[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/HowTo/Administration" by WolfgangSchweer

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/HowTo/Administration" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

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  Running Java applets in the browser are supported out of the box by the OpenJDK Java runtime.
- == Group Customisation Example with GOsa² ==
- In this example we want to create users in year groups, with common home directories for each group (home0/2014, home0/2015, etc.) We want to create the users by csv import.
- ''(as root on Tjener) ''
-   * Make the necessary year group directories 
- mkdir /skole/tjener/home0/2014
- ''(as superuser in Gosa)''
-   * Department
- Main menu: goto 'Directory structure', click the 'Students' department. The 'Base' field should show '/Students'.
- From the drop box 'Actions' choose 'Create'/'Department'.
- Fill in values for Name (2014) and Description fields (students graduating in 2014), leave the Base field as is (should be '/Students'). Save it clicking 'Ok'.
- Now the new department (2014) should show up below  /Students. Click it.
-   * Group
- Choose 'Groups' from the main menu; 'Actions'/Create/Group.
- Enter group name (leave 'Base' as is, should be /Students/2014) and click the check box left of 'Samba group'. 'Ok' to save it.
-   * Template
- Choose 'users' from the main menu. Change to 'Students' in the Base
- field. An Entry {{{'NewStudent'}}} should show up, click it. This is the
- 'students' template, not a real user. As you'll have to create such a
- template (to be able to use csv import for your structure) based on this
- one, notice all entries showing up in the Generic, POSIX and Samba tabs,
- maybe take screenshots.
- Now change to /Students/2014 in the Base field; choose
- Create/Template and start to fill in your desired values, first the
- Generic tab (add your new 2014 group under Group Membership, too), then add POSIX and Samba account.
-    * Import users
- Choose your new template when doing csv import; testing it with a few users recommended.
- == Creating folders in the home directories of all users ==
- With this script the administrator can create a folder in each user's home directory and set access permissions and ownership.
- In the example shown below with group=teachers and permissions=2770 a user can hand in an assignment by saving the file to the folder "assignments" where teachers are given write access to be able to make comments.
- {{{
-  #!/bin/bash
-  home_path="/skole/tjener/home0"
-  shared_folder="assignments"
-  permissions="2770"
-  created_dir=0
-  for home in $(ls $home_path); do
-     if [ ! -d "$home_path/$home/$shared_folder" ]; then
-         mkdir $home_path/$home/$shared_folder
-         chmod $permissions $home_path/$home/$shared_folder
-         #set the right owner and group
-         #"username" = "group name" = "folder name"
-   	user=$home
-         group=teachers
-         chown $user:$group $home_path/$home/$shared_folder
-         ((created_dir+=1))
-     else
-         echo -e "the folder $home_path/$home/$shared_folder already exists.\n"
-     fi
-  done
-  echo "$created_dir folders have been created"
- }}}
- == Easy access to USB drives and CDROMs/DVDs ==
- When users insert a USB drive or a DVD / CDROM into a (diskless) workstation, a popup window appears asking what to do with it, just like in any other normal installation.
- When users insert a USB drive or a DVD / CDROM into a thin client there is only a notify-window showing up for a few seconds. The media is automatically mounted and it is possible to access it browsing to the /media/$user folder. This is quite difficult for many non experienced users.
- It is possible to have the default KDE file manager Dolphin showing up if KDE (or LDXE, if installed in parallel to KDE) is in use as desktop environment. To configure this, simply execute {{{/usr/share/debian-edu-config/ltspfs-mounter-kde enable}}} on the terminal server. (When using Gnome, device icons will be placed on the desktop allowing easy access). 
- In addition the following script could be used to create the symlink "media" for all users in their home folder for easy access to USB drives, CDROM / DVD or whatever media is connected to the thin client. This might come in handy if users want to edit files directly on their plugged in media.
- {{{
-  #!/bin/bash
-  home_path="/skole/tjener/home0"
-  shared_folder="media"
-  permissions="775"
-  created_dir=0;
-  for home in $(ls $home_path); do
-     if [ ! -d "$home_path/$home/$shared_folder" ]; then
-         ln -s /media/$home $home_path/$home/$shared_folder
-         ((created_dir+=1))
-     else
-         echo -e "the folder $home_path/$home/$shared_folder already exists.\n"
-     fi
-  done
-  echo "$created_dir folders has been created"
- }}}
- === A warning about removable media on LTSP servers ===
- /!\ Warning: When inserted into an LTSP server USB drives and other removable media cause
- popup messages on remote LTSP clients.
- If remote users acknowledge the popup or use pmount from the console, they can even mount the removable devices and access the files.
- This is being tracked as [[http://bugs.skolelinux.org/1376|Debian Edu bug #1376]].
  == Automatic cleanup of leftover processes ==

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