[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Wheezy" by HolgerLevsen
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Sun Jun 16 22:12:57 UTC 2013
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The "DebianEdu/Status/Wheezy" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:
menu-xdg removed. move artwork issues from blocker to known problems, most artwork is fine now
* confirm installation and getting started procedures in manual are correct and working
* update screenhots in manual for wheezy
* artwork for graphical installer (g-i) is ready, so these screenshots can be made. First english ones, which need to be uploaded to the wiki, then "translated screenshots" (=done in the relevant language) which need to be put in debian-edu-doc svn
+ * mass import feature (ldif and csv) is missing in gosa-plugin-ldapmanager. (DebianBug:698840)
+ == Known problems ==
* update d-e-artwork, missing:
* wallpaper for gnome and kde desktop
* README update: how to change aspect ratio of artwork
@@ -18, +22 @@
* edu logo should be moved a few pixles to the left
* re-do with dithering
* maybe add individual text for CD/DVD/Source/PXE...
- * mass import feature (ldif and csv) is missing in gosa-plugin-ldapmanager. (DebianBug:698840)
- == Known problems ==
* note that the wheezy build uses the debian-edu package source in svn for squeeze. ie the packages added for wheezy do not make it to the dvd when we start to build dvds. this should be fixed (so that the wheezy build uses the packages from the svn wheezy branch and this needs to happen in build/CD-administrator/ somewhere
* LTSP: diskless workstations are now using ldm as default display manager. To get the Kerberos TGT (e.g. for mail), kinit has to be executed in a terminal window (homedir access via sshfs, registering the box in GOsa is not needed). Setting DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MANAGER=/path/to/dm via kernel command line, lts.conf or ldap lets a diskless ws come up the old way.
@@ -37, +37 @@
dictionaries-common dictionaries-common/default-wordlist Manual symlink setting
* if install (dvd or netinst) happens on a box containing more than one NIC, after reboot network interfaces may have a different order. This won't happen if pxe installation is used (once tjener is up and running).
- * KDE Debian submenu lacks icons (DebianBug:502192). The menu-xdg maintainer do not want to fix it. An alternative is to not install menu-xdg at all, removing the Debian submenu from KDE.
* apt-get update fetches translation updates for several languages despite I just want German
== Fixed + done ==
+ * KDE Debian submenu lacks icons (DebianBug:502192). The menu-xdg maintainer do not want to fix it. An alternative is to not install menu-xdg at all, removing the Debian submenu from KDE.
* grub logo is the new Joy theme logo. we should try to get Joy+edu theme.
* Netinst CD missing etckeeper, causing error during installation. The package is installed from the net instead, so the error is not fatal.
* slbackup.php login failure needs to be fixed (DebianBug:700257)
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