; (300) = 300.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 174 OK at muse_test_image.c:847: (mask) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_border_mask:muse_image.c:959
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 175 OK at muse_test_image.c:848: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_border_mask:muse_image.c:959
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 176 OK at muse_test_image.c:854: (mask) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_border_mask:muse_image.c:959
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 177 OK at muse_test_image.c:855: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_border_mask:muse_image.c:959
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 1,1
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 178 OK at muse_test_image.c:876: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 179 OK at muse_test_image.c:877: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 180 OK at muse_test_image.c:878: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 181 OK at muse_test_image.c:879: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 182 OK at muse_test_image.c:880: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 1,1
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 183 OK at muse_test_image.c:885: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 184 OK at muse_test_image.c:886: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 185 OK at muse_test_image.c:887: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 186 OK at muse_test_image.c:888: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 187 OK at muse_test_image.c:891: |cpl_mask_count(mask) - 2013.5| = |2012 - 2013.5| = |-1.5| <= 3 = 3..
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 4096,1
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 188 OK at muse_test_image.c:876: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 189 OK at muse_test_image.c:877: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 190 OK at muse_test_image.c:878: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 191 OK at muse_test_image.c:879: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 192 OK at muse_test_image.c:880: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 4096,1
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 193 OK at muse_test_image.c:885: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 194 OK at muse_test_image.c:886: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 195 OK at muse_test_image.c:887: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 196 OK at muse_test_image.c:888: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 197 OK at muse_test_image.c:891: |cpl_mask_count(mask) - 2013.5| = |2012 - 2013.5| = |-1.5| <= 3 = 3..
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 4096,4112
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 198 OK at muse_test_image.c:876: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 199 OK at muse_test_image.c:877: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 200 OK at muse_test_image.c:878: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 201 OK at muse_test_image.c:879: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 202 OK at muse_test_image.c:880: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 4096,4112
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 203 OK at muse_test_image.c:885: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 204 OK at muse_test_image.c:886: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 205 OK at muse_test_image.c:887: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 206 OK at muse_test_image.c:888: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 207 OK at muse_test_image.c:891: |cpl_mask_count(mask) - 2013.5| = |2012 - 2013.5| = |-1.5| <= 3 = 3..
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 1,4112
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 208 OK at muse_test_image.c:876: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 209 OK at muse_test_image.c:877: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 210 OK at muse_test_image.c:878: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 211 OK at muse_test_image.c:879: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 212 OK at muse_test_image.c:880: (cpl_mask_count(mask)) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_image_create_corner_mask: Origin: 1,4112
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 213 OK at muse_test_image.c:885: (mask) = 0x26cb1d8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 214 OK at muse_test_image.c:886: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 215 OK at muse_test_image.c:887: (cpl_mask_get_size_x(mask)) = 4096; (kMuseOutputXRight) = 4096.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 216 OK at muse_test_image.c:888: (cpl_mask_get_size_y(mask)) = 4112; (kMuseOutputYTop) = 4112.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 217 OK at muse_test_image.c:891: |cpl_mask_count(mask) - 2013.5| = |2012 - 2013.5| = |-1.5| <= 3 = 3..
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 218 OK at muse_test_image.c:897: (mask) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 219 OK at muse_test_image.c:898: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 220 OK at muse_test_image.c:905: (mask) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 221 OK at muse_test_image.c:906: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 222 OK at muse_test_image.c:914: (mask) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 223 OK at muse_test_image.c:915: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prev_state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_image_create_corner_mask:muse_image.c:996
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0.5
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 224 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.518801
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 224 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 4648
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 146
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_image
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:104: (muse_imagelist_set(NULL, dupe1, 4) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:158
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:105: (muse_imagelist_set(list1, NULL, 4) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:158
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:158
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:107: (muse_imagelist_set(list1, img1[4], 5) == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:158
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:158
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_imagelist_set:muse_imagelist.c:163
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:114: (muse_imagelist_get_size(list) == 5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:116: (muse_imagelist_get_size(NULL) == 0) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_get_size:muse_imagelist.c:105
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:120: (muse_imagelist_is_uniform(list) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:121: (muse_imagelist_is_uniform(list1) == 4) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:123: (muse_imagelist_is_uniform(NULL) != 0) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_is_uniform:muse_imagelist.c:242
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:126: (muse_imagelist_is_uniform(listempty) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:132: (med1) = 0x1393d20 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:133: (med1 == img[1]) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:137: (med1) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_get:muse_imagelist.c:128
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:139: (med1) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_get:muse_imagelist.c:128
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at muse_imagelist_get:muse_imagelist.c:129
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:  index    median       mean       stdev     scale
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     0       1.50       2.25       1.89       1.00
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     1       4.00       3.75       1.26       0.50
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     2       6.00       6.00       2.45       0.33
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     3       7.50       8.75       5.12       0.25
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     4       9.00      12.00       8.91       0.20
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:  index    median       mean       stdev     scale
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     0       1.50       2.25       1.89       1.00
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     1       4.00       3.75       1.26       0.50
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     2       6.00       6.00       2.45       0.33
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     3       7.00       7.78       3.27       0.25
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     4       9.00      12.00       8.91       0.20
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     5 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     6 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     7 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     8 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:     9 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_dump_statistics:    10       9.00      12.00       8.91       0.20
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime: Scale all images to    1.00s exposure time
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime: Image  EXPTIME   scale
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    1      1.00s   1.000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    2      2.00s   0.500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    3      3.00s   0.333
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    4      4.00s   0.250
> [ DEBUG ] muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:    5      5.00s   0.200
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:149: (muse_imagelist_scale_exptime(list) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: pixel 1,1 in image 1 = 1 (EXPTIME now 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:159: (value == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:160: (exptime == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: pixel 1,1 in image 2 = 1 (EXPTIME now 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:159: (value == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:160: (exptime == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: pixel 1,1 in image 3 = 1 (EXPTIME now 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:159: (value == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:160: (exptime == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: pixel 1,1 in image 4 = 1 (EXPTIME now 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:159: (value == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:160: (exptime == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: pixel 1,1 in image 5 = 1 (EXPTIME now 1)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:159: (value == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:160: (exptime == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:163: (muse_imagelist_scale_exptime(NULL) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_scale_exptime:muse_imagelist.c:310
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:170: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:171: (muse_imagelist_get_size(list)) = 4; (nima - 1) = 4.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:174: (muse_imagelist_get(list, m) != erased) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:174: (muse_imagelist_get(list, m) != erased) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:174: (muse_imagelist_get(list, m) != erased) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:174: (muse_imagelist_get(list, m) != erased) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:180: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_unset:muse_imagelist.c:202
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:182: (erased) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_unset:muse_imagelist.c:202
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:185: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ACCESS_OUT_OF_RANGE) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at muse_imagelist_unset:muse_imagelist.c:203
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:187: (erased) = (nil) == NULL. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at muse_imagelist_unset:muse_imagelist.c:203
> [ DEBUG ] main: stdev: 2.886197
> [ DEBUG ] main: stdev: 2.884408
> [ DEBUG ] main: stdev: 2.887593
> [WARNING] muse_imagelist_compute_ron: The RON value computed for quadrant 4 in IFU 0 is likely wrong (outside the range 1..5 count: 5.76 +/- 0.18 count; the raw header says 5.77 count)
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_compute_ron: IFU 0, quadrant 1: RON = 1.444 +/- 0.047 count ==> variance = 8.3379 adu**2 (1st value of image series)
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_compute_ron: IFU 0, quadrant 2: RON = 2.890 +/- 0.091 count ==> variance = 8.3520 adu**2 (1st value of image series)
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_compute_ron: IFU 0, quadrant 3: RON = 4.343 +/- 0.131 count ==> variance = 8.3832 adu**2 (1st value of image series)
> [ INFO  ] muse_imagelist_compute_ron: IFU 0, quadrant 4: RON = 5.756 +/- 0.177 count ==> variance = 8.2842 adu**2 (1st value of image series)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:234: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:235: (bron) = 0x137f338 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:236: (cpl_bivector_get_size(bron) == 4) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: ron: 1.443748 +/- 0.046917 expected 1.443376 delta 0.000373
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:252: (delta < rerr) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:253: (rerr < 0.1 * ron) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 1 0	8.337869 8.337869..8.337869, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.33787| = |-0.00453536| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.33787 - 8.33787| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 1 1	8.337869 8.337869..8.337869, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.33787| = |-0.00453536| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.33787 - 8.33787| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 1 2	8.337869 8.337869..8.337869, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.33787| = |-0.00453536| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.33787 - 8.33787| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: ron: 2.889949 +/- 0.090769 expected 2.886751 delta 0.003197
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:252: (delta < rerr) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:253: (rerr < 0.1 * ron) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 2 0	8.352035 8.352035..8.352035, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.35203| = |-0.0187012| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.35203 - 8.35203| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 2 1	8.352035 8.352035..8.352035, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.35203| = |-0.0187012| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.35203 - 8.35203| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 2 2	8.352035 8.352035..8.352035, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.35203| = |-0.0187012| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.35203 - 8.35203| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: ron: 4.343000 +/- 0.130538 expected 4.330127 delta 0.012873
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:252: (delta < rerr) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:253: (rerr < 0.1 * ron) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 3 0	8.383185 8.383185..8.383185, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.38319| = |-0.0498521| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.38319 - 8.38319| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 3 1	8.383185 8.383185..8.383185, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.38319| = |-0.0498521| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.38319 - 8.38319| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 3 2	8.383185 8.383185..8.383185, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.38319| = |-0.0498521| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.38319 - 8.38319| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: ron: 5.756392 +/- 0.177434 expected 5.773503 delta 0.017111
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:252: (delta < rerr) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:253: (rerr < 0.1 * ron) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 4 0	8.284242 8.284242..8.284242, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.28424| = |0.0490917| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.28424 - 8.28424| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 4 1	8.284242 8.284242..8.284242, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.28424| = |0.0490917| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.28424 - 8.28424| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: variance: 4 2	8.284242 8.284242..8.284242, expected 8.333333
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 69 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:267: |100./12. - cpl_stats_get_mean(s)| = |8.33333 - 8.28424| = |0.0490917| <= 0.1 = 0.1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 70 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:269: |cpl_stats_get_min(s) - cpl_stats_get_max(s)| = |8.28424 - 8.28424| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 71 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:278: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_imagelist_compute_ron:muse_imagelist.c:366
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 72 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:281: (bron) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 73 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:285: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(prestate) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_imagelist_compute_ron:muse_imagelist.c:368
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 74 OK at muse_test_imagelist.c:288: (bron) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0.14
