Fwd: Debian Project Leader Election 2013 Results

Jack Jr cska1911 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 18:40:14 UTC 2013

Fumaça branca... e Graças a Deus não é um argentino...

Jack Pogorelsky Junior
*Eng° Mecânico (CREA-RS 136845)
Tel: +55 (51) 8124-8132
E-mail: jack at sulmail.com <mailto:jack at sulmail.com>

Em 14-04-2013 08:42, Albino B Neto escreveu:
> [Encaminhando]
> Parabéns ao Lucas Nussbaum (@lnussbaum) ! :-)
> http://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2013/results.txt
>      Albino
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Debian Project Secretary - Kurt Roeckx <secretary at debian.org>
> Date: 2013/4/14
> Subject: Debian Project Leader Election 2013 Results
> To: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org
> Cc: debian-vote at lists.debian.org, debian-project at lists.debian.org
> Hi,
> The winner of the election is Lucas Nussbaum.
> His term will start on April 17th, 2013.
> The details of the results shall soon be available at:
> http://vote.debian.org/2013/vote_001
> In the mean time the results are also available at:
> http://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2013/results.txt
> http://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2013/results.png
> The tally sheet is at:
> http://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2013/tally.txt
> The list of people voting is at:
> http://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2013/voters.txt
> Stats for the DPL votes:
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> |      |  Num |        | Valid | Unique | Rejects |      % |  Multiple |
> | Year |  DDs | Quorum | Votes | Voters |         | Voting | of Quorum |
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> | 1999 |  347 | 27.942 |       |    208 |         | 59.942 |   7.44399 |
> | 2000 |  347 | 27.942 |       |    216 |         | 62.248 |   7.73030 |
> | 2001 |   ?? |     ?? |       |    311 |         |        |           |
> | 2002 |  939 | 45.965 |   509 |    475 |     122 | 50.586 |  10.33395 |
> | 2003 |  831 | 43.241 |   510 |    488 |     200 | 58.724 |  11.28559 |
> | 2004 |  908 | 45.200 |   506 |    482 |      52 | 53.084 |  10.66372 |
> | 2005 |  965 | 46.597 |   531 |    504 |      69 | 52.228 |  10.81615 |
> | 2006 |  972 | 46.765 |   436 |    421 |      41 | 43.313 |   9.00246 |
> | 2007 | 1036 | 48.280 |   521 |    482 |     267 | 46.525 |   9.98343 |
> | 2008 | 1075 | 49.181 |   425 |    401 |      35 | 37.302 |   8.15356 |
> | 2009 | 1013 | 47.741 |   366 |    361 |      43 | 35.636 |   7.56155 |
> | 2010 |  886 | 44.648 |   459 |    436 |      88 | 49.210 |   9.76513 |
> | 2011 |  911 | 45.274 |   402 |    392 |      93 | 43.030 |   8.65836 |
> | 2012 |  948 | 46.184 |   436 |    403 |      72 | 42.511 |   8.72589 |
> | 2013 |  988 | 47.149 |   402 |    390 |      73 | 39.474 |   8.27170 |
> |------+------+--------+-------+--------+---------+--------+-----------|
> Kurt Roeckx
> Debian Project Secretary
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