[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted" by HolgerLevsen
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Mon Jun 17 21:52:13 UTC 2013
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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy/GettingStarted" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:
clarify when/if machines have to be added. Please review and correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Log into the server - with the root account you cannot log in graphically.
1. Add users with GOsa²
- 1. Add workstations with GOsa²
+ 1. Add workstations with GOsa² - thin-client and diskless workstation can be used directly without this step.
Adding users and workstations is described in detail below, so please read this chapter completely. It covers how to perform these minumum steps correctly as well, as other stuff that everybody will probably need to do.
@@ -169, +169 @@
== Machine Management with GOsa² ==
Machine management basically allows you to manage all networked devices in your Debian Edu network. Every machine added to the LDAP directory using GOsa² has a hostname, an IP address, a MAC address and a domain name (which is usually "intern"). For a fuller description of the Debian Edu architecture see the [[../Architecture|architecture]] chapter of this manual.
+ Diskless workstations and thin-clients work out-of-the-box when connected to the main network. Only workstations with disks *have* to be added with GOsa², but all *can*.
To add a machine, use the GOsa² main menu, systems, add. You can use an IP address/hostname from the preconfigured address space Currently there are only two predefined fixed addresses: (tjener) and (gateway). The addresses from to (roughly or 4000 hosts) are reserved for DHCP and are assigned dynamically.
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