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 75 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.161307
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 75 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 1063
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 132
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_imagelist
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_mask.c:50: (mask) = 0x1cab090 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_mask.c:51: (mask->mask == NULL) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_mask.c:52: (mask->header) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_mask.c:58: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_mask.c:66: (mask->mask) = 0x1caf9c0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_mask.c:70: (mask->header) = 0x1cab1b0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_mask.c:78: (err) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Written to "/tmp/muse_mask_test_JOQIdI/muse_mask.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_mask.c:81: (stat(file, &sb)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_mask.c:83: (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && sb.st_size > 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_mask.c:85: (cpl_fits_count_extensions(file) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_mask.c:89: (maskl) = 0x1c9a6b8 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_mask.c:90: (maskl->header) = 0x1c9a748 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_mask.c:92: (strncmp(object, OBJECT_STRING, strlen(OBJECT_STRING) + 1)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_mask.c:96: (cpl_mask_count(mask->mask)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_mask.c:101: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_mask_load: Loading "blabla" failed: File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', position=0
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_mask.c:106: (mask_test == NULL && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test. Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='blabla', position=0' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_mask.c:111: (remove(file)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_mask.c:112: (rmdir(dir)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 19 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.00138116
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 19 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 209
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 28
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_mask
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cpl_optimize_lvmq: Minimizing finished after 5 steps: success (the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_cpl_optimize_lvmq: processing time 0.000s (0.000s CPU, 4 CPUs)
> [ DEBUG ] main: r=0
>    lambda  data  function  
>  0 4500.0  100    98       
>  1 4800.0  120   127       
>  2 5200.0  150   142       
>  3 5500.0  130   135       
>  4 5800.0  115   114       
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 1 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.000829935
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 1 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 675
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 103
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_optimize
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x1 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, RH=0.00 %, p=101325.0 Pa (standard air, Ciddor)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 1 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 2 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 3 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 4 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 5 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 6 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 7 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 8 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 9 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 10 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 11 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 12 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 13 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 14 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 15 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 16 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 17 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 18 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 19 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 20 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 21 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 22 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 23 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 24 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 25 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 26 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 27 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 28 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 29 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 30 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x3 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (real air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, RH=0.00 %, p=101325.0 Pa (measured parameters, Ciddor)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 31 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 32 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 33 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 34 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 35 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 36 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 37 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 38 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 39 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 40 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 41 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 42 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 43 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 44 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 45 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 46 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 47 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 48 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 49 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 50 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 51 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 52 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 53 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 54 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 55 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 56 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 57 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 58 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 59 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 60 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x1 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, RH=0.00 %, p=101325.0 Pa (standard air, Ciddor)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 61 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. Prior to this test errno=11: Resource temporarily unavailable.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 62 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 63 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 64 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 65 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 66 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 67 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 68 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 69 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 70 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 71 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 72 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 73 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 74 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 75 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 76 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 77 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 78 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 79 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 80 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 81 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 82 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 83 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 84 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 85 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 86 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 87 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 88 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 89 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 90 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x403 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: humid atmosphere in header (and real air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=-1.00 degC, RH=0.25 %, p=74500.0 Pa (measured parameters, Ciddor)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 91 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 92 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 93 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4000.8806 back 3999.7497
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 94 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |4000 - 4000.2| = |-0.199684| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.0859 back 4999.6912
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 95 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |5000 - 5000.14| = |-0.141219| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.1895 back 5499.6615
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 96 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |5500 - 5500.11| = |-0.111517| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.2939 back 5999.6322
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 97 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6000 - 6000.08| = |-0.0822368| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.5029 back 6999.5725
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 98 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |7000 - 7000.02| = |-0.0225303| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8001.7129 back 7999.5128
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 99 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |8000 - 7999.96| = |0.037219| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8501.8184 back 8499.4831
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 100 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |8500 - 8499.93| = |0.0668689| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9001.9238 back 8999.4533
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 101 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |9000 - 8999.9| = |0.0966536| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.1348 back 9999.3935
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 102 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |10000 - 9999.84| = |0.156543| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.4199 back 4861.0620
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 103 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |4861.36 - 4861.51| = |-0.149224| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4959.9888 back 4958.6050
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 104 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |4958.91 - 4959.05| = |-0.143835| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5007.9302 back 5006.5336
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 105 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |5006.84 - 5006.98| = |-0.140865| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.4580 back 6547.6492
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 106 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6548.05 - 6548.1| = |-0.0493951| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.2124 back 6562.3996
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 107 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6562.8 - 6562.85| = |-0.0488481| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6584.8657 back 6583.0474
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 108 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6583.45 - 6583.5| = |-0.0472037| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6717.8833 back 6716.0292
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 109 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6716.44 - 6716.48| = |-0.0392749| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.2666 back 6730.4086
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 110 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6730.82 - 6730.86| = |-0.0388248| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.4307 back 6055.7539
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 111 OK at muse_test_phys.c:141: |l_orig - l_air + 0.45| = |6056.12 - 6056.2| = |-0.0789117| <= 0.21 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x401 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: humid atmosphere in header (but std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, RH=0.00 %, p=101325.0 Pa (standard air, Ciddor)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 112 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 113 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 114 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 115 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 116 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 117 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 118 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 119 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 120 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 121 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 122 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 123 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 124 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 125 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 126 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 127 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 128 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 129 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 130 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 131 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 132 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 133 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 134 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 135 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 136 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 137 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 138 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 139 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 140 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 141 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0xd ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, fp=0.000 mmHg, P=760.0 mmHg (standard air, Filippenko)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 142 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 143 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 144 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 145 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 146 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5278 back 5499.9998
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 147 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |0.000194701| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6616 back 5999.9998
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 148 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |0.000185974| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 149 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 150 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3350 back 8499.9996
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 151 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |0.000406984| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 152 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 153 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 154 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 155 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 156 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 157 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 158 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 159 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 160 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 161 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 162 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 163 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 164 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 165 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2939 back 6716.4398
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 166 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |0.000191022| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2939 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0039
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 167 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00390625| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6777 back 6730.8197
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 168 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |0.000152994| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6777 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0024
