[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Wheezy" by HolgerLevsen

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Fri Jul 5 12:45:50 UTC 2013

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Wheezy" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

fixed gosa is available in wheezy-test now

    * we need to update the documentation accordingly
   * we need to decide: do we want to release an usbstick image?
    * we need to update the documentation accordingly
-  * mass import feature (ldif and csv) is missing in gosa-plugin-ldapmanager. (DebianBug:698840)
   * LTSP diskless workstation login do not work.  Home directory mounting seem to be missing.
  == Known problems ==
@@ -53, +52 @@

  == Fixed + done ==
+  * mass import feature (ldif and csv) is missing in gosa-plugin-ldapmanager. (DebianBug:698840)
   * this has been documented: if install (dvd or netinst) happens on a box containing more than one NIC, after reboot network interfaces may have a different order. This won't happen if pxe installation is used (once tjener is up and running).  
   * note that the wheezy build uses the debian-edu package source in svn for squeeze.  ie the packages added for wheezy do not make it to the dvd when we start to build dvds. this should be fixed (so that the wheezy build uses the packages from the svn wheezy branch and this needs to happen in build/CD-administrator/ somewhere
   * KDE Debian submenu lacks icons (DebianBug:502192).  The menu-xdg maintainer do not want to fix it.  An alternative is to not install menu-xdg at all, removing the Debian submenu from KDE.

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