Debian-BR-GUD-CE List of Contacts

Will Ambrose willambrose.wb at
Mon Aug 14 14:37:41 UTC 2017

Hi – Good day to you,

I am writing this email to check if you would be interested to purchase any
of the following verified direct business email databases at this time for
your upcoming campaigns.

*Own the data in excel file for unlimited usages:*

1. Healthcare Industry: -Hospitals, Clinics, Physicians and Doctors,
Nurses, Specialists etc,
2. Technology Users: - SAP, MS Users, Oracle, ERP, CRM, Sage, Accounting
Software's, etc,
3. Information Technology:-Computer Hardware, Software, and IT Resellers
(Value Added Resellers), etc,
4. Education Industry: - Schools, College, University, Teachers, K-12
education etc.
5. Automotive Industry: - Automobile dealers, New & Used Car Dealers, Used
Car Dealers etc,
6. Construction:- Real estate, Architectural firms, Power and Energy,
Electrical, Transportation etc.
7. Finance & Banking:- Insurance Agents, Banks, Financial Services, Credit
Agency, Mortgage Bankers, etc,
8. Manufacturing Industry:-Food, Kindred Products, Textile, Apparel,
Furniture, Fixtures, etc
9. CRM users list -MS Dynamic CRM, MS Exchange Server, Siebel, SAP CRM,
Sales force, IBM Lotus, Goldmine, Sage Saleslogix etc.
10. Business Intelligence, Networking software, IT security software,
Database application users list
11. Microsoft Customers/partners list, IBM Customers/partners List, Oracle
Customers/partners List, SAP Customers/partners List:
12. All C-level executives List - CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CMO, CISO, CSO, COO,
CNO etc,
13. HR Professionals List - VP of HR, HR Director & HR Manager etc
14. Marketing Professionals Lists - CMO, VP of Marketing, Director of
Marketing, Marketing Manager etc.,
15. IT Executives List - CIO, CTO, CISO, IT-VP, IT-Director, IT Manager,
MIS Manager etc,

*Information fields:* name, title, email, phone, fax, address and company

*Kindly revert with your target criteria that you're targeting to reach so
that we can get back to you with the total no of records, pricing info and
more. *


*Will Ambrose *| Business Consultant
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