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 169 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00244141| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 170 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0005 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 171 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.004 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x5 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=288.15 K, RH=0.00 %, pres=1013.2 mbar (standard air, Owens)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 172 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 173 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 174 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 175 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 176 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 177 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 178 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 179 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 180 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 181 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 182 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 183 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 184 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 185 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 186 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 187 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 188 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 189 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 190 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 191 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 192 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 193 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 194 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 195 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 196 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 197 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 198 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 199 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 200 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 201 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: 
> ____________ testing with flags 0x9 ______________
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_phys_run: International Standard Atmosphere in header (std air correction)
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=15.00 degC, RH=0.00 %, p=101325.0 Pa (standard air, Edlen)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 202 OK at muse_test_phys.c:115: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 203 OK at muse_test_phys.c:117: (cpl_propertylist_has(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 204 OK at muse_test_phys.c:118: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVE'; "WAVE" = 'WAVE'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4000.0000 vac 4001.1311 back 4000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 205 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4000 - 4000| = |-0.000106704| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5000.0000 vac 5001.3950 back 5000.0002
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 206 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5000 - 5000| = |-0.000218864| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5500.0000 vac 5501.5283 back 5500.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 207 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5500 - 5500| = |-0.00029345| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6000.0000 vac 6001.6621 back 6000.0003
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 208 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6000 - 6000| = |-0.000302176| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 7000.0000 vac 7001.9307 back 7000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 209 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |7000 - 7000| = |-0.00014953| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8000.0000 vac 8002.2002 back 8000.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 210 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8000 - 8000| = |4.58586e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 8500.0000 vac 8502.3359 back 8500.0006
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 211 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |8500 - 8500| = |-0.000569314| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 9000.0000 vac 9002.4707 back 9000.0001
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 212 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |9000 - 9000| = |-7.34566e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 10000.0000 vac 10002.7412 back 9999.9997
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 213 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |10000 - 10000| = |0.000262151| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4861.3628 vac 4862.7207 back 4861.3627
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 214 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4861.36 - 4861.36| = |7.45528e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4862.7207 sdss 4862.7212 --> delta -0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 215 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4862.72 - 4862.72| = |-0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 4958.9111 vac 4960.2949 back 4958.9110
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 216 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |4958.91 - 4958.91| = |9.38145e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 4960.2949 sdss 4960.2949 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 217 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |4960.29 - 4960.29| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 5006.8428 vac 5008.2393 back 5006.8426
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 218 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |5006.84 - 5006.84| = |0.00013489| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 5008.2393 sdss 5008.2388 --> delta 0.0005
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 219 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |5008.24 - 5008.24| = |0.000488281| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6548.0498 vac 6549.8589 back 6548.0500
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 220 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6548.05 - 6548.05| = |-0.000166279| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6549.8589 sdss 6549.8599 --> delta -0.0010
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 221 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6549.86 - 6549.86| = |-0.000976562| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6562.8008 vac 6564.6138 back 6562.8009
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 222 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6562.8 - 6562.8| = |-0.000107438| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6564.6138 sdss 6564.6138 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 223 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6564.61 - 6564.61| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6583.4502 vac 6585.2686 back 6583.4501
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 224 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6583.45 - 6583.45| = |7.24915e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6585.2686 sdss 6585.2700 --> delta -0.0015
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 225 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6585.27 - 6585.27| = |-0.00146484| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6716.4399 vac 6718.2944 back 6716.4402
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 226 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6716.44 - 6716.44| = |-0.000297127| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6718.2944 sdss 6718.2900 --> delta 0.0044
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 227 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6718.29 - 6718.29| = |0.00439453| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6730.8198 vac 6732.6782 back 6730.8202
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 228 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6730.82 - 6730.82| = |-0.000335156| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6732.6782 sdss 6732.6802 --> delta -0.0020
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 229 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6732.68 - 6732.68| = |-0.00195312| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: orig 6056.1250 vac 6057.8018 back 6056.1249
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 230 OK at muse_test_phys.c:144: |l_orig - l_air| = |6056.12 - 6056.12| = |9.40577e-05| <= 0.0006 = aLimit.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: vac 6057.8018 sdss 6057.8018 --> delta 0.0000
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_phys_run: Test 231 OK at muse_test_phys.c:152: |l_vac - l_vac_sdss| = |6057.8 - 6057.8| = |0| <= 0.005 = aLimitSDSS.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 232 OK at muse_test_phys.c:198: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:263
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 233 OK at muse_test_phys.c:205: (rc == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Illegal input: table column 'lambda' not found' (14) at muse_cpltable_check:muse_cplwrappers.c:1159
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:265
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 234 OK at muse_test_phys.c:212: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:263
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 235 OK at muse_test_phys.c:221: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:263
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 236 OK at muse_test_phys.c:228: (rc == CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Unsupported mode' (16) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:267
> [ INFO  ] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Air to vacuum conversion for T=5.00 degC, fp=0.018 mmHg, P=558.8 mmHg (measured parameters, Filippenko)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 237 OK at muse_test_phys.c:233: (rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Pixel table has spectral type "WAVE", not in air wavelengths!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 238 OK at muse_test_phys.c:236: (rc == CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Type mismatch' (19) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:277
> [WARNING] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Pixel table has unknown spectral type "WAVV", not in air wavelengths, not doing conversion to vacuum!
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 239 OK at muse_test_phys.c:242: (rc == CPL_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Type mismatch' (19) at muse_phys_air_to_vacuum:muse_phys.c:283
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 240 OK at muse_test_phys.c:244: cpl_propertylist_get_string(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_SPEC_TYPE) = 'WAVV'; "WAVV" = 'WAVV'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Pixel table header does not contain relative humidity, no conversion to vacuum: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 241 OK at muse_test_phys.c:251: (rc == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO TEL AMBI RHUM' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_rhum:muse_pfits.c:1549
> [WARNING] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Pixel table header does not contain temperature, no conversion to vacuum: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 242 OK at muse_test_phys.c:258: (rc == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO TEL AMBI TEMP' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_temp:muse_pfits.c:1531
> [WARNING] muse_phys_air_to_vacuum: Pixel table header does not contain pressure values, no conversion to vacuum: Data not found
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 243 OK at muse_test_phys.c:265: (rc == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND && !cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/2] 'Data not found: ESO TEL AMBI PRES END' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/2] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_pres_end:muse_pfits.c:1585
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0.02
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 244 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.011272
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 244 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 3176
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 115
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_phys
> [ INFO  ] MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ INFO  ] MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ INFO  ] MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ INFO  ] MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ INFO  ] MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] loaded "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits[CHAN01]" (extension 1)
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Converting 1 exposures from adu to count (= electron) units in IFU 1
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Loaded table from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/table.fits" (ext 1).
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Loaded table from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/tableifu.fits" (ext 1).
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] loaded HEADER from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/header.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving image as "processing_muse_image-01.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving image as "processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_cpl_table-01.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] Table saved as "processing_cpl_table" has no rows!
> [WARNING] [tid=000] Property AFLOAT (A float value) not used
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_muse_table-00.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] Frame tag processing_muse_table_BAD is not defined
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_muse_table_BAD_0001-00.fits"
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Saving table failed: Null input data
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving header as "processing_header-01.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving pixel table as "processing_pixel_table-01.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving FITS cube as "processing_data_cube.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] Frame tag processing_data_cube_with_idp_BAD is not defined
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Cannot determine pixel scales of exposure '/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits'
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Saving mask as "processing_mask.fits"
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 100 OK at muse_test_processing.c:734: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_processing_new_frame:muse_processing.c:443
> [WARNING] [tid=000] Frame tag BAD_TAG is not defined
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] NULL processing struct!
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] NULL processing struct
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_recipeinfo: MUSE Instrument Pipeline v2.8.7
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo: 12 input frames:
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   /tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/header.fits	HEADER
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   /tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits	RAW
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   /tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/table.fits	TABLE
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   /tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/tableifu.fits	TABLE_IFU
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits	processing_cpl_image
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_cpl_table-01.fits	processing_cpl_table
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_data_cube.fits	processing_data_cube
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_header-01.fits	processing_header
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_mask.fits	processing_mask
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_muse_image-01.fits	processing_muse_image
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_muse_table-00.fits	processing_muse_table
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   processing_pixel_table-01.fits	processing_pixel_table
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo: non-default parameters:
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo:   none
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo: relevant MUSE environment variables:
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_recipeinfo: relevant OpenMP environment variables:
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 108 OK at muse_test_processing.c:462: (aParams->adouble) = 3; (3) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 109 OK at muse_test_processing.c:463: (aParams->aboolean) = 0; (FALSE) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 110 OK at muse_test_processing.c:464: aParams->astring = 'DEF'; "DEF" = 'DEF'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 111 OK at muse_test_processing.c:465: (aParams->anenum) = 1; (1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_check_input: [tid=000] Optional frame with tag "NON_EXITING_OPTIONAL" not given
> [ DEBUG ] muse_frameset_check_raw: [tid=000] Determine properties of all 1 raw frames of IFU 1
> [ INFO  ] muse_image_load_from_raw: [tid=000] loaded "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits[CHAN01]" (extension 1)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_basicproc_check_saturation: [tid=000] Raw exposure 1 in IFU 1 (0 of 17322240 pixels saturated)!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_quadrants_overscan_stats: [tid=000] quadrant 1: 9.547+/-0.699 (h=9.5+/-0.5; v=9.6+/-0.8; nrej=0) [(null)]
> [ DEBUG ] muse_quadrants_overscan_stats: [tid=000] quadrant 2: 9.532+/-0.625 (h=9.5+/-0.5; v=9.6+/-0.7; nrej=0) [(null)]
> [ DEBUG ] muse_quadrants_overscan_stats: [tid=000] quadrant 3: 9.509+/-0.519 (h=9.5+/-0.5; v=9.5+/-0.5; nrej=0) [(null)]
> [ DEBUG ] muse_quadrants_overscan_stats: [tid=000] quadrant 4: 9.510+/-0.532 (h=9.5+/-0.5; v=9.5+/-0.6; nrej=0) [(null)]
> [ DEBUG ] muse_basicproc_correct_overscans_vpoly: [tid=000] not vpoly: !
> [ INFO  ] muse_basicproc_adu_to_count: [tid=000] Converting 1 exposures from adu to count (= electron) units in IFU 1
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 112 OK at muse_test_processing.c:470: (images) = 0x152dd90 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_table_load: [tid=000] Loaded table from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/table.fits" (ext 1).
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 113 OK at muse_test_processing.c:488: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 114 OK at muse_test_processing.c:489: (table) = 0x1547f60 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_table_load: [tid=000] Didn't find a specific extension for IFU 1, will just use the first one.
> [ INFO  ] muse_table_load: [tid=000] Loaded table from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/tableifu.fits" (ext 1).
