[debian-edu-commits] r83704 - trunk/src/debian-edu-config

ccscanf-guest at alioth.debian.org ccscanf-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 21 20:46:26 UTC 2014

Author: ccscanf-guest
Date: 2014-08-21 20:46:26 +0000 (Thu, 21 Aug 2014)
New Revision: 83704

Migration to git.

Deleted: trunk/src/debian-edu-config/Makefile
--- trunk/src/debian-edu-config/Makefile	2014-08-21 11:46:44 UTC (rev 83703)
+++ trunk/src/debian-edu-config/Makefile	2014-08-21 20:46:26 UTC (rev 83704)
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-PACKAGE = debian-edu-config
-PROGS = \
-	debian-edu-ldapserver \
-	debconf-set-selections-edu \
-	ltsp-arch-debian-edu \
-	update-ini-file
-SPROGS = cfengine-debian-edu \
-	debian-edu-fsautoresize \
-	debian-edu-hd-warn \
-	debian-edu-hwsetup \
-	debian-edu-ltsp \
-	debian-edu-ltsp-audiodivert \
-	debian-edu-pxeinstall \
-	debian-edu-restart-services \
-	debian-edu-test-install \
-	debian-edu-update-netblock \
-	snakeoil-on-ice 
-INSTALL     = install -D -p -m 755
-INSTALL_DATA= install -D -p -m 644
-prefix     = /usr/local
-sysconfdir = /etc
-cfdir      = $(sysconfdir)/cfengine/debian-edu
-bindir     = $(prefix)/bin
-sbindir    = $(prefix)/sbin
-docdir     = $(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)
-mandir     = $(prefix)/share/man
-gosadir    = $(sysconfdir)/gosa
-ldapdir    = $(sysconfdir)/ldap
-schemadir  = $(ldapdir)/schema
-dhcpdir   = $(sysconfdir)/dhcp
-libdir     = /usr/lib
-pkglibdir  = $(libdir)/debian-edu-config
-mailcapdir = $(libdir)/mime/packages
-vardir     = /var
-wwwdir     = /etc/debian-edu/www
-	cf.adduser \
-	cf.apache2 \
-	cf.apt \
-	cf.cfengine \
-	cf.cups \
-	cf.dhcpserver \
-	cf.exim \
-	cf.imap \
-	cf.homes \
-	cf.iceweasel \
-	cf.inetd \
-	cf.kdm \
-	cf.krb5client \
-	cf.ldapserver \
-	cf.ldapclient \
-	cf.bind \
-	cf.ltsp \
-	cf.pxeinstall \
-	cf.lwat \
-	cf.fstab \
-	cf.mplayer \
-	cf.nagios3 \
-	cf.ntp \
-	cf.samba \
-	cf.squid \
-	cf.syslog \
-	cf.sysstat \
-	cf.testsetup \
-	cfd.conf \
-	cfengine.conf
-	cfd \
-	cfrunhosts.pl
-# Files to install in /etc/
-	asound.conf \
-	apt/apt.conf.d/90squid \
-	apt/apt.conf.d/99-edu-prefer-iceweasel \
-	bind/named.conf.ldap2zone \
-	bind/db.intern \
-	bind/db.10.in-addr.arpa. \
-	bind/db.subnet00.intern. \
-	bind/db.subnet01.intern. \
-	bind/db.0.168.192.in-addr.arpa. \
-	bind/db.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa. \
-	X11/Xsession.d/05debian-edu-truncate-xerrorlog \
-	X11/Xsession.d/10debian-edu-one-login-per-host \
-	desktop-profiles/debian-edu-config.listing \
-	debian-edu/hd-warn.conf \
-	debian-edu/nightkill.conf \
-	debian-edu/lts.conf.dist \
-	default/munin-node \
-	cfengine/cfservd.conf \
-	cfengine/update.conf \
-	cfengine/inputs/cfagent.conf \
-	cups/cupsd-debian-edu.conf \
-	dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/wpad-proxy-update \
-	dhcp/dhcpd-debian-edu.conf \
-	dhcp/dhclient-debian-edu.conf \
-	exim4/exim-ldap-client-v4.conf \
-	exim4/exim-ldap-server-v4.conf \
-	filesystems \
-	gosa/gosa.conf \
-	php5/apache2/php-debian-edu.ini \
-	insserv/overrides/kdm \
-	insserv/overrides/ntp \
-	insserv.conf.d/debian-edu-config \
-	ldap/rootDSE-debian-edu.ldif \
-	ldap/slapd-squeeze_debian-edu.conf \
-	ldap/ssl/slapd-cert.cnf \
-	samba/netlogon/1stlogon/1stlogon.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/config/get_time.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/config/penguin.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/config/setglobals.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/config/standarddrives-students.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/config/standarddrives-teachers.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/debian-edu-login.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/_default_/default.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/install/shortcut.vbs \
-	samba/netlogon/logon-admins.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/logon-jradmins.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/logon-students.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/logon-teachers.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/mozilla/firefox/prefs.js \
-	samba/netlogon/mozilla/mkmozapd.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/mozilla/profiles.ini.FIREFOX \
-	samba/netlogon/mozilla/profiles.ini.THUNDERBIRD \
-	samba/netlogon/registry/proxy-ie/proxy-settings-hkcu.reg \
-	samba/netlogon/win7+samba_domain-membership/DownloadWinRessourceKits.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/win7+samba_domain-membership/README_Win7-Domain-Membership.txt \
-	samba/netlogon/win7+samba_domain-membership/SeSystemTimePrivilege.bat \
-	samba/netlogon/win7+samba_domain-membership/Win7_Samba3DomainMember.reg \
-	samba/smb-debian-edu-client.conf \
-	samba/smb-debian-edu.conf \
-	samba/smb-winbind-debian-edu.conf \
-	security/pam_mount-winbind-debian-edu.conf \
-	security/pam_mount-stateless-debian-edu.conf \
-	smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf \
-	smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf \
-	sssd/sssd-debian-edu.conf \
-	xdg/autostart/welcome-webpage.desktop \
-	lsb-release \
-	apache2/mods-available/debian-edu-userdir.conf \
