Debian-BR-GUD-CE Call Request

Margaret Torres margaret.torres at
Tue Sep 15 19:57:41 UTC 2015




We maintain the newly updated Electronics List with complete contact


We wanted to check if you would be interested in it as Electronics are one
of your major targets, this is purely a limited period scheme. 


Please let me know and I shall get back to you with counts, list details and
a sample file for your review. 


Note: We also maintain other industry lists


if you are not interested in the Electronics  List send us your target
requirements details like target industry:________  target geography:_______
target job titles:________ so that we can send you the counts and few
samples at no cost.



Await your response.


Best Regards,


Margaret Torres  | Business Developer

margaret.torres at  l Ph : (302)752-4265)


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