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 115 OK at muse_test_processing.c:492: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 116 OK at muse_test_processing.c:493: (table) = 0x1547f60 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_load_table: [tid=000] No table found for tag TABLE_NOT_PRESENT
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 117 OK at muse_test_processing.c:500: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 118 OK at muse_test_processing.c:501: (table2) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_load_table: [tid=000] No table found for tag TABLE_NOT_PRESENT and IFU 10
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 119 OK at muse_test_processing.c:504: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 120 OK at muse_test_processing.c:505: (table2) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_load_table: [tid=000] No table found for tag TABLE_FAKE_PRESENT
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 121 OK at muse_test_processing.c:514: (CPL_ERROR_FILE_IO) = 5 (File read/write error) <=> 5 (File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='non-exiting.fits', position=0). Prior to this test errno=2: No such file or directory.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/2] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='non-exiting.fits', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/2] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='non-exiting.fits', position=0' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 2 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/2] 'File not found: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='non-exiting.fits', mode=0' (9) at cpl_io_fits_open_diskfile:cpl_io_fits.c:525
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/2] 'File read/write error: "could not open the named file" from CFITSIO (ver. 4.3.1) ffdkopn()=104. filename='non-exiting.fits', position=0' (5) at cpl_propertylist_load:cpl_propertylist.c:6491
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 122 OK at muse_test_processing.c:515: (table2) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_load_header: [tid=000] loaded HEADER from file "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/header.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 123 OK at muse_test_processing.c:522: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 124 OK at muse_test_processing.c:523: (header) = 0x152b400 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_image: [tid=000] Saving image as "processing_muse_image-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 125 OK at muse_test_processing.c:529: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_cimage: [tid=000] Saving image as "processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 126 OK at muse_test_processing.c:535: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_cpl_table-01.fits"
> [WARNING] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Table saved as "processing_cpl_table" has no rows!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 127 OK at muse_test_processing.c:543: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_processing_prepare_property: [tid=000] Property AFLOAT (A float value) not used
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_muse_table-00.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 128 OK at muse_test_processing.c:555: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_test_processing_prepare_header: [tid=000] Frame tag processing_muse_table_BAD is not defined
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Saving table as "processing_muse_table_BAD_0001-00.fits"
> [ ERROR ] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Saving table failed: Null input data
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 129 OK at muse_test_processing.c:562: (CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 12 (Null input data) <=> 12 (Null input data).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_get_ncol:cpl_table.c:2838
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_get_nrow:cpl_table.c:2803
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [3/4] 'Null input data' (12) at _cpl_table_save_legacy:cpl_table.c:25201
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [4/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_save:cpl_table.c:29072
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 4 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_get_ncol:cpl_table.c:2838
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_get_nrow:cpl_table.c:2803
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [3/4] 'Null input data' (12) at _cpl_table_save_legacy:cpl_table.c:25201
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [4/4] 'Null input data' (12) at cpl_table_save:cpl_table.c:29072
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_header: [tid=000] Saving header as "processing_header-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 130 OK at muse_test_processing.c:568: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_table: [tid=000] Saving pixel table as "processing_pixel_table-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 131 OK at muse_test_processing.c:584: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_cube: [tid=000] Saving FITS cube as "processing_data_cube.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 132 OK at muse_test_processing.c:600: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_test_processing_prepare_header: [tid=000] Frame tag processing_data_cube_with_idp_BAD is not defined
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_sort_exposures: [tid=000] "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits" seems to contain merged data (no EXTNAME=CHANnn)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_processing_sort_exposures: [tid=000] Data from exposure  1 is contained in  0 IFUs/1 merged file
> [ DEBUG ] muse_idp_properties_collect: [tid=000] Collecting IDP data from exposure '/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits'
> [ DEBUG ] muse_idp_properties_collect: [tid=000] Keyword "INS.MODE" is missing in '/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits'!
> [ ERROR ] muse_idp_properties_collect: [tid=000] Cannot determine pixel scales of exposure '/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/raw.fits'
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 133 OK at muse_test_processing.c:607: (CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 10 (Data not found) <=> 10 (Data not found).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 10 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/10] 'Data not found: ESO OBS PROG ID' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_progid:muse_pfits.c:244
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [3/10] 'Data not found: ESO OBS ID' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_long:cpl_propertylist.c:2395
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [4/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_obsid:muse_pfits.c:280
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [5/10] 'Data not found: MJD-OBS' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [6/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_mjdobs:muse_pfits.c:709
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [7/10] 'Data not found: EXPTIME' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [8/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_exptime:muse_pfits.c:745
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [9/10] 'Data not found: ESO INS MODE' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [10/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_insmode:muse_pfits.c:450
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] Dumping all 10 error(s):
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [1/10] 'Data not found: ESO OBS PROG ID' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [2/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_progid:muse_pfits.c:244
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [3/10] 'Data not found: ESO OBS ID' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_long:cpl_propertylist.c:2395
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [4/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_obsid:muse_pfits.c:280
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [5/10] 'Data not found: MJD-OBS' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [6/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_mjdobs:muse_pfits.c:709
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [7/10] 'Data not found: EXPTIME' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [8/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_exptime:muse_pfits.c:745
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [9/10] 'Data not found: ESO INS MODE' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_string:cpl_propertylist.c:2739
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000]   [10/10] 'Data not found' (10) at muse_pfits_get_insmode:muse_pfits.c:450
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_save_mask: [tid=000] Saving mask as "processing_mask.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 134 OK at muse_test_processing.c:618: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_processing_load_mask: [tid=000] using mask "processing_mask.fits" (1 pixels)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 135 OK at muse_test_processing.c:626: (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0 () <=> 0 ().
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 136 OK at muse_test_processing.c:627: (mask) = 0x152ada0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 137 OK at muse_test_processing.c:628: (mask->header) = 0x1531390 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 138 OK at muse_test_processing.c:629: (mask->mask) = 0x154b068 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 139 OK at muse_test_processing.c:639: (cpl_frameset_get_size(aProcessing->outframes)) = 8; (8) = 8.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 140 OK at muse_test_processing.c:642: (frame) = 0x1545460 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 141 OK at muse_test_processing.c:644: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_muse_image-01.fits'; "processing_muse_image-01.fits" = 'processing_muse_image-01.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 142 OK at muse_test_processing.c:646: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 143 OK at muse_test_processing.c:647: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 144 OK at muse_test_processing.c:648: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 2; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_IMAGE) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 145 OK at muse_test_processing.c:649: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 146 OK at muse_test_processing.c:652: (frame) = 0x15475c0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 147 OK at muse_test_processing.c:654: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits'; "processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits" = 'processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 148 OK at muse_test_processing.c:656: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 149 OK at muse_test_processing.c:657: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 1; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_TEMPORARY) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 150 OK at muse_test_processing.c:658: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 2; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_IMAGE) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 151 OK at muse_test_processing.c:659: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 152 OK at muse_test_processing.c:662: (frame) = 0x1549978 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 153 OK at muse_test_processing.c:664: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_cpl_table-01.fits'; "processing_cpl_table-01.fits" = 'processing_cpl_table-01.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 154 OK at muse_test_processing.c:666: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 155 OK at muse_test_processing.c:667: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 156 OK at muse_test_processing.c:668: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 8; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_TABLE) = 8.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 157 OK at muse_test_processing.c:669: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 158 OK at muse_test_processing.c:672: (frame) = 0x15501e0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 159 OK at muse_test_processing.c:674: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_pixel_table-01.fits'; "processing_pixel_table-01.fits" = 'processing_pixel_table-01.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 160 OK at muse_test_processing.c:676: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 161 OK at muse_test_processing.c:677: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 162 OK at muse_test_processing.c:678: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 8; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_TABLE) = 8.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 163 OK at muse_test_processing.c:679: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 164 OK at muse_test_processing.c:682: (frame) = 0x1540290 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 165 OK at muse_test_processing.c:684: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_header-01.fits'; "processing_header-01.fits" = 'processing_header-01.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 166 OK at muse_test_processing.c:686: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 167 OK at muse_test_processing.c:687: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 168 OK at muse_test_processing.c:688: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 2; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_IMAGE) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 169 OK at muse_test_processing.c:689: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 170 OK at muse_test_processing.c:692: (frame) = 0x1548688 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 171 OK at muse_test_processing.c:694: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_data_cube.fits'; "processing_data_cube.fits" = 'processing_data_cube.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 172 OK at muse_test_processing.c:696: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 173 OK at muse_test_processing.c:697: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 174 OK at muse_test_processing.c:698: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 2; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_IMAGE) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 175 OK at muse_test_processing.c:699: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 176 OK at muse_test_processing.c:702: (frame) = 0x153d7d0 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 177 OK at muse_test_processing.c:704: cpl_frame_get_filename(frame) = 'processing_mask.fits'; "processing_mask.fits" = 'processing_mask.fits'.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 178 OK at muse_test_processing.c:705: (cpl_frame_get_group(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_GROUP_PRODUCT) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 179 OK at muse_test_processing.c:706: (cpl_frame_get_level(frame)) = 3; (CPL_FRAME_LEVEL_FINAL) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 180 OK at muse_test_processing.c:707: (cpl_frame_get_type(frame)) = 2; (CPL_FRAME_TYPE_IMAGE) = 2.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 181 OK at muse_test_processing.c:708: (access(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame), F_OK)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_muse_image-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 182 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_cpl_image_0001-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 183 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_cpl_table-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 184 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_muse_table-00.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 185 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_header-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 186 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_pixel_table-01.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 187 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_data_cube.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 188 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] deleting "processing_mask.fits"
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 189 OK at muse_test_processing.c:716: (remove(cpl_frame_get_filename(frame)) == 0) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 190 OK at muse_test_processing.c:726: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 191 OK at muse_test_processing.c:734: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: [tid=000] Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: [tid=000]   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_processing_new_frame:muse_processing.c:443
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 192 OK at muse_test_processing.c:737: (testframe) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_test_processing_prepare_header: [tid=000] Frame tag BAD_TAG is not defined
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 193 OK at muse_test_processing.c:741: (testframe) = 0x1547360 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 194 OK at muse_test_processing.c:742: (!cpl_propertylist_has(hdr, "MUSE PRIVATE SOMETHING")) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_processing_append_used: [tid=000] NULL processing struct!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 195 OK at muse_test_processing.c:746: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] muse_processing_check_input: [tid=000] NULL processing struct
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 196 OK at muse_test_processing.c:751: (muse_processing_check_input(NULL, 10) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_test_processing_compute: [tid=000] Test 197 OK at muse_test_processing.c:752: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: [tid=000] Test 198 OK at muse_test_processing.c:415: (retval) = 0; (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 199 failed at muse_test_processing.c:198: (nms) = 9; (4) = 4.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 200 failed at muse_test_processing.c:198: (nms) = 9; (4) = 4.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 201 failed at muse_test_processing.c:198: (nms) = 9; (4) = 4.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  1 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_01.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_01.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  2 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_02.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_02.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  3 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_03.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_03.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  4 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_04.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_04.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  5 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_05.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_05.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  7 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_07.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_07.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  8 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_08.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_08.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  9 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_09.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_09.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 10 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_10.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_10.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 11 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_11.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_11.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 13 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_13.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_13.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 14 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_14.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_14.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 15 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_15.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_15.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 16 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_16.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_16.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 17 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_17.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_17.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 19 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_19.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_19.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 20 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_20.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_20.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 21 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_21.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_21.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 22 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_22.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_22.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 23 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_23.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_23.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_24.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  1 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_01.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_01.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  2 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_02.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_02.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  3 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_03.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_03.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  4 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_04.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_04.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  5 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_05.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_05.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  7 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_07.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_07.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  8 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_08.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_08.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  9 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_09.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_09.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 10 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_10.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_10.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 11 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_11.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_11.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 13 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_13.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_13.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 14 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_14.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_14.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 15 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_15.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_15.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 16 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_16.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_16.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 17 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_17.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_17.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 19 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_19.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_19.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 20 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_20.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_20.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 21 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_21.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_21.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 22 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_22.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_22.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 23 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_23.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_23.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_24.fits"
