[debian-edu-commits] r81281 - in branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config: debian ldap-bootstrap ldap-tools

schweer-guest at alioth.debian.org schweer-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 1 21:00:19 UTC 2013

Author: schweer-guest
Date: 2013-07-01 21:00:19 +0000 (Mon, 01 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 81281

* ldap-bootstrap/root.ldif: Add entries for systems of type
  workstation, terminal and printer as these should be setup already
  during installation of the main server.
* Try to enhance ldap-tools/sitesummary2ldapdhcp, now that more types
  for systems are available in LDAP/GOsa?\194?\178:
  - Add option -t TYPE, where TYPE could be servers, workstations,
    terminals, printers. If this option is omitted, systems are added 
    as netdevices by default.
  - Add code for these options to write the appropriate LDAP entries,
    set time server to tjener and activate the system if needed.

Modified: branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/debian/changelog
--- branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/debian/changelog	2013-06-30 12:01:54 UTC (rev 81280)
+++ branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/debian/changelog	2013-07-01 21:00:19 UTC (rev 81281)
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+debian-edu-config (1.708~svn81) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * ldap-bootstrap/root.ldif: Add entries for systems of type
+    workstation, terminal and printer as these should be setup already
+    during installation of the main server.
+  * Try to enhance ldap-tools/sitesummary2ldapdhcp, now that more types
+    for systems are available in LDAP/GOsa²:
+    - Add option -t TYPE, where TYPE could be servers, workstations,
+      terminals, printers. If this option is omitted, systems are added 
+      as netdevices by default.
+    - Add code for these options to write the appropriate LDAP entries,
+      set time server to tjener and activate the system if needed.
+ -- Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer at arcor.de>  Mon, 01 Jul 2013 19:04:57 +0200
 debian-edu-config (1.708~svn81240) wheezy-test; urgency=low
   [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]

Modified: branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-bootstrap/root.ldif
--- branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-bootstrap/root.ldif	2013-06-30 12:01:54 UTC (rev 81280)
+++ branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-bootstrap/root.ldif	2013-07-01 21:00:19 UTC (rev 81281)
@@ -50,6 +50,18 @@
 objectClass: organizationalUnit
 ou: systems
+dn: ou=workstations,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: workstations
+dn: ou=terminals,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: terminals
+dn: ou=printers,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: printers
 dn: ou=winstations,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
 objectClass: top
 objectClass: organizationalUnit