-	apache2/sites-available/debian-edu-default \
-	apache2/sites-available/debian-edu-ssl-default \
-	apache2/conf.d/debian-edu-config-doc \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/cgi.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/commands.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/contactgroups.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/contacts.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/dependencies.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/htpasswd.users \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/escalations.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/hostextinfo.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/hostgroups.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/hosts.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/host_templates.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/nagios.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/resources.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/serviceextinfo.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/servicegroups.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/services.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/service_templates.cfg \
-	nagios3/debian-edu/timeperiods.cfg \
-	munin/debian-edu-munin-node.conf \
-	polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/80-edu-admin.conf \
-	powerdns/pdns.d/pdns-debian-edu.conf\
-	dbus-1/system.d/hal-debian-edu.conf
-	mime/packages/debian-edu-mailcap
-	ltspfs/mounter.d/edu-notify \
-	mklocaluser.d/20-debian-edu-config \
-	NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/02debian-edu-config \
-	shutdown-at-night/clients-generator \
-	resolvconf/update.d/bind-debian-edu \
-	resolvconf/update.d/ltsp-chroots \
-	wicd/scripts/preconnect/set_wireless_mac_from_eth0 \
-	X11/Xsession-debian-edu \
-	samba/smbaddclient.sh \
-	samba/smbldap-machineadd-gosa
-	samba.schema \
-	dhcp.schema \
-	dnsdomainaux.schema \
-	ltspclientaux.schema \
-	eduorg-200210-openldap.schema \
-	eduperson-200806-openldap.schema \
-	kerberos.schema \
-	noreduperson-1.5-openldap.schema \
-	samba3.schema \
-	sudo.schema \
-	trust.schema \
-	gosystem.schema \
-	gofon.schema \
-	goto.schema \
-	gosa-samba3.schema \
-	gofax.schema \
-	goserver.schema \
-	goto-mime.schema
-LDIFS = \
-	root.ldif \
-	autofs.ldif \
-	firstuser.ldif \
-	ipnetworks.ldif \
-	netgroup.ldif \
-	samba.ldif \
-	sudo.ldif \
-	krb5.ldif \
-	ltsp.ldif \
-	gosa.ldif \
-	gosa-server.ldif
-	ldap-add-host-to-netgroup \
-	ldap-add-user-to-group \
-	ldap-createuser-krb5 \
-	ldappasswd2 \
-	ldap2netgroup \
-	ldap-debian-edu-install \
-	ldap-server-getcert \
-	mkslapdcert \
-	sitesummary2ldapdhcp
-	index.html.ca \
-	index.html.de \
-	index.html.en \
-	index.html.es \
-	index.html.fr \
-	index.html.it \
-	index.html.ja \
-	index.html.nb \
-	index.html.nl \
-	index.html.pt \
-	index.html.ru \
-	index.html.zh \
-	skl-ren_css.css \
-	logo-trans.png \
-	wpad.dat
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/kalzium.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/chguserpw.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/kmplot.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/kstars.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/ooo-impress.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/ooo-writer.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/gcompris.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/gimp-2.2.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/kgeography.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/stopmotion.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/config/kdeglobals \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/config/konqiconviewrc \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/config/uiserverrc \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/services/update_ksycoca \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/config/menus/applications.menu \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/config/menus/kde-applications.menu \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kalzium.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kbruch.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/klatin.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kmplot.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kpercentage.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kstars.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kturtle.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kvoctrain.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/kwordquiz.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/oocalc.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/ooimpress.desktop \
-	share/debian-edu/students/share/applications/oowriter.desktop  \
-	share/debian-edu/root/share/apps/kdesktop/Desktop/tjener.desktop
-	$(MAKE) -C www
-install: install-testsuite
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/cups
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(ldapdir)
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(dhcpdir)
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(mailcapdir)
-# program's manpages are autodetected. 