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 202 failed at muse_test_processing.c:252: (cpl_table_get_nrow(table) == 3) = 0.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 204 OK at muse_test_processing.c:254: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 2) == 24) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 48 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/48] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/48] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 205 OK at muse_test_processing.c:255: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 3) == 24) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 96 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  1 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_01.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_01.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  2 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_02.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_02.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  3 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_03.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_03.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  4 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_04.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_04.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  5 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_05.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_05.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  7 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_07.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_07.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  8 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_08.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_08.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  9 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_09.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_09.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 10 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_10.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_10.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 11 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_11.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_11.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 14 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_14.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_14.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 15 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_15.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_15.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 16 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_16.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_16.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 17 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_17.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_17.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 19 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_19.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_19.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 21 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_21.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_21.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 22 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_22.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_22.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 23 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_23.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_23.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_24.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  1 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_01.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_01.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  2 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_02.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_02.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  3 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_03.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_03.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  4 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_04.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_04.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  5 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_05.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_05.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  7 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_07.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_07.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  8 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_08.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_08.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  9 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_09.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_09.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 10 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_10.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_10.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 11 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_11.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_11.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 14 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_14.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_14.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 15 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_15.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_15.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 16 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_16.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_16.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 17 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_17.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_17.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 19 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_19.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_19.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 21 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_21.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_21.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 22 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_22.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_22.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 23 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_23.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_23.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_24.fits"
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 206 failed at muse_test_processing.c:261: (cpl_table_get_nrow(table) == 3) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 76 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [77/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [78/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [79/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [80/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [81/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [82/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [83/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [84/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [85/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [86/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [87/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [88/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [89/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [90/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [91/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [92/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [93/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [94/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [95/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [96/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 207 OK at muse_test_processing.c:263: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 1) == 22) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 96 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/96] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/96] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 208 failed at muse_test_processing.c:264: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 2) == 22) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 124 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [125/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [126/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [127/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [128/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [129/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [130/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [131/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [132/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [133/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [134/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [135/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [136/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [137/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [138/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [139/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [140/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [141/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [142/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [143/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [144/144] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 209 failed at muse_test_processing.c:265: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 3) == 22) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 172 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [173/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [174/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [175/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [176/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [177/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [178/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [179/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [180/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [181/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [182/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [183/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [184/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [185/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [186/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [187/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [188/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [189/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [190/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [191/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [192/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  2 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_02.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_02.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  4 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_04.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_04.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  8 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_08.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_08.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 10 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_10.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_10.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 14 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_14.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_14.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 16 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_16.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_16.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 20 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_20.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_20.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 22 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_22.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_22.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_2_24.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  3 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_03.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_03.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  6 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_06.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_06.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU  9 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_09.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_09.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 12 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_12.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_12.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 15 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_15.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_15.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 18 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_18.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_18.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 21 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_21.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_21.fits"
> [WARNING] [tid=000] we already have IFU 24 of exposure 1 ("/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_1_24.fits")! Ignoring "/tmp/muse_test_processing_z2foM0/test_table_3_24.fits"
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 210 failed at muse_test_processing.c:271: (cpl_table_get_nrow(table) == 3) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 172 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [173/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [174/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [175/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [176/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [177/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [178/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [179/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [180/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [181/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [182/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [183/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [184/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [185/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [186/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [187/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [188/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [189/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [190/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [191/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [192/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 211 OK at muse_test_processing.c:272: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 1) == 24) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 192 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/192] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/192] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 212 failed at muse_test_processing.c:273: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 2) == 12) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 220 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [221/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [222/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [223/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [224/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [225/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [226/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [227/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [228/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [229/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [230/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [231/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [232/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [233/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [234/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [235/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [236/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [237/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [238/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [239/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [240/240] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Test 213 failed at muse_test_processing.c:274: (muse_test_processing_frames_sort_valid_ifus_in_exposure(table, 3) == 8) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to and during this test.
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] Lost 268 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 214 OK at muse_test_processing.c:424: (deinit_func != NULL) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 215 OK at muse_test_processing.c:426: (retval) = 0; (CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 216 OK at muse_test_processing.c:431: (remove(file1)) = 0 <=> 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 217 OK at muse_test_processing.c:433: (remove(file2)) = 0 <=> 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 218 OK at muse_test_processing.c:435: (remove(file3)) = 0 <=> 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 219 OK at muse_test_processing.c:437: (remove(file4)) = 0 <=> 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 220 OK at muse_test_processing.c:444: (retval) = 0; (0) = 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] User   time to test [s]: 4.44
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] System time to test [s]: 1.2
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Test 221 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Dumping all 288 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [1/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [2/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [3/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [4/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [5/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [6/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [7/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [8/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [9/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [10/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [11/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [12/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [13/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [14/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [15/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [16/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [17/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [18/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [19/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [20/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [21/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [22/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [23/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [24/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [25/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [26/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [27/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [28/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [29/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [30/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [31/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [32/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [33/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [34/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [35/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [36/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [37/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [38/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [39/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [40/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [41/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [42/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [43/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [44/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [45/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [46/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [47/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [48/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [49/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [50/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [51/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [52/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [53/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [54/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [55/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [56/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [57/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [58/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [59/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [60/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [61/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [62/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [63/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [64/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [65/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [66/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [67/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [68/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [69/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [70/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [71/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [72/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [73/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [74/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [75/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [76/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [77/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [78/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [79/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [80/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [81/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [82/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [83/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [84/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [85/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [86/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [87/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [88/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [89/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [90/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [91/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [92/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [93/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [94/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [95/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [96/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [97/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [98/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [99/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [100/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [101/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [102/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [103/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [104/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [105/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [106/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [107/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [108/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [109/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [110/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [111/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [112/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [113/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [114/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [115/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [116/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [117/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [118/