[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/AppendixC" by David Prévot
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Thu Feb 14 02:56:04 UTC 2013
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/AppendixC" page has been changed by David Prévot:
Make internal anchor link actually internal
== New features in Debian Edu 5.0.4+edu0 Codename "Lenny" released 2010-02-08 ==
- * Everything that is new in Debian 5.0.4; see the [[http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/AppendixC#New_features_in_Debian_5.0.4_upon_which_Debian_Edu_5.0.4.2B-edu0_is_based|following paragraph]] for details.
+ * Everything that is new in Debian 5.0.4; see the [[#New_features_in_Debian_5.0.4_upon_which_Debian_Edu_5.0.4.2B-edu0_is_based|following paragraph]] for details.
* More than 80 applications relevant for education are included based on user feedback and user statistics (through [[http://popcon.skolelinux.org/|Debian Edu popularity contest]]). The full list of packages is given in the [[http://blends.alioth.debian.org/edu/tasks/|task overview page]].
* Improved student desktop with educational software shortcuts to GCompris, Kalzium, KGeography, KMplot, KStars, Stopmotion and !OpenOffice Write and Impress.
* Dynamic desktop icons and menu options that adjust based on user group.
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