Call for activities - MiniDebConf Curitiba 2018

Samuel Henrique samueloph at
Sat Dec 16 21:25:38 UTC 2017

The call for activities for MiniDebConf Curitiba 2018 is open.

##About MiniDebConf Curitiba 2018

MiniDebConf is the Brazilian's Debian community meeting. The 2018 edition
will happen at the main Campus of *The Federal University of Technology -
Paraná (UTFPR- Curitiba)*, between 11 and 14th April of 2018. During 11 and
12th April there will be a MiniDebCamp, where we will focus on contributing
to the Debian Project, thus not having any talks or activities of that
kind. DUring 13 and 14th we will have MiniDebConf, with talks, BoFs,
workshops, with practical activities running in parallel.

More info at:

## Topics

Pretty much any free software topic is withing event's scope. Although
there will be given priority to Debian related topics, and withing this
group, priority will be given to the ones related to contributing to

## Diversity

MiniDebConf is an event compromised with diversity. We'd like *a lot* to
receive activities proposals from people which are part of
under-represented groups on the free software community which would like to
talk about Debian related things. If you're part of one of these groups,
send us your proposal. If you know someone from any of these groups,
encourage that person to send us a proposal.

If you'd like to talk about Debian but you're not sure about what, contact
us and we may help you.

## Types of activities

You can send proposal for 4 kinds of activities

* Lightning talk (5 minutes)
* BoF
* Talk
* Workshop (3 hours)

You can chose the duration of the talks and BoFs

* 30 minutes
* 1 hour
* 1 hour e 30 minutes
* 2 hours

## Dates

* Proposal submission deadline : 31th January 2018.
* Announcing of the selected proposals for the proponents : 11th February

## Submission

You can send a proposal using the form at:


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>
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