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [119/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [120/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [121/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [122/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [123/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [124/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [125/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [126/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [127/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [128/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [129/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [130/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [131/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [132/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [133/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [134/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [135/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [136/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [137/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [138/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [139/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [140/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [141/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [142/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [143/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [144/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [145/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [146/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [147/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [148/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [149/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [150/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [151/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [152/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [153/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [154/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [155/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [156/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [157/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [158/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [159/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [160/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [161/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [162/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [163/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [164/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [165/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [166/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [167/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [168/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [169/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [170/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [171/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [172/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [173/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [174/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [175/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [176/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [177/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [178/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [179/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [180/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [181/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [182/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [183/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [184/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [185/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [186/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [187/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [188/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [189/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [190/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [191/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [192/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [193/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [194/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [195/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [196/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [197/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [198/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [199/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [200/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [201/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [202/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [203/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [204/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [205/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [206/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [207/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [208/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [209/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [210/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [211/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [212/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [213/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [214/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [215/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [216/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [217/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [218/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [219/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [220/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [221/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [222/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [223/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [224/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [225/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [226/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [227/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [228/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [229/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [230/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [231/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [232/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [233/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [234/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [235/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [236/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [237/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [238/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [239/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [240/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [241/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [242/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [243/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [244/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [245/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [246/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [247/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [248/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [249/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [250/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [251/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [252/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [253/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [254/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [255/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [256/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [257/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [258/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [259/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [260/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [261/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [262/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [263/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [264/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [265/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [266/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [267/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [268/288] 'The actual error was lost' (2) at ::0
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] Actual time to test [s]: 5.63538
> [ INFO  ] [tid=000] The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] The CPL errorstate was set by the unit test(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   Lost 268 CPL error(s)
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [269/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [270/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [271/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [272/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [273/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [274/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [275/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [276/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [277/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [278/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [279/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [280/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [281/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [282/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [283/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [284/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [285/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [286/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [287/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_column_is_invalid:cpl_column.c:3293
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000]   [288/288] 'Access beyond boundaries' (11) at cpl_table_is_valid:cpl_table.c:7275
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] 10 of 221 test(s) failed
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] This failure may indicate a bug in the tested code
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] You can contribute to the improvement of the software by emailing the logfile 'muse_test_processing.log' and the configure logfile 'config.log' to https://support.eso.org
> [ ERROR ] [tid=000] System specifics:
> CPL version: 7.3.2 (64-bit cpl_size)
> CFITSIO version: 4.3.1
> WCSLIB version: 8.2.2
> FFTW (normal precision) version: 3.3.10
> FFTW (single precision) version: 3.3.10
> CPL FLOP counting is unavailable, enable with -DCPL_ADD_FLOPS
> _OPENMP: 201511
> SIZEOF_SIZE_T is defined as 4
> OFF_T is defined as off_t
> This platform is not big-endian
> __STDC__: 1
> __STDC_VERSION__: 199901L
> __STDC_HOSTED__: 1
> __STDC_IEC_559__: 1
> __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__: 1
> __STRICT_ANSI__: 1
> gcc version (major number): 13
> gcc version (minor number): 2
> gcc version (patch level): 0
> Compiler version: 13.2.0
> __PIC__: 2
> __OPTIMIZE__: 1
> FAIL: muse_test_processing
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:44: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:45: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_BARY) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:47: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:48: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_HELIO) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:50: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:51: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_GEO) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:53: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:54: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:58: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_rvcorrect_select_type:muse_rvcorrect.c:86
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:61: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_UNKNOWN) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:63: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input: Unknown type of radial velocity correction requested: "geobla"' (14) at muse_rvcorrect_select_type:muse_rvcorrect.c:99
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:66: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_UNKNOWN) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:68: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input: Unknown type of radial velocity correction requested: "none_"' (14) at muse_rvcorrect_select_type:muse_rvcorrect.c:99
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:71: (type == MUSE_RVCORRECT_UNKNOWN) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for barycentric radial velocity of 6.49 km/s
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for barycentric radial velocity of -11.38 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:126: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:128: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - 6.49092037559768719746| = |6.49092 - 6.49092| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:130: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "bary")) = 0x9ccfb7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:132: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - -11.37728421731174321962| = |-11.3773 - -11.3773| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:134: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "bary")) = 0x9cd1a7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: pixel table already corrected: skipping radial velocity correction
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:143: (muse_rvcorrect(pt1, MUSE_RVCORRECT_HELIO) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:144: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - 6.49092037559768719746| = |6.49092 - 6.49092| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:148: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "bary")) = 0x9ccfb7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:153: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 0, NULL) - 4650.10067999176| = |4650.1 - 4650.1| = |-9.40543e-05| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:154: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 1, NULL) - 4800.10392773343| = |4800.1 - 4800.1| = |7.61728e-05| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:155: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 2, NULL) - 5555.12027469983| = |5555.12 - 5555.12| = |-0.000157512| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:156: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 3, NULL) - 7000.15156127791| = |7000.15 - 7000.15| = |-0.00019409| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:157: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 4, NULL) - 9300.20135998351| = |9300.2 - 9300.2| = |-0.000188109| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:159: |cpl_table_get(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 0, NULL) - 4649.82353338571| = |4649.82 - 4649.82| = |0.000197083| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:160: |cpl_table_get(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 1, NULL) - 4799.81784091428| = |4799.82 - 4799.82| = |3.01795e-05| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:161: |cpl_table_get(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 2, NULL) - 5554.78918880809| = |5554.79 - 5554.79| = |-0.000126308| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:162: |cpl_table_get(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 3, NULL) - 6999.73435133333| = |6999.73 - 6999.73| = |2.36667e-05| <= 0.0002 = 0.0002.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:164: |cpl_table_get(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 4, NULL) - 9299.64706677142| = |9299.65 - 9299.65| = |0.000394166| <= 0.0004 = 0.0004.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for heliocentric radial velocity of 6.49 km/s
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for heliocentric radial velocity of -11.37 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:174: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:175: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - 6.49438528031983164368| = |6.49439 - 6.49439| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:177: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "helio")) = 0x9cd1a7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:179: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - -11.37327183169344024805| = |-11.3733 - -11.3733| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:181: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "helio")) = 0x9ccfb7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for geocentric radial velocity of -0.21 km/s
> [ INFO  ] muse_rvcorrect: Correcting data for geocentric radial velocity of -0.25 km/s
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:188: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:189: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - -0.20908024205152309083| = |-0.20908 - -0.20908| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:191: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt1->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "geo")) = 0x9ccfb7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:193: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR) - -0.25217220106373228194| = |-0.252172 - -0.252172| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:195: (strstr(cpl_propertylist_get_comment(pt2->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_RVCORR), "geo")) = 0x9cd1a7 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:201: (muse_rvcorrect(pt1, MUSE_RVCORRECT_NONE) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:202: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:203: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 0, NULL) - lambda| = |4650.2 - 4650.2| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:210: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input: Unknown type of radial velocity correction, no correction performed!' (14) at muse_rvcorrect:muse_rvcorrect.c:164
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:213: |cpl_table_get(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_LAMBDA, 0, NULL) - lambda| = |4650.2 - 4650.2| = |0| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_rvcorrect.c:217: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(state) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_rvcorrect:muse_rvcorrect.c:133
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 49 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.00295138
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 49 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 703
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 127
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_rvcorrect
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: cpl_test_init_macro() was called with errno=2: No such file or directory (Unless you are debugging code prior to the cpl_init() call you can ignore this message)
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(cpl_size): 8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: sizeof(OFF_T)=8
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_init_macro: CPL = 7.3.2, CFITSIO = 4.3.1, WCSLIB, FFTW (normal precision) = 3.3.10, FFTW (single precision) = 3.3.10, OPENMP = 201511
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 1 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:260: (muse_xcombine_weights(NULL, MUSE_XCOMBINE_EXPTIME) == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:280
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 2 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:264: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_EXPTIME) == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:283
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: Unknown exposure weighting scheme (-1)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 3 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:270: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_EXPTIME - 1) == CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Unsupported mode' (16) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:292
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: Unknown exposure weighting scheme (4)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 4 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:273: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_NONE + 1) == CPL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Unsupported mode' (16) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:292
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 5 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:279: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_EXPTIME) == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:302
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 6 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:284: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:302
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using HEADER & EXPTIME.
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: weight header (ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT) does not exist!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: weight header (ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT) does not exist!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 2.000000 (EXPTIME = 2.000000)
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: weight header (ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT) does not exist!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 3.000000 (EXPTIME = 3.000000)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 7 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:291: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 3 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/3] 'Data not found: ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [2/3] 'Data not found: ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [3/3] 'Data not found: ESO DRS MUSE WEIGHT' (10) at cpl_propertylist_get_double:cpl_propertylist.c:2656
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using HEADER & EXPTIME.
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: weight from header is non-positive (-1.000000e+00)!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 2.000000 (EXPTIME = 2.000000, HEADER = 1.000)
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: weight from header is non-positive (-5.000000e+00)!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 3.000000 (EXPTIME = 3.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 8 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:299: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && rc == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables, not weighting them
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 9 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:310: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_NONE) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 10 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:311: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 11 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:312: (!cpl_table_has_column(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 12 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:313: (!cpl_table_has_column(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 13 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:314: (!cpl_table_has_column(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using HEADER & EXPTIME.
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000, HEADER = 1.000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 2.000000, HEADER = 0.500)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 6.000000 (EXPTIME = 3.000000, HEADER = 2.000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 14 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:319: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_HEADER) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 15 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:320: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 16 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:321: (cpl_table_has_column(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 17 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:322: (cpl_table_has_column(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 18 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:323: (cpl_table_has_column(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 19 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:324: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 20 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:325: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 0.5 * 2.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 21 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:326: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 2. * 3.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME.