-	set -e ; for prog in $(PROGS); do \
-		$(INSTALL) bin/$$prog $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) ; \
-		if [ -e "share/man/man1/$$prog.1" ]; \
-		then \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) "share/man/man1/$$prog.1" $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/$$sprog.1 ; \
-		fi \
-	done
-# Using manpages autodetection : 
-	set -e ; for sprog in $(SPROGS); do \
-		$(INSTALL) sbin/$$sprog $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) ; \
-		if [ -e "share/man/man8/$$sprog.8" ]; \
-		then \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) "share/man/man8/$$sprog.8" $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8/$$sprog.8 ; \
-		fi \
-	done
-# Samba roaming profile examples in different languages
-	set -e ; for l in en de nb; do \
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) doc/examples/smb-roaming-profiles-$$l.conf \
-	$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/smb-roaming-profiles-$$l.conf ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for cf in $(CFFILES); do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) cf/$$cf $(DESTDIR)$(cfdir)/$$cf; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for cf in $(CFBINFILES); do \
-		$(INSTALL) cf/$$cf $(DESTDIR)$(cfdir)/$$cf; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for file in $(SYSCONFFILES) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) etc/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/$$file; \
-	done
-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/init.d
-	set -e ; for file in $(SYSCONFSCRIPTS) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL) etc/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/$$file; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for file in $(LIBFILES) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) lib/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$file; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for f in \
-		share/debian-edu-config/d-i/finish-install \
-		share/debian-edu-config/d-i/pre-pkgsel \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/auto-addfirmware \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/passwd \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/cups-queue-autoflush \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/cups-queue-autoreenable \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/debian-edu-winbind \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/get-default-homepage \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-create \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-create-host \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-remove \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-sync \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-sync-dns-nfs \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/iceweasel-plugin-support \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/kerberos-kdc-init \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/ldap2bind-updatezonelist \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/ldap-user-clean-attic.sh \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/ldapdump.sh \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/locate-syslog-collector \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/logoutkill.sh \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/ltsp-addfirmware \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/missing-desktop-file \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/movehome \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/nbdquery \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/nbdswap-cleanup \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/nightkill.sh \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/notify-local-users \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/password-fix-squeeze-r0 \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/pipegraph \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/preseed-ldap-kerberos \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/preseed-sitesummary \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/pxe-addfirmware \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/qemu-test-network \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/run-at-firstboot \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/setup-roaming \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/show-welcome-webpage \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/sssd-generate-config \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/squid-update-cachedir \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/subnet-change \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/update-iceweasel-homepage \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/update-proxy-from-wpad \
-		share/debian-edu-config/tools/wpad-extract \
-		share/debian-edu-config/ltsp_set_runlevel \
-		share/debian-edu-config/ltsp_local_mount \
-		share/debian-edu-config/ltspfs-mounter-kde \
-		share/initramfs-tools/scripts/nfs-bottom/before-ltsp \
-		share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/debian-edu-config-ldap \
-		share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/debian-edu-config-rwbind \
-		share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/debian-edu-fix-etc-hosts \
-	; do \
-		$(INSTALL) $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for f in share/debian-edu/common/share/config/kcookiejarrc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/apps/kicker/default-apps \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/artsmessagerc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/kdeglobals \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/kdeprintrc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/kpersonalizerrc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/konquerorrc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/kickoffrc \
-		share/debian-edu/common/share/config/nepomukserverrc \
-		share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/config/kioslaverc \
-		share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/config/adept_notifierrc \
-		share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/config/networkmanagementrc \
