[Debian-BR-GUD-RS] [HK] Remove China’s Trade Privileges to Stop Funding Communist Abuses

Kong Zhu elemcuapxuten em gmail.com
Terça Janeiro 7 11:06:49 GMT 2025


I hope this mail finds you well.

A senior Republican congressman, representing New Jersey has revived a bill
intended to strip the regime of its trade privileges in light of Beijing’s
“systematic economic espionage against the United States and egregious
human rights abuses.”

Fifty thousand to 100,000 people — victims — every year who are killed for
their organs, the majority of those killed for their organs are believed to
be practitioners of Falun Gong.

America should never let genocide and slave labor become a ‘permanent’ or
‘normal’ part of U.S. trade and it’s time we stopped overlooking widespread
human rights abuses as just the ‘cost of doing business’ in Communist

Please find enclosed the full article in a PDF file or refer to the link
below for more details:

👉 *Remove China’s Trade Privileges to Stop Funding Communist Impositions*

All the best,

PS: End the Evil Chinese Communist Party! *Sign This Petition*


*Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong is a meditation practice consisting
of 5 gentle-moving exercises (one of which is a meditation), and guiding
principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. The practice was
introduced to the public in 1999 by Mr Li Hongzhi. Since its founding,
Falun Dafa has spread to more than 100 countries around the world.*

Official website <https://tnews.day/official-website> | Try Falun Gong Today
<https://tnews.day/try-falungong-today> | The Persecution of Falun Gong
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