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 2.000000 (EXPTIME = 2.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 3.000000 (EXPTIME = 3.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 22 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:334: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_EXPTIME) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 23 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:335: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 24 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:336: (cpl_table_has_column(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 25 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:337: (cpl_table_has_column(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 26 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:338: (cpl_table_has_column(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 27 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:339: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 28 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:340: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 2.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 29 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:341: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 3.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME & FWHM (using DIMM measurements)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000, FWHM = 1.00)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 2.000000 (EXPTIME = 2.000000, FWHM = 1.00)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 3.000000 (EXPTIME = 3.000000, FWHM = 1.00)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 30 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:354: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 31 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:355: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 32 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:356: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 33 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:357: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 2.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 34 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:358: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 3.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME & FWHM (using DIMM measurements)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000, FWHM = 1.00)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.250000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000, FWHM = 0.80)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 2.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000, FWHM = 0.50)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 35 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:372: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 36 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:373: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 37 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:374: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 38 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:375: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1./0.8) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 39 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:376: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1./0.5) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: 3 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME.
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: (FWHM-based weighting was requested but cannot be carried due to incomplete FITS headers in some exposures.)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 1.000000)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 40 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:381: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: missing FITS headers for FWHM-based exposure weighting' (10) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:335
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 41 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:383: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: missing FITS headers for FWHM-based exposure weighting' (10) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:335
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 42 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:386: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 43 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:387: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 44 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:388: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) == 1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 45 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:393: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_xcombine_tables:muse_xcombine.c:528
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 46 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:399: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_xcombine_tables:muse_xcombine.c:531
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 47 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:407: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Input data do not match' (13) at muse_xcombine_tables:muse_xcombine.c:532
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 48 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:410: (ptcomb) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-01T10:00:01.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000010/-0.000100 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Exposure 2 was not projected to native spherical coordinates, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Exposure 3 was not projected to native spherical coordinates, skipping this one!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.0018301s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 49 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:420: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 50 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:421: (ptcomb) = 0x1919090 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 51 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:423: (muse_pixtable_get_nrow(ptcomb) == 10) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 52 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:424: (cpl_propertylist_get_int(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_COMBINED) == 1) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-01T10:00:01.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000010/-0.000100 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-02T10:00:02.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000020/-0.000200 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,-0.4 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-03T10:00:03.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000030/-0.000300 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.1,-0.7 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00443602s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 53 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:443: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 54 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:444: (ptcomb) = 0x190cb58 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 55 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:447: (muse_pixtable_get_nrow(ptcomb) == 30) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 56 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:449: (cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT) == 2.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 57 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:450: |cpl_table_get_column_stdev(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT) - 0.830454799| = |0.830455 - 0.830455| = |-4.626e-10| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 58 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:454: (cpl_propertylist_get_int(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_PT_COMBINED) == 3) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 2 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-02T10:00:02.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000020/-0.000200 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-03T10:00:03.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000030/-0.000300 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,-0.4 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 2 tables took 0.00283337s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 59 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:465: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 60 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:466: (ptcomb) = 0x1908628 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 61 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:469: (muse_pixtable_get_nrow(ptcomb) == 20) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 62 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:471: (!cpl_table_has_column(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 63 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:474: (cpl_propertylist_get_size(ptcomb->header)) = 0; (0) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-01T10:00:01.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 1: 0.000000e+00/0.000000e+00 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 1 by 1.5.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000000/0.000000 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-02T10:00:02.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 2: 1.000000e-05/2.000000e-05 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 2 by 2.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=-0.000010/-0.000020 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): -0.0,-0.1 arcsec (corrected offset)
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-03T10:00:03.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 3: -1.000000e-05/-2.000000e-05 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 3 by -2.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=0.000010/0.000020 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,0.1 arcsec (corrected offset)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00482464s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 64 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:499: (ptcomb) = 0x1908628 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 65 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:502: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 0, NULL) - 0.| = |2.48078e-15 - 0| = |2.48078e-15| <= 4.44089e-15 = 20.* DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 66 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:503: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 0, NULL) - 0.| = |-2.48078e-15 - 0| = |-2.48078e-15| <= 4.44089e-15 = 20.* DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 67 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:504: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 1, NULL) - -1e-5| = |-1e-05 - -1e-05| = |2.52621e-13| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 68 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:505: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 1, NULL) - -2e-5| = |-2e-05 - -2e-05| = |5.05242e-13| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 69 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:506: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 2, NULL) - 1e-5| = |1e-05 - 1e-05| = |-2.52621e-13| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 70 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:507: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 2, NULL) - 2e-5| = |2e-05 - 2e-05| = |-5.05242e-13| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 71 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:508: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 0, NULL) = 1.5 = 1.5. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 72 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:509: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 0, NULL) = 1.125 = 1.125. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 73 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:510: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 1, NULL) = 4 = 4.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 74 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:511: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 1, NULL) = 4 = 4.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 75 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:512: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 2, NULL) = -6 = -6.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 76 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:513: cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 2, NULL) = 6 = 6.. (Tolerance DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16).
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 77 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:517: (cpl_propertylist_get_size(ptcomb->header)) = 9; (9) = 9.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 78 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:520: (cpl_propertylist_get_size(head)) = 3; (3) = 3.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.000000 deg field rotation): -5.555556e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.555556e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-01T10:00:01.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 1: 0.000000e+00/0.000000e+00 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 1 by 1.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-02T10:00:02.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 2: 1.000000e-04/-1.000000e-05 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 2 by 0.995.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=179.999900/-74.999990 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): -0.1,0.0 arcsec (corrected offset)
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-03T10:00:03.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Applying coordinate offsets to exposure 3: -1.000000e-04/1.000000e-05 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Scaling flux of exposure 3 by 1.15.
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000100/-75.000010 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.1,-0.0 arcsec (corrected offset)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.0048151s (wall-clock) and 0.02s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 79 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:555: (ptcomb) = 0x1914c10 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 80 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:559: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 0, NULL) - 180.-crval1| = |9.585e-15 - 0| = |9.585e-15| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 81 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:560: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 0, NULL) - -75.-crval2| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 82 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:561: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 1, NULL) - 179.9999-crval1| = |-0.0001 - -0.0001| = |2.52953e-12| <= 4.44089e-12 = 2e4*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 83 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:562: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 1, NULL) - -74.99999-crval2| = |1e-05 - 1e-05| = |-2.55795e-13| <= 4.44089e-12 = 2e4*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 84 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:563: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS, 2, NULL) - 180.0001-crval1| = |0.0001 - 0.0001| = |-2.52953e-12| <= 4.44089e-12 = 2e4*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 85 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:564: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS, 2, NULL) - -75.00001-crval2| = |-1e-05 - -1e-05| = |2.55795e-13| <= 4.44089e-12 = 2e4*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 86 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:565: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 87 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:566: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 0, NULL) - 0.5| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 88 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:567: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 1, NULL) - 1.99| = |1.99 - 1.99| = |9.53674e-09| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 89 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:568: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 1, NULL) - 0.990025| = |0.990025 - 0.990025| = |-1.61171e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 90 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:569: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 2, NULL) - 3.45| = |3.45 - 3.45| = |4.76837e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 91 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:570: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 2, NULL) - 1.98375| = |1.98375 - 1.98375| = |-1.43051e-08| <= 1.19209e-07 = FLT_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-01T10:00:01.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-02T10:00:02.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,0.0 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2014-08-03T10:00:03.000) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,0.0 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00456667s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 92 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:591: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS) - 180.-crval1| = |9.585e-15 - 0| = |9.585e-15| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 93 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:592: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS) - -75.-crval2| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 94 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:593: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA) - 2.| = |2 - 2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 95 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:594: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 96 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:595: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 97 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:596: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 0, NULL) - 0.5| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 98 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:597: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 1, NULL) - 2.| = |2 - 2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 99 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:598: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 1, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 100 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:599: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 2, NULL) - 3.| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 101 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:600: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 2, NULL) - 1.5| = |1.5 - 1.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 102 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:601: (ptcomb) = 0x1914c10 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 103 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:605: (cpl_propertylist_get_size(ptcomb->header)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 104 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:608: (cpl_propertylist_get_size(head)) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: RA_OFFSET for 2014-08-01T10:00:01.000 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 3 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Could not compute the mean RTC Strehl ratio for the combined exposure!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: DEC_OFFSET for 2014-08-02T10:00:02.000 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,0.0 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: RA_OFFSET for 2014-08-03T10:00:03.000 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: DEC_OFFSET for 2014-08-03T10:00:03.000 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=180.000000/-75.000000 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.0,0.0 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00464797s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 105 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:627: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_XPOS) - 180.-crval1| = |9.585e-15 - 0| = |9.585e-15| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 106 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:628: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_YPOS) - -75.-crval2| = |0 - 0| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 107 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:629: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA) - 2.| = |2 - 2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 108 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:630: |cpl_table_get_column_mean(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100.*DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 109 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:631: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 110 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:632: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 0, NULL) - 0.5| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 111 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:633: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 1, NULL) - 2.| = |2 - 2| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 112 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:634: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 1, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 113 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:635: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_DATA, 2, NULL) - 3.| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 114 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:636: |cpl_table_get_float(ptcomb->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_STAT, 2, NULL) - 1.5| = |1.5 - 1.5| = |0| <= 2.22045e-16 = DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 115 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:637: (ptcomb) = 0x1908628 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.500000 deg field rotation): -5.555344e-05 4.848075e-07 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -0.500000 / -0.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-90.500000 deg field rotation): 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -90.500000 / -90.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-180.500000 deg field rotation): 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 -4.848075e-07 -5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 179.500000 / 179.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-270.500000 deg field rotation): -4.848075e-07 -5.555344e-05 -5.555344e-05 4.848075e-07 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 89.500000 / 89.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 4 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME & FWHM (using auto-guider info)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.76 +/- 0.10)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 0.955318 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.79 +/- 0.07)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 0.915009 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.83 +/- 0.07)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 4, weight = 0.899289 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.84 +/- 0.10)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 116 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:650: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 117 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:651: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 118 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:653: |cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 119 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:654: |cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.9553| = |0.955318 - 0.9553| = |1.77953e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 120 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:655: |cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.9150| = |0.915009 - 0.915| = |9.02176e-06| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 121 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:656: |cpl_table_get_float(pt4->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.8993| = |0.899289 - 0.8993| = |-1.09284e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 4 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME & FWHM (using active optics image analysis)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.80)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.066667 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.75)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 0.919540 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.87)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 4, weight = 0.784314 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 1.02)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 122 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:660: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 123 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:661: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 124 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:662: |cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 125 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:663: |cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 1.0667| = |1.06667 - 1.0667| = |-3.32777e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 126 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:664: |cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.9195| = |0.91954 - 0.9195| = |4.02265e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 127 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:665: |cpl_table_get_float(pt4->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.7843| = |0.784314 - 0.7843| = |1.37383e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: 4 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME.