-		share/debian-edu/networked-kde3/share/applications/pwdchange.desktop \
-		share/debian-edu/thin-client/share/config/kcmartsrc \
-	; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for f in $(KIOSKFILES) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) "$$f" "$(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f" ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for f in \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/000-arch-detection \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/000-default-dist \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/002-default-apt-keyring \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/010-set-resolver \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/011-http-nopipeline \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/015-edu-apt-source \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/020-rootpath \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/025-bootprompt-opts \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/032-edu-pkgs \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/035-default-lts-conf \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/045-remove-udev-net-rules \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/050-nbdquery \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/095-umount-error \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/098-etckeeper \
- share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/099-mount-cdrom \
-	; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f ; \
-	done
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) sbin/debian-edu-fsautoresizetab $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/debian-edu-config/fsautoresizetab
-	set -e ; for f in \
-		share/debian-edu-config/rsyslog-collector \
-		share/debian-edu-config/iceweacel-networked-prefs.js \
-		share/debian-edu-config/default-ltsp-client-setup \
-		share/iceweasel/defaults/preferences/debian-edu.js \
-		share/pam-configs/edu-group \
-		share/pam-configs/edu-umask \
-		share/perl5/Debian/Edu.pm \
-		share/debian-edu-config/pam-config-ccreds-check \
-		share/debian-edu-config/pam-config-ccreds-save \
-		share/debian-edu-config/pam-config-mkhomedir \
-		share/debian-edu-config/pam-config-krb5 \
-	; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f ; \
-	done
-# Using manpages autodetection : 
-	set -e ; for program in $(LDAPPROGRAMS) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL) ldap-tools/$$program $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$program; \
-		if [ -e "share/man/man1/$$program.1" ]; \
-		then \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) "share/man/man1/$$program.1" $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/$$sprog.1 ; \
-		fi \
-	done
-	set -e ; for schema in $(SCHEMAS) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) ldap-schemas/$$schema $(DESTDIR)$(schemadir)/$$schema;\
-	done
-	set -e ; for ldif in $(LDIFS) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) ldap-bootstrap/$$ldif $(DESTDIR)$(ldapdir)/$$ldif ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for file in $(WWWFILES) ; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) www/$$file $(DESTDIR)/$(wwwdir)/$$file ; \
-	done
-	chmod 700 $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/maildirs/
-	set -e ; for f in \
-		share/debian-edu-config/testsuite-lib.sh \
-	; do \
-		$(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/$$f ; \
-	done
-	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/testsuite
-	set -e ; for test in testsuite/* ; do \
-		$(INSTALL) $$test $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$test; \
-	done
-	$(MAKE) -C www $@
-	# Remove CVS cruft
-	-find . -name '.#*' | xargs rm
-	debuild -us -uc
-	$(MAKE) -C www stats
-	podebconf-report-po
-	podebconf-report-po --podir www

Deleted: trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README
--- trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README	2014-08-21 11:46:44 UTC (rev 83703)
+++ trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README	2014-08-21 20:46:26 UTC (rev 83704)
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-Skolelinux autoconfig system
-Uses cfengine to automatically configure the hosts.
-This package is used for all configuration that is impossible to do
-using debconf answers during first time install.  Configuration
-changes, replacement config files and extra files to install in a
-Skolelinux installation belong to this package.
-All the configuration done in this package should in principle be
-possible to do using debconf answers.  We should strive to get patches
-into the Debian packages or upstream source, to reduce the need for
-Skolelinux specific configuration.
-Adding / replacing config files
-If we want to install (add) a file which is not included in another
-Debian package, the file should be installed as a normal file in the
-Debian package.  This is only useful if the file can be safely
-installed for all profiles.
-If the file already exist in another package, we should try to use
-cfengine edit commands to modify the existing file.  If the changes
-are massive, it will be more sensible to replace the existing file
-with out of our files, and only in this case should we use the
-masterfiles to copy an replacement file on top of the existing
-configuration file.
-To debug the variable expantion, cfengine-debian-edu -d3 2>&1 |less' can be used.
-Source overview
-  cf/		  - the cfengine configuration files, installed into
-		    /etc/cfengine/debian-edu
-  cf/masterfiles/ - Replacement config files copied into place using
-		    cfengine.  Use this if the file already exist in
-		    another Debian package.
-  etc/...         - New files installed into /etc/...
-  bin/            - New files installed into /usr/bin/
-  share/...       - New files installed into /usr/share/...
-Contact Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com> if you have questions.
-What is configured
-This is a high-level description on the configuration changes done by
-this package, including the files related to che configuration change.
-DNS server (powerdns)
-  Preconfigured DNS zone .intern with DNS names for services used by
-  debian-edu.  Also includes the DHCP distributed IP addressess used.
