[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted" by WolfgangSchweer
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Mon Jun 17 19:00:13 UTC 2013
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
add password as required field for csv import
=== Advanced user management ===
- It is possible to mass-create users with GOsa² by using a CSV file, which can be created with any good spreadsheet software (for example {{{oocalc}}}). At least, entries for the following fields have to be provided: uid, last name (sn) and first name (givenName). Make sure that there are no duplicate entries in the uid field. Please note that the check for duplicates must include already existing uid entries in LDAP (which could be obtained by executing {{{getent passwd | grep tjener/home | cut -d":" -f1}}} on the command line).
+ It is possible to mass-create users with GOsa² by using a CSV file, which can be created with any good spreadsheet software (for example {{{oocalc}}}). At least, entries for the following fields have to be provided: uid, last name (sn), first name (givenName) and password. Make sure that there are no duplicate entries in the uid field. Please note that the check for duplicates must include already existing uid entries in LDAP (which could be obtained by executing {{{getent passwd | grep tjener/home | cut -d":" -f1}}} on the command line).
These are the format guidelines for such a CSV file (GOsa² is quite intolerant about them):
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