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_weights: (FWHM-based weighting was requested but cannot be carried due to incomplete FITS headers in some exposures.)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 4, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000)
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 128 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:671: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1. CPL error(s) set during this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: missing FITS headers for FWHM-based exposure weighting' (10) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:335
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 129 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:672: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Data not found: missing FITS headers for FWHM-based exposure weighting' (10) at muse_xcombine_weights:muse_xcombine.c:335
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 130 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:675: (cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL)) = 1; (1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 131 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:676: (cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL)) = 1; (1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 132 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:677: (cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL)) = 1; (1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 133 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:678: (cpl_table_get_float(pt4->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL)) = 1; (1.) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_weights: 4 tables to be weighted using EXPTIME & FWHM (using DIMM measurements)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 1, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.90)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 2, weight = 1.000000 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.90)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 3, weight = 0.972973 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.93)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_weights: Table 4, weight = 0.927835 (EXPTIME = 900.000000, FWHM = 0.97)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 134 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:684: (muse_xcombine_weights(pts, MUSE_XCOMBINE_FWHM) == CPL_ERROR_NONE) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 135 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:685: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 136 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:686: |cpl_table_get_float(pt1->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 137 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:687: |cpl_table_get_float(pt2->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 1.| = |1 - 1| = |0| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 138 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:688: |cpl_table_get_float(pt3->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.9730| = |0.972973 - 0.973| = |-2.70109e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 139 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:689: |cpl_table_get_float(pt4->table, MUSE_PIXTABLE_WEIGHT, 0, NULL) - 0.9278| = |0.927835 - 0.9278| = |3.50472e-05| <= 0.001 = 0.001.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.500000 deg field rotation): -5.555344e-05 4.848075e-07 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -0.500000 / -0.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-90.500000 deg field rotation): 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -90.500000 / -90.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-180.500000 deg field rotation): 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 -4.848075e-07 -5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 179.500000 / 179.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:04:51.493) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141922/2.066830 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:21:42.270) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.142072/2.066450 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.5,-1.4 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:38:33.470) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141952/2.066680 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.1,-0.5 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00531864s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 140 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:710: (ptcomb) = 0x1912960 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 141 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:711: (cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) && cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 142 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:715: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) - 1.9| = |1.9 - 1.9| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 143 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:717: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR) - 0.091287| = |0.0912871 - 0.091287| = |9.29175e-08| <= 1e-06 = 1.e-6.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.500000 deg field rotation): -5.555344e-05 4.848075e-07 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -0.500000 / -0.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-90.500000 deg field rotation): 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -90.500000 / -90.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-180.500000 deg field rotation): 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 -4.848075e-07 -5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 179.500000 / 179.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:04:51.493) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141922/2.066830 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:21:42.270) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.142072/2.066450 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.5,-1.4 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:38:33.470) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141952/2.066680 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.1,-0.5 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00551057s (wall-clock) and 0.02s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 144 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:733: (ptcomb) = 0x1912960 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 145 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:734: (cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) && cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 146 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:737: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) - 1.4| = |1.4 - 1.4| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 147 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:739: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR) - 0.223607| = |0.223607 - 0.223607| = |-2.0225e-07| <= 1e-06 = 1.e-6.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-0.500000 deg field rotation): -5.555344e-05 4.848075e-07 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -0.500000 / -0.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-90.500000 deg field rotation): 4.848075e-07 5.555344e-05 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles -90.500000 / -90.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: WCS solution: scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 0.000000 / 0.000000 deg
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_apply_cd: Updated CD matrix (-180.500000 deg field rotation): 5.555344e-05 -4.848075e-07 -4.848075e-07 -5.555344e-05 (scales 0.200000 / 0.200000 arcsec, angles 179.500000 / 179.500000 deg)
> [ DEBUG ] muse_wcs_project_tan: Using reference pixel 0.000000/0.000000 (limits in pixel table 0.000000..0.000000/0.000000..0.000000, WCS correction 0.000000,0.000000)
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: 3 tables to be combined
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 1 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:04:51.493) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141922/2.066830 deg
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 1 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_get_mean_strehl: Exposure 2 does not provide RTC Strehl measurements, skipping this one!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 2 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:21:42.270) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.142072/2.066450 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 2 (relative to exp. 1): 0.5,-1.4 arcsec
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: Data of exposure 3 (DATE-OBS=2015-04-15T00:38:33.470) was not radial-velocity corrected!
> [ INFO  ] muse_wcs_position_celestial: Adapting WCS to RA/DEC=150.141952/2.066680 deg
> [ INFO  ] muse_xcombine_tables: Distance of exposure 3 (relative to exp. 1): 0.1,-0.5 arcsec
> [ DEBUG ] muse_xcombine_tables: Combining 3 tables took 0.00559044s (wall-clock) and 0s (CPU)
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 148 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:752: (ptcomb) = 0x1912960 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 149 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:753: (cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) && cpl_propertylist_has(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 150 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:756: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHL) - 3.| = |3 - 3| = |0| <= 2.22045e-14 = 100. * DBL_EPSILON.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 151 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:758: |cpl_propertylist_get_double(ptcomb->header, MUSE_HDR_RTC_STREHLERR) - 0.5| = |0.5 - 0.5| = |0| <= 1e-06 = 1.e-6.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 152 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:772: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 153 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:773: (off) = 0x1928558 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 154 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:774: (off[0]) = 0; (1e-3) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 155 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:775: (off[1]) = 0; (0.9e-3) = 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 156 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:776: (off[2]) = -99; (-99.9) = -99.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 157 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:779: (off) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 158 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:780: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 159 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:784: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_xcombine_find_offsets:muse_xcombine.c:428
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 160 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:787: (off) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 161 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:789: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_NULL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Null input data' (12) at muse_xcombine_find_offsets:muse_xcombine.c:428
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 162 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:792: (off) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 163 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:795: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_xcombine_find_offsets:muse_xcombine.c:431
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 164 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:798: (off) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] main: Test 165 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:800: (!cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es) && cpl_error_get_code() == CPL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) = 1. CPL error(s) set prior to this test.
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info: Dumping all 1 error(s):
> [ INFO  ] cpl_errorstate_dump_info:   [1/1] 'Illegal input' (14) at muse_xcombine_find_offsets:muse_xcombine.c:431
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 166 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:803: (off) = (nil) == NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: RA_OFFSET for 2015-08-10T17:42:12.999 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [WARNING] muse_xcombine_tables: DEC_OFFSET for 2015-08-10T17:42:12.999 could not be read from OFFSET_LIST!
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 167 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:810: (off) = 0x1928558 != NULL.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 168 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:811: (cpl_errorstate_is_equal(es)) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 169 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:812: (isnan(off[0])) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 170 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:813: (isnan(off[1])) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] main: Test 171 OK at muse_test_xcombine.c:814: (isnan(off[2])) = 1.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Sizeof(clock_t): 4
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK): 100
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: User   time to test [s]: 0.08
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: System time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child   user time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Child system time to test [s]: 0
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_test_end: Test 172 OK at cpl_test.c:2753: (cpl_io_fits_end()) = 0 <=> 0.
> [ DEBUG ] cpl_errorstate_dump_debug: No error(s) to dump
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: Actual time to test [s]: 0.056855
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: The computational speed during this test [MFLOP/s]: 0
> [ INFO  ] cpl_test_end: All 172 test(s) succeeded
> #----- Memory Diagnostics -----
> Total number of allocations (approximate): 40051
> Maximum number of pointers (approximate): 576
> #----- Memory Currently Allocated -----
> Number of active pointers:    0
> PASS: muse_test_xcombine
> ========================================
> 1 of 11 tests failed
> Please report to https://support.eso.org
> ========================================
> make[5]: *** [Makefile:1008: check-TESTS] Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests'
> make[4]: *** [Makefile:1134: check-am] Error 2
> make[4]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests'
> make[3]: *** [Makefile:1136: check] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/tests'
> make[2]: *** [Makefile:549: check-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check "TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j4 --verbose" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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