-  The address range is separated into groups.
-  http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/Architecture 
-  includes a list of services that are set up by default in a Skolelinux 
-  network, please update it when you add new services.
-  Where possible the DNS name correspond to the service name in /etc/services, 
-  where this is not possible the common name of the service is used as the DNS
-  name. All configuration files will, if possible, refer to the service by name
-  (without the domain name) thus making it easy for schools to change either 
-  their domain (if they have an own DNS domain), or the IP addresses they use.
-DHCP server (dhcp)
-  Contains info on the IP range and DNS server used on the network,
-  and what to hand out to the clients.  Also contain LTSP
-  configuration options.
-syslog (rsyslog)
-  The main-server profile is configured as a syslog message collector,
-  and all clients (workstation and thin-client-server) is configured
-  to send all syslog messages to the host behind the DNS name syslog.
-NTP clients and server
-  The main-server profile is configured as a publicly available NTP
-  server, and the workstation and thin-client-server profiles are
-  configured as NTP clients using the host behind the DNS name ntp as
-  their NTP server.
-LDAP server (slapd)
-  Prepare it to work as NIS replacement for PAM, NSS and
-  automount (autofs).  Also prepare it work as backend storage for
-  Samba domain controller.
-  Prepare it to contain gosa and sudoers default configuration.
-NFS server (nfs-kernel-server)
-HTTP proxy (squid)
-SMB domain controller and file server (samba)
-  Samba server is configured as workgroup 'skolelinux' and ldap-based
-  authentication. Printing is configured with cups, and an automatic 
-  drive mapping is set for a connected user on its home at h:\ 
-  The samba server act as a domain controller and wins (windows name 
-  service) server.
-  Samba client workstations are using tjener as their auth server,wins
-  and domain controller. Their netbios name is automatically set.
-  Roaming profiles are on by default, but the profiles are not separated
-  from the homes data into specific directories for each Windows 
-  -Version like Win2K or WinXP.
-SMTP and IMAP post office (exim and dovecot)
-  Dovecot imap server is configured and can be accessed using kerberos 
-  ticket/gssapi.
-  Exim is configured as a simple local mail relay on workstations and 
-  as a server for local users on servers. Local users are searched in
-  the ldap database using exim ldap module.
-X terminal server solution (LTSP)
-Printer system (CUPS)
-  Configure CUPS to work out of the box.  Disable non-encrypted access
-  for all hosts except localhost.
-    cf/cf.cups
-    etc/cups/cupsd-debian-edu.conf
-HTTP server (apache2)
-  For now, Apache configuration is only tuned to know user homepage
-  are on /skole/tjener/home*/*/public_html (see cf/cf.apache2)
-KDE client config
-  1. share/debian-edu/common 
-     -> settings common to all debian-edu profiles
-       - Disable kpersonalizer startup on initial login.  
-       - Disable warning dialog box presented when the sound card is missing. 
-       - Configure printsystem to use cups
-       - Enable javascript for konqueror
-       - Accept cookies by default
-       - Add mime-type for ms-word documents (*.doc;*.DOC;*.dot;*.DOT)
-  2. share/debian-edu/networked-kd3 
-     -> settings common to all networked profiles (everything but standalone)
-       - Set proxy settings and force them using kiosk (kde 3 > specific)
-  3. share/debian-edu/networked-kde2 
-       - Set proxy settings and force them using kiosk (kde 3 > specific)
-  4. share/debian-edu/thin-client
-  	- enable esd sound on thin clients
-  5. share/debian-edu/students
-    -> eye candy and restrictions for members of the students group
-    	- put some of the learning tools on the Desktop
-	- create a standard k-panel
-	- disable shell access, run-commands, new session starting, k-panel
-	  configuration and accessing root programs via kde
-SSH (openssh)
-  Enable X11 forwarding by default.
-    cf/cf.ssh
-  Disable unused network services (discard, daytime, time) on all
-  hosts, and diable SMTP listening on all client machines.
-    cf/cf.inetd
-Design choices
-Local device access
-  Petter Reinholdtsen, 2006-10-17
-  The local user should have access to some of the local devices
-  (sound, cdrom, etc) after logging in on the console or via
-  kdm/gdm/xdm/etc, but not when logging in from remote via ssh.  There
-  are as far as I know two ways to make this happen.  One way is to
-  add the local user to the groups needed to access these devices, the
-  other is to change the permissions on these devices to give access
-  to the local user.  The former is done using pam_group, while the
-  latter is done using pam_devperm.  Both have advantages and
-  weaknesses.