Modified: branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-tools/sitesummary2ldapdhcp
--- branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-tools/sitesummary2ldapdhcp	2013-06-30 12:01:54 UTC (rev 81280)
+++ branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/ldap-tools/sitesummary2ldapdhcp	2013-07-01 21:00:19 UTC (rev 81281)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 my %opts;
-getopts("adi:u:", \%opts) || usage(1);
+getopts("adi:u:t:", \%opts) || usage(1);
 $debug = 1 if $opts{d};
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
 my $base   = $ARGV[1] || find_ldap_base($server)
     || "dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no";
-my $systembase = "ou=netdevices,ou=systems,$base";
+my $type = "netdevices";
+if ($opts{t}) {
+    $type = $opts{t}
+my $systembase = "ou=$type,ou=systems,$base";
 my $dhcpbase = "cn=dhcp,cn=tjener,ou=servers,ou=systems,$base";
 my $userfilter = $opts{u} || "(cn=admin)";
@@ -37,9 +41,11 @@
  -d             Enable debug output.
  -i ID          Handle host with the given sitesummary ID only.
  -u userfiler   Filter used to find LDAP user used to update LDAP.
+ -t TYPE        Specify type of system(s) to add. TYPE can be: servers, workstations, terminals \
+                or printers. If -t is omitted, added systems will be of type netdevices.
-    exit $retval;
+exit $retval;
 my $retval = 0;
@@ -85,7 +91,7 @@
     } elsif ($opts{a}) {
         my $mac = get_primary_ether_hwaddr($macref);
         $mac =~ s/[^0-9a-f-]/-/gi;
-        $fqdn = "auto-mac-$mac";
+        $fqdn = "auto-mac-$mac.intern";
         print "info: Create GOsa machine for $fqdn [$ipaddr] id $hostid.\n";
         $hostinfo{$hostid} = [$fqdn, $ipaddr, $macref, 0];
     } else {
@@ -133,27 +139,113 @@
     my ($hostname, $dnsdomain) = split(/\./, $fqdn, 2);
     my $cn = "cn=$hostname,$systembase";
     my $mesg = $ldap->search(
         base   => $base,
-        filter => "(&(|(objectClass=goServer)(objectClass=device))(|(cn=$hostname)(macAddress=$mac)))",
+        filter => "(&(|(objectClass=goServer)(objectClass=device)(objectClass=GOhard)(objectClass=gotoWorkstation)(objectClass=gotoTerminal))(|(cn=$hostname)(macAddress=$mac)))",
     print "info: search found " . $mesg->count . " objects\n" if $debug;
     if (0 == $mesg->count) {
-        # Create
-        my $attr = [
-            'objectClass'  => ['top', 'device', 'ipHost', 'ieee802Device'],
-            'cn'           => $hostname,
-            'macAddress'   => $mac,
-            'ipHostNumber' => $ipaddr,
+        if ($opts{t}) {
+            # Create entry of type $type
+            my $gotoMode = "active";
+            my $gotoSwapServer = "!";
+            my $gotoNtpServer = "tjener";
+            my $ghCpuType = "-";
+            my $ghMemSize = "-";
+            my $ghUsbSupport = "-";
+            my $ghGfxAdapter = "-";
+            my $ghSoundAdapter = "-";
+            my $gotoLastUser = "-";
+            my $printerUri = "DUMMY, please change.";
+            if ($opts{t} eq 'servers') {
+                my $attr = [
+                    'objectClass'  => ['top', 'GOhard', 'goServer'],
+                    'cn'           => $hostname,
+                    'macAddress'   => $mac,
+                    'ipHostNumber' => $ipaddr,
+                    'gotoMode'     => $gotoMode,
+                ];
+                my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
+                if ($result->code) {
+                    my $err = $result->error;
+                    print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+                }
+            } elsif ($opts{t} eq 'workstations') {
+                my $attr = [
+                    'objectClass'    => ['top', 'gotoWorkstation', 'GOhard'],
+                    'cn'             => $hostname,
+                    'macAddress'     => $mac,
+                    'ipHostNumber'   => $ipaddr,
+                    'gotoMode'       => $gotoMode,
+                    'gotoNtpServer'  => $gotoNtpServer,
+                    'ghCpuType'      => $ghCpuType,
+                    'ghMemSize'      => $ghMemSize,
+                    'ghUsbSupport'   => $ghUsbSupport,
+                    'ghGfxAdapter'   => $ghGfxAdapter,
+                    'ghSoundAdapter' => $ghSoundAdapter,
+                    'gotoLastUser'   => $gotoLastUser,
+                ];
+                my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
+                if ($result->code) {
+                    my $err = $result->error;
+                    print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+                }
+            } elsif ($opts{t} eq 'terminals') {
+                my $attr = [
+                    'objectClass'    => ['top', 'gotoTerminal', 'GOhard'],
+                    'cn'             => $hostname,
+                    'macAddress'     => $mac,
+                    'ipHostNumber'   => $ipaddr,
+                    'gotoMode'       => $gotoMode,
+                    'gotoNtpServer'  => $gotoNtpServer,
+                    'ghCpuType'      => $ghCpuType,
+                    'ghMemSize'      => $ghMemSize,
+                    'ghUsbSupport'   => $ghUsbSupport,
+                    'ghGfxAdapter'   => $ghGfxAdapter,
+                    'ghSoundAdapter' => $ghSoundAdapter,
+                    'gotoLastUser'   => $gotoLastUser,
+                    'gotoSwapServer' => $gotoSwapServer,
+                ];
+                my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
+                if ($result->code) {
+                    my $err = $result->error;
+                    print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+                }
+            } elsif ($opts{t} eq 'printers') {
+                my $attr = [
+                    'objectClass'    => ['top', 'gotoPrinter'],
+                    'cn'             => $hostname,
+                    'macAddress'     => $mac,
+                    'ipHostNumber'   => $ipaddr,
+                    'labeledURI'     => $printerUri,
+                ];
+                my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
+                if ($result->code) {
+                    my $err = $result->error;
+                    print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            my $attr = [
+                'objectClass'    => 'dhcpHost',
+                'cn'             => $hostname,
+                'dhcpHWAddress'  => "ethernet $mac",
+                'dhcpStatements' => "fixed-address $fqdn"
-        my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
-        if ($result->code) {
-            my $err = $result->error;
-            print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+            my $result = $ldap->add($cn, attr => $attr);
+            if ($result->code) {
+                my $err = $result->error;
+                print STDERR "error: Unable to add LDAP object $cn - $err\n";
+            }
     } elsif (1 == $mesg->count) {
         # Update

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