-  pam_group
-  ---------
-  By updating /etc/pam.d/common-auth and /etc/security/group.conf it is
-  possible to add the logged in user to the grous needed (audio,
-  floppy, cdrom, plugdev, video).  In addition to getting access to
-  the devices present during login, it also make sure hotplugged
-  devices like USB sticks work (group membership in plugdev take care
-  of this).
-  The problem with this method is that every member of the groups in
-  question can create a setgid program to gain access to the devices
-  also when not logged into the machine.  This will make it possible
-  to record from the microphone, read and from the floppy, cdrom and
-  usb stick, as well as play unwanted sound on other users computers.
-  It is also possible to start long-running processes in the
-  background to keep the access privileges to the devices in question.
-  There are some problems with this apporach with kde 3.5, as it
-  switched from using pmount (which work) to using hal callouts which
-  do not.  More info on bug #377689.
---- /etc/pam.d/common-auth.orig 2006-10-17 11:25:40.000000000 +0000
-+++ /etc/pam.d/common-auth      2006-10-17 11:25:29.000000000 +0000
-@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
- # (e.g., /etc/shadow, LDAP, Kerberos, etc.).  The default is to use the
- # traditional Unix authentication mechanisms.
- #
-+auth   optional        pam_group.so
- auth   required        pam_unix.so nullok_secure
---- /etc/security/group.conf.orig       2006-10-17 11:27:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ /etc/security/group.conf    2006-10-17 11:31:43.000000000 +0000
-@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
- #xsh; tty* ;*;Al0900-1800;floppy
-+*; tty*&!ttyp*; *; Al0000-2400; audio,cdrom,floppy,plugdev,video
-+*; :0; *; Al0000-2400; audio,cdrom,floppy,plugdev,video
- #
- # End of group.conf file
-  pam_devperm
-  -----------
-  By installing libpam-devperm and updating /etc/pam.d/common-sessionn
-  (and /etc/logindevperm to fix bug #393661 and get access to
-  /dev/dsp), it is possible to modify the permissions of relevant
-  devices when a user log in, and reset the permissions when the user
-  log out.  The user of the device is changed to the logged in user,
-  and the mode is normally set to 0600 granting exclusive access.
-  The problem with this method is that hotplug devices do not work, as
-  they are not available when the user is logged in, and the device
-  ownership is only modified when the user log in.  Another problem is
-  that the user can keep the access privileges for the devices after
-  he log out by starting long-running processes in the background.
---- /etc/pam.d/common-session.orig      2006-10-17 11:23:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ /etc/pam.d/common-session   2006-10-17 10:42:08.000000000 +0000
-@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
- # non-interactive).  The default is pam_unix.
- #
- session        required        pam_unix.so
-+session        required        pam_devperm.so
---- /etc/logindevperm.orig   2006-10-17 10:51:58.000000000 +0000
-+++ /etc/logindevperm   2006-10-17 10:53:08.000000000 +0000
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- :0 0600 /dev/cdrecorder:/dev/cdrecorder1:/dev/cdrecorder2:/dev/cdrecorder3
- :0 0600 /dev/dvd:/dev/dvd1:/dev/dvd2:/dev/dvd3
- :0 0600 /dev/zip:/dev/zip1:/dev/zip2:/dev/zip3
--:0 0600 /dev/dsp0:/dev/dsp1:/dev/dsp2:/dev/dsp3
-+:0 0600 /dev/dsp:/dev/dsp0:/dev/dsp1:/dev/dsp2:/dev/dsp3
- :0 0600 /dev/fd0:/dev/fd0u1440:/dev/fd0h1440:/dev/fd0u720:/dev/fd0h720
- :0 0600 /dev/fd1:/dev/fd1u1440:/dev/fd1h1440:/dev/fd1u720:/dev/fd1h720
- :0 0600 /dev/sequencer:/dev/sequencer2:/dev/music
-  Conclusion
-  ----------
-  I recommend using the pam_group mechanism to get a working hotplug
-  support, and recommend solving the setgid-issue by adding the nosuid
-  mount flag to the partitions where users can add files (/home/,
-  /tmp/, /dev/shm/, /var/lock/), and solving the problem with
-  long-running processes by running some kind of idle-job killer to
-  kill long-running processes.
-Ideas for LDAP based client configuration, reducing the amount of
-configuration stored on clients.
-The basic idea is to let the clients derive all the information they
-need by starting with the DHCP reply and continue from there.  At the
-moment, clients have LDAP tree information hardcoded.  This can be
-fetched dynamically from the LDAP server, if the LDAP server can be
-located.  The LDAP server can be found using the same mechanism used
-by MS AD, by adding the _ldap._tcp SRV records, or just using our
-'ldap' DNS alias as before.
- - use _ldap._tcp SRV record to find LDAP server
- - use ldap "root" object to find LDAP tree info (like AD
-   defaultNamingContext attribute)
-    "ldapsearch -x -s base -h $server -b '' -x '*'"
- - subnet three with relevant information?  AD have subtree
-     "CN=Subnets,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,$base" with objectClass=subnet
-     objects.
-   - like printers to use?
-   - like proxy setting?
-   - like browser home page?
- - proxy configuration using WPAD provided by DHCP or from LDAP?
-   "Web Access ProtocolDiscovery" (WAPD).
- - browser home page provided from LDAP for the host and/or user
- - LDAP populated using sitesummary information
-   - for host group membership
-   - for dhcp mac address binding
-   - for dns names
-   - LTSP configuration?
-Can the browser fetch configuration from LDAP?
-An alternative is to use the avahi service announcement mechanism.

Deleted: trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.ldap
--- trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.ldap	2014-08-21 11:46:44 UTC (rev 83703)
+++ trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.ldap	2014-08-21 20:46:26 UTC (rev 83704)
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-LDAP-basen skal innehalde opplysningar naudsynt for autentisering,
-tilgangsstyring for nettverksressursar (epost, diskusjonslister,
-internettilgang og filområde) og forholdet mellom klasse/elev/lærar.
-Andre attributtar for dei ulike elementa i treet skal også lagrast, så
-som epostadresser, telefonnummer, foresatte og personnummer (viss
-Datatilsynet tillet det).
-Eit effektivt driftsopplegg krever at kvar skule har sitt eige
-namnerom slik at ein ikkje får namnekollisjonar når ein går over til
-meir sentral drift.  Ved å bruke ein hierarkisk modell oppnår vi dette
-ganske enkelt.  Ein hierarkisk modell gjer det også mogleg å delegere
-ansvar for å halde ei undergrein oppdatert.
-Det er naturleg å bruke same organisering som det er i det offentlege
-allereie, med andre ord ei inndeling i fylke og kommunar.  Å kutte ut
-fylkesdelen fungerer ikkje sidan fleire kommunenamn vert brukt i to
-fylke (Sande i Vestfold og Møre og Romsdal, Bø i Telemark og Nordland,
-m.fl.).  I Oslo deler vi inn etter bydel sidan det fylket ikkje er
-delt inn i kommunar (Kommentar: Dette er kanskje ikkje praktisk, sidan
-alle skulane i Oslo vert styrt sentralt.)
-Toppen av treet er "o=skolelinux,c=no".  Når/viss Staten kjem inn og
-vil ta over drifta av opplegget vårt, kan det vere naturleg å bytte ut
-toppen av treet med noko anna.  Vår programvare bør vere budd på at
-noko slikt kan skje.
-Neste trinn er "l=fylke".  Vi brukar dei vanlege tobokstavs-
-stuttingane for fylkesnamn, "mr", "sf", "nt", "vf" osv.  Merk at Oslo
-er "oslo", ikkje "os".
-Så kjem "l=kommune".  Namnet vert skrive fullt ut.  Det går fint å
-bruke norske teikn og blanke i dette namnet.
-Til sist kjem "o=skule".  Namnet på skulen må vere unikt innanfor
-kommunen, og det er opptil kvar enkelt skule å velje namnet som vert
-brukt her.  Eg synest det vil vere naturleg å skrive namnet fullt ut,
-men droppe "overflødige" ord.  T.d. "Hole barne- og ungdomsskole" vert
-til berre "Hole", "Hole BU", eller kanskje "HBU" om det er den vanlege
-lokale stuttinga.
-Overgangen frå ein Distinguished Name[1] i LDAP til eit epostdomene er
-rett fram.  Norid tilrår at æøå vert gjort om til aoa.  Tilsvarande
-vert gjort for bokstavar med aksent, c cedilla o.l.  Blanke vert gjort
-om til bindestrek, og punktum vert fjerna.
-[1] Distinguished Name (DN) er termen som vert brukt om unike
-    objekt-IDar.
-Nokon døme:
-  Eining:  Ytre Herøy Ungdomsskule, Herøy kommune, Møre og Romsdal
-  LDAP DN: o=YHU,l=Herøy,l=mr,o=skolelinux,c=no
-  Domene:  yhu.heroy.mr.skolelinux.no
-  Eining:  Oslo Katedralskole, St. Hanshaugen-Ullevål bydel, Oslo
-  LDAP DN: o=Oslo Katedralskole,l=St. Hanshaugen-Ullevål,l=oslo,
-             o=skolelinux,c=no
-  Domene:  oslo-katedralskole.st-hanshaugen-ulleval.oslo.skolelinux.no
-Viss vi kuttar ut inndelinga i bydelar i Oslo, og leiinga på
-Katedralskolen ønskte det, kunne vi i staden få:
-  Eining:  Oslo Katedralskole, Oslo
-  LDAP DN: o=Katta,l=oslo,o=skolelinux,c=no
-  Domene:  katta.oslo.skolelinux.no
-Domenet kan uansett overstyrast eksplisitt med attributten
-Toppnoden for skulen består av
-  objectClass: organization
-  objectClass: lisSchool
-Dette omfattar verdiar som postadresse, gateadresse, telefonnummer,
-faksnummer osv.
-Under toppnoden finn vi fire greiner.
-GREIN 1: organizationalUnit: Elev
-I denne greina finn vi eitt objekt for kvar elev ved skulen.  Ein elev
-er sett saman av klassane
-  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
-    ... inneheld attributtar for namn, adresse, telefonnummer osv.
-  objectClass: posixAccount
-    ... inneheld all informasjon som skal til for å autentisere ein
-    brukar i eit POSIX-miljø (i praksis Unix).
-  objectClass: lisPerson
-    ... inneheld 
-    emailAlias:  gyldige epost-aliasar, "k.t.homme", "kjetil.t.homme", 
-                 osv.
-    owner:       referanse til læraren som er klasseforstandar.
-		 vedkomande er autorisert til å endre verdiar i dette
-                 objektet.
-    dataOfBirth: fødselsdato
-    uniqueIdentifier:
-                 personnummer eller annan identifikator gyldig også 
-                 utanfor denne skulen.
-Kvar elev kan ha eitt eller fleire lisKinship-objekt under seg.
-Attributtane i lisKinship er "kinship" og "kin".  "kinship" er namnet
-på forholdet ("mor", "far", "tante", "verge"), "kin" er ein referanse
-til ein annan person i LDAP-treet.  Sidan det er kinship som vert
-brukt for å lage eit unikt namn for dette objektet, kan ein elev kun
-ha éi tante registrert på seg.
-GREIN 2: organizationalUnit: Tilsett
-I denne greina finn vi alle tilsette på skulen.  Dei tilsette er sett
-saman av same objektklassene som elevane, med berre små forskjellar i
-semantikken.  dateOfBirth er valfritt for elevar også, men det er
-mindre sannsynleg at dette vert lagt inn på tilsette.  "owner" vert
-sannsynlegvis heller ikkje brukt, men kan brukast for å la ein
-avdelingsleiar manipulere sine undersåttar.
-GREIN 3: organizationalUnit: Kontakt
-I denne greina finn vi personopplysningar om alle eksterne
-kontaktpersonar.  Greina finnest hovudsakleg for å ha opplysningar om
-elevane sine foresatte, men det er fritt fram å leggje inn andre
-(seljarar, sensorar osv.)  Praktisk som ei felles adressebok for
-skulen.  "objectClass: inetOrgPerson" vert brukt.
-GREIN 4: organizationalUnit: Klasse
-Her ligg alle klassene/faga registrert.  I småskulen vil ein vanlegvis
-ha berre ei klasse ("2B"), kanskje to ("2B" og "2B gym").  Generelt
-har ein eigne "klasser" for kvar undervisningsaktivitet der anten
-elevar eller lærar er forskjellige.
-Kvart klasseobjekt er av typen "objectClass: lisClass".  Attributtane
-  owner:        Ansvarleg lærar (skrivetilgang til objektet)
-  teacher:      Peikar til lærar som er med på denne undervisnings-
-                aktiviteten
-  student:      Peikar til student som er med på ...
-  timeAndPlace: Spesifikasjon av tid og stad for aktiviteten
-  seeAlso:      Peikar til klasseobjekt som elevlista skal kopierast
-                frå.
-Alle desse attributtane er valfrie og kan ein eller fleire verdiar.
-Merk at ein lærar må leggjast inn som "teacher" sjølv om han står
-oppført som "owner".

Added: trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.migrated2git
--- trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.migrated2git	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/debian-edu-config/README.migrated2git	2014-08-21 20:46:26 UTC (rev 83704)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The package debian-edu-install has been migrated to Git on Alioth:

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